The sky was torn apart.

The dim light illuminated the sky and the earth, and a huge painful pupil that seemed to have existed forever opened, covering the entire Chengming City.

All this happened too suddenly and was extremely terrifying.

The ghosts screamed, terrified, and the thick Yin Qi fluctuations couldn't help but stagnate.

They recognized the owner of the eyes.

That was the first god to appear on earth.

He is the legendary Lord of the Fifth Palace of the Underworld - King Yama.

Back then, when He showed His great power for the first time, just like today, He opened his eyes overlooking the world in the boundless sky.

This information had already been heard from the local ghosts in these cities when they invaded Nanlin Province and occupied eight cities.

Among them, the most talked about is the realm of the underworld in Xiping Province, and the King of Yama who drove them out of Xiping Province and killed them all.

at the moment.

King Yama has really arrived.

The vast divine power displayed was far more terrifying than they imagined.

This is a spectacular scene that cannot be described in words unless you see it with your own eyes.

Compared with the frightened expressions on the entertainment city side, all the people on the underworld side showed pious expressions.

The three city gods also breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously.

They are not easy.

Although this battlefield is located in the territory under the jurisdiction of the underworld, they can use incense anytime and anywhere to exert their full strength, but the army of evil ghosts is endless. The longer the delay, the greater the losses in the world.

Especially as time went on, the evil ghosts they dealt with changed from pure ghosts to man-made ghosts. These ghosts were supposed to return to the underworld and be reincarnated, but instead they were forced to fight against the underworld and were beaten until the ghosts dissipated.

This is not what they and the underworld want to see.

Because of this, they are eager to resolve the situation.


However, they received the enemy's focus and had no time to care about the battlefield.


Shen Jian is here.

The Lord of Hell whom they were loyal to came.

That's the end of it.

This is the only thing they always believe in.

How could the great Lord of the Underworld tolerate such young people trampling on the majesty of the Underworld?

Inside the gate of hell.

The River Goddess stood on the Wangchuan River, making rolling waves, and looked at her husband. Her eyes were as cold as before, with relaxation and tenderness in her eyes.

She was the river god during the Yongle period.

In this world more than five hundred years later, she only has Shen Jian to rely on. Even if she can only see his back, she feels very safe.

Under that back, even if the sky fell, she believed that this man would hold everything up.

And not far from the River Goddess.

On the Wangchuan River.

The ferry ghosts and gods looked at this miraculous scene with trembling eyes.

The palms of my hands were shaking.

Oh my God!

Fortunately, Shen Jian didn't use such power to deal with him, otherwise he didn't think that he could survive unscathed under the Youtong that occupied the entire city.

This is really amazing.

It's mind-blowing.

It’s hard to imagine how majestic a being that can cover the entire Chengming City with just one eye would be.

He could almost imagine that the owner of those dark-colored pupils might be as big as this world.

Just by opening one eye, the world has ushered in such a change. If he moves his body again, wouldn't it explode the world?

The more I think about it.

The purer his mind.

I have made up my mind to be a ferryman on the Wangchuan River and contribute to the construction of the underworld.

the other side.

Shen Jian overlooked everything on the battlefield.

I saw corpses everywhere.

The piles of dead ghosts were enough to form several mountains of corpses.

There are also many deaths.

At a glance, at least a quarter of the quantity was lost.

There are currently only more than 30,000 underworld guards in total, and a quarter of them have been lost, which means there are seven to eight thousand casualties.

According to the division of a city's 300 Yin difference, this indirectly loses the jurisdiction of at least 25 cities. If placed in smaller provinces, such as Nanlin Province and Xiping Province, it is equivalent to destroying it in this battle. The difference between two or three provinces.

Think about it this way.

Shen Jian's eyes became darker.

Such a war will do all harm without any benefit.

Although Yinzai is not completely dead, the pace of development will undoubtedly slow down.

Just like the current Nanlin Province, this is a province that the underworld plans to incorporate into its jurisdiction in the next stage. However, due to the invasion of world-weary ghosts and gods, it will take at least twice as long for the underworld to return Nanlin Province to normal.


Even if it returns to normal, it is still unclear whether abortion can return to its previous situation.

Reading between the lines, Shen Jian only saw two words:

Damn it!

The little bastard of Horror Game, and the world-weary ghost and god, the former master of Luo Fengtian, all deserve to die.

The more I think about it.

Shen Jian's expression became increasingly grim.

I am... King Yama. I have made a great wish that ghosts will not be tolerated in this world. You will die!

The words fell.

There was a surge between heaven and earth, and a grand bell sounded.

That's an oath.

It was his great ambition.


It is the clerical ability of King Bian Cheng, the Lord of the Sixth Palace of the Underworld.

The oath of ghosts and gods.

Once you make a big ambition and complete it, you will receive gifts from heaven and earth. Depending on the difficulty of the ambition, heaven and earth will selectively fulfill the requirements of the person with great ambition.

Solving this ghost problem is the content of his great ambition.

Last time.

He made a vow to kill evil spirits, but only got immediate benefits.

But this time, the invasion of world-weary ghosts and gods is undoubtedly a disaster sweeping the entire world. If it is not handled well, it is not impossible for the world to fall.

Because of this, this vow definitely belongs to the category of grand ambitions.

