Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 681 The whole city is full of stone pillars - King Taishan

Chapter 681 The city is full of stone pillars - King Taishan

The black flames burned everything mercilessly.

Qingping City, which was parasitized by spore plants, ushered in a new life at this moment.

In the light of the fire.

Everything related to the supernatural was burned to ashes, not even a single residue was left. The miserable screams of ghosts and the sizzling sound of hell fire intertwined to become the only sound in the city.

at this time.

A wailing sound sounded.

Don't burn it, stop it, the majestic King of Hell, is this how the big one bullies the small ones? Do ghosts deserve to die?

In the direction of the sound, a huge vine ignited by black flames burst out of the ground.

On the vine, a giant flower stamen bloomed.

The upper body of a human protrudes from the flowers.

A frightened expression appeared on the face of the human-like female.

She is the legendary flower demon, with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a plant. At the same time, she is also the ghost responsible for sweeping away the city.

She originally thought that as long as she hid herself, even if Shen Jian had the power to reach heaven, he would at most be able to clean up the spore kingdom she had created.


She never expected that the other party would choose to set the entire city on fire.

Once the black flame touches the plants, it cannot be extinguished artificially. The fire will only weaken after the supernatural beings are burned away.

But, she is a ghost.

It is essentially a ghost. If there is no supernatural power, wouldn't it be dead?

In other words.

This black flame must not be touched. Once it is touched, it means death is not far away.

But after all, she underestimated the power of the King of Hell. The black flame not only continued to burn for more than ten minutes, but also burned to the ground. She was also touched by the black flame.

Logically speaking, given the current burning speed, she could only hold on for another three minutes at most. Once the three minutes were up, no matter whether she was a ghost or not, she would be burned to the core by the hell fire.


She jumped out.

He asked Shen Jian hoarsely.

Ask him whether this kind of behavior is bullying the small and whether it is bringing shame to the underworld.


Do ghosts deserve to die?

The other party had burned away all the supernatural traces she had left in Qingping City. It is conservatively estimated that Shen Jian burned at least five thousand ghosts to death in just ten minutes.

Isn't this level of killing enough?

The fierce ghost killing machine is well deserved.

Hear this.

Shen Jian was slightly startled.

I didn’t expect that the “protagonist” of this city would actually be a heroine.

And it is an extremely rare special breed.

Flower demon, this is a special kind of ghost like snow girl, zombie, and vampire.

And the other party's supernatural strength is indeed rare.

It is a type of supernatural being that is highly contagious, has wide transmission channels, and has a large supernatural spread range. If it is used to corrode a group of ordinary humans, the efficiency is not very fast.

Just looking at the city's remaining population of 80,000, one can get a glimpse of how terrifying this flower demon is.

Think of this.

Shen Jian grinned.

The smile is very charming and weird.

Aren't you talking nonsense? Besides, I just bullied you, what can you do?

For ghosts, under normal circumstances, Shen Jian's reaction would only be love.

Because these will be the property of the underworld in the future.

Naturally, he would not be too malicious towards the private property at home.

But this group of ghosts and gods is not included.

He really told the other party clearly that I was bullying the small with my big one. How could you bring in bigger reinforcements?

Thoughts are spinning.

Shen Jian's eyes were full of sarcasm.

You shall go to the blood river hell.

The words fell.

Shen Jian raised his fingers.

next moment.

The ignited city shook violently.

Black flames splitting the sky and covering the earth danced wildly among the demons. As Shen Jian opened his palm, a huge flaming hand formed by black flames burned the air in an instant and grabbed the flower demon like the sky was falling.

See this.

The flower demon's face turned pale, and her voice became shriller.

No, you can't do that!


Shen Jian was indifferent.

The next second.

The huge hand of light and flame has captured the flower demon, and under the opponent's horrifying gaze, he threw it into the blood river hell.

Only a few screams were heard, coming from the black hole.

Do it all.

The hellfire raging in the city also began to weaken until it was completely extinguished.

This means that all the supernatural phenomena that pervaded Qingping City have disappeared.

This devastated city has once again returned to its original appearance.

on the street.

Countless survivors watched this scene with tears in their eyes.

Looking at the majestic figure who saved the city, they couldn't see clearly what the other person looked like, but they knew that this person was the Lord of the Fourth Palace of the Underworld - King Guan.

He is a living God.

Lanlu City, Nanlin Province.

The Daxia Dragon Bird members who were thrown here entered this ghost cave for the first time.

They are the city leaders in the neighboring province. They responded to the headquarters' instructions and prepared to enter the city to search for survivors and attract the attention of the ghosts.

Among them, Gongsun Wen, the head of the city, warned: Lanlu City is one of the last cities to fall. The situation is not as bad as other cities, but it is still not optimistic.

