At this moment.

The Bone Bodhisattva was extremely panicked.

Eyes raised.

The thunder clouds in the sky roared and turned into a giant thunder hand, grabbing at him from top to bottom.

Eyes lowered.

The earth surged, setting off a shocking wave of sand, which turned into a sky-holding rock hand and grabbed it upwards.

All directions were blocked.

The only supernatural channel through which he could escape safely was ruthlessly defeated.

At that time.

There was only one last way left for him.

That is to retreat backwards.

Temporarily hiding in the second Luo Fengtian, eliminating his traces and waiting for the opportunity to return.


This opportunity has also been ruined.

Because right below him, the pagan in luxurious clothes and with an excited smile was stretching out a finger. At the end of his finger, a beam of extremely terrifying energy was taking shape in front of him, as if it could be fired at any time. He came out and penetrated his already disintegrated body.

Such a strong sense of death is definitely not a lie.

He had an intuition that if he really dared to run out of this range, the other party would kill him without hesitation.

The kind that destroys bones and scatters ashes.

Under normal circumstances, he is naturally not afraid of such a childish threat. Even if he dies, with his powerful supernatural power of world-destroying ghosts and gods, he can be revived again in as short as three to five years or as long as more than ten years.

This amount of time is nothing to a world-destroying ghost and god.

but now……

He was afraid.

Because this man is suspected to be an ancient existence from the same period as my Buddha, and is a member of the immortal gods who only exist in legends.

For such an existence, he could not guarantee that the other party would not be able to completely kill him.

Once it crashes, it is likely to mean that it will never be able to be revived.

He couldn't bear this price.

Think of this.

The Bone Bodhisattva was filled with grief and anger.


Bullying ghosts is too much.

Hiding is a dead word.

If you don't hide, it's still a word of death.

Is there any other choice?

I admit that I spoke a little too loudly and arrogantly just now, but it’s not a crime that would lead to death.

Just thinking about it.

Before the Bone Bodhisattva could continue to think, the giant hands holding the sky from both sides began to close.

The Bone Bodhisattva was shocked.

There was a bright light in his eyes.

He raised his hands and feet at the same time to resist this terrifying force, which was like the collision of heaven and earth.

Just for a moment.

One hand of the Bone Bodhisattva was completely broken, and one foot was also shattered from the middle. The human head lotus platform under his feet was crushed into powder, and the ghost inside would be squeezed into a pile of bones at any time.


The painful wails sounded again.

This time.

Immediately aroused the overwhelming resentment of this world-destroying ghost and god.

He desperately held on to the giant hands that were raised up and down, and let out a ferocious roar: Don't think that I am afraid of you. The worst is, we will die together, and all the gods and Buddhas in the sky will disappear. I don't believe that you, a born immortal god, will There will be no injuries at all, and there will be no restrictions at all.”

The words fell.

A skeleton hand and a skeleton leg that fell to the ground immediately turned into a molten skeleton nail and drove towards Shen Jian.

The weirdest thing is that this coffin nail was obviously flying in a straight line, but in everyone's sight, the surrounding space seemed to be pulled closer, and the skeleton nail that had just flown out was already nailed to Shen Jian's chest.

The flying process in the middle and the possible evasive behavior of the enemy were all ignored, and it was directly nailed to the target.

This time.

The ghosts were shocked.

The method of destroying world-level ghosts and gods is actually so weird.

Doesn't it mean that as long as it is shot, the enemy will be hit?


This is too unreasonable.

Unless you don't give the opponent a chance to take action, otherwise the action will definitely hit, who the hell can afford it!

What a scoundrel.


Where is the fourth prince?

Is he okay?

If this was reversed by headwinds, their mentality would collapse.

the other side.

Looking at the skeleton nail nailed to Shen Jian's chest, the Bone Bodhisattva was stunned at first, and then overjoyed.

You are indeed not a fairy. You can't even avoid this method. It seems that I am the better one and I win...

The words have not yet fallen.

Shen Jian had already reached out and pulled out the skeleton nails.

It can be seen that the skeleton nails were indeed nailed in, but they did not even damage the skin. Let alone penetrate deep into the heart, they could not even cause skin trauma.

Just nailed it.


To be more precise, it's hanging on top.

Bone Bodhisattva:...

The smile on his face suddenly froze.

My heart was horrified to the extreme.

Although he said that this skeleton nail seemed to be ordinary and supernatural, in fact, it was a fatal blow fused with the body of his world-destroying ghost and god.

Once nailed, even beings of the same level must be restrained in place for more than five seconds. During this period, not only can they not move, but even supernatural and yin energy cannot move at all.

It's the taboo supernatural thing he keeps at the bottom of the box.

If the target is replaced by a ghost or god, then once this skeleton is nailed, the other party will not be able to revive again for eternity.

But now...

His taboo supernatural ability can't even cause skin trauma to the opponent.

What a joke.

The Bone Bodhisattva trembled all over.

The joker revives.

He once heard My Buddha talk about the time when the sky was full of gods and Buddhas. At that time, the gods and gods were the rulers of the world, but they were not immortal. They would be injured even if they were attacked. If they suffered fatal injuries, the gods would also fall. .

