Walking out of the New York Sanctuary, you unknowingly walked to Central Park.

Looking at the giant footprints surrounded by temporary fences, Sona suddenly thought of something.

yes! Charles seems to be able to find someone. Sona took out a wrinkled business card from the piano case, which was given to her when she met Charles for the first time. The address of Xavier Academy for Gifted People was written on it.

Without further ado, Sona hailed a taxi and took a ride from New York to Westchester.

The main body of Xavier Academy for the Gifted is a manor owned by Charles. It was completely renovated after being attacked by Stryker last time.

While still teaching students in the classroom, Charles sensed Sona's arrival and assigned homework to the students in advance. Charles came out to greet her in person.

Sona, I thought you forgot the invitation.

How could it be? I just haven't had time. Sona replied a little embarrassed. She was going to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing.

After all, they were partners who had fought together, and the conversation between the two seemed less lively than when they first met.

Sona briefly told Charles about Loki's arrival on Earth.

So, something big is going to happen to the earth again? After understanding Sona's purpose, Charles fell into deep thought.

Gods from Norse mythology declare war on Earth? That's so fantasy.

Actually, when I came here this time, I wanted to find Kassadin. Thinking of Lulu's inexplicable origins and the books she had read about the yordles in Valoran, Sona felt that Lulu had come to Earth. Not simple.

Kassadin... He has been very busy in the void recently. Charles paused and continued: I heard from him that there is going to be a big movement in the void, but it's just a guess.

In other words, we may face attacks from two forces at the same time? Speaking of the void, Loki's previous destruction seemed less serious, and Sona's expression became a little solemn.

After all, the threat of the void now is no less than the Apocalypse incident.

Walking through the front yard of the manor, we came to the interior of X College.

We meet again! Miss Sona! Ezreal, who had not appeared for a long time, seemed extremely active and jumped directly from the arcane magic on the second floor to Sona and Charles.

Looking at Ezreal in front of him, a trace of helplessness flashed across Charles's face. This yellow-haired boy was not much different in age from the students in the college, but his rebelliousness was far higher than those of the more obedient students.

After all, Ezreal is not yet an official student of X Academy, nor is he a mutant who has not yet mastered his own abilities. Charles actually has no need to control him.

But he made the students of the academy miss classes and go out for adventure every few days, and caused a lot of trouble, which made Charles want to send Ezreal back to the void.

But after all, Ezreal also helped him bring back most of the X Academy students from Stryker. Ezreal was also very popular among the students. As for the trouble he caused, Charles turned a blind eye. One eye is closed.

Sona nodded to Ezreal and continued walking with Charles towards the basement of the academy.

What are you going to do? The curious baby Ezreal followed. He had already understood the terrain below, and there seemed to be nothing interesting.

Sona suddenly realized that Ezreal seemed to be a Valoran and an explorer, so he should know some things that ordinary people didn't know, right?

Ize, do you know the Yodels? Sona asked through a message.

Yordles? Of course I know! How could Ezreal not know about the yordles? His Hextech enlightenment mentor was the great inventor of the yordles, Heimerdinger.

Then what exactly do you know?

Be specific... let me think about it... Sona's question made Ezreal fall into deep thought. He vaguely remembered seeing records about the Yodle race in an ancient book a long time ago.

Most Yodels live in Bandle City. Their adaptability is better than any other race, and they will also change their skills due to the living environment... Ize's photographic memory is still very strong.

But before he finished reciting it, Sona interrupted him with teleportation.

The Yordle Encyclopedia written by Ke Lan? I have read that book too, but the book on the origins of the Vastaya race written by him is the best. Sona thought Ezreal could tell some secrets Well, I didn’t expect that it was just some obscure but knowable knowledge.

Don't you have any useful information? Just like the origin of the Yodels and the location of Bandle City. Sona gave Ezreal a look that she wanted to understand for herself.

Of course! Do you know the secret of Bandle City? Ezreal lowered his voice pretending to be mysterious.

What secret? Sona only knew that most of the yordles came from Bandle City, and this was what Poppy told her.

The portal of Bandle City will appear anywhere in Valoran from time to time. It is a world full of magic. It is difficult for ordinary humans to even enter. The wonders inside are even more beautiful than words can describe. !”

Have you been in?


Then what you said is true?

What I saw in the book should be correct. Ezreal scratched his head in embarrassment.

Sona sighed. If it was true what Ezreal said, then she might know why Lulu appeared on Earth.

Volume One: Chapter 90 Cooperation

I have to say, you are good at negotiating. Loki looked at the man in front of him with some fear. The conditions he proposed to him were very tempting, and it seemed that he would be in trouble if he didn't agree.

But just because it was so perfect, Loki couldn't help but feel a little suspicious. The God of Trickery would not believe anything he said like his brother.

