at this time.

If outsiders saw it, they would find Shen Jian and the beggar ghost walking on the road showing a sinister smile at the same time.

The former is excitement.

I was excited to meet the former members of the underworld.

The latter is also excited.

Excitedly, he found another scapegoat.

Not long after.

The beggar ghost quickly brought Shen Jian to his destination.

An urban village that can only be reached through a long, dark alley.

Log houses are mainstream architecture.

In addition, there are many stone houses similar to Xiaobieye.

Shen Jian took a few glances.

The living standard here is not high, which is equivalent to that of ancient towns.

It is a completely different world from the bloody capital close to the Republic of China.

But then I thought about it.

Most of the people who can live here are poor ghosts who failed to compete in the bloody capital, or whose ghost bodies are mutilated. Being able to survive is already the biggest luxury hope. As for improving their living standards, that is a bit far away.

What's more, for this group of evil ghosts, or existences close to evil ghosts, the environment is not something worth caring about.


In front of a stone house.

The beggar ghost stopped and said with a gloomy expression: Brother, remember clearly, the person inside is the vice-president of my Black Dragon Club branch. He will test you later. Only if you pass, will you be qualified to take the place? I, the Black Dragon Society, will complete the mission. If you fail and you cannot afford the reward, you should know the consequences.

Speaking of which.

His voice became cold and penetrating.

He looked like he was watching a good show.

He brings a scapegoat here every day, but unfortunately, until now, no one has actually passed the test.

He hopes Shen Jian can succeed.

Because success means that they are safe.


Shen Jian grasped the key words.

The beggar ghost explained: After a short period of decline, the Black Dragon Society has been split into four parts. Each part is responsible for a business. For example, our side specializes in collecting intelligence. The vice president is from our intelligence department. principal.

You need to get the approval of the vice president to be considered as having the ability to complete the task on behalf of the Intelligence Department. Otherwise, if you randomly send someone out, it will make people wonder whether our Intelligence Department has committed fraud and randomly found a scapegoat.


The heavy stone house door was slowly pushed open.

There was no light inside.


It looks exactly like the small dark room used to punish prisoners.

Even worse.

If a normal human being was imprisoned there, he would have a complete mental breakdown within a few days.

But for some fierce ghosts, such an environment can be regarded as a kind of enjoyment.

Your test is to use all your abilities in this dark environment to find the dead man in the stone house and uncover the truth about his death. Remember, you only have one day. When the time is up, whoever is in the stone house will be killed. You will be infected with the fatal supernatural curse. Although you will not die, you will not be able to survive in the bloody city.

Hear the words.

Shen Jian glanced at it.

On the face with clear features, there was a strange smile that did not fit his own image.

It looked like he had seen something interesting.

Dead person? Let me see if it's a dead person. I'll know it as soon as I smell it.


Shen Jian walked in directly without any hesitation.

Beggar Ghost:......

He can't fix it anymore.


You are so excited to ride a horse.

Understand that you only have one day, and if you don't do it, you will be infected with the supernatural curse, and your life will be worse than death.

In this situation, shouldn't you be frightened, angry, unwilling, or even choose to run away?

Your reaction makes me feel like my words were in vain.

Very boring.

For a while.

The cold expression on the beggar ghost's face could no longer be maintained.

Seeing Shen Jian walking into the stone house automatically without any forced order from him, he couldn't help but feel an ominous premonition in his heart.

Nothing else.

It's really Shen Jian's reaction that's so fucking abnormal.

He had brought so many unlucky people here to accept the test, and every one of them was either begging for mercy or frightened, but Shen Jian looked more anxious than him.

Those who didn't know, thought he had hidden some treasure inside.

Something is wrong.

This is very wrong.

The beggar ghost became suspicious.

But when I thought about it carefully, I felt that I had thought too much.

Because the dead man in the stone house is actually the vice president of their intelligence department.

This stone house has an empathic supernatural effect.

Once you step into it, the supernatural power will automatically take effect, inflicting negative emotions such as timidity, cowardice, fear, fear, etc. on the other person. Combined with the dark characteristics of the small dark room, it creates an absolutely terrifying environment.

In this environment, people who enter the stone house will become sensitive, suspicious, fragile, and suffer all the time.

The process of searching for the dead man is the beginning of torture.

If this dead man could still move, the fear would be magnified to the limit in an instant.

If you can persist without breaking down, you have reached the standard.


So far, no one can satisfy the vice president.

Although the man in front of him seems to have a strong psychological quality and is different from the unlucky guys in the past, as long as he enters the dark room, no matter how harsh his words are, his true colors will be revealed.

Think of this.

The beggar ghost felt relieved again.

Watching Shen Jian walk in.

at the same time.

Step into the small dark room.

Shen Jian's expression remained unchanged, his deep black eyes scanning everything in the room.

The stone house is simply furnished.

A coffin bed, a painting, and an extinguished oil lamp.

The only thing that can hide people is a coffin bed.


Shen Jian directly opened the bed board.


Under the bed, a body was lying inside.

The skin of the corpse was gray, and there were traces of being eaten all over the body. The eyes were tightly closed, and there was no sense of violation at all.

Shen Jian took a look twice.

Pretending to breathe a sigh of relief, he said: The baby was scared to death. Fortunately, it was really a dead person. Otherwise, when I sat down to rest, if a hand stretched out and put it on my shoulder, I would have been frightened to death. .”

Hear this.

