at this time.

The banquet scene fell into deathly silence.

All the nobles looked at this group of beauties vying with dumbfounded eyes, only for Bo to look back at the scene, all of which were messy in the wind.

If they saw it correctly, that was Princess Ainiya, right?

Isn't that the eldest prince's wife?

Why did you attend this banquet specially prepared for the fourth prince? What about such unscrupulous contact?

Doesn't she know that her husband was eliminated by the man in front of her?

Think of this.

Everyone was confused.

What's going on with this horse riding?

It seems that there is a close relationship between the eldest princess and the fourth prince.

Is it possible that there is some kind of ulterior secret between these two people?


This melon today is going to kill someone.

the other side.

Shen Jian also raised his eyebrows slightly.

It seemed that he didn't expect that this good sister-in-law would appear here.

Sister-in-law, if you want it, I will naturally keep it for you. However, Brother Wang may not be happy if you appear here.

The eldest princess Aniya glanced at the somewhat suspicious Kali Tier and Ghost Duke Silis, glared at Shen Jian, and then pretended to be distant and said: I won't compete with beauties like you, but Bell The Chia family’s sincerity must still be offered.”

Hear this.

Shen Jian was stunned.

It turned out to be to fulfill the promise. No wonder this good sister-in-law would be so willing to want to be his partner for the second dance.

The eldest daughter of the Belkia family came forward in person, and there was no barrier between her and the famous fourth prince. Her relationship seemed to be good. This could send a signal: the grievances between the eldest prince and the fourth prince did not involve Belkia. The family itself.

This is not only a warning to those noble forces who are ready to move, but also a way to draw a line with the eldest prince.

Although it seems a bit ruthless to the eldest prince,... this is undoubtedly the best solution.

Not to mention that in the princess's heart, it was because he let her husband go in order to prevent her sister-in-law from being sad, which left many hidden dangers for herself, which may cause obstacles to the succession of the throne. No amount of compensation can make up for such a kindness. Pass.

That's why the eldest princess appeared on the scene without hesitation.

Shen Jian's expression was a bit strange.

He didn't expect that what he said casually would be taken seriously by the princess, and she would support him so solemnly.

If you say this is not selfish at all, who would believe it?


How much selfishness this has, only the princess herself knows.

And me, Your Highness, you have made me suffer a lot, but I know you are doing it for my own good. Now that I have returned to the royal city, I feel so miserable without eating for a day. To express my gratitude, Your Highness, can you leave a dance? give to me?

The female knight blinked.

The eyes seemed to be drawn, full of charm.

Shen Jian:......

He raised his brow.

A strange feeling arose in my heart.

This kind of behavior of asking for sex in person is something that only female knights dare to do.

However, he likes it.

Of course. Since you are asking for trouble, I can only pour it on you.

Shen Jian had something to say.

This time.

It was the turn of Princess Ainiya to become suspicious.

Obviously what she said was normal, but she always felt that something was wrong, but when she thought about it carefully, she couldn't tell what was wrong.

It felt like one day suddenly, the relationship between this brother-in-law and the female knight beside her improved by leaps and bounds.

What he said also became vague.

And in their conversation.

All the nobles in the hall looked at all this with envy.


Ghosts compete with ghosts, which makes ghosts angry to death.

Although they also knew that this banquet was specially prepared for the fourth prince, and the fourth prince was the protagonist today.

But who would have thought that the fourth prince would become the center of attention by being fought over by four goddesses.

Three of them each represent a Holy Family.

Even the most inconspicuous female knight has coveted beauty and wild beauty.

Even the current king cannot enjoy such treatment.

If you step too far, you will be jealous.

Compared with these four people, no matter whether they were men or women, nobles or female companions, they all felt like they were reduced to green leaves, setting off the other's nobility.

This is so uncomfortable.

Enjoying the blessings of everyone, His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince is a true man.

It's so stupid. When did a prince who has not succeeded to the throne be allowed to be so competed by the three holy families? If His Royal Highness the fourth prince married them all, I can't imagine how happy he would be.

What are you thinking about? There is a eldest princess there. She is the eldest prince's woman.

What about the eldest princess? The eldest prince has been eliminated. In the future, the fourth prince will succeed and become the new king. The eldest prince's life will be even more difficult. If he knows the truth and offers the eldest princess, he might live a life in the royal city.

Hiss... you are too evil. Master and apprentice... uncle and sister-in-law... master and servant... the fourth prince knows how to play in this city.

All the ghosts were amazed.

Looking at Shen Jian was like looking at a god.

They found that Shen Jian had achieved almost all their ambitions as men.

Counterattack with weakness, conquer the territory, gain unparalleled reputation, and have overwhelming power. Succession is imminent, beauties covet, compete for beauty, and enjoy all the blessings of the people.

They are all ghosts, so the gap is too big.

Is sighing with emotion.

There was a rustling sound at the door again.

When the ghosts are confused.

Then he saw a group of royal nobles headed by the eldest prince, second prince, and third princess walking in one after another.

Behind him were three temple priests wearing white priest robes.

The three priests did not hesitate at all, as if they had rehearsed. The first time they saw Shen Jian, they all shouted: Welcome to the Holy Son.

