Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 837 Pure friendship is good, lip friendship is better

at the same time.

When Shen Jian and the eldest princess rushed back to the southern border, there was an uproar in the eastern border.

after all.

A plaque has been erected at every border point in the east.

Dogs and the second prince are not allowed to enter the country.

——The fourth prince’s words.

This plaque was placed in the most conspicuous position, and basically every foreign ghost who arrived in the East could see the words on it.

The news spread like wildfire.

this moment.

The whole country was in an uproar.

Whether it was the eastern border, the southern border next door, or the far north or west border, they all felt ridiculous.

The Eastern Territory governed by the second prince refused the second prince's entry qualification and even put him in the same row as a dog. This was a blatant insult.

What is even more shocking is that the fourth prince actually requested this plaque.

How did the Fourth Prince do this?

Why can he command the nobles of the Eastern Region to do such an insult to the royal family?

Doubts kept emerging.

The ghosts in the entire Kingdom and Continent are puzzled.

This is also the time.

There is news from the East.

The Eastern Border Noble Freemasonry has reached some kind of agreement with the Fourth Prince, and will fully support the Fourth Prince's career. The Second Prince was also kicked out of the Eastern Border, completely losing his qualifications for the King's Trial, and became the first to be eliminated. prince.

As soon as the news came out.

The ghosts were shocked.

There was a boiling sound.

Many ghosts have fallen into sluggishness.

Damn it!

They just slept for a while, why did the situation in the kingdom change so much?

There aren't even any signs of this.

Doesn't this situation mean that the fourth prince has not only occupied Eagle City, but will soon become the lord of the Southern Territory, and even the Eastern Territory will also surrender?

It is an unprecedented event for one person to enjoy two worlds.

So awesome!

This royal bloodline, which once left a stigma in the kingdom and was known as the representative of incompetent waste, occupied two realms in a short period of time, leaving his brothers and sisters far behind.

It can be said that the words are not surprising and will not stop until death.

It’s simply outrageous to open the door for outrageous things. It’s so outrageous.

Hiss, what has the fourth prince been doing secretly in the past ten years? He was able to instigate all the members of the Eastern Border Noble Freemasonry under the eyes of the second prince. This is much more difficult than violently occupying Eagle City.

Good boy, I'm afraid the second prince's face will turn green. The first prince to be eliminated, just with this title, he is destined to be unable to hold his head high in the future.

I was the only one who thought that the fourth prince took away his people in front of the second prince. Isn't this a kind of NTR?

What exactly happened upstairs? I have such a profound sense of déjà vu.

Within the Kingdom Continent.

Such topics are discussed all the time.

In addition to pity for the second prince, there was only admiration for the fourth prince in his words.

Although this metaphor is not appropriate, it is enough to illustrate how difficult it is to instigate rebellion against the nobles of the Eastern Territory.

There is no primer on both floors.


There was another group of people among them. After learning the news, they rushed to the East Territory as soon as possible.

And I saw the notice board at each border.


A ghost with miniature eyes on its head that looks like a camera is taking photos of two ladies from aristocratic families.

And what was photographed together was naturally the Internet celebrity check-in attraction - the Second Prince Plaque.

the other side.

Such a lively scene does not affect the operation of the Southern Duke's Mansion.

Except for the eldest princess Aniya who left inexplicably, the ghost scribe Kali Tier's expression seemed very high.

Intimately reporting on the current situation beside Shen Jianjian.

Your Highness, since the Eastern Territory has been unified, is it necessary to expand the production scale of flintlock muskets? If the Eastern Territory fully supports it, the manufacturing of flintlock muskets will enter a stage of rapid development. I have calculated that it only takes one day to produce them. With more than a thousand flintlock guns, we can annex the four realms in less than a month.

Kali Till's eyes were shining.

Shining with azure luster.

What she said was already a conservative estimate.

If she were bolder, she felt that even the royal city would not be able to reach the Fourth Prince's army. If this was an era of vying for power, the Fourth Prince would have already qualified to defeat everyone and establish a country and claim the title of king.

Well, I'll leave this to you.

Shen Jian nodded slightly.

Now capturing the northern border and the high seas has become the next stage of the task.

The evil ghosts in the north and the deep-sea devil fleet on the high seas are all tough. He needs more power that can crush an army of thirty to fifty thousand or a hundred thousand troops.

In particular, the Six Princesses' deep-sea devil fleet occupies the entire high seas. They are all ghost pirates under their command, and their number is probably about the same if not one hundred thousand.

Such an army of pirates is unmatched by the current gun and artillery teams.

But coupled with the power of the Eastern Territory, the situation is different.

He was looking forward to this.

Modern hot weapons fight against cold weapons, which is undoubtedly a dimensionality reduction attack.

If he had a gun team of 100,000 people, the entire Eli Empire's military strength would not be enough to feed bullets.

By the way, how much do you know about the Duke of the North?

As if thinking of something, Shen Jian asked.

The Grand Duke of the North? Kali Tire frowned, I don't know much. I learned most of it from my brother. I heard that this Grand Duke has a cold temperament, stays away from strangers, and never takes the initiative. I made friends with other nobles, and although there is a castle in the royal city, I haven’t lived there even once throughout the year.”