According to the known information, the ghost and god occupying this place is a drought demon, and the five-star supernatural lands under his command are all a group of zombies. But unlike our traditional zombies, the zombies in the horror world have no weaknesses. What about glutinous rice, black Dog blood and donkey hooves are all ineffective against zombies.”

However, every time this group of zombies moves, they will make uncontrollable noises. Pay attention to this later. When you hear the noise, evacuate the area as soon as possible. Don't conflict with them, otherwise it will attract more zombies and no one can save you. .”

Gongsun Wen's tone was very harsh.

His face was even more serious than ever before.

This trip is destined to be a life-or-death situation.

But he still chose to enter the ghost cave. In addition to righteousness, he actually had selfish motives.

As the person in charge of the city and the guardian responsible for the safety of a city, he should protect the city under his jurisdiction at this time, but he still came.

Because his sister is trapped here.

Five days ago, his sister took his place and was invited to attend the supernatural circle exchange meeting in Lanlu City.

No news since.

To this.

He wants to see people alive, and wants to see corpses when dead.


A team of five people broke into a city ravaged by zombies.

They groped forward, listening to the sounds around them with serious faces.

If anything goes wrong, they will run away.

Captain Gongsun, look...what is that?!

At this time.

one investigator exclaimed.

Gongsun Wen looked over and his eyes were also shocked.

In the deserted city, two-meter stone pillars stood in the center of the street. It seemed that the entire city was shrouded in such stone pillars.

What's happening here?

He gasped.

Isn't this city occupied by zombies? So what are these things?

He had just been to Lanlu City not long ago. When had there been so many stone pillars?

How was such a huge project completed in a few days?

Could this also be caused by the ghost's supernatural power?

Just thinking about it.

He approached cautiously.


Because there is a ghost buried in these stone pillars.

He was sure that he had read correctly. There was really a ghost wrapped in the two-meter stone pillar, which had lost all traces of the supernatural and turned into a stone statue.

Think of this.

Gongsun Wen looked at the stone pillars in other places.

These stone pillars have the same length, width, and shape, just like standardized industrial products on the assembly line. The only difference is the zombies buried in the stone pillars.

Some of these zombies have blue skin, some have white hair, some have tusks exposed; some have frightened faces, some are trying to escape, and some are using supernatural powers.

The level of terror ranges from red level, ghost king, abyss level ghost king, to top ghost king.

The more I look.

The shock in Gongsun Wen's eyes became increasingly difficult to control.

He couldn't imagine who suppressed all these zombies.

Judging from what he has seen so far, it is obvious that this is not a one-on-one attack. Instead, it seems to have activated some kind of super-large-scale supernatural power covering the entire city, killing all the zombies in the city in an instant.

Is this horse a human?

Could it be that all the ghosts in this city are dead?

In a trance.

A cry of surprise came.

Brother, why are you here?

Gongsun Wen was very excited.

Look away.

At the corner of the street, a large number of survivors gathered here, observing the stone pillars all over the city.

Fierce discussions arose one after another.

Further ahead, a sister dressed as a reporter waved to him.

He walked over.

I glanced at my sister up and down, and after finding no traces of supernatural erosion, I subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and then I couldn't help but ask, What happened here? Who did these stone pillars?

It's the Lord of Hell.

His sister lowered her voice and turned on a camera in front of him.

The camera's recording time was ten minutes ago.

within the video.

A figure descended on Lanlu City.

It only stayed for less than thirty seconds.

Just raise your hand.

When he raised his hand, the whole city roared.

The earth shook.

Immediately afterwards.

The camera completely recorded the process of Li Gui fleeing for his life, only to be wrapped up by the rising earth and rocks, forming a two-meter stone pillar.

Gongsun Wen looked at it with shock.

What about ghosts and gods?

Ghosts? I'm not sure if this is a ghost, but I just saw a red figure sucked into the sky, wrapped in earth and rocks, and turned into a ball. It's so handsome. It's a complete advancement. The version of Earth Exploding Sky Star, brother, you didn’t see the scene at that time, otherwise you would definitely be speechless.”

Gongsun Wen:......

I am speechless now.

Just from his sister's description, he could imagine what a spectacular scene it was.

A ghost and god capable of destroying a country was played with by applause. With a slight wave of his hand, the ghost and god was sucked into the air without any resistance. Encased in a huge boulder, he either begged for mercy, cried out, or screamed hoarse.

Until completely dead.

Just thinking about it made him tremble all over, not from fear, but from excitement.

There is still such greatness in the world.

at this time.

He finally remembered something.

Wait a minute, you just said, that is the Lord of Hell?

Yes, he is the Lord of the Seventh Palace of the Underworld - King Taishan.

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