It's time for the Avengers to take action, find a way to close the portal before something bad happens. Charles served as the team commander, and this time the X-Men came with Qin and a foreign aid, Kaisha, because The last time the college was attacked, Charles learned the importance of leaving people behind.

Hawkeye, find a high point to set up our guns... er, set up our bows.

Captain, we need you to evacuate the New Yorkers in Block 39 who think it's not a big problem and are still watching the excitement.

Natasha, Qin, Kasha, you are responsible for containing the Zirita soldiers who escaped from above.

Ezreal, you come with me to find Loki, and then grab his mind scepter to close the portal.

And Sona, everyone's safety is in your hands.

After issuing all the orders in one breath, Charles motioned for everyone to start taking action.

What about me? Banner, who had not received the order, raised his hand to speak. He already knew what he had done in the aerospace aircraft carrier and thought he would be locked up by SHIELD.

I almost forgot, Banner, you should go to sleep. Charles waved his hand, and Banner fell to the ground. When he got up again, he turned into a tall and powerful Hulk.

Hulk, do what you like! Upon hearing this, Hulk grinned, and with a big jump, he caught an unlucky Zirita, letting him know what it meant to be thrown on the earth.

The battle is about to break out, and everyone brings out their own special skills.

Before leaving, Sona put buffs on everyone to ensure that they would not be instantly evaporated by powerful damage.

It's said to be a support, but in fact, if Sona were to deal damage with all her strength, there was only one person present who could compare to her.

But if you can mix it up, you will never be C. Sona doesn't want to end up in a coma every time she fights. Moreover, don't use the ultimate power of the rune cornerstone unless absolutely necessary.

The strings on the fingertips vibrate, and the music is mixed with dazzling magical energy, filling everyone inside the halo, eliminating pain and taking away the fatigue of long-lasting battles.

Full of energy and vitality.

Just like some people like to listen to music when playing games, passionate rhythm can really stimulate people's potential and make wonderful operations.

Fighting has become Kai'Sa's instinct. She can survive in the void swarm. The Ziruita people's 38-meter laser gun can't even hit her. They can only see and take them away before they die. The purple light of life.

Although Qin's ability is powerful, her fighting talent is really useless. She doesn't know any tricks at all. She can only use her mind power to create a barrier to block the downward flying void beetles, allowing the citizens who are still trapped in the car to have time to evacuate.

Although Natasha is the only ordinary person among the three, the Black Widow is clean and smooth in close combat, just like a ballerina with a knife hidden in the sole of her shoe. Life and death are often hidden in her next leap.

It's a pity that the Zirita and the void beetles couldn't appreciate it, and all they responded to was meaningless roars.

The barrier is about to fail! Jean shouted.

The barrier blocking the void beetles began to show cracks. If these behemoths were allowed to come down, they would definitely not be able to withstand it.

The surrounding light suddenly dimmed, as if something was blocking the sunlight.

Kasha's hunter instinct kept reminding her that danger was approaching. She looked up and saw a pair of scarlet wings covering the sky.

The horned demon descended from the sky, slashing with a huge sword, like a god coming down from the earth, shattering the surrounding ground, and countless void beetles were knocked away by the concussion caused by the demon.

Sona put on shields for everyone in time. Although no one was injured, the huge shock wave still caused them to fly off the ground.

This blow caused the battlefield to be covered with dust and blood mist. When the smoke dissipated, everyone could see the devil in full view.

The body, which was tens of meters tall, was red like blood. Like the demons described in the Bible, it had goat-like horns, bat-shaped wings, and a human-like face.

Once, I resisted the void.

Now, I want him dead!

The demon's voice echoed through the air, speaking pure Valoran to Sona's surprise.

Judging from his appearance and Valoran's language, could he be...a darkspawn?

Suddenly, a small head appeared on the demon's shoulder, with an excited expression on his face. He pointed at the sky with half a piece of wood, and shouted: Charge! Aatrox! Break their bones!


Can you take me back now? Lulu tugged on Loki's cloak. She seemed to have noticed something was wrong with Loki's mentality, and even her tone of voice became a little cautious.

You get down too! The shameless Loki didn't care what Lulu would do to him, so he grabbed the light Yodle and threw it out the window.

If you strike first, you will be stronger, if you strike later, you will suffer disaster!

(If you want to protect the ADC, wouldn’t it be enough to use output to kill everyone on the opposite side?)

However, with the help of Pixar, Lulu flew back easily. Pixar was holding the staff on top, and Lulu was hanging below.

Ah! Don't come over!! Loki was vaguely going crazy. He took the mind scepter and fired magic missiles at Lulu like crazy. Loki wished he was holding Gatling at this moment.

The magic missile happened to hit Lulu's staff, and the oak material immediately decomposed into two sections.

Lulu, who was holding half of the staff, fell to the ground. She stared blankly at the wooden staff that was still sparking with sparks. Then she looked up at Loki, who had a ferocious look on his face, and burst into tears.

