Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 855 The Three Life Stones in front of the past life

The liar's roar continued.

He looked completely crazy, trying to break free from the black stone nails.


The idea is good, but the reality is cruel.

Unless he can still erupt ghost-level supernatural fluctuations while being suppressed by the stone tower, it will be impossible to break free.

And if you want to reach this level, not even the Duke of the North can do it.

The entire Yi Lai Empire may only be able to break free from the shackles of the glorious ghosts and gods of the world-destroying level. They are not yet simple world-destroying level ghosts and gods, but infinitely close to the level of disaster-level ghosts and gods.


The deceiver's behavior seemed vicious, but in fact it was nothing more than incompetent rage. Even if Shen Jian was standing in front of him, there was nothing he could do.

See this scene.

The group of ghosts hanging on the wall once again showed expressions of pity.

It's too awful.

This was the last fig leaf torn off, and the execution was naked and public.

Darkening is normal.

But being blackened and being ruthlessly suppressed is the most frustrating thing.

If it were them, they would even be angry to death.

No wonder the gun ghost didn't take action and instead chose to withdraw from the battlefield. Ganqing knew that that bitch was very powerful. Even if the deceiver turned into a demon, he would still be no match.

Think of this.

The eyes of all the tortured ghosts showed a bit of horror.

In the demonic state, the terror level of the deceiver ghost is the abyss level, which is infinitely close to the top ghost king. If you put it outside, it will be a real ghost and god.

Even if the Duke of the North comes, under the supernatural suppression, he will at most be able to exert the strength of the top ghost king.

Although there is a gap between the two, they will not be crushed.


The reality is that the liar was pressed and rubbed from beginning to end.

There was no room for resistance.

This is an ability only possessed by ghosts and gods.

Under the two levels of supernatural suppression, it still maintains the level of ghosts and gods. If you put it outside, wouldn't this hanging man be the world-destroying level ghosts and gods? On the same level as the glorious ghosts and gods of Elim Temple?


The ghosts all gasped.

This is the arrival of a real king of hell.

You're a liar, you won't complain if you lose.

Just thinking about it.

Shen Jian had already clapped his hands.

He turned his attention to the other wall-hanging ghosts.

Hey, didn't you say that if I let you go, you would give me the title of earl? How about I let you go now?

And you, too. You said you would protect me and let me walk sideways in the north. You also gave me a ghost limb? Where is it? Take it out and let me see.

Shen Jian looked at the group of ghosts and said with a hint of ridicule.


The ghosts' expressions changed.

They all lowered their heads, wanting to cry but without tears.

We are just talking about it and writing some empty promises, but we never thought that you, the old man, would really let us go.

If they can't pay the price, their ending will probably not be much better than that of a liar.

As for the position of earl and the mutilated limbs of ghosts and gods, if they had such abilities, how could they be captured here by the people from the Duke's Palace in the North.

The reason for arresting them was not because there was no one behind them, so it would be easy to start.

For a while.

The stone room became extremely silent.

No ghost dared to speak again.

Not all of them can do it honestly.

They were all afraid that Shen Jian would take their words seriously and force them to complete the deal.

That would be real BBQ.

See this.

Shen Jian suddenly felt bored.

He looked back with some regret.

However, he is very interested in black stone nails. They can be used to nail ghosts accurately. Even ghosts and gods cannot break free so easily. Coupled with the supernatural suppression effect of the stone tower, world-destroying level ghosts and gods will have to experience being hanged. Taste on the wall.

nice one.

He wants it.


Shen Jian skipped the group of ghosts and entered the inner room of the stone chamber.

Seeing this, the Gun Ghosts and others also followed him.

Until the door to the inner room was closed.

The ghosts breathed a sigh of relief.

All eyes fell on the liar who was glaring angrily and gnashing his teeth.

Sighed and comforted:

Hey, if the goddess is kicked, she will be kicked. It's better than dying.

Yeah, it's not dead. At least you can still see the goddess being kicked, and you can help push her butt. But if you die, you won't be able to see anything.

That's right, it's a lie. Think about it, if your goddess can be admired by him, doesn't it mean that you have good taste?

Hear this.

The liar's eyes widened.

The current suffering master has humbled himself to this level?

What the hell, are you trying to comfort or add insult to injury?

It's too silly.

at the same time.

Inner room.

Shen Jian walked into it.

A huge stone tablet was soon discovered.

The stone tablet is erected in the center of the altar.

As smooth as a mirror, time seems to be unable to leave any traces on it.

Unfortunately, what was supposed to be a complete stone tablet was missing two-thirds of its volume, so that only half of it, which was two people tall, remained.

On the altar in front of the stone tablet, a large number of ghosts fell into a deep sleep without any movement.

The faces of the ghosts were full of ferociousness.

Such a strange and eye-catching scene really made the three players feel chills.

Because this is too much like some kind of sacrificial ceremony prepared by an evil organization.

Shen Jian glanced at it a few times.

There was a huge wave in the depths of his eyes.

Three life stones.

This is indeed the Three Life Stone.

Although it was only one-third, as long as the Three Life Stones did not disappear with the former underworld, but were scattered in the horror world or the six Luofeng Heavens, he was sure to collect them one by one and restore their true appearance.

Complete the missing link in the underworld.

no doubt.

This is exciting news.

It means that with his efforts, the underworld has become more complete.