Ghosts:? ? ?

All the nobles were stunned.

Then he reacted.

The pupils shrank sharply.



During the battle in the North, His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince publicly admitted that he was the Holy Son of Elim Temple, and claimed that he had received the oracle from the glorious ghost and god.


Isn't this a fake identity to stabilize the situation in the north? Why has he become the true Son of God now?



The noble group in the hall reacted.

The worst among them are counts, and the worst among them are abyss-level ghost kings. In terms of thinking and reaction, they are no worse than humans, or even stronger. They soon thought of a possibility - this is to nail the fourth prince to death. In terms of the identity of the Holy Son of the temple?

Think of this possibility.

The expressions of all the nobles changed.

It's a vicious way of putting the blame.

Once the identity of the true holy son is confirmed, the four princes will no longer have a chance to take the throne.

after all.

No king is willing to hand over his throne to a prince who is close to the divine authority, or even a representative of the divine authority himself.

did not expect.

The eldest prince and the others, who had already been eliminated, could still think of such a plan.

If one thing is not enough, the fourth prince will lose all his previous efforts.


There was an uproar at the banquet.

There was a lot of discussion.

The eldest prince pretended to be shocked and joked: Fourth brother, I heard that you claimed to be the Holy Son of Elim Temple, and you were secretly slandered by many people. Then I thought of inviting the priests of the temple to help you clear away the suspicion. Unexpectedly, You are really the holy son of the temple, does your father know about this?

By the end, his tone had become extremely sinister.

His expression became even more distorted.

He looks like a successful villain who beats up a drowned dog.

Wait, what evidence do you have to prove it!

At this time.

The eldest princess stood up and looked at her husband who was completely different from usual with complicated eyes.

In her impression, her husband has always been gentle and decent.

But now, what appeared in front of her was a ferocious and twisted gambler who was ready to get angry at any time.

Hear this.

The eldest prince was shocked.

Soon he saw his extremely beautiful wife standing next to the fourth prince. He frowned subconsciously: Princess? What are you doing here? Just in time, you come to testify and see if the words of these priests are true or false.

The meaning of the eldest prince's words was obvious: to use the special supernatural power possessed by the Belchia family to make perjury and completely crucify the identity of the fourth prince.


The next second.

He heard his princess say coldly: Lies.

As soon as these words came out.

The whole place was shocked again.

The Belchia family has a special ability to distinguish between true and false, and their words have legal effects.

If you say it's a lie, then it's a lie.

In other words.

These three temple priests are lying.

The eldest prince was also stunned for a moment.

It seemed that he did not expect that his own princess would undermine him and refuted his words in public.

Anger flashed in his eyes and he roared in a low voice: Princess, you'd better think clearly before speaking. I invited these three priests from the Elim Temple. Are you saying that they are lying and intending to deceive the world?


The eldest princess Ainiya was not to be outdone.

The look of disappointment in his eyes became even stronger.

She hates it when someone lies in front of her, not even her husband.

The maximum level of lying she could accept was a white lie, but committing falsification or even perjury had touched her bottom line.


The eldest prince's expression became even more ferocious.

The canthus of the eyes is about to split.

His wife is helping his enemy deal with him?

What happened?

He felt that there was a green prairie above his head.

The other nobles couldn't help but were speechless when they saw this.


This drama is so damn exciting.

The husband makes trouble for his enemies, but his wife defends her with all her might. Could it be that there really is that kind of relationship between the princess and the fourth prince?

Otherwise, why would you be so disrespectful to the eldest prince?


The second prince and the third princess also looked solemn.

They never expected that the biggest problem was not Shen Jian's power, but the princess's desperate protection.

More importantly, the princess also has the ability to distinguish between true and false, and can easily see through their plans.

This is so fucked up.

The result was something no one expected.

With the eldest princess present, their frame-up failed completely.

If the confession cannot be made on the spot, even if the news spreads throughout the kingdom, not many people will believe it.

At most, it would delay Shen Jian's succession, but it could not completely eradicate the possibility of succession.

In this case, the ending is still the same.

It seems that I have to think of other plans.

at this time.

Another heavenly voice echoed in the hall.

Are you the priests of the temple? In that case, then go and pray for salvation from Lord Glorious Ghost. He is one of the oracles of the temple and cannot interfere with the royal power.

The words fell.

A holy figure walked into it.

Wearing a saint's attire, she is sacred and pure.

The scarlet eyes indicate that she is not the Saint Leia now, but the witch Lila.

I saw Lila shaking her jade hand.

Ghost-level supernatural beings swept away.

The three temple priests died in a fit of panic, with violent heart attacks.

He fell straight down.

I will never die with my eyes in peace.

Falsely accusing a member of the royal family, death is not a pity.

at this time.

Another voice sounded.

She has blond hair and golden eyes, wears a luxurious palace tarot skirt, and speaks in a calm and serene tone.

This scene.

Everyone present was shocked.

Those are... the saints of the Elim Temple and the six princesses?

These two are particularly related to the Fourth Prince?


During the two years you went to govern the territory, you were devoted to women.

Time management guru for you.

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