Wow! You compensate! You compensate! Lulu has used this staff since she was a child. She is reluctant to replace it. Now that Loki has broken the staff, can Lulu not be sad?

Go to hell! Loki would not show mercy to Lulu, and stabbed Lulu's head with the spiritual scepter.

Before Lulu realized the danger was coming, Pixar turned into a shield and blocked Lulu's body, saving the witch's life.

The energy of the gem at the tip of the mind scepter overflowed. As a magical creature, Pixar felt very uncomfortable. When he returned to his original form, his body was smaller.

Seeing that her partner was injured, Lulu ignored the broken staff, carefully picked up Pixar that fell on the ground with both hands, and cast healing magic on it.

Suddenly, a blue singularity appeared around Lulu, and a scarlet giant sword pierced out of the twisted space.

The devil's horns emerged from the space, and Loki was able to see the owner of the giant sword in full view.

What kind of language can be used to describe the demon? Loki could not associate the demon recorded in the Asgard books with the one in front of him.

Underneath the ferocious appearance, he had a stern face, and he was talking in a language that Loki couldn't understand.

When he and Thor fought in the Nine Realms before, Loki saw many magical creatures, ferocious monsters and unreasonable enemies, but he never felt afraid.

But at this moment, Loki felt an emotion called fear.

Lulu can understand the language of demons, and what Aatrox said is to ask Ryze to open the door wider next time, otherwise it will be uncomfortable for him to squeeze in.

Aatrox! He bullied me! Seeing Aatrox, Lulu rushed over as if she was being bullied and complained to a parent. She grabbed Aatrox's foot with one hand and pointed at Loki with one hand.

Oh? Really? Aatrox sneered and turned to look at Loki, who was too scared to move.

(I'm very sorry! I didn't expect that the online exam would affect my mentality so much... I'll make up for what I need to make up on the weekend.)

(I want to share an interesting thing. Isn’t the online class exam a questionnaire? After handing it in, you can check the answers, fill in your name, and then hand it over again. Then the top people in the exam are PDD, Ma Feifei and the spirit guy. The teacher is now Troubleshooting, xswl)

(But u1s1, pigeons are pretty cool...)

Volume 1: Chapter 99 Asgard’s God of Thunder (mentally retarded)

Old man, do you really want me to go?

Nonsense, you are the most suitable one now. Besides, haven't you always wanted to settle accounts with the Void? Ryze took the Enlightenment Rune Cornerstone, which had only restored a little energy, and built a temporary passage to the earth for Aatrox.

In fact, Ryze doesn't really want Aatrox to go to Earth. After all, the reputation of darkspawn in Valoran has not been very good for thousands of years, and the appearance of scaring children can easily be misunderstood. It is possible to directly provoke a war.

But the bad thing is that not long ago, Kindred entered the Marvel Universe first in order to bring Sona back from death after she died unexpectedly.

This is no small fight, this is a seizure that can be regarded as a provocation. If Bard hadn't done it properly, the fourth dimension would have been discovered by the gods of Marvel.

They have to thank an old friend for taking the blame for them across dimensions.

So now we have to send someone with appropriate strength to save the situation. Those with the power of gods will be eliminated on the spot. Atreus may not be able to deal with the void. Taric can only play a protective role. Xerath has not yet emerged from the Endless. After calculation, only Aatrox, who was experienced in fighting the void, could do the job.

Aatrox curled his lips, lifted himself up and hung it behind his back, put one foot into the spatial singularity created by Ryze, and then stopped moving.

He's stuck.

Aatrox turned back stiffly and looked at Ryze, not knowing what to say.

Have you gained weight? Ryze vaguely remembered that Aatrox was not so round when he first came here.

Shut up! Impossible! Aatrox calmly used a secret technique to turn his thigh back into lean tendon meat, and then pulled it out from the singularity of space.

Damn it, this body is just a puppet, why does it still gain weight when it eats?

Aatrox didn't understand. He just ate a lot of baked potatoes made by Lulu. Was it really that obvious that he had gained weight?

After changing the angle, I felt it was easier to go in head first, so Aatrox lowered his body and inserted his head into the singularity.

Remember, you must come back before midnight the next day! Otherwise something big will happen! And don't forget to bring Lulu back. Ryze's instructions came to Aatrox's ears intermittently, and he Somewhat speechless.

You have to come back at midnight, what's the requirement? Cinderella? Are we still going to leave a pair of Mercury Boots for the people on Earth?

After experiencing an indescribable space travel, there was the scene of Aatrox and Loki looking at each other.

Hello, I'm Aatrox. I'm a transcendent celestial being trapped in a knife. What's your name? Aatrox sharpened his blade with the hard armor on his body, and used the basic Lan taught him English and asked Loki.

Aatrox's compressed body was still more than two meters tall, so he had to lower his head slightly to see Loki clearly.

I am Loki, the son of Odin. I advise you not to do something irrational. Looking at the demon man who was sharpening his knife, Loki's heart was beating fast. He put his hands in front of him for protection, but his mind The scepter didn't give him much sense of security.

