at this time.

If anyone walks into the study, they will see a very fragrant scene.

Her Royal Highness, the incomparably noble eldest daughter of the Qing Kingdom, a resolute, tough-minded, iron-blooded and magical woman full of royal majesty, was currently lying on her side on a man, one person caressing the man's face while being kissed deeply by the man. Jade neck.

Waves of sultry sounds came from the lips of the eldest princess.

Your Highness, you look drunk.

Shen Jian chuckled.

From the jade neck to the earlobes, and then to the back.

The palm is not honest either.

He began to fumble around on this plain blue dress, studying the fabric of this dress carefully.

Make people linger.

If I could kiss the delicate body of Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess, one of the most noble women in the Qing Kingdom, no, just from a close distance and giving her a look, how many young princes and common people in the Qing Kingdom would be willing to sacrifice their lives?

There really should be that saying - die under peonies, and be a ghost is also romantic.

And now.

The eldest princess, who was haunted by dreams, was letting him play with her wantonly.

If I tell you, I don't know how many young masters will beat their chests, curse, and commit suicide by jumping into the river.

Then why aren't you drunk?

Princess Miaolin followed Shen Jian's words.

At this time, it was difficult for her to have the mind to think about business anymore, because a certain magical hand was measuring her body, making her thoughts seem to be empty.

It was an indescribable and wonderful feeling.

She seemed to suddenly understand that as a woman, besides power, calculation, and status, there were other things that fascinated her.

The experience brought about by this wonderful feeling is no less intoxicating than the intoxication brought about by her becoming more powerful in the court.

Your Highness, you are my Drunken Immortal Brew. You will get drunk after just one sip.

Yeah, then I'll let you taste it to see if you're drunk.

Princess Miaolin sat astride Shen Jian, and a certain touch on her legs made Shen Jian feel an unknown fire in his heart, and he felt that the blood all over his body was boiling.


Princess Miaolin, who was sitting astride her, was a little taller than Shen Jian. She stared at Shen Jian with a red face, staring at this bold and shameless man who dared to be frivolous to her.

And because of her movements, Shen's loose pajamas were partially removed, revealing his semi-naked chest.

Looking at the perfect muscle lines like the golden ratio and the faintly visible abdominal muscles, the eldest princess couldn't help but stretched out her soft and boneless hands to touch them.

As soon as he touched it, he subconsciously took it back.

The next second.

She tried touching it a few more times.

Finally placed it directly on top.

Then, with the atmosphere rising, she lowered her head and kissed Shen Jian on her own initiative.

She wanted Shen Jian to taste whether her drunken immortal brew could make him drunk.

See this.

Shen Jian will naturally not be polite.

He also put his arms around the eldest princess's slender waist and responded enthusiastically.

Fox Fairy:? ? ?

See this scene.

The fox fairy who was forgotten aside was confused.


What's going on with you?

Doing this in front of me?

Damn it!

What's special about me is that I look a little small, but I'm not young.

The history of my existence can be traced back to the founding of Daqing.

In front of me, let alone you, even the emperor of your Qing Kingdom is considered a junior in front of me.

And now, you are openly fighting in front of me, an old antique?


It's a bit disrespectful to me, an old antique.

Do you really think that fox fairies have no temper?

The fox fairy was furious.

The two little tiger teeth gnashed loudly.

I wish I could bite the dog man and woman in front of me to death.

This movement was naturally heard by Her Royal Highness the Princess.

She woke up like a frightened bird, and glanced at the little white fox with two peach-colored eyes that shrank slightly and a resentful expression, and her little face was immediately filled with clouds of clouds.

Oh my god.

What on earth was she doing just now!

In front of outsiders, he openly tore up royal etiquette and acted shamelessly.

Your Highness, ignore her, she doesn't understand anything and is a fool.

Shen Jian pushed the Fox Fairy in disgust and pushed him off the table.

I plan to have a bigger relationship breakthrough based on the atmosphere just now.

She is a ghost after all. You disrespect her so much.

Princess Miaolin let out a squeak.

Blushing, he took the initiative to get down from the gym.

Now he just moves his hands and mouth, but later he won't know what this man wants to do.

She has already lost territory above, but she doesn't want to lose any more territory.

Even if it were to fall, it shouldn't be here, and it shouldn't be in such a scene.

She is too blind. She should have been kicked out just now.

Shen Jian curled his lips.

The atmosphere was so heated that I forgot about this little fox fairy.

However, the environment at that time was indeed not suitable for capturing the eldest princess.

For such a respected eldest daughter of the emperor, the highest standards should be given to her, and it would be appropriate to win her in the most emotional and unreserved scene.

Otherwise it is always a pity.

Okay, it took too long. I have to go back. Otherwise, if I am discovered, those people will use these flaws to attack me.

The eldest princess tidied her clothes.

It took another long time to recover from the ambiguous and emotional atmosphere just now, and return to the cold temperament and majesty of Her Royal Highness the Princess of Daqing.

At this time.

Shen Jian seemed to have remembered something and asked, Will there be any big banquet in Qingguo in five days? Something like a birthday banquet or a wedding banquet?

