Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 831 When it comes to creating fear, you are the founder


As the red-haired Earl let out a shrill scream, everyone saw that outside the dark conference room, a big hand suddenly stretched out and pulled the red-haired Earl into the boundless darkness.

On that arm, eight scarlet eyes were spinning around.

this moment.

The whole place was dead silent.

The five directors present were all stunned.

Then his expression changed drastically.

His eyes were full of horror.

Outside the conference room, there really was a scarlet ghost eye, and in the blink of an eye, it dragged away a being that was infinitely close to a ghost and god, without encountering any obstacles during the whole process.

How is this possible?

This is the center of Winter City, and the conference room they are in is the core of the core. There are ghost knights patrolling outside all year round. Even ghosts and gods cannot sneak in quietly.

What's more, the most powerful nobles in the East are here. If someone really sneaks in here, that will be the beginning of the opponent's nightmare.

But now...

Under the watchful eyes of the three great ghosts and gods, a count just disappeared.

More importantly, no one saw anything unusual.

This is so scary.

Impossible, how is this possible?

Marquis Raging Lion was the first to speak out, unable to hide the shock in his words.

The Marquis of Gold and Silver also looked solemn, and even a ghost couldn't help but shudder at this moment.

It was ridiculous to drag an earl away under their noses without them noticing anything was wrong.

It's almost as scary as a ghost story.

Ghost realm, we are pulled into other people's ghost realm.

Marquis Payne said coldly.

at this time.

The five directors in the conference room realized belatedly that it was pitch dark outside and it was not a normal noon time at all.

The only thing that can cause this is the ghost realm.


Who on earth has the ability to create a ghost realm where even ghosts and gods cannot detect any flaws?

Grand Duke of the East?


Not the Duke.

The Grand Duke of the Eastern Realm is only at the level of ghosts and gods. Although he is close to the threshold of the world-destroying level ghosts and gods, he is only close after all. He is still far away from the real world-destroying level ghosts and gods, and he cannot achieve what he is doing now.

For a while.

There is an atmosphere of fear.

Alarm bells rang in the hearts of the five directors. Terrifying supernatural fluctuations spread out. The surging Yin Qi caused the temperature of the entire conference room to drop to freezing point.

The next second.

The two earls in the field suddenly realized that something was wrong under their feet.

Look down.

Their shadows rippled, and two big hands stretched out from their shadows, grabbing their ankles respectively. With a fierce pull, a huge force came, dragging their bodies and sinking into their home. In the shadow, it sinks slowly like a sticky swamp.

Ah! Help!

Help me, my three lords, please save me.

The scalps of the two earls exploded.

Screaming and struggling.

But it didn't stop the sinking trend at all. He could only claw at the ground with a horrified face. In despair, he watched his head sink into the shadow little by little.

Just less than three seconds.

Where the two counts stood, there were only claw marks scratching the ground.

See this scene.

The three marquis were also frightened.

My scalp felt numb.

They are ghosts, and even more so legendary ghosts and gods, beings who stand at the pinnacle of this kingdom and continent.

But now, they only have one thought left in their hearts:

mad, damn it!

If the red-haired Earl was dragged away before, it could be explained that they did not react, but this time the other party dragged the two Earls into the shadows in front of them. They just watched helplessly but were unable to do anything.


They took action.

On the way of the other party pulling the two counts into the shadow, they had already used supernatural means to try to curse the other party and follow the medium to kill the source, but the effect was almost ineffective.

The owners of these two big hands seemed not to be affected by the supernatural, and they resisted their supernatural attacks and dragged the people away.

This feeling of powerlessness makes them unbelievable.

In the conference room.

The atmosphere became quieter and quieter.

So quiet that you can even hear your heartbeat.

Whether it was the Marquis of Gold and Silver, the Marquis of the Raging Lion, or the Marquis of Payne, they all heard their hearts beat like war drums, and ghost blood filled their bodies. However, even so, they still felt that their hands and feet were cold.

The chill started from the feet and went up to the sky.

at this time.

No, we can't stay here any longer. Break his ghost realm and escape first.

The impatient Marquis of Raging Lion was the first to be unable to bear the terrifying pressure. He opened the window, let the ghost realm wrap around him, and jumped out.

This is the ninth floor.

Jumping down is not a big problem.

The Marquis of the Raging Lion also has a very simple mind.

The ghost realm is limited in scope.

As long as you escape this range, the ghost realm will dissipate on its own.

The purpose of wrapping oneself in ghost realm is to not get lost in the various illusions created by other people's ghost realms.

A few seconds later.

No movement was seen.

Marquis Jinyin was also anxious.

You definitely can't stay in this conference room, it's the source of danger.

The Marquis of the Raging Lion has not made any movement, let alone screams, and ghost howls have been heard. He feels that this approach is correct.

He said in a frightened tone: Marquis Payne, the Raging Lion guy has already escaped. If we don't hurry up, it will be difficult for us to escape again when this ghost thing reacts.