At this point, ghosts have an inherent advantage.

The supernatural beings are immortal and the evil ghosts are immortal.

Even if the supernatural power dissipates, it can revive again after a long period of time.


For that man, all laws seemed to have lost their effect.

This allowed the Bone Bodhisattva to break his defense on the spot.


Is this the Immortal God?

This is the first time that Bone Bodhisattva has a clear understanding of the gods and Buddhas in the sky that my Buddha talks about.

Just one glance caused his ghost body to disintegrate.

Just grab him and he will be trapped in heaven and earth.

Even if you stand still, you can't do anything with other means.


Not a single flaw.

Brother, you are a hexagonal god of war.

That's outrageous.

The Bone Bodhisattva almost wanted to vomit blood and said with a stiff face:

I said I was just obsessed with my mind. Do you believe it?

Hear the words.

Shen Jian weighed the skeleton nail in his hand and grinned: Donor, you have a lot of resentment in your heart. This is not good. If you keep your resentment deep in your heart for a long time, you will become depressed in the future.

But it doesn't matter. I happen to have some research on Buddhism, so I will help you, help you let go of your hatred, and guide you to learn on the right path.

As the saying goes, put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately.

Shen Jian smiled very sickly.

Yin energy poured into the mouth, and the words of ghosts and gods were activated.

He also took out the ghost heart with hypnotic powers.

A mouth.

It stirred up the heaven and the earth.

Invisible sound waves rolled in.

The Bone Bodhisattva was shocked and his mind was buzzing.

He shook his head desperately, but the sound still lingered.

The words Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately... kept echoing in my mind.

Let it go...let it go...

The Bone Bodhisattva was stunned for a moment, and his eyes seemed to be in a trance.

The next second.

He suddenly woke up.

His eyes looked like he had seen a ghost.

Are you trying to convert me?

His face was filled with disbelief.

A skeleton with a face full of distortions.

The bones crackled.

He really couldn't imagine that this man was actually trying to save him and transform him into a Buddha.

Use the best tricks of my Buddhist country to deal with my Buddha?

How unthinkable are you?

Hitting an egg against a stone is not so blunt as hitting an egg against a stone.

If you can save me, I will...

The Bone Bodhisattva is thinking.

The sounds of ghosts and gods echoing in my mind became even denser.

His thoughts were in a daze for a longer period of time.

There is already a tendency to let go of hands and feet.

This time.

The Bone Bodhisattva did not dare to exaggerate.

He yelled twistedly: Impossible, what method did you use? You will never be able to quantify me.

He howled in pain.

Shen Jian stepped forward and came to the Bone Bodhisattva with a look of compassion on his face, It's sincerity. I'm urging you to turn back. My child, you are on the wrong track. Only I can save you.

The Bone Bodhisattva maintained his last trace of consciousness.

The corners of his mouth twitched.


Can you please stop using my standard words of persuading people to learn Buddhism to try to convert me? It’s so fucking against the grain.

You're such a fool, you don't even want to think of a new way of saying things, so you just stick to them.

You will insult me ​​with precision.

He complained while fighting against the murmurs filling his brain.

The voice of put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately became louder and clearer, almost bursting his brain.

The trance in his eyes became more and more frequent.

No...impossible. I am already a Buddha, so why do I need to be saved again?

The Bone Bodhisattva gritted his teeth and roared out these words.

The aura in his eyes became more and more intense.

He looked like he was about to break free.

See this.

Shen Jian sighed.

Those who have studied Buddhism and understand psychological construction are difficult to deal with.

If it were a normal world-destroying ghost and god, under the dual influence of the ghost's words and the hypnotic supernatural power, he would have been successfully brainwashed on the spot.


Not much different.


Shen Jian shouted in a low voice: Idiot! You're obsessed!

The words of ghosts and gods stirred up again.

It's like a wake-up call.

The clarity in White Bone Bodhisattva's eyes immediately disappeared, replaced by an unusual piety.

This piety is only for Shen Jian.

Aiming at the man who made him put down his butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately.

My dear, have you realized it?

Shen Jian opened his mouth.

The Bone Bodhisattva piously said: Master, I have realized that my sins are extremely evil and I deserve to be judged.

The next second.


The arms and legs of the White Bone Bodhisattva supporting the two giant hands holding the sky also cracked and broke into two pieces, leaving only one head intact.

But at this time, he had no intention of struggling at all.

Instead, he wanted to let two giant hands holding up the sky beat him to death.

Shen Jian has quick eyesight and quick hands.

Caught the head out.

He said with an expression of hatred and hatred: Chi'er, you are dead, who will lead me to destroy the source of your sin? Your consciousness is not high enough.

Bone Bodhisattva:...

He was stunned for a moment.

Then suddenly.

Looking ashamed: Master, I am guilty.

It's okay, I forgive you.

Shen Jian expressed it very generously.


Whether it was the eldest prince, the third princess, or the nobles who witnessed this scene, they were all stunned.

A pair of titanium alloy dog ​​eyes almost bulged out.

What the hell are you, what the hell are you doing, for fooling a world-destroying ghost and god into lameness? !

Damn it!

We don’t even support the wall, but we support you.

That's outrageous. (End of chapter)

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