The fist raised high was caught in the air, and no matter how hard the strong man tried, he could not move another inch.

If you don't become a soldier if you have the strength, what's the point of bullying the weak here? Sona was most ashamed of such bullies.

Unexpectedly, he was caught by a woman. The strong man turned his head angrily. When he saw Sona's appearance, he was stunned.

Before he could react, Sona twisted his arm and pushed him out of the alley. The strong man fell on the side of the road. Fortunately, the driver braked in time so that the wheel did not come into close contact with the strong man's head.

Are you okay? Sona asked Steve. His current appearance was completely different from what he had seen before. He was so thin that he could be blown over by a gust of wind.'s okay. It was obviously the first time for Steve to be cared about by a girl, and he looked very nervous.

Although Sona said before that bullying the weak hurt Steve's self-esteem, but the way she easily subdued the strong man still made Steve aware that this ridiculously beautiful girl in front of him had both beauty and strength.

Steve! Are you in there? A handsome man in military uniform ran in from the alley. He looked worried about Steve.

Bucky Barnes, Steve's childhood friend and member of the Howling Commandos, was known to Sona.

They said you were picked up by a gangster. Bucky had just come out of the screening room.

No! I lured him out! And I almost won the fight! Steve defended with words that he didn't even believe, just to save some face in front of Sona.

Bucky did not expose him, but began to look at Sona.

He considered himself a person who was not very addicted to women, but Sona really attracted men's attention, in every sense of the word.

However, Bucky, who was well-educated, did not do anything rude and introduced himself and Steve naturally.

Sona responded to her name politely.

Miss Sona is very skilled, isn't she? Although Steve didn't say it, Bucky also guessed that Sona was the one who beat the gangster away.

No, I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense, how can a lady hit someone.

It was Steve who consumed that man's energy, and I was able to drive him away. She denied it three times in her mind, and Sona gave a very face-saving answer to Steve.

Bucky smiled and said nothing. He turned to Steve and said, I have joined the army, the 107th Regiment, and will go to England with the army tomorrow.

I should go too. Steve looked at Bucky's military uniform with envy. He had always dreamed of joining the army, but he had been rejected due to physical reasons.

Okay, don't be like this. It's the last night. Clean yourself up and I'll take you to have a carnival. Bucky put his arm around Steve's shoulders, trying to comfort his good brother.

Miss Sona, can I invite you to come with me to visit the Stark Technology Industry Expo? Bucky warmly invited Sona.

Sona naturally wouldn't refuse. She knew that Steve successfully joined the army because of what happened tonight.

If Captain America doesn't crash in a plane in the end, she'd better join the army.

Volume One: Chapter 74 Joining the Army

The gloom brought about by war can make people feel uneasy, and the best way to relieve this feeling is to gather together to have fun.

People in beautiful clothes were chatting and laughing together, technological car models and light rails were rushing past, and visions of future warriors were displayed in the glass cover. What else can make people more interested in the future than Stark EXPO? Full of yearning?

Bucky enjoyed the lively atmosphere around him, but Steve seemed a little distracted.

Sona followed them quietly. She had already made many men with female companions look at her sideways, but Sona herself didn't notice it.

I really don't understand, why do you have to be a soldier? You know there are nearly three million girls in New York, and your competitors are all on the front line! Bucky said half-jokingly.

Young man, don't be ignorant because of women! Steve knew that Bucky wanted to comfort him, but he felt that he should use a gun to kill the Germans! Instead of using guns to make children!

Cute girl? I happened to have an appointment with two cute girls. Bucky found Jenny and Lucy in the crowd at a glance and waved to them.

Originally, Bucky wanted to introduce Steve to them, but Jenny took Bucky's hand as soon as he came up, and Lucy didn't even look at Steve.

Between a tall and handsome man in military uniform and a thin and inconspicuous little transparent girl, a normal girl would choose the former.

Surrounded by the two women, Bucky seemed a little embarrassed, not only because he had neglected his friend Steve, but also because Sona was still watching from behind.

Before he could recover, Jenny and Lucy took Bucky to see the exhibition, leaving Steve with only an apologetic look.

It seems Bucky is very popular. Sona smiled and looked at Steve, wondering what his reaction would be.

Steve wasn't bitter at all. Really, he knew that he didn't really attract girls' attention.