Ten minutes ago, Rocky was fighting with Lulu for the last burger on the plate, which also led him to forget that his original purpose was to get rid of Lulu.

But there is one thing to say, although this thing is not as delicious as the delicacies of the Immortal Palace, it has an addictive feeling, and people who eat it for the first time will basically not find it unpalatable.

Then Samuel appeared. He introduced himself naturally and called his name directly, making Loki think that Samuel was sent by SHIELD to capture him.

Why does Loki know about SHIELD?

Before coming to Earth, Loki had done a lot of homework. After all, he wanted to occupy the Earth, and he did not come to the Earth to sell souvenirs. If he really knew nothing, he would lose even if he was ten thousand ahead in economy. (outrageous)

Iron Man, Hulk, S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra, FBI Warning, etc. Loki has more or less mastery of these information.

But Loki had never heard of the Crimson Organization that Samuel was talking about.

He came to him for cooperation. Loki originally wanted to refuse, but Samuel gave him too much...

Since using his improved super soldier serum, Samuel's intelligence has been rising steadily, like drinking melatonin, followed by a gradually expanding ambition.

On the first day the Deep Sea Organization was established, Samuel sent several spies to SHIELD. He also knew that the organization was now the shell of SHIELD and the soul of Hydra.

Hydra would never have dreamed that some of the spies they placed in SHIELD were affiliated with the Crimson Organization.

Is it really just a nesting doll?

This is also the reason why Samuel was able to recognize Loki and find him in Germany as soon as possible.

The purpose of his trip is also very simple, which is the Cosmic Cube that Loki snatched from S.H.I.E.L.D.

After some conversation, Samuel learned that Loki actually had an army in the universe, which could directly solve the problem of insufficient numbers in the Crimson Organization.

If you want to run the Cosmic Cube to open a large portal, you must have a device to activate the cube's gamma energy. All this information is in SHIELD's database, so you can use it directly.

So, you provide the army, I provide the technology, and together we will become bigger and stronger and create greater glory. Samuel painted a promising blueprint for the future for Loki. After some hesitation, Loki agreed. accepted.

The first condition that Samuel made to Loki was that after the earth was conquered, Loki would be crowned the king of the earth. All he needed was a position below one person and above ten thousand people.

This was unreal. Loki didn't believe that the cunning Earthling in front of him would give up the throne to him.

But whoever has the military power and whoever has the initiative will have the Qirita people to occupy the earth. Even if Samuel wants to rebel, he will have to weigh his own strength.

The Zirita army is a brave and capable army in the universe. The characteristics of remote control make Zirita warriors not afraid of death, even if the madman of the Kree Empire does not want to fight Zirita.

Moreover, the Mind Scepter can control people's minds for a short period of time, so Loki doesn't have to worry about being betrayed.

“A pleasure to work with.”

There was no champagne toast, instead Coke from a fast food restaurant.

It's a pleasure to cooperate. Loki took a sip of the Fat House Happy Water in front of him. It tasted pretty good.

Happy cooperation! Lulu, who had been listening for a long time, also raised her glass excitedly. She actually didn't understand what they were talking about.

Anyway, []~( ̄ ̄)~* is right!

Is she your daughter? Samuel has not yet learned magic, and Lulu is just a 14-year-old girl in his eyes.

No! Don't mention this again! Loki gritted his teeth. He still didn't know how to deal with Lulu.

Watching the three people leave, the waiter, who was nervous for a long time, covered the 911 shortcut button on the phone. He had been vigilant about the performance of Samuel and Rocky, and would immediately call the hospital and the police station if there was any abnormality.

I don’t know how those mental hospitals manage to let patients go out on the street so easily. Are they not afraid of something happening?

What? They dress well and don't look like psychos?

How can it be! We were eating fast food and the whole time we were discussing how to occupy the earth. Isn’t this crazy?

If they were given a bottle of Erguotou and two plates of peanuts, would they still attack the Kingdom of Light?


Lord Vel'Koz! The space channel of the Void Gate has been destroyed by Kassadin again! A low-level Eye of the Void pressed all its tentacles to the ground and nervously reported to Vel'Koz.

Can't you catch him yet? Vel'Koz's eyes turned into somewhat angry semicircles, and just looking at them made the Eye of the Void below tremble.

The plan to invade the Earth has been delayed for a long time. They have not even completed the construction of the portal. This is all because as soon as they find the right coordinates, they will be cut off or blocked by Kassadin. The Void army has no way to successfully land on the Earth.

Using his tentacles to scratch the spot under his eyes, Vel'Koz began to think of other countermeasures.

Kassadin's void walking is really difficult to do. Ordinary void creatures can't catch him at all. Even if he catches it himself, the result will be the same.

This question is so difficult. Vel'Koz didn't know how to deal with the elusive Kassadin.

