There are many ghosts.

The extinguished bonfire was almost like a purgatory on earth.

A large number of evil ghosts surrounded him, glaring at Shen Jian on the field with suppressed, cold, forbidding, and alarming eyes, and with an expression of extreme hatred.

The three horror game players, headed by Janna, were so nervous that they could hardly breathe. Their hearts were completely covered with a sense of terror. They could no longer tell whether their hands and feet were cold because of the cold weather or because they were surrounded. When he got up, his blood stagnated due to fear in his heart.

They have never experienced this scene before.

Not to mention them, even five-star players have never experienced being stared at by more than hundreds of ghost kings at one time, with a terrifying gaze that chooses and devours people.

This kind of gaze almost makes their legs and feet weak.

If the horror game hadn't helped them hide the presence of the living person, they wouldn't have been able to imagine how cruel the next scene would be.


All eyes were focused on Shen Jianjian.

Even evil spirits at the level of ghosts and gods will feel greatly stressed and fearful.

at this time.

The three players were confused.

They couldn't tell which one was the true identity of the man in front of them.

On the surface, the other party is indeed the player [King Yama] who contacted Princess Janna not long ago.


The overwhelming resentment and the long-lasting black mist don't look like something a human being can possess.

This level of resentment enters the body, thousands of ghosts scream, and resentment erodes all the time. Who dares to say that Shen Jian is a human being and not a crazy evil ghost formed by the collection of thousands of wronged souls?

And the identity of the last fourth prince.

Who would have imagined that the fourth prince that their players have been discussing for so long is actually being played by the players. This is totally unreasonable.


They are confused.

I can’t tell the difference, I really can’t tell the difference!

And the sixth princess was also confused.

She blinked her gilded pupils, and her long eyelashes looked up and down as she frowned.

Judging from the outside, the other party is indeed her Fourth Prince Brother.

But, the changes have been too big.

In her mind, the fourth brother was a complete fool who could not stand up to the wall. He was bullied by the first brother, the second brother, and the third prince. She did not dare to make any noise, so she could only vent her anger on others.

And in the palace.

Being the youngest, she naturally became the target of being bullied by Brother Si Wang. However, contrary to Brother Si Wang, when faced with this kind of thing, she immediately resisted and hung him on a tree for one night. Don't dare to trouble her again.

Stupid and annoying, this was the image of the Fourth Prince in her memory.

The person in front of him looked calm and calm in the face of the crowds of hundreds of fierce ghosts. Just standing there gave him an aura of being sharp and arrogant.

Appearance can be disguised, but temperament is difficult to change.

Who are you? You are not Brother Si Wang.

The Sixth Princess overturned her previous words and said straightforwardly.

Shen Jian blinked.

She changed her black hair back to gold, and her deep black pupils turned into gold, just like the golden pupils of the Sixth Prince.

Dazzling and flamboyant.

My good sister, I am indeed your fourth brother.

Shen Jian said casually.

A movement of steps.

Just plan to have a hug after a long separation.

Stop, I'm sure now that you are indeed not Brother Si Wang. Ever since he was hung on a tree by me for one night, he has hated me and has not been in contact with me for a long time. How could he call me sister? Really Where is the fourth brother? Although he is stupid, he is of royal blood after all and cannot be insulted. I can redeem him.

The six princesses also stepped forward.

He looked at Shen Jian without fear.

Two pairs of golden eyes collided with each other in the darkness.

Shen Jian was very interested.

That's it? Why can't it be me who has figured it out and wants to bury the hatchet with you and be a good brother?

Sixth Princess:...

What's the difference between saying this and saying it yourself?

She calmed down and said coldly: Even if you can disguise your appearance and the characteristics of the royal bloodline, it is difficult to change a person's aura in a short time. The outside world said that the fourth prince had been holding back for more than ten years, but he was fooling around He was already fifteen when I was here, so if you were really pretending, you would never have been bullied and turned around to tease me, and you wouldn't have been hung up by me all night.

Few people in the entire palace know about this matter. Even if you want to establish a cowardly persona, you shouldn't do it without anyone knowing, unless cowardice is your character.

What's more, the Four Princes I know don't have such overwhelming resentment and terrifying levels of ghosts and gods. No, it should be said that the entire Eli Empire does not have the environment for you to develop such resentment.

Who are you anyway?

The voice of the sixth princess was always kept at a steady decibel, giving people a sense of extreme calmness. Even if she said she wanted to redeem the fourth prince, it was not because of brother-sister affection, but to avoid tarnishing the reputation of the royal family.

Shen Jian was stunned for a moment.

He had no memory of being a prince.

Everything I know is from other people's mouths.

If the news is too niche and few people know about it, then it wouldn't be surprising to find out that he is not the fourth prince.