Do you feel that there seems to be an invisible ghost eye peering into everything in this conference room?


The Marquis of Gold and Silver also stood by the window and jumped down.

the other side.

Marquis Payne, who was wearing a mage's robe, also felt a chill. He glanced around the empty conference room and felt that there was something dirty in this conference room. He felt very nervous when he stayed here.


He also followed the example of the Raging Lion Marquis, wrapped himself in ghost realm, and jumped from the conference room on the ninth floor.

A howling hurricane blew in.

The gusts of biting wind also gave him a flash of inspiration, and he thought of a detail that was horrifying to think about.

The Marquis of the Furious Lion is an impatient person. To put it mildly, he is simply reckless.

If the other party really escapes from this ghost realm, the first thing they will do is to attack and try to break this ghost realm.

No matter how bad it is, he will use ghost-level supernatural powers to find an escape point.

But until now...

He didn't notice any supernatural fluctuations in this space.

This shows that not only did the Marquis of the Furious Lion not escape, but he might even have suffered a great terror and was instantly suppressed, unable to even use his supernatural powers.

Think of this.

Marquis Payne's expression froze.

The next second.

His feet were on hard ground.

The ground is black.

Not some supernatural visual influence, but the land is just black.

Black soil covers the place.

It looked like I was in purgatory.

It's full of hellscapes.

A furious lion? Gold and silver?

Marquis Payne shouted as he ran.

The gloomy voice echoed in this uninhabited black land, which seemed extremely desolate.

Weird and penetrating.

Even Marquis Payne, who was a ghost, could not help but feel extreme fear in his heart.


He stopped.

In front of.

Two stone statues came into view.

The stone statue was buried in black soil and rooted deep into the ground.

This moment.

Marquis Payne was completely frightened.

Because these two stone statues are the Marquis of the Raging Lion and the Marquis of Gold and Silver.

The two looked horrified.

Keep running.

It looked like the black soil came to life, burying the two of them bit by bit.

Even ghosts and gods cannot escape this kind of burial.

Ah, ah ah!

Marquis Payne was completely devastated.

Even the ghosts and gods can't escape from the ghost world. Where can he find the capital to escape?

The source ghost of this ghost realm is definitely a being that is so terrifying that they cannot imagine it.

He suspected that it was the legendary world-destroying ghost and god.

Except for ghosts of this level, no one can suppress three ghosts and gods at once.

Just thinking about it.

Marquis Payne found that the black soil under his feet suddenly came to life, sinking his feet into it.

In an instant.

He was suppressed.

Completely unreasonable and comprehensive suppression.

He didn't even have a chance to use his supernatural power.

At this moment.

He finally knew why that stupid guy, Marquis of Furious Lion, didn't fight back before his death.

Under the suppression of the black soil, he was not even allowed to fight back before his death.

With this thought.

Black soil enveloped him.

Consciousness fell into silence.

at the same time.

Convention Center City.

In the conference room on the ninth floor.

The eldest princess, the little aristocratic man, and the beggar ghost who were in the conference room from the beginning all opened their mouths, their faces were very wonderful, and they looked completely dumbfounded.

From the moment the red-haired Earl was dragged away, they entered the conference room under the influence of the ghost realm and witnessed the fourth prince's astonishing operations throughout.

Be good.

What did the Fourth Prince do before?

His main profession is prince.

His secondary profession is fear maker.


They looked at the three marquis who jumped down from the ninth floor and were buried in the garden, and then looked at the three earls with frightened faces, and couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

The young aristocratic man took a breath of cold air: The fourth prince, do you always deal with problems like this? Why do I feel that the fourth prince is like the master of the Eastern Territory, teasing people from outside here?

The beggar ghost said sincerely: Fortunately, my specialty is pretending to be dead, otherwise which ghost can withstand such a scare? Midnight Terror is not starring the Fourth Prince, so I won't watch it.


Her eyes fluttered.

Those emerald eyes bloomed with dazzling light.

She admitted that she underestimated the fourth prince.

Shen Jian used facts to prove that the so-called siege by ghosts and gods was a joke.

Surrounding and killing does not refer to the nobles of the Eastern Region besieging and killing the fourth prince, but the fourth prince alone besieging and killing all the directors.

The purpose of coming has been fully achieved - to dissuade the nobles of the Eastern Territory from targeting the Southern Territory.

Except for the Grand Duke of the Eastern Territory, all ten directors of the Eastern Territory Noble Freemasonry have been killed by Shen Jian, and I am afraid that they all have been left with a psychological shadow.

In this situation.

As long as Shen Jian does not allow it, the decision on the southern border will not be passed.

after all.

All involved have been arrested.


She also knew that Shen Jian's purpose was far beyond that.

It was only by the way that the Eastern Territory gave up targeting the Southern Territory. What the fourth prince really wanted was to take over everything in the Eastern Territory just like he took over the Southern Territory.

And now...

The Fourth Prince has succeeded.

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