When Shen Jian put his hand on the Lucky Ghost, he began to use the divine power of the King of Hell to provide precognition to the parchment.

The parchment trembled.

at this moment.

He got rid of the supernatural restrictions of being a parchment scroll and floated into Shen Jian's hands. The appearance of lines of black writing showed the excitement in his heart.

But it was still Lucky Ghost who spoke.

This ghost king became the medium of communication with the parchment. In the view of the parchment, displaying text on the parchment for Shen Jian to read was a kind of blasphemy to the Lord of the Underworld.

God should be high and uncontaminated by all things.

But now.

However, he got help from God and raised the upper limit of his prediction. In a moment of excitement, he disrespectfully floated onto God and bathed in God's grace.

This honor made him unable to help himself.

Lucky Ghost's expression also became vivid.


Great, sacred and noble Lord of the Underworld, nothing in the world can escape your final sanction. Your eyes are like the eyes of gods hanging in the world, eternal and everlasting, patrolling the world all the time.

When you open your eyes, everything revives; when you close your eyes, everything dies.

Any ghost can only close his eyes and wait for death under your eyes. Your personality is above all else. You are the greatest existence in the world.

This crazy woman is seeking her own destruction and self-destruction.

With Shen Jian's blessing, the writing speed of parchment finally recovered.

Line after line of black writing.

There seemed to be endless words to praise the Lord of the Underworld and the Lord of the Underworld in front of him.

Shen Jian:......

Although he was also curious about how many words this dog-licking paper could boast about, he had no intention of listening to it right now.

This world-weary ghost actually dared to steal his home.

To be honest, Shen Jian had never thought of this possibility.

If it hadn't been for the parchment to remind him, he would never have thought that world-weary ghosts and gods would be so bold as to secretly choose to invade the human world in an attempt to occupy the underworld while he, the lord of the underworld, was still alive.

She is too bold.

In other words, it's crazy.

And this one.

The thriller game also contributed a lot.

If the chat interface hadn't been blocked by the horror game, when the world-weary ghosts and gods chose to invade the human world, he would have received private messages from Daxia Longque or the living beings of the underworld.

In that case, the other party's plan will be ruined.

Now think about it.

When he was in the God Burial Valley, the words you will regret it said by the world-weary ghost and god were not words made out of anger, but a plan.

The adjustments to the thriller game are just paving the way for the invasion of world-weary ghosts and gods.

Perhaps because he could tell that Shen Jian was in a bad mood at the moment, Parchment's dog-licking remarks were slightly less frequent.

I got his help. Only then did I realize that the reason why the crazy woman captured the target he was looking for was to trap him in a supernatural place and delay it for as long as possible.

During this period, with the help of horror games, she launched the largest wave of ghosts in history. Fierce ghosts were like water, pouring into the human world from all directions, and catastrophe was imminent.

But they forgot a key role, that is me, the equally great Lord Parchment. Through precognition, I let the great Him know the mad woman's plan in advance.

They failed.

The moment the great Lord of the Underworld understood their plans, their defeat was a foregone conclusion.

Even if the mad woman uses all the power and foundation she has cultivated, she can only perish in front of the Supreme One.

Hear these things.

Although Lucky Ghost couldn't control his words, his heart was already filled with turmoil.

The world-weary ghost and god plans to mobilize the power and heritage of the entire entertainment city to invade a human world that has no effect on her?

In his opinion.

World-weary ghosts and gods are the sole rulers of the entertainment city.

There are countless supernatural places under his command.

Many of these supernatural places have the difficulty of reaching five-star movies, and there are quite a few of them.

Just now, the parchment also said that more than a dozen ghosts and gods came to the human world together, which means that at least a dozen five-star supernatural places also came.

A five-star supernatural place has more than tens of thousands of ghosts.

Even in a artificially bred five-star supernatural land, the number of ghosts will not be much less.

Especially in this supernatural place like the one he stayed in, the entire Wutong City had a population of more than 30,000. Even if the ghosts and gods who controlled this place could only mobilize one-tenth, the number would still be more than 3,000.

How many ghosts are gathered in more than a dozen five-star supernatural places?

More than 50,000.

Moreover, this is only the number of ghosts that can be gathered in the five-star supernatural land.

If we add other two-star, three-star, and four-star supernatural places...

The lucky ghost swallowed his saliva.

One hundred thousand!

This is a ghost tide with at least 100,000 fierce ghosts united.

