at this time.

There was complete silence in the entire death row.

Everyone was staring blankly at the dark scene of collusion between the powerful and powerful, feeling only sad in their hearts.

It's over.

Even such a place has been corrupted by power.

A death row inmate not only held the cell key to enter and exit the death cell freely, but also beat other prisoners openly and openly, and even the guards who maintained order turned a blind eye to it all.

Doesn't this mean that they are not safe here?

As long as Shen Jian wants to beat them, they can only accept their fate?

Crooked sun.

If you let in a lawless dude, will you be able to live a good life from now on?

Even the prison bully ghost, who relied on the support of the fourth prince, was not strong in terms of tyranny.

For a while.

The clouds are gloomy and everyone is in danger.


Unlike the fearful reactions of the death row prisoners, the players were dumbfounded.

Everyone stared at all this with wide eyes and disbelief.

Is this a player?

Is this horse a human player?

Damn it!

Don't make trouble.

How could a player who had only entered the dungeon a few hours ago and was still being held in a cell under their eyes do all this?

It's okay to eat fine food in the death row, but now it's so outrageous that he opens the door with a key and beats other evil prisoners. For those who don't know, they thought that Shen Jian had been locked up here for a long time and had developed the death row into his own. People treat it as their own home.

Oh my God, how did he do it?

It has always been the case that players are bullied by ghosts. When will it be our players' turn to beat up ghosts?

Maybe I was so violent that I saw hallucinations. In fact, the one who was beaten was our player, right?

Everyone was talking a lot.

Everyone seemed to have seen a ghost.

Are five-star players already so arrogant and unreasonable?


Many players looked at the sloppy man with the ID [King Quan], their eyes seemed to say: You are also a five-star player, don't you have the privilege to show us?

King Quan:…

His eyes were covered by the long hair on his forehead. Looking at Shen Jian's bizarre scene, his dead expression also showed some waves.

Do five-star players have privileges?

Why didn't he know about this?


He spoke with a hoarse voice and a low voice as if his voice had been damaged: He... may have entered this copy for the second time.

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone was surprised.

Can the dungeon be entered a second time?

No wonder they have such an idea. In the eyes of most players, every copy of the game they enter is a one-time use, and it is never possible to match the same copy twice.

Wang Quan said in a low voice: Five-star players have a new right to choose. As long as they have unfinished hidden tasks, they can re-select the task-related dungeon in random matching to enter. He should have accumulated the dungeon after entering here last time. Got some connections.”

Hear the words.

The players were stunned.

Dragon Kingdom lags behind the Western world in terms of thriller games, and there are not even a few five-star players. This is the first time they have heard of such secrets.

This is wrong. Even if five-star players can choose their own dungeon to enter, the identity implanted in the thriller game is random. How did he know that he would appear in death row next time and arrange this?

At this time.

One player asked about his confusion.

Does the privilege of five-star players also include knowing some of the main missions in advance?

King Quan fell silent.


Cai Hua said: Without this kind of privilege, thriller games cannot prepare players in advance. After all, the purpose of thriller games is not to really help players become stronger.

What exactly is that...

I guess he should have made friends with some of the Qing Kingdom's powerful people in the last copy. He might even be... one of the nine princes.

Wang Quan's words shocked all the players.

Excluding the possibility of knowing the mission in advance, the only answer is this.

The last time Shen Jian entered the five-star dungeon, he accidentally climbed up to a high-ranking person and was able to reach into the death row and find out where they were coming so quickly. Except for members of the royal family, basically everyone There is no other possibility.


To be able to do all this without being noticed, ordinary members of the royal family are not good enough. They must be powerful princes who are qualified to compete for the position of prince.

Think about it this way.

They all envied Shen Jian.

Judging from the current performance, the prince behind Shen Jian is not generally strong.

Probably the one with the best chance of vying for the crown prince's position.

This is the ssr start.

Maybe, they can also use Shen Jian's relationship to join the prince's staff and help him win the battle for the heir.

In this way, they don't need to fight in separate lineups.

Think of this.

Everyone looked at Shen Jian with fiery eyes.

the other side.

A refreshed Shen Jian returned to the cell with a satisfied look on his face.

Walking back all the way, the fierce ghost prisoners around them all showed fear in their eyes. They didn't dare to look at Shen Jian at all, for fear that they would end up like the prison bully ghost and die in the cell in frustration.

The previous arrogance and arrogance were all dissipated under Shen Jian's arrogant and unreasonable violent methods, and he turned into a little sheep.

To this.

Shen Jian also lost interest.

He was in no hurry to get out.

after all.

He had limited knowledge of the situation in Qing's court.

