The Red Skull quickly punched Steve, leaving a deep punch mark directly on his shield. Steve wanted to shoot with a gun, but was kicked by the follow-up kick and fell backwards. go.

Abraham deceived you, do you think you are still a human being? No! We are no longer human beings! Red Skull's tone gradually became excited.

Human beings have limits!

And I am ∞! Red Skull almost took out something strange from his arms.

As soon as he finished speaking, Red Skull flew out and flew a full five meters before landing.

Does it sound good? What sounds good is a good piano.

She was not talking about the timbre, but the sound it made when it was struck on someone's body. Sona looked at the body of the guqin and saw that there wasn't even a trace left on it. It was indeed hard enough.


The corner of Steve's eye twitched. The hit just now was comparable to a baseball home run.

Stop being dazed and get down to business. Sona's words made Steve come to his senses. Just as he was about to ask Sona why she was here, the machine next to him suddenly exploded.

The self-destruction program initiated by the Red Skull began to activate. All the weapons inside the base were blown up. The fire engulfed the base in an instant. The collapse of the columnar structure caused the roof of the base to begin to break.

Seeing this, Sona hurriedly started looking for an exit.

Oops, Bucky is still in there! Steve looked at the burning interior of the base and then at Sona, who was looking for an exit. He didn't know what to do for a moment.

If he goes to save Bucky now, what if something happens to Sona?

You can go out here! Sona found a door in the smoke, and outside was the camp.

You go first! I'm going to save Bucky! Seeing that Sona had found the exit, Steve no longer hesitated, turned around and ran in the opposite direction.

Bucky? Recalling the man she had met once in her mind, Sona's expression became strange.

Is he here just for that man?

No wonder Steve was always not interested in those dancing girls, Sona seemed to know something.

The smoke was getting more and more choking, and the carbon monoxide content inside the base had reached lethal levels.

Sona, who originally wanted to leave first, suddenly stopped. She suddenly thought, what if Steve accidentally died inside?

After all, she didn't show up in the first place. If the butterfly effect caused Steve to die inside instead of rescuing Bucky, wouldn't it be a big problem?

Thinking of this, Sona resolutely changed direction and walked into the thick smoke.

At the same time, a dark purple cloak appeared on Sona. The aura cloak not only accelerated the speed, but also blocked the billowing smoke. After a while, she saw Steve's figure.

Steve found the dying Bucky in the secret room. It was obvious that he had been tortured miserably by Hydra, and he was still repeating the same words in his mouth.

Bucky! Wake up! Steve kept shaking Bucky, trying to bring him back to consciousness.

Bucky still looked at the ceiling with blank eyes and didn't respond to Steve.

“League of Legends mobile game is online!”

Woc, help me up! Bucky regained consciousness instantly and saw the somewhat familiar man in front of him.

Who are you? Bucky wanted to resist, but he didn't have much strength in his body.

I'm Steve! Thinking that Bucky's memory had been wiped away by Hydra, Steve quickly said something that only he and Bucky knew, trying to awaken his memory.

I didn't expect you to remember this. Bucky motioned Steve to stop talking. He had a lot of embarrassing things when he was a child, but certainly not as many as Steve.

Why have you grown so much taller? What's the secret?

Read more, read more newspapers, eat less snacks and sleep more!

Gentlemen, can we find a suitable occasion to reminisce about old times? Sona's voice interrupted the conversation between the two of them. She suspected that if she didn't speak, the two of them would take out the wine and start having fun, reminiscing about their childhood here. !

She threw a gas mask to Steve and Bucky each, and motioned for them to follow her and escape.

After a loud noise, the Valkyrie Arsenal completely collapsed, and the three people managed to escape at the last moment.

(The popularity is so bleak... The motivation to update every day has become that I also want to know what will happen next...)

Volume 1: Chapter 81 Do you also want to dance?

The team of four hundred people was not a large one, and the momentum of walking in the forest was not small at all. Although some of the soldiers from various countries did not understand the language, these soldier men seemed to be able to communicate with each other through their eyes.

Especially when watching football together.

Coons quietly looked at Sona sitting on the edge of the tank. The rugged road caused the tank to bump slightly. Although it was not intentional, the regular shaking still made Coons dizzy.

Do you think she is a nurse or a female soldier in the army? Coons asked the friends next to him.

What, do you like her?

*\u0026#~ @!