The sight of the corpse, or rather the vice president of the Intelligence Section, suddenly lit up.

There was a fleeting expression of sadness in the darkness.

It turns out that this is what you fear most.

Then I have to try this method.

Just thinking about it.

The vice president heard Shen Jian's change of topic again and said quietly: No, I'm too scared. What if this dead person pretends to be a corpse? I have to test whether he is really dead.

Vice president:……

You are so cautious.

To this.

He was not surprised.

Because under extreme fear, the way a ghost can ensure a sense of security is that there are no living things around.

He also encountered several suspicious ghosts checking whether he was really a dead person.

This is not a big deal.

Because the way to determine his death is simply to sense whether his Yin Qi fluctuations are strong and whether his supernatural power has dissipated. On both of these points, the coffin bed can be disguised.

Even if ghosts and gods come, it is impossible to see any flaws in him.

Haha, young man, I didn’t expect that.

You are still too young.


The next second.

A sharp pain swept through his body.

The vice president's expression changed drastically.

It was obvious that his thigh was pierced.

There is no sound. Are you really dead?

? ? !

Hearing Shen Jian's voice, he was stunned.

I'm your uncle.

Are you sure whether I am dead or not, relying on this primitive and backward method?

What about your psychic abilities?

Won't you directly sense the fluctuations of Yin Qi in my body when you are riding a horse? Wouldn't you directly check whether my supernatural aura has dissipated?

You stabbed me in the leg without saying a word, you are such a meowing tiger.

at this time.

The vice president was distraught.

He never imagined that in these days, there would be ghosts using such primitive methods to identify dead people.

He thought of various ways to disguise himself.

But I never thought that someone would dare to destroy the corpse directly.

Your surname is Biao.

Holding back the severe pain, the vice president gritted his teeth, preparing to give Shen Jian an unforgettable fearful experience later on.

No, this is not safe enough. Let's just behead him. If he is beheaded, then he can be sure that he is really dead.

At this time.

in the dark.

The faint voice sounded again.

Vice president:! ! !

His pupils widened.

The eyes that were originally closed suddenly opened wide.

He showed a panicked look.

Nothing else.

This scoundrel really dares to take action.

If he continued to lie down, his head would really fall off.



The words have not yet finished.

A handful of ancient ghosts flashing with cold light had already come over.

at once.

A head rolled onto the coffin bed.

The body that was about to stand up gradually gradually fell down.

It's a bastard that's motionless. It seems like this is indeed a corpse.

Vice president:……

He stared with eyes wide open, as if he was determined to die.

Especially when he heard Shen Jian's words when he was dying, he almost spit out blood.

You really deserve to die.

I, the dignified vice-president of the Black Dragon Club branch, died here so hastily and for such a ridiculous reason.

He could already predict that he would become the laughing stock of everyone.


Destroy it.

With this thought, the vice-president closed his eyes and burped on the spot.

the other side.

Looking at the closed stone door.

The beggar ghost is also ready to leave.

He is also very busy at work and cannot stay here waiting for Shen Jian to come out.

What's more, whether he can come out or not is a question.


If the vice-president gets excited about playing, it is normal for him to directly destroy the other party.

Especially the tougher the mouth, the more fulfilling the game will be.

The next second.

There was a bang.

The stone door was pushed open entirely.

Shen Jian walked out.

Beggar Ghost:? ? ?

He was stunned.


Why did you come out?

Are you taking this out?

If this was possible, it would be a test.



The beggar ghost thought of a more serious problem.

Once this stone house is closed, only the vice president can open it.

How did this guy open the door?

It's only been less than five minutes since we entered, right?

Even if you and the vice-president hit it off right away, you shouldn't have come out so quickly.

What happened?

You...why did you come out!?

The beggar ghost's voice rose involuntarily.

The whole person seemed to be frightened by something.

Shen Jian shrugged: I have found the dead person and solved the truth. Why don't I come out and stay in there?

The beggar ghost's eyes looked even more different.

Did you find the vice president on horseback?

Then it's even more impossible for you to come out so soon.

But this cannot be said.


He said cautiously: You didn't encounter anything unusual inside?

Shen Jian shook his head.

Unwilling to give up, the beggar glanced at the small dark room and asked again: Then tell me, how did that body die?

He vaguely remembered that the vice-president pretended to be dead because of suffocation. There was a sunken wound on the back of his head. He was knocked unconscious with an oil lamp and then suffocated with an oil painting.

The reason why it is vague is because for so long, no one has been able to persist to this point.

He has long forgotten the truth of the original setting.

This is simple. His head was chopped off and he died on the spot. The time of death was 3:03 and 28 seconds in the afternoon.


And the time of death, you are so fucking professional.

If I hadn't remembered the answer, I would have been fooled by your serious nonsense.

He was decapitated, I'm afraid you didn't even see the body.

The beggar ghost walks into the dark room

His expression became colder and colder: Brother, I don't know what method you used to open the door to the dark room, but your answer is so wrong. This corpse was obviously suffocated... Damn it!

For a moment.

The beggar ghost was dumbfounded.

Because when he walked to the coffin bed, what he saw was the body of the vice-president separated, his head widened, and he looked like he was dead.


This murder scene really looked like death caused by beheading.

No professional appraisal is required, a layman can understand it.


Who can tell him why the vice president died?


what on earth is it?

The beggar ghost stood beside the bed blankly.

There was an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

That expression simply said: Where is the vice president? Where is the vice-president who is as big as me?

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