Magneto also knows how to move a stadium to support the card, Apocalypse built a pyramid with a wave of his hand, not to mention the void beetle, the overwhelming light looks very scary, your whole chair sitting in the sky is like asking us to kneel down ? How many dishes?

Wow! Brother is so handsome, I'm so handsome! Some people still responded to Loki, but it was just because they were addicted to the beauty of the second princess and couldn't extricate themselves.

Loki was angry. He didn't expect these people on earth to be so ignorant. He wanted to kill the chickens to scare the monkeys!

His eyes swept across the conference room again, and after seeing little Harry, a sinister smile appeared on his face. He knew that the death of children could inspire more panic in humans.

Come at me if you have any questions, don't touch my son! Norman was anxious. He regretted letting Harry come to the meeting to learn management.

Get out of the way! I only say this once! Seeing Norman protecting his son so well, Loki felt a sense of disgust in his heart.

Norman showed no intention of giving in. Loki angrily grabbed Norman's neck and threw him out of the window.

This is a tall building with more than fifty floors. If you fall, there is no possibility of survival.

At the critical moment, Sona arrived in time.

Quickly using the levitation technique, the falling Norman slowed down and landed slowly. Norman was stunned, and he had not yet recovered.

Seeing Sona in front of him, Norman realized what had just happened. He grabbed Sona's hands and said pleadingly: Please, please save my son!

Even though he is a powerful figure in the business field, he can only feel a deep sense of powerlessness at this moment.

I will. Unable to give Norman an exact reply, Sona just nodded and used her levitation technique to fly towards the window where Norman was thrown out.

Little Harry was held in Loki's hands, and his mind was filled with the scene of his father being thrown down. Although he had been taught many times not to cry, tears still flowed out of his eyes unconsciously.

So cruel, do you remember how many people you have killed? Seeing Loki about to attack the child, the originally silent directors couldn't sit still.

Do you remember how many pieces of bread you have eaten? Loki's words made everyone present shudder again.

After all, Loki is an Asgardian who has lived for thousands of years. No matter how hard he stretches his hips, his hands are still stained with the blood of a lot of other races. In his eyes, humans on earth are already the lowest in the nine realms. of people.

With no regard for life, you are nothing more than a barbaric humanoid creature. Sona's cold voice sounded in Loki's mind. She had a bad impression of Loki at first, but after hearing what she just said, she was even more dissatisfied. Already murderous.

Hearing the familiar voice, Loki suddenly started, couldn't help but let go of his hand, and looked towards the window.

Sona didn't give Loki time to react. She fired a heroic hymn and hit Loki directly in the chest. Powerful magical energy surged through the body of the Frost Giant bloodline, and Loki's skin gradually turned blue.

Loki was still aware of Sona's magical power, and he couldn't compete with her head-on. All Loki wanted to do was to act a few times, then surrender and wait to be captured by SHIELD.

But Sona seems to have no intention of letting Loki surrender!

The piano sound attacks continued, and the psychic scepter in Loki's hand was also knocked away. In just five seconds, he was covered with injuries.

Wait! I... Before he could finish speaking, Loki was hit by another energy chord and was seriously injured.

The surrender button has been banned for you, you still want to fight GG?

Just when Sona was still considering whether to save his life, a thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and white lightning lit up the night sky.

Loki was originally a little afraid of the man who came with the thunder and lightning, but now he just wants Thor to appear as soon as possible.

Before anyone arrived, the hammer arrived first. The Meow Hammer blocked Sona, and then came an Asgardian whom she had met once before.

He may have made many mistakes, but you can't kill him. Although he is rebellious and has been teased by his younger brother, Thor still has feelings for Loki.

Such partial words made Sona think that Thor and Loki were on the same team, and Thor's hammer reminded Sona of some bad memories.

The power of the runes surged, and the power of thunder belonging to the Lord emerged, surrounding Sona.

Today is different from the past. The higher degree of integration allows the Overlord Rune Cornerstone to mobilize more runic power, but Mjolnir is just standing still. It can no longer suppress the Overlord's thunder power!

Sol originally didn't want to fight the lady, but now there seems to be no way out of this situation.

Mjolnir raised it, and the silver-white thunder and lightning reflected Thor's fish scale armor. He was also accumulating divine power.

Sona did not forget that there were ordinary people around her. The golden energy of the Final Dance was suddenly released, mixed with the magic of levitation, which had a repelling effect. Both Loki and Thor were pushed out of the conference room of Osborne Tower. , fell into the relatively empty hall, and ordinary people had basically evacuated the building.

