Chapter 902 True Artistic Photo

In the arena.

The whole audience looked like they were watching a good show.

Watching the thin figure walking onto the ring.

Shen Jian also cast his gaze over.

I saw a skinny figure with atrophied muscles slowly raising his head, and his sharp mouth full of fangs kept rubbing together, making a piercing sound, which was horrifying.

When he looked up at the Black Dragon Club's private room, he let out a sinister smile, his eyes were twisted, and his blood vessels were throbbing and congested, making him look like a complete pervert.


This pervert is shrouded in a layer of supernatural threats belonging to ghosts and gods.

no doubt.

This is a ghost.

And it is a ghost god who is close to an evil ghost.

Hey hey hey, don't you dare to come down? Anyone who dares to come here must be interested in the bride. If you are a coward, you will be eliminated.

The skinny man let out an even harsher sinister laugh.

The look he looked at Shen Jian became more and more serious.

Very aggressive.

Shen Jian:?

His head tilted.

Ignoring the contestants in the audience, he focused his gaze on the beggar ghost and iron-armed ghost beside him, as if to say: Who is this guy? What kind of friendship is there?


The beggar ghost was the first to explain: Brother, this ghost... ah, this guy seems to be a killer, or a perverted murderer. He likes to wander the streets at midnight and smash other people's heads with a hammer.

If I remember correctly, the other party's most famous deed was that during a counter-encirclement and suppression operation, he killed all the eighteen families who attacked him, and piled the enemy's heads into a tower of human heads. It is said that he killed people Even if he doesn’t even blink, he’s not an evil ghost yet, but he’s no different from one in essence.”

Shen Jian pondered for a moment, and then finally uttered a sentence: If he doesn't blink, will his eyes dry?

Beggar Ghost:? ? ?

God, your eyes are dry.

I told you that he kills people without blinking an eye, is a complete pervert, and is very dangerous. You ask me if his eyes are dry?


How do I know whether his eyes are dry or not?


Are you fucking missing the point?

Will it extract keywords?

Skinny man:...

He originally had a ferocious look on his face, but when he heard these words, he couldn't help but stiffen.

The fluctuations of Yin Qi suddenly stopped.

If you want to tell my secret behind my back, don't let me hear it.

How is this different from discussing how to kill the deceased in front of him?

Too rude.

As for whether his eyes were dry or not... he kept his eyes open the whole time, and he didn't really seem to care whether he was dry or not.


Why should I think about this problem seriously?

Damn it.

I almost got caught in it.

The thin man's forehead had veins popping out. He held up a hammer with blood dripping from his hand and a piece of minced meat nailed to the tip. He roared: What? Don't you dare to come down? Weren't you very arrogant back then? Destroy my supernatural land. , killed my men and let me crawl out, now it’s your turn to taste this shame.”

Shen Jian:......

At this time.

The iron-armed ghost suddenly thought of something.

He yelled: I remembered, this was the owner of a small supernatural place that our Black Dragon Society destroyed during its heyday. I remember that this guy was just a top ghost king at the time, but I didn't expect that he has become a ghost god now, and it looks like, The level of terror is almost as high as that of the former president, and taking the path of becoming a demon has indeed yielded remarkable results.

I remember it too. Slender Ghost recalled: Does this guy hate us? But he didn't abandon the supernatural place he built to escape. After being captured by us, he knelt down and kowtowed crazily to get another chance. ?

The conspiracy ghost sneered: The weak will eat the strong, and whoever is stronger will be justified. We think this is the human world, and we are trying to clean up the shame. Unlike me, I will surrender when I surrender, and I will be loyal when I am loyal. I will never have any second thoughts, and I will not be prosperous in the future. We will take revenge.

The iron-armed ghost and the thin ghost nodded repeatedly as they listened, but the more they listened, the more they felt right.

Why does this sound like he is secretly trying to raise his worth in front of them?

as expected.

The next second.

The conspirator changed the subject and said, Sir, I am very lucky to have met a master like you. This is definitely the honor of my life.


The two were stunned.

Damn it.

Your brother is connected heart to heart with you, and you are playing tricks with your brother.

You are so fucking thoughtful.

In this situation, you can also draw inferences about yourself.

No wonder you are the most trusted person by the former president.

If you talk about this in detail, who wouldn’t be surprised?

The two glared at the conspirator.

It was like we were breaking up our friendship.

the other side.

Shen Jian listened calmly.


Ganqing is a former defeated general of the Black Dragon Society.

Looking at the skinny man below who was provoking him and pointing his hammer at him, Shen Jian grinned.

The figure moved.

Appear in the ring.

Before, he would have chosen to sit quietly and wait until the winner was finally decided before playing, but now... that's not necessary anymore.

He has confirmed that there is indeed Po Meng in Luofeng Tian in the fifth place. The biggest purpose of this trip has been completed. Next, he can just make fun as much as he wants.