Lao Ku, don't be cowardly! If I hadn't promised my wife that I would go back to my hometown to marry her after the war, I would have rushed! Ma Jie hit Kuns on the shoulder, causing everyone on the side to boo. .

Forget it, no one would like me. Coons is still self-aware. Although he was a well-known handsome young man in his hometown back then, he was sought after by young girls.

But just by standing there, Sona made these soldiers retreat some distance to prevent the smell of fireworks from contaminating her and annoying the beauty.

Although they act boldly and informally, they still have a gentlemanly manner towards ladies, unlike those military ruffians who stay in the military camp.

Since her hair was too long and affected her mobility, Sona took off the hair board and tied her twin ponytails into a ball and hung them behind her, which made her look less green and more mature.

As she plucked the strings randomly, Sona looked a little worried. If the plot described by Coulson begins now, then she will have to stay in this world for at least several months.

It's so far away... Sona looked at the sky and sighed.

Sona, why do you want to join the army? Hearing this, Sona turned to look at the speaker, who was Bucky who ran from the front to the back of the team.

Steve can join the army and become Captain America, and Bucky can barely accept it. Why should Sona also join the army? This is what other soldiers are confused about.

I don't know either. I must have been tricked in... Sona spread her hands. She remembered that Peggy had added medicine to her water, and now she didn't know what it was for.

Moreover, he was inexplicably assigned to work as a tool in the Strategic Research Agency, and later toured the country with Captain America. There was nothing worth remembering in the past two months.

Can I invite you to dance when I get back? Perhaps it was too hasty, but Bucky suddenly forgot that there must be a step-by-step process before sending out the invitation, otherwise it will be easily rejected.

No, I'm not that good at dancing. Sona declined Bucky tactfully, which made Kuns, who was not far away and listened carefully, breathe a sigh of relief.

The group returned to the military camp in a grand manner.

The soldiers in the military camp heard the loud noise and came out to check the situation.

Steve walked at the front of the team, followed by Bucky. The soldiers in the military camp suddenly applauded to welcome the triumphant team. Steve and Bucky smiled at each other and quickened their pace slightly.

Captain America was able to bring back so many soldiers, which really surprised Colonel Philip. He calmly crumpled the report sheet of Captain America's death into a ball and walked to Steve.

There are wounded in the team, we need doctors, and I am willing to accept any punishment! Steve stood up straight after giving a military salute.

Forget it. Although Phillip didn't smile on his face, he was still very happy in his heart, and his prejudice against Steve was much less.

You're late. Paige said in a reproachful tone.

This thing is obviously not as reliable as Stark said. Steve took out the bullet-pierced communication device, which was obviously an excuse that he had prepared a long time ago.

The end of the Ashano battlefield gave all the soldiers a chance to relax for a while. London has entertainment venues specifically reserved for soldiers, and drinking is also allowed.

Originally, Sona didn't want to attend any celebratory dance. She just wanted to have a good rest and then think about how to make the plot move faster.

But she still couldn't stand Steve and Bucky's teasing, so Sona still attended the dance without a dance partner.

After all, the reason Sona learned the floating technique was because she felt that walking was too tiring and her feet could not touch the ground without touching the ground. Why would she bother to learn the dance steps?

Fortunately, there was a piano at the scene, so Sona would not stare at others in a daze while playing beautiful music, and she no longer had to find reasons to reject those who wanted to invite her to dance with her.

Kuhns and his group were sitting around a table, and Kuhns kept looking at Sona intentionally or unintentionally.

Coons, I say you should take the initiative, otherwise Sergeant Barnes will get there first! Ma Jie poured a lot more beer into the cup. He knew that being drunk can make people cowardly.

Then...what should I say?

If you are coquettish like a girl, you should just go up and say to her affectionately, girl, are you willing to paddle on Lake Baikal with me? Kovich suddenly pinched the hand of the person next to him. I want to kiss her chin.

Coons and Majer quickly restrained Kovic, who had drunk too much, to prevent farce from happening.

You're here. Bucky handed Steve a glass of wine, clinked the glasses and drank it in one gulp.

After all, it's your first time attending a prom, so you have to dress up formally. Steve looked at the medal of honor on his body and liked it very much.

Oh my god, please spare me. That little man back then actually became the beloved Captain America. I'm so excited! Bucky joked exaggeratedly. After seeing Captain America's uniform, he laughed at Steve. Husband for a long time.