Now there are tens of thousands of void insect swarms piled up in the War College. One more day of stay will consume one more day of Vel'Koz's resources. This account makes Vel'Koz's eyes water.

Stop building the portal, I'll think of a way. He waved his tentacle to let it retreat, and Vel'Koz injected the information into his eyes, forming a holographic remote projection.

Malzahar was not surprised when Vel'Koz's projection appeared silently in the room.

What's the matter again? Lord Vel'Koz? Malzahar's tone this time was more respectful than the last time Vel'Koz came, and he didn't know if he had foreseen something.

Do you have any way to deal with Kassadin? Whenever there is a problem that cannot be solved, Vel'Koz will come to Malzahar to discuss it. The two of them have improved the theoretical physics of the void several times. It's time.

I can't help it. After all, we are mages and Kassadin is a magic thorn. How can this compare? Malzahar replied quickly as if it was a prepared answer.

But I can recommend a fierce general to you, a six-star operator. Malzahar said again. He took out a piece of parchment with complicated special words that only Vel'Koz could understand.

A Void Mantis? appeared in Vel'Koz's eyes? The swarm army Korgas gave him also included Void Mantises, but they still couldn't keep up with Kassadin's speed.

This is not an ordinary Void Mantis. Like you, he has awakened wisdom on the Rune Planet and has also obtained some kind of evolution. He will not be suppressed by the rules of the void. Malzahar said very mysteriously.

Where is he? Vel'Koz felt a little curious when he heard that wisdom had awakened on the rune planet.

Malzahar informed Vel'Koz of Kha'Zix's location, and he immediately left the War College to recruit the six-star operator Kha'Zix that Malzahar had mentioned.


Who is the strongest assassin in the void? Is it Kassadin? Kazik? Or a little murloc with void skin?

Of course, it has 16,000 health. At full health, it is Chogas who is in the kill line!

Volume 1: Chapter 91: Will humans on earth unite in the face of disaster?

The brainwave enhancer is definitely one of the most powerful technological products on the planet, but it can only be used by mutants with mental abilities.

Charles's mental power probed the entire earth, but no trace of Loki and Lulu was found. It may be that they both have methods to shield their mental power from detection.

No clues? Seeing Charles put down his helmet with a solemn expression, Sona had already guessed the answer.

Sorry Sona, I didn't help you. Charles paused and continued: Maybe we can try a more primitive method.

For example? In fact, Sona was not particularly anxious. After all, the CD of Astral Insight was almost ready. If it was particularly troublesome for Charles, then forget it.

I go to the places where Loki may appear and search the memories of humans in a certain area. As long as they have seen Loki himself, they can follow the clues and find clues. Charles said the original method.

There seemed to be a few black lines on Sona's head. She thought that Charles would ask mutants with smell powers to help. That seemed feasible.

Retrieval of human memories in the area to find Loki, isn't this a matter of reputation? If he had a white face, his words would penetrate his soul, but if he had a dark face, he might have shown up by the time he found clues about Loki.

It's better not to go to so much trouble. I should be able to find them in a few days. Sona declined Charles's kindness, and after briefly reminiscing about old times, she decided to leave X Academy.

Before leaving, Ezreal approached Sona. He wanted to go to New York with Sona. He heard that the security there was very good. It was so good that it didn't matter if he went out alone on the street at night without any self-defense weapons. Anyway, just pay more attention in the next life.

How could the adventurous (and death-seeking) Ezreal refuse a place like this? What he was thinking was that no matter how exciting New York was at night, it wouldn't be as exciting as Zaun, right?

After all, when night comes in Zaun, there will be bloody werewolves who punish rape and eliminate evil, barefoot doctors who are willing to help others, and giant rats that are half human-sized. Is there anything more terrifying than these in New York?

Sorry Ize, I don't have any spare room to entertain guests. Sona is still living in the place arranged by SHIELD, and there is no spare room.

Don't worry, I can stay in the hotel! Ezreal took out a wallet from his clothes, which contained all the documents and ample funds.

Where did you get the money? Sona was a little confused, but the certificate was easy to understand, and Charles could help get it.

You wouldn't... steal other people's tombs, would you? Sona suddenly remembered that Jialuo Qingyu was an explorer, but the name Ezreal also had another title in Pi City, Captain Touching the Gold.

The antiques he brought back were unclear from which coffin board they were fished out. People who only believed in science did not dare to collect them for fear of being exposed to bad luck.

Those in the Explorers Association didn't agree with Ezreal. He himself thought it was a kind of jealousy. He didn't care about what others were talking about behind his back, and he didn't change his behavior.

What Ezreal thought was that as long as he was famous enough, his parents would definitely come back to Piltover to find him, so he often made trouble in Piltover, and Catherine invited him to tea several times.

How could it be! Do I look like that kind of person? Ezreal was very sad because Sona actually called his great adventure a tomb robbing.

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