In fact.

This is where the horror game-playing streaming model suffers the most.

Players can inherit the identity in the dungeon, but they cannot inherit the memory. They can only collect intelligence through their own eyes to prevent themselves from revealing flaws bit by bit.

This is the first time that his identity in the copy has been exposed.

Strangely fresh.


Shen Jian grinned, with an equally sinister smile, That's a good analysis. But... my good sister, you exposed my identity in person like this because you thought you could use the name of the Eli Empire to put pressure on me and make me retreat, but... Have you ever thought about a question?

If you expose the murderer in front of him, will the other party squat down with his head in his hands, admit his guilt and be executed, or will he become angry and kill you all in the most cruel way?


Shen Jian already started laughing.

A movement of footsteps.

Just like that, he walked towards the Sixth Princess in front of everyone.

Be bold!

If you offend the royal family, how many heads will you lose?

Since he's not the Fourth Prince, we don't have to worry about hurting anyone.

Go ahead, let him know that evil cannot defeat good, no matter how fierce the evil spirits are, we will still win in the end.

Come on, everyone. Behind us is our home, otherwise the evil spirits will continue to run rampant.

The ghosts were filled with indignation.

There was a lot of anger.

Morale is at an all-time high.

At this moment.

They are warriors, trying their best to protect the homeland behind them.

Let the evil spirits know that evil is only temporary, and the sky in the north will always be bright.

In such an atmosphere.

A jagged ghost king whose head was cracked open, revealing a head full of sharp teeth, rushed towards Shen Jian with a spirit that looked back on death.

Shen Jian glanced at it.

His eyes were full of disgust.

Go away, you are definitely on the list of the ten ugliest people in the Touching Kingdom. I have to wash my eyes eight times just to look at you.

He grabbed the opponent's neck and threw him out with one hand, smashing through the streets in several places.

There is no quality at all in his mouth.

And you old sneak attack guy, get out of here.


He turned back and kicked the old man holding the lightning whip away.


His eyes fell on a ghost boy who had clung to his back. After grabbing it, Shen Jian smiled softly.

It's a bad lesson, but it doesn't matter. I'll kill you now so that you won't be led astray by these people again.

Shen Jian was obviously much more patient when facing a ghost boy who was several years old.

Giving full play to the principle of respecting the old and loving the young, he stuck it upside down in the snow and kicked it at the same time.

Help deliver soil to the snow.

Deliver nutrients.


See this.

All the fierce ghosts who were originally so aggressive were frightened to death.

Swallow hard.

The three people who were just killed were all top ghost kings.

But in front of this man, there was no room to fight back.

Is this how scary ghosts and gods are?

This is not only a respect for ghosts and gods, but also an evil ghost. His methods and qualities are outrageous.

Let alone killing the opponent, whether it can be driven back is still a question at the moment.

the other side.

The six princesses looked at the scene where no ghost could leave any traces on each other, and their little faces were full of solemnity.

I was shocked.

This man pretending to be her brother, the Fourth King, seemed to be more than just an ordinary ghost. The madness of the other party had obviously not been revealed yet. He was no longer something they could resist with his bare hands.

If you want to repel the opponent, you don't know how many ghosts you need to fill in.

Looking at this man with a crazy smile and full of quality words, she suddenly regretted it.

I regret that I exposed the other party's identity in the first place.

The other party did not care about the reputation of the Eli Empire at all. On the contrary, because of her exposure, the man adopted another strategy.

That means killing them all.

no doubt.

This is a bad move.

It does nothing but hasten their death.


Even if this man could be repelled, a camp that had lost most of its residents would no longer be able to withstand the ravages of other evil spirits, let alone the invasion of Yongkang City.


The situation on the field has also entered a white-hot stage.

Shen Jian's feet.

The ghostly shadow turned into an endless dark swamp.

The ghost hands kept struggling in the shadow, but they could only watch themselves sinking.

Immediately afterwards.

Shen Jian moved faster and faster.

The ghostly shadow swallowed up all the ghosts along the way.


Shen Jian left behind the corpse of a ghost that attacked from high altitude, took two steps forward, looked down at the Sixth Princess who was only about his waist, and grinned weirdly.

My good sister, aren't you very good at analyzing things?

Then you analyze it now...

Which of these two maids will I kill first?


With one hand, Shen Jian grabbed the two assassin maids who were about to attack them, and raised them in front of the Sixth Princess, smiling a little sickly.

If you guess which one you guess, you'll kill the other one.


This is the six princesses being roasted on the fire.

after all.

No matter which one she guessed, it meant giving up the other one.

This is heart-wrenching words.

at the same time.

Seeing Shen Jian's behavior, the three players trembled even more.

Mad, you also said that you are not an evil ghost. If you say this, no one will believe you.

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