Of the so-called nine princes, he only knew one prince. Instead of collecting information himself, it would be better to wait for the eldest princess to come and tell him.

do not forget.

He also has a side mission of escaping from death row hanging on him.

He is not worried if the mission fails.

But knowing that the horror game is against him, there are some rules that don't need to be broken.

It's a small thing if the mission fails, but if it's sent out directly, it's a big problem.

This is not what he wants to see.

that's all.

An unusual silence fell on death row.

Many ghost prisoners moved their hands and feet cautiously, moving slowly and not daring to make a sound.

At the same time, I was complaining in my heart, which idiot was the first to keep silent? It makes us afraid to make any big moves now. This is a death row, and it should be noisy and full of violence.

What's going on now?

I don’t know if doing this will make that adult look down on us and treat us as his younger brothers...


There was finally a voice on death row.

from the outside world.

The ghosts looked at it.

A beautiful figure walked past their cell.

In the dim corridor, an elegant yet majestic woman came into their sight.

The woman is dressed in plain blue clothes, elegant and luxurious, with an invisible nobility exuding from her whole body. She has a pair of sharp autumn eyes that can see into people's hearts. Her slender jade neck is white and smooth, and her willow waist can only be grasped.

Apart from the pale skin color all over her body, she was almost indistinguishable from a normal human woman.

The ghosts salivated and swallowed.

This woman can only be found in heaven, and is rarely heard of in the human world.

Compared with her, even the voluptuous and beautiful maids beside her pale in comparison.

Just like the difference between candlelight and stars is huge.

Is there such a female ghost in Qingguo?


The woman had arrived at Shen Jian's cell and pushed open the door.

Seeing Shen Jian in prison uniform, Her Royal Highness the Princess' lips curved in a seductive way: I never imagined that one day my Lord Warden would wear prison uniform and be treated as a prisoner. It's really interesting.

She is laughing.

Not only was he happy to see Shen Jian again, but he also teased Shen Jian's outfit.

To know.

This man, who was wearing prison uniform and staying obediently in the cell, had thrown Qingguo's face to the ground and rubbed it at will a few months ago.

He even killed a powerful prince of the royal family in front of tens of millions of people. I don't know how much of a sensation it caused.

At that time, he was as dazzling as a god.

Even if there are ghosts and gods in front of him, they still have to hibernate their light.


Such a person who stirred up troubles in the Qing Kingdom really stayed on death row like a prisoner.

The contrast brought about made her unable to hold back for a moment.

Hear this.

Shen Jian also raised his head.

Looking at the unparalleled eldest princess in front of her.

His eyes moved.

【The wonderful arrival of the eldest princess】

[Current status: happy, happy, missing, excited. 】

[Favorability: 71 (ambiguous)]

See this.

Something strange flashed in Shen Jian's eyes.

My favorability didn't go down, but it went up.

This is a good beginning.

It proved that Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess was very generous and didn't take the matter between him and the Vice Minister's wife to heart.


Shen Jian also smiled and said: Your Highness, I told you that I will come back to find you.

Hear the words.

Why are you looking for me? You were obviously forced in.

The eldest princess Miao Lin snorted in anger and joy.

If you hadn't landed on death row, I really wouldn't have known that you had entered. Is this what you meant by looking for me?

Your Highness, I can't control this.

Shen Jian said helplessly.

Stand up.

He grabbed the eldest princess's jade hand and kissed it gently.

Hmph, did you go to the Eli Empire? You even learned this hand-kissing ritual. It's disgusting. I won't let strangers touch me at any time.

The eldest princess Miao Lin's tone was filled with disgust, but she did not take her hand back.

Instead, his eyebrows relaxed.

Obviously, Shen Jian's movements are very useful.


She glanced out of the corner of her eye.

Seeing that all the prisoners on death row were looking here, they couldn't help but frown.

Master Shen, let's go out and talk. This is not a suitable place for talking.

Shen Jian nodded.

Follow and leave.

Disappear into death row.

at the same time.

A group of death row prisoners watched all this.

There was an uproar.

Your Highness? She is the princess of Qing Kingdom?

Not at all. How can an ordinary princess have such ability? There is probably only one person in the entire Qing Kingdom who has such talent.

You mean...she is Her Royal Highness the Princess of Daqing?!

As soon as these words came out.

The group of ghosts became even more excited.

Her Royal Highness the Princess of Daqing, this is the most noble woman in the Qing Kingdom.

Not only is she unparalleled in talent and skill, she is also one of the most beautiful women in the world.

I don’t know how many Qingguo nobles are the goddess in the hearts of common people.


Such a high-status eldest princess actually came to the dirty death row to invite a man. It seemed that the relationship between the two was very close.


Who is that man? !

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