Nowadays, only the other two-thirds of the Sansheng Stone Stele, Meng Po Tang, and one of the six paths of reincarnation, the Asura Path and the God Path, are missing. The underworld can truly reproduce the name of the underworld in the mythical period.

Really come to earth.

And he is closer to this goal.

As if within reach.

Think of this.

Even Shen Jian's mood became uneasy.

His eyes were filled with excitement.

Think about it.

Shen Jian walked towards the Sansheng Stone.

When passing through the group of sleeping ghosts, he couldn't hold back, and with a bit of inquiring mood, he slapped a ghost on the face with his big mouth.


With the crisp sound of slaps.

The sleeping ghost suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were in a trance, and he seemed to be looking at Shen Jian with a bit of confusion.

As if to say: Why the hell are you slapping me?

Shen Jian said casually: It's okay. I'll tell you that it's time to go to bed. You can continue to sleep.


Another big fan slapped the opponent on the back of the head.

Put him to sleep.

? ? ?

No, you are sick.

With this thought, the sleeping ghost closed his eyes again and lay peacefully on the ground.

Gun Ghost:......


You are a real bamboo shoot.

You plucked all the bamboo shoots on the mountain.

Shen Jian asked: Can you forcefully wake up after being trapped in reincarnation?

Gun Ghost explained: It's okay. Because I was a little slow in completing the task, I was brought here to experience a real death of reincarnation. I can feel that it is a real world, and I I was tortured inside, and in a daze, it seemed like I had spent hundreds of years like this, but when I woke up, I was told that less than a quarter of an hour had passed.

From now on, I never dare to experience this thing again.

Shen Jian said nothing.

Then he asked: How to use it?

The gun ghost continued: Stand in front of the stone monument and fully display your figure, some unknown scenes will appear. After the scenes, a specialized consciousness ghost will peel off your consciousness and send it into the stone monument. Enter the reincarnation of death specially selected by the Duke of the North.

As far as I know, the supernatural effect of this stone tablet should only be to carry consciousness, allowing people to constantly experience some paradoxical things. The Duke transformed it and fused it with a large number of experimental samples to create a stone tablet that could withstand thousands of kinds of The consciousness of death was sent into the stone tablet, allowing it to evolve on its own, creating this evil supernatural thing.

Hear the words.

Shen Jian's expression remained unchanged.

This statement did not exceed his guess.

In his opinion, the most important function of the three-life stone is to reflect a person's past life, present life, and next life, so that people can watch their three-life body as if they have entered reincarnation, and resolve all causes and effects.

There is no ability to transform evil spirits at all.

The reason for this situation is simply that the Duke of the North found some loophole and caused problems.

If it is a complete Three Life Stone, Shen Jian naturally does not believe that a Duke has the ability to change it, but if it is in a broken state, then everything is uncertain.

Moreover, following the gun ghost's wishes, the Duke of the North didn't actually do much. He just forcibly fabricated a ghost's wronged soul that had experienced thousands of punishments and sent it into the Three Life Stone.

In layman's terms, the Sansei Stone is a projector. Under normal circumstances, what is projected is one's past, present, and next life. However, the Duke of the North changed the projected content to a large-scale eighteen-ban restricted content.

Also pressed the loop button.


A supernatural object specially used to create evil ghosts was born.

As long as this strand of wronged soul is taken out, the Sansheng Stone will naturally return to normal.


Shen Jian came to the altar.

Let your body appear completely on the stone tablet.

The gun ghost looked over with curiosity.

Because he had irradiated it before, and what appeared in the stone tablet was a ghost that was 50% similar to him, but everything the other person experienced was completely different from him.

He could only tell that the ghost seemed to live in the north, but the landscape was completely different, it was very prosperous, and there were no so-called evil ghosts.

To this.

He had asked other people, and the answers he got were also unknown.

We can only speculate that this is probably their other life.

And the time node is extremely early.

At least... before the Duke of the North showed up.


Shen Jian's complete figure has emerged.


Strangely, nothing happened.

Except for Shen Jian himself, no picture appears in the stele. It seems to be just an ordinary, somewhat smooth stone mirror.

The gun ghost was stunned.

This is wrong.

Damn it.

Why does something unexpected happen to you when it comes to you?

Don’t they all have one head, two eyes, one nose, and one mouth? What's so special about you?

Brother, there was a picture before. I don't know why, but now it's broken.

The gun ghost said anxiously.

He was afraid that Shen Jian would mistake him for lying.

Hear the words.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

come here.

He waved and called the female player with the ID [Jana].

Janna stood nervously in front of the stone tablet.


The stone tablet changes.

Blurry images began to emerge.

With just one glance, Janna felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

Because what appears above is the real world.


She was very sure that it was the real world and not the deep ghost realm.

And she seemed to be no longer a princess of the principality, but an ordinary woman living on the land of the principality. At that time, it seemed that the principality had not yet been established, and there were no technological products. The background was at least during the Middle Ages.

what is that?

Janna had endless doubts in her heart.

I just feel creepy.

She didn't believe that a woman with a similar appearance lived before the medieval background and had nothing to do with her.


She called over two other white players.

The stone tablet appears again.

The background is still the medieval period, and the protagonist is also a person with a similar appearance.


The three players looked at Shen Jian.

After all, this situation is too weird.

Shen Jian glanced at them, narrowed his eyes and said, This is your previous life.


This broken three-life stone tablet reflects the past life.

And he has no previous life?

Shen Jian thought of a possibility: the unity of all worlds.

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