He didn't forget.

The last clue to the dragon's energy lies in a banquet five days later. At that time, he will follow the direction and find the owner of the last dragon's energy.

Five days from now?

The eldest princess groaned.

You mean the sixtieth birthday of the prime minister?

Shen Jian was startled.

There was some emotion in his eyes.

I see.

He finally knew why he went to this party.

It turned out to be the 60th birthday of the father of the Vice Minister's wife.

The birthday banquet of a current prime minister must be a grand event. All the famous and powerful families in the imperial capital, as well as civil and military officials, will go to congratulate them. Even the prince will probably be present.

after all.

If you can win over this prime minister, it will be equivalent to winning half of the battle for the right to inherit the throne.

No one will be tempted by this kind of temptation.

In other words.

This dragon energy host is hiding in the imperial capital?

So what happened to the so-called Jade City Hutoushan?

According to what Fox Fairy said, Hutou Mountain should be a bandit's den, and it is far away from the capital.

As his thoughts turned around, Shen Jian nodded, I understand. It's just right to take advantage of this sixtieth birthday to have a chat with the Prime Minister so that we can complete your instructions, His Highness.

Huh, don't be kicked out then. I'm not here, so you can take care of it yourself. Also, you can help me bring gifts that day. It just saves a step.

You're not going?

I can't go. Ever since I got out of prison, I have become a thorn in the side of others. If I continue to act in a high-profile manner, the already sensitive princes will also regard me as a threat. What I need now is to lie dormant and wait for the opportunity. .”

Princess Miaolin sighed.

She didn't want to win over the prime minister openly and openly, but she couldn't.

For a prince to see her as a threat was enough to give her a headache.

If all the princes who are preparing to seize the heir are like this, then her situation will be too dangerous. There will always be those who are not afraid of death and dare to try to kill her. Even if she is not afraid, there will be accidents if there are too many.

It is easy to hide from an open gun, but difficult to guard against a hidden arrow.

That's the truth.

Shen Jian nodded.

Not long after.

The eldest princess left.

Shen Jian sat on the chair, thinking a lot.

It can be said that it is very difficult for the eldest princess to seize the throne and even ascend the throne as a daughter.

Normally, if a prince can obtain the support of two of the six departments, coupled with overt and covert informants and influence, as well as the help of a prime minister of the dynasty, he has basically locked in the position of prince.

No one can shake it.

However, to become a princess in the form of a girl, it would only be possible if the officials from the six ministries and the entire court were supported by civil and military officials.

Even so, Emperor Qing still needs to nod before he can sit on the throne of prince.

Otherwise, even if the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty agree, they may not be able to sit on it 100%.

But now, he already knows that Emperor Qing's goal may not be to develop and strengthen the Qing Kingdom, but to plan to destroy his own country bit by bit. In this case, Emperor Qing becomes dispensable.

As long as the situation in the court is stabilized, Emperor Qing can die.


Stabilizing the situation in the court is also a slow project.

Officials from the Sixth Ministry are not that easy to win over.

Think of this.

Shen Jian's eyes narrowed.

He knew the simplest way.

Don’t the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Rites, and the Ministry of Industry each support a prince?

He only needs to eliminate these princes, and the eldest princess will naturally not miss this opportunity.


This simple and crude method has quick results.

No one would know that a secret guard under the eldest princess could eliminate the forces of several princes one after another.

The more I think about it.

Shen Jianyue felt that this method was perfect.

In a few days, he would collect the forces these princes relied on to see if they could all be destroyed.

Just thinking about it.

The fox fairy who was pushed off the desk struggled to climb up the table.

Nunu said: Are you helping her seize the throne? She has no hope.

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows.

What do you see?

I see that her luck is dark. If this happens, it means that she will die soon, and she does not have the purple energy to seize the throne. Although she has strength, luck is not on her side. , no matter how she tries, she will never succeed.

Don't believe it, I have met many people in this situation before, and all of them died without exception.

Shen Jian was slightly surprised in his eyes.

This was the first time he heard this statement.

This little fox fairy, who else has the luck to succeed?

Is there no hope of seizing the throne...

Shen Jian murmured.

Yeah, she's dying.

It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter whether I take the throne or not. It only depends on me. Whoever I want to take the throne can take the throne. If I don't want to, no one can take the throne.

Shen Jian grinned.

Seeing this, the Fox Fairy looked at the man a few more times.

This man's meaning is very obvious. If he doesn't like the candidate for the throne, then he will change it until he is satisfied.

But as she watched, she suddenly remembered something, her expression became angry, and she gritted her teeth and said, You just said that I don't understand those things? I'm older than Qingguo, why do you look down on me?

Shen Jian glanced at her.

Since you understand, you still dare to interrupt my good deeds? How about you help me now? I don't mind.

Shen Jian pointed under the table.

The fox fairy was startled.

Look away.

The white fox tail swayed immediately.

Not knowing whether he was angry or annoyed, he jumped out from the window sill.

You...shameless, dirty man.

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