In addition, there are more than a dozen ghosts and gods, as well as top ghost kings of all sizes. With such power, let alone a five-star supernatural land, even a six-star one must be destroyed obediently.

When the world-destroying ghosts and gods came, their scalp was numb and they turned around and left.

And now...

The world-weary ghosts and gods actually used such overwhelming power to invade a human world.

This was so unexpected.

And the reason why he did this was all because of the man in front of him.

Even if he has been trapped here, he still needs to mobilize a wave of 100,000 ghosts to seize this underworld.

This level of struggle has far exceeded the limit of his imagination.

Just thinking about it made his legs and feet weak and his whole body trembled.


The lucky ghost glanced at Shen Jian from the corner of his eye.

He wanted to see how the He in the parchment's mouth, the so-called Lord of the Underworld, the God who cannot be looked directly at, would react after learning about the ghost tide on this scale.

Is it like mourning an heir? Or dignified? Or is it hard to decide?

next moment.

Lucky Ghost was stunned.

Because he saw an inexplicable excitement on Shen Jian's face.

He rubbed his eyes.

Look again.

That’s right, it’s excitement.

Lucky Ghost:? ? ?


You are so excited.

This is a ghost tide.

It was a ghost wave launched by more than 100,000 fierce ghosts.

If one is not good, it would not be surprising if the human world is destroyed.

In this case, why are you riding a horse with a weird smile on your face?

Are you crazy?

The more evil ghosts there are, the more excited you become?

What's wrong?

He looked puzzled.

the other side.

After Shen Jian read the description on the parchment, his expression became solemn for a moment, and then...

He seemed to have thought of something.

According to his original plan, after he is done with this place, he will go directly to the third place, Luo Fengtian, which is the city of entertainment, to overturn this place and find out the world-weary ghosts and gods and the protagonists she has trained.

But now, the invasion of world-weary ghosts and gods gave him a better choice.

He can completely recover the complete authority without damaging the third part of Luo Fengtian.

He only had to deal with the world-weary ghosts and the dozens of ghosts and gods she had brought, as well as the supernatural land behind them, and the third place, Luo Fengtian, would fall into his hands without any accident.

Think of this.

There was a strange luster in Shen Jian's eyes.

Asked: Are the complete authority of Taisha Liangshi Sect's Heavenly Palace in the human world?

He estimated that the dozens of ghosts and gods that invaded the human world were the ones with authority trained by world-weary ghosts and gods, the so-called protagonists.

The opponent's calculation was indeed good.

Without Luo Fengtian's full authority over the third place, he would choose to occupy this place while the underworld is still in the development stage.

But among them, the thriller game should have given a lot of information.

Otherwise, the world-weary ghosts and gods, the former Lord of Luo Fengtian, would never dare to do such crazy things as invade the underworld.

It seems.

The exploration of the thriller game during this period still revealed the shortcomings of the underworld.

Even if the current underworld can stop the ghost tide of 100,000 people, it will definitely return to before the reconstruction, even worse than before the reconstruction.

As for the Daxia Longque in the real world.

Shen Jian shook his head.

Whether Daxia Longque has one hundred thousand ghost masters is a question.

Not to mention those who can be gathered here are at the red level at least, and the majority of the troops should be above the Ghost King level. If the ghost tide of this kind of lineup cannot be stopped by one person, the Eastern Continent will fall completely, and the Western Continent will not be much better.

Hearing Shen Jian's words.

Lucky Ghost continued to speak uncontrollably: Praise you, the wise Lord of the Underworld.

No truth in the world can escape your eyes that are as insightful as the blazing sun.

I, who have a trace of the true spirit of Taisha's Heavenly Palace, can see that the authority to collapse is all in the human world, waiting for your recovery. Taisha's Heavenly Palace should be bathed in your grace again. Underneath, return to the embrace of the underworld.”

Hear this answer.

Shen Jian smiled.

He was originally worried that world-weary ghosts and gods might be cunning enough to hide part of their authority.

But now it seems that the other party is a stud.


The world-weary ghosts and gods also know that there are only two possibilities for this move, success or failure.

Once she fails, she will not be able to escape the pursuit of the underworld.

to this end.

She used all her strength.

A true outpouring of force.

Even if she hadn't been able to completely command all the ghosts in the Entertainment City, she might not be able to help but let the Entertainment City come directly to the real world.

In this case.

The human world can only usher in destruction.

She couldn't do it, and the horror game probably couldn't do it either.

Think of this.

Shen Jian stood up.

His eyes fell on the game board.


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