The originally noisy scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone turned their attention to the entrance.

With her bright red evening dress, crimson high-heeled shoes, and sexy scarlet lips, Peggy is like a delicate red rose. As for whether it has thorns or not, only the person who picked it knows.

I have never seen Instructor Carter dressed up like this. The soldiers present swallowed their saliva unconsciously. Even Sona stopped playing the piano and looked at Paige walking slowly.

Instructor Carter. Steve gestured towards Paige.

Captain, Stark has prepared weapons for you and they will arrive tomorrow.

I'll be there on time.

Your elite troops are ready to go into battle. Paige's eyes did not stay on Steve, but kept looking around.

Bucky poked Steve quietly, the hint in his eyes unmistakable.

You don't like music? Steve asked nonchalantly.

Paige smiled at Steve and replied: No, I quite like dancing.

Then why don't you choose a dance partner? Bucky was acting as a wingman for his good brother.

Okay. Peggy agreed. She suddenly turned around, walked to Sona, stretched out a hand, and said, Miss Sona, can I invite you to dance with me?

Sona was stunned at first, not knowing why Paige wanted to invite her. She nodded subconsciously, stood up, and put her hand on Paige's hand.

Sona was wearing the navy blue dress she had worn when she first arrived in this world, paired with light blue hair and ice blue eyes. She and Paige stood looking at each other, creating a strange contrast.

(Forest Ice and Fire Man?)

Everyone at the scene held their breath at this moment. The two beauties appeared in the same frame, just like a stunning and gaudy painting. The still moment is eternity, and the ticking clock seemed to destroy this beauty.

The passionate red roses and the tender phalaenopsis seem to be blending together and competing for beauty at the moment.

A new dance music played on the radio.

Paige moved first. She held Sona's hand, and while taking steps, she softly reminded Sona how to keep up with the dance. The high heels made a crisp sound on the wooden floor, and they were dancing a traditional ballroom dance.

Paige looked directly at Sona, which made Sona feel inexplicably nervous and her steps were a little panicked.

I don’t know whether it’s because of Paige’s rich dance experience or because Sona learned quickly. It only took a few beats to go from a small bump in the beginning to a natural performance now.

But from beginning to end, it was Paige who guided Sona to take the next step, and she always had the initiative.

The song ended quickly and the two stopped dancing.

Many people have the idea of ​​rushing to the radio and playing that song on a loop.

Unfortunately, beauty is always fleeting.

Nice dance, Sona. Paige left a compliment, then turned and left with a smile on her lips.

Volume One: Chapter 82 Return

Peggy what's this? Flirting with her? Sona always felt a little strange, things didn't seem that simple.

But at this time, Paige was just a character created from the impression in Steve's memory, and Sona didn't think much about it.

Let’s think about how to return to the real world as soon as possible.

After the dance, Steve's Howling Commandos were formed.

In the confinement room where Bucky was held, there was also a map marking the various bases of Hydra. Steve memorized it, which gave the Allied intelligence agencies a target, and it didn't take long to kill the remaining Hydras. The bases were all checked out.

Next is the plot in the movie and comic. Although it is not as exaggerated as Steve riding a bicycle to hold the turret, the combat effectiveness of the Howling Commandos is indeed powerful. Each of the team members is agile and has special skills. I don’t know why they were killed by Jiudu in the first place. Snake caught.

Every time the Red Skull rushed to the scene, he could only see the remains of the base in blazing fire, and his face turned green with anger.

Instructor Carter, which base is this? After destroying another base, Steve asked the communication equipment, but he never received a reply.

Peggy hasn't taken the initiative to talk to him for several days, all because of an embarrassing incident that happened at the Strategic Research Agency.

When he went to find Howard, he was forcibly kissed by his female assistant. After Steve was injected with the super soldier serum, he became tall and handsome, and became a nationally famous figure. Few girls would not be moved after seeing him. Pushing is also expected.

It was so good that just when Steve was resisting in his heart but honestly accepting it in his body, Paige appeared behind him.

Without giving Steve a good look, Paige thought Steve could understand why she reacted this way.

Unexpectedly, Steve's straight male nature suddenly broke out and he asked a series of questions, Didn't you and Howard have hot pot together?

Fondue means French hot pot on the surface, and it also means dry fire in slang. Steve obviously misunderstood Howard's original meaning.

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