Even if it is not as good as Ksitigarbha's Unless hell is empty, I will never become a Buddha, at least it has reached the level where I can make a wish to heaven and earth.

Shen Jian thought a lot.

In the dark, he seemed to be aware of the chains that bound him. They were the price of great ambitions. Once they were made, if they could not be completed, they would be bound by them all the time and unable to get rid of them.


Shen Jian cast his gaze on Gui Chao below.

Yangshi...I'm here.

The voice was very hazy and seemed to be saying something vaguely.

The next second.


Endless light suddenly bloomed.

this moment.

Time seemed to be frozen in this moment, as if the light of a fairy from the endless sky was descending.

The ghost is howling.

Illuminated by this dim light, the ghosts let out shrill screams.

The yin energy is dissipating, the supernatural energy is dispersing, and the ghost energy is escaping.

Whether it was a ghost king, an abyss level ghost king, or a top ghost king, they all started holding their heads and screaming miserably at the moment when You Tong cast his gaze and cast down the radiant light.

They begged for mercy and screamed.

But he could only watch his ghost body evaporate, turn into dust in the world, and die of extreme panic.

Shen Jian was indifferent.

Infinite light shines on the nine heavens and ten earths for immeasurable kalpas.

The shadow that shrouded Chengming City dispersed.


The deep light began to soften and fall from the sky.

The divine light fell on the desperate Yin Zai. Their consciousness was returning, the supernatural beings were reviving, and the Yin Qi began to surge again, and they stood up directly.

It seems.

Everything is like going back in time.

It's hard to imagine how terrifying the power required to do this is.

this moment.

The whole place fell silent.

Observing the people on the main battlefield, the ghost masters, and members of the Great Summer Dragon Bird, their whole bodies were trembling as they looked at the figure with eyes all over the city as the background.

Lips trembling.

The upper lip and lower lip don't touch at all.

Not a word could come out.

One divine light shone and annihilated a wave of forty thousand ghosts.

All members are still ghosts at the ghost king level or above.

What an incredible scene.

This disaster, which was enough to destroy a country, or even destroy all mankind, was so easily wiped out.

Is this a dream?

Some people's voices trembled and their words were incomplete.

I really doubt whether what I saw before me is real.

That figure didn't do anything. He just sent down a thousand feet of brilliant light, and everything was changed.

Forty thousand ghosts died.

The dead Yin Chai is alive.


It only took less than five seconds.

The situation was immediately reversed.

It was so fast that they couldn't react at all.

There are still nine surviving ghosts and gods who have this view.

They watched helplessly as their men turned into dust in this dim light, everything happened too fast.

They reacted.

But after just a moment of hesitation, the 40,000 ghosts were wiped out.

There was nothing unusual in the process.

Those ghosts are like vampires who cannot encounter the sun. Once they are irradiated, they will instantly turn to ashes.

They were petrified.

His body couldn't stop trembling.

Looking up at Shen Jian, who was standing high in the sky with extremely bright eyes, the fear threshold in his heart had reached its peak.

What a joke.

Is this some kind of deception?

Or is it some kind of ghost land where the fake can be exchanged for the real?

How could there be an existence in this world that could wipe out 40,000 ghosts above the Ghost King level in an instant?

With this kind of strength, not to mention ghosts and gods, even their master, the Lord of Entertainment City, who has the power of world-destroying ghosts and gods, does not have such ability.

This no longer belongs to the category of ability or supernatural powers.

But divine power.

It is vast divine power.

They are actually fighting against such a being.

No wonder the master didn't dare to show up, that's why.

Their master obviously knew how terrifying this person was, but... it should be just a guess, a suspicion, otherwise the master would never lose his mind and choose to invade the supernatural place where such a person exists.

Your people are dead, why don't you come out? Do you think I can't find you?

at this time.

After doing all this, Shen Jian turned his gaze to the distance.

That direction is also high in the sky.

It's just high in the sky on the opposite side.

a long time.

No one answered.

It wasn't until the atmosphere became more and more oppressive that ripples appeared in the void.

A figure walked out from inside.

That's a woman.

She has a voluptuous figure and has everything a perfect woman should have.

If you don't care about your face, you will definitely turn heads when walking on the road.

As for the face...

This woman didn't.


That's what it means on the surface.

World-weary ghosts and gods have no face.

Her features were a whirlpool.

Shen Jian could clearly detect that this was not a disguise, but her face was just like that.

at this time.

The world-weary ghost was silent for a few moments, and then a disembodied voice sounded: I don't want the authority you took away, and I also recognize the subordinates you killed.

I admit that I failed. I can give you half of the permissions of Entertainment City as compensation. The price is to let us leave.

Hear this.

Shen Jian grinned.

Do you think that if you all disperse and run away together, I won't be able to catch you?

So what? You are very strong. I, the world-destroying ghost and god, have no chance of winning in front of you, but you can stop me, but your men can't stop my people. Once you let them escape, you The world is over.

The world-weary ghost did not refute, but threatened in a strong tone.

Then it's too early for you to be happy.

A strange smile appeared on Shen Jian's face.

Come, let this former Lord of Luo Fengtian see what the Ten Palaces of Yama are.

The words fell.

Six streams of light were divided into six directions, arriving at Chengming City at the same time and stopping in mid-air.


Their figures emerged.

Seven identical Shen Jian appeared in mid-air together in full view of everyone, their aura extremely shocking.

Try to escape!

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