Buddhist Country·Outer City.

A mansion with a courtyard.

When a group of players followed the address and came here, two five-star players [Tianlong] and [Tianyang] had been waiting for a long time.

Looking at the mountains and flowing water in the mansion, a player asked curiously: You work as servants in this ghost mansion?

This is not only a doubt for one person, but also a doubt for all players.

Nothing else.

This haunted house is so majestic.

At first glance, it is not something that players can own.

But along the way, there was no one in the haunted house, and no taboos were stated. It looked like he was walking in his own home.

So weird.

Tianlong pulled out a standard fake smile and said warmly: For the time being, this is ours.


Hear this.

Players refreshed their understanding of these two people.

This haunted house, which seems to be worth a lot at first glance, actually belongs to the player.

Where do these two people get the capital to defend such a supernatural place?

Tianyang lowered his hood and said in a deep voice: You have to be magnificent. You got three lives in exchange for it.


In the lobby.

36 players sit together.


[King Quan], the number one person in the dragon kingdom's supernatural circle, has the highest game level, reaching level 63.

Then there is [Tianlong], level 62.

Next is [Heavenly Sheep], level 61.

All are five-star players.

Among the remaining 33 players, all are above level 50. They are either the leader of a certain force or the person in charge of a first-tier city or above.

In the real world, they are all big shots who can influence the local situation with just a stomp of their feet.

And here it is.

They are all little shrimps.

A random ghost can trample them to death.

at this time.

The atmosphere was extremely strange.

No one spoke first.

Because they know that the next topic is too heavy for them to accept for a while.

It's still [Kingdom], he doesn't seem to have the negative emotion of fear. Although the pupils that occasionally appear are full of solemnity, his mental state is not bad.

No giving up on oneself.

He said with a hoarse voice: I saw two players named [Sky Tiger] and [Sky Rat] in the first two dungeons. Are you in the same organization?

[Tianlong] was stunned for a moment, as if he did not expect the other party to have such a stable mentality, but he still nodded and said: I created a zodiac organization, but it is not located in the Dragon Kingdom, so it is normal that you don't know, let's talk about business.

I believe you all know your current situation, so I don't need to say more. According to the information I know about my five reincarnations, in every reincarnation, a true Buddhist will reach the same end point. No matter how he changes in the early stage, he will end up in the same place in the end. They will face off against the false Buddhist disciples, stage a drama of the real and fake Buddhist disciples vying for the position of heir, and then step on the false Buddhist disciple's corpse to inherit the Buddhist kingdom. Finally, they will cut off all ties to each other and become the true Buddha. Buddha.

Our only chance is to successfully fake death and sacrifice ourselves in the battle at the time when the true Buddhist disciples are about to defeat the false Buddhist disciples, thus avoiding being liquidated.

But this is an unknown road. It took us four reincarnations to figure out the best node for suspended animation. We actually don't know the final result.

Speaking of which.

Tianlong sighed with regret.

It's a pity that when we were invited to enter, we were already in the middle of the ninety-fifth life. If we could have entered dozens of lives earlier, we might have been able to figure out the perfect pass strategy.

What he said was sincere.

It's really a pity, not just a show.

He has an adventurous and all-or-nothing quality at his core.

Otherwise, I would not have chosen to enter this special dungeon of the Buddhist Kingdom.

He just regretted that he did not have too much time. If he could enter this place before his fiftieth life, when the reincarnation of hundreds of lives ended, he thought he could return to the real world with a level of horror above the ghost level. Become the only true god in the world.

Five reincarnations are too short.

The error tolerance rate was so low that he was timid and did not dare to try many things.

After listening.

All players became even more silent.

Faking death to escape was a plan with no guarantee of success, which made them feel very unreliable.


They also know that in such a nine-star dungeon, such a method with a certain probability of passing the level is already the best choice.


They can only wait to die.

Is there no other way?

A provincial official refused to give up and continued to ask questions.

Yes. Tianlong gave a specific plan, Killing the True Buddha will cause the plot to collapse directly, and the reincarnation will continue for the hundredth life until the plot point is completed.


The players' eyes twitched.

You have such a damn sense of humor.

He even delved into such outrageous methods.