And I heard that when His Majesty the King intended to betroth the princess to the other party, he was rejected. The Grand Duke of the North refuted His Majesty's words in person and turned around and left. Although Your Majesty was furious, he did not take any punitive measures.

When I was working as a clerk in the palace, people often said that the Northern Territory was no different from independence, except that it had not established a country. The royal family's orders could not be passed down without the Grand Duke's permission.

Kali Tier said mysteriously.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

The value of this information is not high, and it is basically the same as what the princess said.

However, it is enough to infer from this that the terror level of the Grand Duke of the North is very high, and it is very likely that he is infinitely close to the world-destroying level, and may even be about to enter the world-destroying level.

Otherwise, how could the royal family tolerate a duke like this.

Where are the six princesses?

Shen Jian said casually.

This person's level of mystery is not much worse than that of the Grand Duke of the North. What I have heard the most is that the Sixth Princess is naturally smart and showed her talents at a very young age. However, in the royal city, it is almost rare to see this Princess. I once met the Sixth Princess when she entered the social world. She stayed quietly in the corner and seemed out of place with everything. But at that time, His Majesty the King doted on her, so her impolite behavior disappeared. People should investigate deeply.”

Hear this.

Shen Jian was surprised: Then why did she go to the northern border where the environment is the most difficult?

This was requested by the Sixth Princess herself. In fact, according to normal circumstances, it is you, Your Highness, who should go to the North. However, the Sixth Princess took the initiative to request to go to the North, so His Highness was allowed to stay in the South.

Shen Jian looked strange.

When he learned that the environment in the north was harsh and there were evil spirits invading, he thought that this was where the fourth prince belonged. Unexpectedly, his guess was really right.

It's just that someone went to the north for him.

Do you think the fourth prince couldn't survive in the north, so he chose to switch? Or is there something in the north that attracts this naturally intelligent sixth princess?

Shen Jian became a little curious.

Ended the conversation.

Shen Jian opened the game panel.

The panel still stays on branch task 5, which is Unify the Southern Territory.

To this.

Shen Jian ignored it.

The completion of branch tasks is incidental, and the main task is the focus.

Even if the branch line stays at the unification of the southern border stage, it will not affect his ability to annex the four major realms and end the King Trial ahead of schedule.

It's a pity that the task rewards accumulated by completing branch tasks are.


This pales in comparison to unlocking the Asura Path, one of the Six Paths of Reincarnation.

It belongs to the type that is tasteless to eat and a pity to throw away.


Shen Jian looked at the chat interface again.

In the past few days, there has not been much communication between Western players.

The end of the news was still five days ago.

A white five-star player with the ID [Adolf] spoke up, looking for players who knew how to make modern firearms. There were many responses, six in total.

Six out of 50 players know how to make modern firearms, and this probability is equally astonishing.

It should not be difficult to develop a flintlock gun, or a revolver that is more advanced than a flintlock gun.

Think about it this way.

Shen Jian's face showed a bit of amusement.

The reason why the flintlock gun is useful is that the bullets fired are stained with the blood of world-destroying ghosts and gods, as well as the mixed blood of ghosts and gods, and a few drops of his ghosts and gods' blood are also added to it. Only then can they have the ability to kill top ghost kings.

In fact, even if it is not a bullet but a kitchen knife, a wooden stick stained with such blood can still possess the supernatural power of killing the top ghost king with one knife and knocking to death the top ghost king with one stick.


This group of Western players is doomed to fail.

He wanted to see how desperate they felt when they wasted their time and energy to create a firearm that couldn't even defeat the Ghost King.

Presumably, that scene was quite relieving.


Shen Jian withdrew his gaze.

Think about it.

Walked out of the study.

Came to the bedroom upstairs.

We successfully found the room of the eldest princess's sister-in-law.

Sister-in-law, can I come in?

Shen Jian opened the door.

He whispered like a thief.


You came right in, why are you asking me?

If she hadn't known that this uncle was so informal, she would have kicked him out long ago.

after all.

There is nothing gentlemanly about breaking into a lady's room.

Not to mention she still has a family.

What are you here for?

The eldest princess said coldly.

The sound is neither salty nor bland.

Shen Jian glanced away.

At this time, the good sister-in-law had already changed into women's clothes again, wearing a halter-neck satin dress. She looked like she had just taken a shower. There were still some water stains on her pale skin, and her hair had not been dried. She just let it go. Her long, wet hair sticks to her body.

And she was leaning against the window, her two milky white long legs naturally stretched out, reflecting the alluring light under the sunlight.

Beautiful but a little lonely.

Shen Jian's eyes moved.

【Princess Ainiya】

[Current status: angry, aggrieved, conflicted, scared. 】

[Favorability: 57 (familiar)]

A strange color flashed in Shen Jian's eyes.

57 points of favorability, which is only 3 points away from the 60 points of the ambiguous stage.

He could easily make up for this good impression.

In other words.

The feelings are heating up, maybe at this time.

From pure friendship to lip friendship.

From gentlemen's friendship to Guan Bao's friendship.

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