Two powerful forces of thunder were released at the same time. Asgard's divine power and Valoran's runic power collided together. This was the first time that the two worlds had an energy conflict.

Since ancient times, he has lost against Bo Zuo, and if Thor had not fallen into the near-death memory of Odin, he would not have been able to exert his full strength. In the end, Sona was defeated when she fully outputted the rune power.

Thor, who had never been defeated by other thunder and lightning powers before, looked in disbelief when he was defeated. He, a god of thunder, was actually defeated by someone else using thunder and lightning?

(Wake up, you were still stunned by the stun gun.)

Standing up suddenly, Thor wanted to use the hammer to regain his face. When he saw the figure behind Sona, he blurted out and shouted.


Loki didn't know when he came to Sona's back, holding the scepter in his hand high, and aimed a righteous backstab at Sona's back!

The power of the runes was used as an electric shock, and the bone plating was not triggered in time. The sharp blade passed through the back, and the blood-red tip appeared on the chest. The spine was destroyed. Sona fell to the ground uncontrollably, and blood spurted out. The ground was dyed red.

No! Loki, what are you doing! Thor was furious, and with a leap, Mjolnir hit Loki, pressing him to the ground, grabbing Loki's collar and asking.

I saved your life! Loki was still injured, and blood burst out from the corner of his mouth when Thor pressed him like this.

She didn't want to kill me! Thor could clearly feel that Sona withdrew part of the power of thunder at the last moment, and even if she hadn't, Thor would not have died.

Feeling the constant coolness on her body, Sona wanted to mobilize magical energy to heal herself, but there was another unknown energy that suppressed her magical energy, just like being used by the Red Skull in Steve's consciousness space. The energy bombardment of the Cosmic Cube hits the same.

Are you going to die?

The strength in her body became less and less, and her consciousness became more and more blurred. Vaguely, Sona seemed to see the legendary sheep spirit.

The sheep spirit will use bows and arrows to put the dying people to rest, while the wolf spirit will hunt those who resist death.

Is it over...

In a daze, the sheep spirit lowered its head, and the lips under the mask kissed Sona's forehead, and the strange mark shone with white light.

Sorry, you can't die like this.

The sheep spirit disappeared, as if she had never been there.

It seemed like seconds passed, and it seemed like centuries passed.

It was as if in the darkness, a ray of light broke its dead silence, and Sona woke up.

The blood on the ground was still warm, but the penetrating wound disappeared without a trace, and Sona's mind went blank.

What happened just now?

Time goes back to the moment Sona fell to the ground.

The golden arcane energy struck from an unknown place, scraping off a layer of blood from both Thor and Loki.

When Ezreal saw Loki appear behind Sona, it was too late. He could only watch as Loki's white knife went in and the red knife came out, and then Sona was in a pool of blood.

He regretted and blamed himself for not showing up in time to block Sona's knife.

The enemy must pay the price!

Constantly shooting at Loki and Thor with his gloves, Ezreal showed an unprecedented attack speed, and the secret energy belonging to the gloves was also stimulated at this moment.

Shaping the hammer into an electric fan, Thor blocked the dense arcane missiles.

Loki split into a clone and tried to take advantage of the chaos to escape. A sudden missile blew him up into the sky, and then Loki fell to the ground with a blackened face.

Iron Man fell from the sky, palm cannons, micro missiles, and laser weapons all aimed at Loki.

I advise you not to move, Bambi. Tony stared at Loki intently to prevent him from doing another trick.

Loki! Thor couldn't ignore his younger brother's beating, so he threw the Meowth Hammer away, knocking Tony away.

You all stop! Stop fighting! Captain America Shi Aimin, who arrived belatedly, shouted. The situation now is very chaotic and everyone should calm down.

Coulson told himself that the blond man was an Asgardian from the divine realm and was not an enemy of the earth.

Tony was struggling with him now. It was obvious that there was some misunderstanding. Just sit down and clear up the misunderstanding.

They killed Sona! Ezreal's words stunned Tony and Steve. Only then did they find Sona lying in a pool of blood, motionless.

Kill you!! The star-striped shield was thrown directly and hit Thor's forehead. Even the Asgardian's body could not withstand the slamming of the vibranium shield and blood flowed out.

Tony originally wanted to slowly test how effective his armor was against the Asgardians. At this time, he was also blinded by anger, and he bombarded Thor wildly.

Thor:? ? ? ? Am I lying on my back? !

It was so painful that I couldn't tell. Thor's head was buzzing from the blast, and the red cloak behind him became torn.

Loki didn't feel any better either. Ezreal's output regardless of mana consumption made him tired to deal with.