That is the existence that is suspected to be the source of the Buddhist kingdom.

He is a guy that even horror games call him a noble being.

Who has the ability to kill him?

Tianlong's eyes darkened, and his tone suddenly became cold: Don't think this is not a solution. Not every reincarnation of a true Buddha has a background. Killing him when he is most vulnerable can effectively delay time and win more for us. More chances of survival.”

Furthermore, you probably don't know that although everything will reincarnate and return to its original state after the plot is completed, our terror level will not change. In other words, the Yin Qi you have improved now will be the same in the next reincarnation. It won’t be reset.”

Otherwise, how do you think the two of us raised the game level to above level 60 in an unbeatable dungeon? Now, I can fight against ghosts below the top ghost king.

As soon as these words came out.

The players were shocked.

There was some ambition in my heart.

A new five-star player can fight against ghosts below the top ghost king. This is not something that a normal five-star player can achieve.

Even the Western Ghost Controller, who is the world's number one horror gamer, probably can't reach it.

This can only be possible if a player is at least close to level 80.

For a while.

All players felt a glimmer of hope.

If they could raise their terror level to that of ghosts and gods in a short period of time, they might really be able to gain a meager chance of survival in this inevitable reincarnation.

As if he knew what these players were thinking, [Tianlong] put a fake smile on his face again: There is a large supernatural trading place in the outer city. There are a lot of low-level supernatural resources in it. Moreover, as far as I know, An important plot point happened over there.”

At that time, the true Buddha will appear and obtain supernatural props from the exchange that can compete with the fake Buddha in the future. It is this supernatural prop that allows the true Buddha to see through the fake Buddha many times when he is weak. Zi’s trick.”

Moreover, with the help of this supernatural prop, Zhenfozi later found clues about his identity, and while exploring the mystery of his life experience step by step, his relationship with the young lady warmed up.

the other side.

Shen Jian looked at the dense messages on the chat interface, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

He knows very little about his current identity.

At first.

He also performed a deep hypnosis on the ghost monk next to him, just like entering a copy of the Eli Empire and becoming a prince, asking him to tell his identity information clearly.


The ghost monk only knew about his five-year dog-licking career when he moved from the inner city to the outer city.

As for more, the ghost monk in the temple in the outer city doesn't know.


In fact, he basically knew little about the Buddhist kingdom.

In addition to knowing his identity as a fake Buddhist, I only know that he has a fiancée and some clues about the real Buddhist.


He didn't know anything about it.

And now...

He knew what he had to do.

Although the fake Buddhist son is adopted and not a real Buddhist son, he still has adoptive parents.


They happen to be the family members of a true Buddhist.

When I think about the drama of the real daughter and the fake daughter, once the real daughter returns home, she will quickly take away all the halo of the fake daughter. In the end, the fake daughter will completely disappoint her adoptive parents and family, and finally expel her from the house. , leaving the plot to fend for itself, he couldn't help but have a strong desire to complain in his heart.

What a ruthless plot.

Think of this.

Shen Jian had an idea.

It will take some time to wait for the Lin family to return the betrothal gift. It is a good time to use this time to cultivate a relationship with the adoptive mother.

Fake young master, right?

When the true Buddhist son returns, he will find that he has transformed from a fake to his stepfather.

It's exciting just thinking about it.

There was something strange in Shen Jian's eyes.

Change direction.

Step towards the inner city.

at the same time.

The originally dark eyes turned into a deep whirlpool at this moment, constantly scanning the inner city.

This is another use of the passive talent in the Seal of Samsara that cannot be looked directly at.

When someone sees his appearance, thinks of his name, and tells his story, he can find the source immediately. When his eyes fall on the other person, the person's pheromones will be extracted for him.

simply put.

The objects he observes will be displayed in his mind in the past and present lives.

some of.

Naturally, it also includes all kinds of secrets, as well as the most profound people or things in the memory.

In this nine-star dungeon that lacks intelligence, the passive talent that cannot be seen directly serves as his source of intelligence.


He extracted two key figures from the memories of these ghosts.

One is naturally the adoptive mother of the false Buddha--the Ghost Buddha Mother.

There is another one, a fake Buddhist master - a ghost nun who has always hated the master of the nunnery.

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