This is definitely not a creature on earth. Loki can only hope that the other party will still care about the name of the father of the gods.

Odin? Is there a Zeus?

Although I don't like this little guy very much, she can't be bullied by outsiders.

Tell me, cut it in half from the middle or cut it vertically symmetrically?

The talking king of the canyon does talk a lot of nonsense. If he is given two boxes of mineral water, Aatrox can talk Wang Situ back to life and then kill his horse.

Loki suddenly felt a huge grievance. Did he bully Lulu? Wasn't it Lulu who bullied him? For so many days, he only had some peace and quiet in the SHIELD prison. At other times, this little devil of about one meter was tormenting him. Loki had to work hard to appease Lulu. Who was bullying whom? ?

The second princess wanted to cry, but she couldn't.

Forget it, keep everything simple. Aatrox remembered that he still had to help the earth deal with the void, so he stopped talking nonsense with Loki and raised himself high, preparing to turn Loki into a mosaic. .

Stop! At the critical moment, another hammer came to the rescue. Mjolnir hit the chin of Aatrox's body and drove the devil's body into the wall.

My younger brother has abused me thousands of times. I treat my younger brother like my first love. I’m talking about Thor. Although Loki threw himself off the Sky Carrier thousands of feet high without hesitation, there is something that cannot be forgiven. What about?

Demon! Are you ready to fight the God of Thunder? Thor recalled the Meow Hammer and looked at Aatrox with high fighting spirit. He could feel that the enemy in front of him was worth fighting!

In Asgard, it is a tradition to sign up for a number before fighting, emmm, invented by Thor himself.

Pulling back the dislocated jaw of his body, Aatrox shook the dust off his body and taunted: God? The weakest god I have ever killed can knock you to the ground and hammer you!

Can Thor, who is already stubborn, endure this? He jumped up and slammed the hammer on Aatrox.

Aatrox made a slight angle E, and Thor missed the opportunity and crashed into the shelf where Tony stored the red wine.

Sol stood up against the wall, his body covered with red and yellow liquid. Thor looked very embarrassed. Fortunately, he had a good drinker and did not get drunk on the spot.

Despicable! Fight me openly! Thor was very unconvinced and swung the Meow Hammer into an electric fan, and then swung it towards Aatrox.

This time Aatrox didn't even use his skills. He just turned sideways and avoided the Meowth Hammer. The hammer shattered the glass and flew out.

I'm fighting a moron... Aatrox felt that Thor had entered the top of the canyon by buying a number, and his operation was completely inconsistent with his rank.

Just like when you were facing off against Sword Demon and you were able to shake off the three Qs on the other side just by moving, you would also think that he was mentally retarded.

Aha, you were fooled... Thor originally wanted to control the Meow Hammer to fly back and knock Aatrox down from behind, but before he could say the proud words, he swallowed them back.

Without turning his head, Aatrox knocked away Thor's hammer, which he thought was a sure hit, and Mjolnir fell to the ground.

Nonsense, the sword demon's body is a sword, do you still need to use the eyes of the body to see things?

Fight, and then die! Aatrox stepped forward and aimed a death-giving sword energy at Thor's heart. Thor wanted to recall the Meow Hammer to block it, but it was obviously too late.

A figure appeared in front of Thor very quickly, blocking the fatal blow for him.

Loki's whole body was stabbed through, and the moment the blood gushed out, it was all absorbed by the giant sword.

No!! Thor couldn't believe it. Seeing his brother who was blocking his sword fall to the ground, he rushed forward desperately and lifted up Loki's discolored body.

Why! You always talk to yourself! Although it was a reproach, Sol said it tremblingly.

I'm sorry, brother... Loki's voice was very weak, and his breathing became shallower and shallower. He looked like he was going to die in the next second.

I have brought shame to the glory of Asgard. I am not worthy of being an Asgardian!

Don't say stupid things, you will always be a part of Asgard! You will always be the son of Odin, and you will always be my brother... Thor hugged Loki tightly and kept mumbling Don’t die, don’t leave me.”

If this is true, you just hug him to death. Aatrox planted himself on the ground and made the same movements as he did when watching TV series.

The blood absorbed by the sword just now was all fake, so what Thor was holding was just a phantom clone.

You can still talk after being stabbed like that. Is this your first time pretending to be dead? Aatrox felt that anyone with any brains would be able to see that Loki was faking it. He could still talk with such a big wound, just like someone In some TV dramas, it seems fake that the hero can fight back and kill a dozen enemies after being shot more than a dozen times.

Aatrox's words completely angered Thor. He could not tolerate being insulted after his brother was killed!

Thunder surged all over his body, and the wind and clouds in the sky changed color. Thor would definitely let the demon in front of him know how serious the consequences would be if he killed the Asgardians and angered the God of Thunder!

Ah! I found you! Lulu grabbed a piece of green cloth from a corner, and then pulled Loki out with a strong tug.

I am the first place in the hide-and-seek competition! Lulu happily jumped back to Aatrox and grabbed Loki's Mind Scepter. This is the prize!

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