We'd better keep up. Seeing that Bucky was about to walk away, Steve said.

Arriving at the center of the exhibition, there was a stage with a red car parked on it and hot girls dancing.

Let us give you a warm welcome, Mr. Howard Stark! As soon as the host finished speaking, a man in a suit and a sexy mustache walked out from the backstage. After passionately kissing the beautiful host, he began to introduce Exhibition.

Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever thought about a future where cars could fly in the air?

Looking at the arrogant man on the stage who was very similar to Tony, Sona felt a little subtle. She felt like she had seen this scene not long ago.

The same exhibit cars, the same beauties as backup dancers, and the same sultry men. Is this a traditional performance of the Stark family?

After the introduction, Howard began to push the joystick, knowing that the result would be failure, but still maintaining a certain sense of mystery.

Orange light emitted from the car's tires. Under the influence of anti-gravity, the car left the ground and floated in the air.

Everyone in the audience was amazed by this, except Sona.

She had seen levitating cars at the Stark EXPO organized by Tony before. Besides, was it necessary to be surprised that a levitation spell could solve the problem?

There was a bang sound, the anti-gravity device was overloaded and short-circuited, and the car fell heavily back to the ground.

So I said, it's only in the future. Howard put his hand on the hood of the car and showed an awkward but polite smile.

Miss Sona doesn't seem surprised at all? Buck basically thought that the hover car could change Sona's expression.

Would you believe me if I said I could make a car fly by myself?

Of course Sona wouldn't say that, although this is just Steve's consciousness space, not the real timeline. Even if he does something that is not in line with the times, it will not affect the real world.

But if something too unbelievable happens for Steve's brain to accept, there may be very serious consequences, so Sona can't even use magic.

I'm not really interested in cars, Sona replied to Bucky.

Wait, where's Steve? Why didn't you pay attention to him and just ran away without a trace?

Following Uncle Sam's call, Steve came to the recruiting office in the corner of the exhibition.

There are posters of American soldiers on the wall. There is a small step in front of the wall. People who stand on it can see themselves wearing military uniforms.

Steve wanted to see what he looked like in military uniform, but even if he stood on tiptoes, he could only see half of his head.

Are you still thinking about joining the army? Sona's voice startled Steve, and he quickly came down the steps and said, It was just bad luck before.

Bucky also told Sona about being rejected by the military recruitment office four times in a row. Steve felt that he had no image to speak of.

Have you never thought about careers other than being a soldier? For example...baker? Sona could understand why the recruiting office would not want Steve. His physique might not even be able to withstand military training.

It was okay before, but now it's war time! Others are sacrificing their lives for the country, and there is no reason for me to be worse than them. Steve's tone became excited when he thought about the raging war on the front line.

I want to be a soldier not because I want to prove myself, but because I want to serve the country!

These patriotic words were heard word by word by Abraham who was passing by. He couldn't help but look at Steve a few more times, as if he was thinking about something.

I may not understand your thoughts, but you have to remember one thing. Sona knew that if she continued to exhort him, it might shake Steve's determination to join the army, so she said something she had heard before.

Don't be afraid of any difficulties we encounter! Face it with a smile. The best way to eliminate fear is to face it. Persistence is the only way to victory!

The words of the famous literary orator Trundle deeply stimulated Steve's heart, which strengthened his idea of ​​joining the army.

He still wanted to try out at the military recruitment office, even at the risk of being jailed.

Steve made an excuse to say goodbye to Sona and ran towards the recruiting office.

He is a great man. An old man with gray hair and sunglasses said to Sona.

Indeed. Sona nodded. She knew that Steve later single-handedly affected the situation of the war, and finally chose to sacrifice himself to protect the city residents. No matter how overestimating his capabilities are now, this kind of spirit is worth it. Dear.

Steve should be noticed by Dr. Abraham tonight and recommended to join the army. He must also find a way to join the army.

Actually, so are you. After Sona left, the old man said in a voice that only he could hear...

In the examination room of the recruiting office, Steve took off his shirt and waited for the doctor to perform a physical examination on him. He tried hard to control his breathing, hoping that there would be no asthma symptoms.

The doctor who was preparing the tools was suddenly called away by the nurse. Steve couldn't help but become nervous. Could it be that his forged identity had been discovered?

When a big soldier came in, Steve knew he was in big trouble. He was restless, watching for any chance of escape.

