
Ghost Duke Silis, the head of the Inoaden family, returned to the Duke's Palace in the Holy City.

There was a hint of tiredness on her face.

As one of the four Holy Dukes of the Empire and the newly appointed Sword of the Empire, the responsibilities on her shoulders are not easy.

Not only is he the link that stabilizes the relationship between the royal city and the holy city, but he also shoulders the power of life and death. He is the executioner that everyone in the imperial nobles fears.

Especially now, with the new king taking the throne, all the old order needs to be properly handled, and changes are inevitable. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for the crown prince, the Sixth Princess, to make all the nobles obey.

At this time, she, the sword of the empire, is needed to cut off all obstacles.

Think of this.

She couldn't help but sigh.

Wash yourself up.

He picked up a glass of red wine and leaned on the balcony railing of the main castle, with a bit of nostalgia flashing in his eyes.

She didn't care that much that the fourth prince was the former pastor of the church. She just assumed that his majesty came here hiding his identity in order to establish a cooperative relationship with the Elim Temple.


Obviously I have found him, but why, it feels like he is further away from me...

Ghost Duke Hillis’ eyes were complicated.

She didn't know exactly what she was thinking now, but she knew that she wanted to see this man again, and missed the days when Shen Jian blocked a fatal blow for herself and recuperated in the Duke's Mansion.

Every time I think of it, a touch of tenderness appears in my eyes.


No such chance.


Shen Jiangui is the new king of the Eli Empire. Their identities have changed drastically. Coupled with their unpredictable whereabouts, it is only a luxury to hope that they can get along with each other as before.

She could only bury this delusion deep in her heart.

Just thinking about it.


A slightly teasing voice sounded: Why does our Imperial Sword have such a sad expression? If others see this, I'm afraid many people will be heartbroken.

Hear the words.

Ghost Duke Hillis was stunned.

Look subconsciously.

Shen Jian was seen standing under the balcony, looking at her from afar, with a warm smile on his face.

this moment.

She was in a daze for a moment.

I just feel that this scene is so similar to before.

Back then, when Shen Jian was still a young pastor in the church and still recovering from his injuries at her home, the two of them looked at each other like this, and with just that one look, she sent out the invitation out of nowhere.

Invite Shen Jian to come up for a wine tasting.

His Majesty?

Ghost Duke Hillis was stunned, as if he had never thought that Shen Jian would appear here at this time.

What? You don't invite me to come up and sit down? That's not what you said last time.

Shen Jian's mouth curled up slightly.

His eyes moved.

【Ghost Duke Hillis】

[Current status: Surprise, surprise, joy, panic. 】

[Favorability: 84 (Intimate)]

See this.

The strange color in Shen Jian's eyes was a little darker.

He still remembered that when he first entered the Eli Empire dungeon, his strategy for the Ghost Duke had been initially completed. In the end, his favorability level stayed at more than 70 points. Now that he has not seen him for several months, his favorability level has directly reached the intimacy stage.

It seems.

There was no need for him to work any harder.

Hear this.

Only then did Ghost Duke Hillis realize that this was not her hallucination, Shen Jian was really here.

Your Majesty, why are you here? Is there anything you need me to do?

She jumped right down.

A height of several meters is nothing to a ghost.


She thought so.

Shen Jian doesn't think so.

The moment the Ghost Duke jumped down, Shen Jian stretched out his hand to catch the duchess who appeared in a special way.

Nephrite is in my arms.

A strong scent of roses hit my nostrils.

at this time.

Ghost Duke Hillis also shouted shyly, her two naked feet curled up nervously, Your Majesty, this height is nothing to me.

Shen Jian's expression remained unchanged, and he went upstairs with the duchess in his arms, Letting a woman fall freely is not what a gentleman should do. What's more, you are the sword of the empire that I personally recognize. If you are injured, , I will also feel distressed.


Then he put the other party back on the sofa.

Would you like another relaxing massage?

Shen Jian blinked.

The voice is full of temptation.


The Ghost Duke lowered his head, feeling more ashamed than anything else.

Because that massage left a deep impression on her.

that time.

Although she was separated by clothes, it was true that Shen Jian touched her all over.

Now that she heard Shen Jian mention massage again, she didn't even think about how inappropriate it was to have a king of the empire massage her. Her thoughts were completely confused.

Shen Jian did not hesitate.

He grabbed the duchess's white wax-like jade leg, placed it on his own leg, and kneaded it gently. His other hand grabbed the sole of her foot and stroked it gently.

Ghost Duke Hillis sat sideways on the sofa, staring at Shen Jian's profile, looking at his focused and deep eyes, which seemed to become blurred.


She raised her other foot and kicked Shen Jian's waist.

See no response.

She became bolder.

Kicked harder.

Shen Jian turned around, grabbed the troublesome foot, and pressed it hard towards the sole of the foot.


The Ghost Duke groaned.

The voice is sultry.


Shen Jian paused.

The massaging hand also began to be dishonest, moving up the calf and kneading the plump and round thigh.

It's like a massage here and there, it's clearly arousing interest.

For a while.

The Ghost Duke's face became more and more rosy.

Teeth clenched.

Try not to make any more embarrassing noises.