It's best if everyone knows it.

Because only in this way can all the evil spirits in the bloody city know his name and his deeds.

If Meng Po was among them, he would definitely hear his name.

As long as he heard about the passive talent of reincarnation - not looking directly, he would immediately know the traces of Po Meng.

The same goes for the whereabouts of the Evil Ghost King.


Shen Jian decided not to pretend anymore.

End in person.

at this time.

On the field.

Seeing Shen Jian on the stage, the ghosts cheered.

Because this is the first scene of the competition to attract a bride, it attracts extra attention. In addition, there are conflicts between the two, which adds to the excitement of the conflict.

One is the new president who has integrated the declining Black Dragon Society.

One is a perverted murderer who was massacred by the Black Dragon Society in his own supernatural land, turned into a lonely ghost, and came back for revenge.

No matter which one it is, it is very topical.

Seeing this, the skinny man also showed a sinister smile: Hahaha, I failed to kill the former president. Now I can kill the current president, and then I can kill you Black Dragon Club for fun.


The Yin Qi reaction in his body became stronger and stronger.

The overwhelming resentment surged out as if it had materialized.

The blood vessels on his body began to bulge, and the hammer in his hand was covered with a dark luster. If he stared at it for a long time, he could faintly see the head of an evil spirit roaring on the hammer.


All the ghosts were frightened.

I just felt cold all over my body.

Nothing else.

This breath is too penetrating.

It's like being stared at by a wild beast that chooses people to eat, and there is a kind of trembling from the soul.

Especially the supernatural threat, which is almost infinitely close to the world-destroying ghosts and gods.

He is even better than the former president of the Black Dragon Society.

Think of this.

The ghosts all looked at Shen Jian with pity.

A thought came to mind: The president of the Black Dragon Society is finished.


The next second.

Before the skinny man could give his victory speech, an even more terrifying wave of energy appeared on the stage.


Everyone was shocked.

Look away.

At some point, Shen Jian had taken out a black steel rod from his body. The rod's body was flashing with more than a dozen six-star rays, and the roaring sound of ten thousand ghosts suddenly rang out from above.

The sound was shrill and painful, as if screaming.

And the group of ghosts saw that a large amount of resentment emerged from Shen Jian's body for no reason, rising into the sky, turning the sky into darkness.

Compared with this resentment, the resentment on the skinny man's body was like a child's trick, completely incomparable.

Skinny man:! ! !

Ghosts:! ! !

Dazhao Ghost King:! ! !

Everyone was dumbfounded.

He froze in place.

He looked at the resentment on Shen's body that was so strong that it couldn't be resolved with disbelief.

This, this, this...

This horse riding requires killing many ghosts to accumulate resentment! ?

You must have destroyed several bloody cities.

Otherwise, where does this resentment come from?


The question now is, this man carries such huge resentment, but he doesn’t even have any demonic characteristics. How fucking crazy does he have to be in order to suppress such resentment without going crazy?


I bet you are the craziest!

The skinny man was equally confused.

My eyes are going to pop out.

He just killed tens of thousands of finger ghosts, and his own sanity has almost disappeared, and he is only half a step away from becoming an evil ghost. Sometimes he even loses control of his own thinking and slaughters everything around him indiscriminately. Fierce ghost.

But what does he see now?

He saw someone who, after enduring dozens of times more resentment than him, still appeared completely normal, showing no tendency to turn into a demon at all.

What the hell is this?

Is this guy really a ghost?

The same ghost, how can you endure more than ten times more than me?

Although I know that the gap between people is a bit big, but yours is so big that it’s not normal. What a nonsense. are also a pervert...


The skinny man screamed.

I was so scared that I couldn't control my tone at all.

The supernatural power that had originally appeared in his body dissipated at this moment.

Jie, Jie, Jie, pervert, etc., I've long since stopped being such a pervert.

Shen Jian grinned.

On the black steel rod, thousands of ghosts wailed, forming vicious faces and emitting the weirdest supernatural sounds.

Wherever the sound passed, the ghosts all covered their heads and screamed.

I just felt like my mind was being stirred for a while.

A stinging pain came from the soul.

Especially the skinny man who was closest was subjected to the attack of tens of thousands of ghostly voices with malicious faces. His whole face began to distort and deform, and he screamed.

Immediately afterwards.

Shen Jian's voice sounded faintly again: Perverts are not just what you want to be. They are the result of artistic sublimation, not pure violence and blood. An act like yours who only knows how to kill is an insult to perverts.

Look clearly, the splash of blood is called an artistic photo!


Shen Jian raised the steel rod in his hand.

A stick hit him.

at once.

Flowers of blood gushed out like fountains.

The entire arena was dyed red.

Eventually the art bleeds away and the body becomes a two-dimensional mosaic.


See this scene.

The ghosts were in an uproar.



You are the real pervert when you step on a horse!

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