Suddenly, golden sound waves covered the entire venue, and everyone stopped moving uncontrollably.

The magical power was only restored a little bit, and Sona struggled to sit up from the pool of blood. Instead of using the Aria of Perseverance to heal herself, she chose to control the chaotic scene, because if they continued to fight like this, the Osborne Building would collapse. .


Wolf Spirit: You don’t love me anymore, you are coveting other women’s bodies.

Yang Ling:? ? ? ?

Volume 1: Chapter 94 Hell is not peaceful

Hell has always been a place of religious belief and legend. Most people choose to believe it, but few know that it is real.

The hell lord Mephisto is sitting on his throne. The life in hell is tired of him, and tricks like tricking mortals into signing unequal treaties can no longer meet his life needs.

Eh~ It’s so boring!

Just when Mephisto was still lamenting his long life, a figure appeared in the center of the palace.

She has a graceful body, and the back view alone can make people think of her, but when they see her face, most men can't stand up straight.

Under the cloak is a pale skull face, but inside there is no ethereal soul fire of the general skeleton clan, it is hollow and deep.

One second, Mephisto, who was lamenting the hopelessness of ghosts on the throne, had a textbook change of face in the next second. He knelt humbly at the feet of the Skeleton Lady, looking like he wanted to kiss her toes, but he couldn't. Fear of offending.

Oh, my Goddess of Death, what happened to make you condescend to come here? As the most loyal slave of the Goddess of Death, Mephisto acted very exaggeratedly.

Someone stole my power of death. Death's tone was calm and profound, like the long wind from the deepest part of hell, the dark abyss.

Mephisto trembled uncontrollably, showing no signs of being a lord of hell. He spoke nervously: This old slave will only serve His Highness Death throughout his life. He is loyal and loyal!

It's not you, you have no qualifications.

Although it hurt, it also relieved Mephisto.

Just when he was about to ask who dared to offend the gods, a high-level demon flew in from outside the palace, looking panicked.

Retribution! Murphy... Before the high-level demon could finish speaking, he was smashed into powder by a beam of light from Mephisto and ceased to exist.

You are unbecoming in front of the goddess, and you deserve death! Mephisto shouted into the air, as if he was covering something up.

However, even if the soul is scattered, death still has a way to resurrect the high-level demon. With just a thought, the high-level demon returns to hell.

Continue. Death looked at the demon who was still in a state of confusion and ordered.

The rebel forces in the north are growing stronger and intend to re-divide the forces of hell! Although the high-level demon did not know who the skeleton in front of him was, the aura she exuded made him dare not hide anything.

In the early days, Hell was only led by Mephisto. It was a desolate place belonging to death. The gods did not care much, but only occasionally favored Hell to prevent it from dissipating.

World-weary novel group

Thousands of years ago, Odin didn't know why he sent his eldest daughter in, so Mephisto had to divide part of the territory to the evil star of Asgard, and hell was divided into two parts.

A few months ago, his kid reported to Mephisto that unknown hell creatures appeared in the north. At first, he didn't pay much attention to it, but then his lords kept reporting that the rebels had captured their territory and asked Mephisto to help him. Trotsky sent troops to support.

Mephisto became interested and sent several high-level demons out, but nothing happened after that, making him think that the matter was resolved.

However, when the high-level demon returned, he sensed the demon's thoughts and instantly realized the seriousness of the problem. Moreover, the goddess of death was still present. If she knew that he could not even manage a deserted land, he would definitely No good juice to eat.

Mephisto, I allow you to do some things you like. Death is still the cold voice of narration: But, I cannot tolerate cheating.

This old slave deserves death! Please give me a punishment from the Goddess Temple! Mephisto knew that he was doomed this time.

What is the name of God that the rebels shouted? Death asked the already trembling high-level demon.



Although he went through several twists and turns, Loki finally got his wish and was locked up in S.H.I.E.L.D.'s air carrier. It would have been better if his dear Onii-chan was not by his side.

Yes, Thor was also imprisoned in a glass cage. He was unwilling to do so in his heart, but he still gave in due to the pressure put on him by the Midgardians. If the beating continued, he would not accept it. Not much benefit.

Sona came back from the dead, which was originally a good thing. Except for Tony who kept clamoring to see Sona's wounds, everyone else's reactions were quite normal.

After all, it is quite normal for a magician to be reborn occasionally.

The only thing that puzzled Sona was that when she was in a trance, she saw the legendary sheep lady. Was it her hallucination or a real thing?

And what did the last words Yang Ling said to her mean?

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