But the gradually aggravating breathing and the decreasing temperature around her spoke of her inner unrest at the moment.

Of course she knew what Shen Jian was doing.

This is beyond the acceptable range of massage.

Totally playing with fire.


There was a tacit understanding between them both.

I know that you are being reserved, and you also know that I have evil intentions.


When Shen Jian was about to find the birth point, the Ghost Duke stretched out his hand to stop Shen Jian's next increasingly bold move.

But the strength of the resistance gave people a feeling of wanting to resist but to welcome them.

Shen Jian did not hesitate.

He hugged the Ghost Duke and kissed his cold red lips.

The palms of his hands were caressing up and down his spine.

The Ghost Duke's body stiffened for two or three seconds, and then he forgot everything. He put his hands on Shen Jian's shoulders and responded enthusiastically.

Breath becomes hot.

The weight of the two people pressed on the soft sofa, making the sofa dent a bit, and the scattered clothes were also removed one by one.

The hot and humid rose fragrance blows on the cheeks:

Your Majesty, I don't want to regret...

The next day.

The sun shines in.

Shen Jian woke up leisurely and glanced at Ghost Duke Hillis, who was still sleeping next to him with a happy expression. A corner of the quilt that was slightly lifted revealed a gleam of bright white skin.

It made him sober and energetic again.

Shen Jian sighed with emotion in his eyes, no wonder there is a saying that the king does not go to court early. If the ghost duke, the good sister-in-law and others were brought here, he would be too scared to do anything else.

I just want to linger in the gentle countryside for one day.

After giving instructions to the maid in the Duke's Palace, Shen's figure disappeared from the spot.

The next few days.

He travels between the real world and the Eli Empire.

Both rain and dew are touched.

Today I will chat with my sister-in-law, send her billions of blessings, and then go next door to experience the fun of role-playing with the female knight next to my sister-in-law behind her back.

Tomorrow, go to the temple, in a sacred and solemn place, contaminate the most holy and flawless saint in the hearts of the people of the Holy City with filth, and then make Lila, the little witch, beg for mercy again and again.

The day after tomorrow, quietly come to the Duke's Palace and enjoy a crazy night with the Duchess.

In the passage of time like this.

Five days passed quickly.

this day.

Shen Jian came to Elim Temple.

The disciplinary knight at the door was already used to strange things.

Although I don’t know why His Majesty needs to come to the Holy Lady every three days to discuss it, but...

It's a matter of state anyway.

It is normal for the matter to be discussed for several days when it concerns the future of the empire.

No fuss required.

Temple of Elim.

Shen Jian once again used the supernatural power of the spy commander to make the glorious ghosts and gods come back through the medium.

I thought you forgot again.

The glorious ghost looked at it for the first time and saw that there was no smell in the air and there was no messy filth around. Then he smiled with satisfaction.

How's the situation?

Shen Jian asked.

There has been a slight change. Since the last time I was almost discovered, the Evil Ghost King's men have started to keep a tight watch, but it also gave me the opportunity to eavesdrop on more information. Aren't you looking for the legendary Goddess Meng Po? I stole I heard that the person who was on guard for that group of people was probably the person suspected of being God Meng Po.

The two waves of people seemed to have mistook me for someone else, and they were all closely planning some kind of plan.

Hear this.

Shen Jian looked strange.

The evil ghost king has imprisoned the glorious ghosts and gods, and the existence suspected of Meng Po is ready to rob them. The only thing in common between these things is undoubtedly the dragon's energy.

An incomplete dragon energy is of little use to a real world-destroying ghost and god, not to mention that it is not under the jurisdiction of the local Luo Fengtian. It is a type that is tasteless to eat and a pity to throw away.

In this situation.

Who else would deliberately collect this dragon energy?

The promise is - the underworld.

These people don't think that the glorious ghosts and gods are the lords or heirs of the underworld, right?

If so, that would be interesting.

Judging from the current situation, the Evil Ghost King is obviously on the opposite side of the underworld. Whether he is imprisoning the glorious ghosts or being on guard against the existence of Po Meng, it shows that his purpose is not good for the underworld.

Is this the plan to use the radiant ghosts and gods to lure out the remaining ghost gods suspected to be from the underworld, so that they can all be caught in one fell swoop?

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

The excitement in his eyes deepened.

Very good, I like this kind of mixed situation best.

See this.

The glorious ghost asked curiously: How do you want to come here? Let's talk about it first, I can't help you now.

No need to bother, just think of me.

Shen Jian grinned.

Glorious Ghost:?


thinking of you?

What's the meaning?

In times of doubt.

I saw Shen Jian's eyes projecting a faint light. It was not the previous mode when he opened the form of King Yama, but a brand new scene.

The originally deep black pupils turned into a pure dark color in an instant, like two vortexes that were constantly rippling, mysterious and eternal.

That is the power of reincarnation.

It is passive and cannot be viewed directly.

As long as anyone or anything has an idea of ​​his name or appearance, he will be able to detect it immediately, cast his gaze on it, and obliterate it from the source.

next moment.

Shen Jian followed the vague response.

His gaze was unrestricted, and when he opened it again, he had already focused on a land filled with death and gloom.

A weird smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

The fifth place, Luo Fengtian, has been found! (End of this chapter)

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