Then an old man wearing glasses walked in. He didn't look like an officer.

After Abraham signaled the soldiers to go out, he spoke to Steve.

Child, do you crave power?

Excuse Me? Steve had a lot of questions at the moment?

I mean, do you want to go to the front lines and kill Nazis? Abraham asked as he opened Steve's profile.

I don't want to kill anyone. I hate bullies, no matter where they come from. Steve hesitated and replied. He didn't know if this was a test or something.

This answer made Abraham think more highly of Steve. If Steve answered yes in the affirmative, then he would have to change candidates. He didn't want to train another Red Skull.

I am Dr. Abraham from the Strategic Research Agency. I can let you join the army.

A few minutes later, Steve looked at the registration form with the approval stamp on his hand, and all the previous nervousness was released at this moment.

Volume One: Chapter 75 Mission: Impossible

I'm sorry, miss, what did you just say? Johnson didn't believe his ears and dug hard with his fingers.

I said, I want to join the army. Sona was sure that she had just made it clear that it was the soldier's problem.

The expression on Johnson's face became strange. He had never seen a woman come to the recruitment office to sign up. Even the nurses from the military medical team were transferred from various hospitals.

Sorry, we don't recruit female soldiers here. Although Johnson wanted to keep the girl in front of him, rules were rules, and he, a soldier, did not have the same privileges as Dr. Abraham.

Why? Sona was a little confused. Even in Demacia, women can join the army as long as they volunteer.

Because... Johnson's words came to his lips, but he didn't say them out. He didn't know whether the person in front of him was a female boxer. If he was caught, a set of pastoral boxing would beat him to the lowest point of morality. , then he would feel better.

Without explaining the reason to Sona, Johnson blocked her outside.

This conscription only required all men to take a physical examination and did not specify whether women could join the army, but Sona was obviously the first woman to try.

What happened? A beautiful woman with brown curly hair walked towards him and asked Johnson about the situation here.

Peggy Carter, an instructor at the military camp, has a certain say in the military.

This lady wants to join the army. Johnson told what happened.

Paige seemed to be listening to Johnson's reply, but in fact she was quietly sizing up Sona.

Long blue hair, carrying a strange musical instrument, and an appearance that will be remembered for a long time after just one glance. These rare features combined make Paige doubt Sona's identity.

After all, if she was from New York, then she should be well-known even if she was not known to the whole city, so that Peggy would not feel like she had never seen her before.

Then why did you stop her from the door? Peggy asked.

Because she is a lady... Johnson would be a little nervous when facing his former instructor.

Ma'am? What's wrong, ma'am? Am I not a lady too? Paige taught Johnson a lesson and took Sona into the recruiting room.

Johnson, who thinks he is unlucky, has no excuse. He really is not sexist. He just doesn't understand why someone like Sona would join the army? Too strange.

Peggy felt the same way. She guessed that Sona was a spy sent by the Nazis, but such a blatant style was a little strange, so she decided to interrogate her personally.

Sona was taken into an office and arranged to sit opposite Peggy.

Is conscription so troublesome? Shouldn't we just sign up and go to the military camp to stay?

Sona didn't understand the recruitment process, but she remembered that when she played the game, the soldiers just ran out of the military camp. There shouldn't be much difference...right?

In fact, if Sona handed in the registration form first, Johnson might let her in, but Sona had no idea what to prepare.

Drink some water. Paige poured Sona a glass of water from the kettle. Her hand had quietly touched the gun under the table. If anything went wrong, she would shoot immediately.

Of course, the water is not ordinary water. It is said to be a truth serum created by the guys from the scientific research department. I don’t know if it is effective.

Sona didn't hesitate. After saying thank you, she took a sip of the water in the cup.

Just drink it? If this was really a spy, the Nazis would have been defeated long ago, and Peggy's suspicion became smaller.

Sona felt a strange feeling coming from her body, it was the power of the runes that had been triggered.

Nullifying sphere? Is the water poisonous?

No, it's not poison, it won't harm the body, and Peggy has no reason to poison herself.

What is this glass of water?

Despite the complicated mental activity, Sona kept her expression unchanged, wondering what Paige wanted to do next.

Mission report. Peggy said this in German. If Sona was a spy, Sona would unconsciously respond in German under the influence of Veritaserum.

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