Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 637: It turns out he is one of our own, he is stable

director's office.

The bald dean looked at the group of people who broke into the office with pity, including a supernatural game user, a student, a small security guard, and a ghost professor.

Except for Ghost Professor Su Rou, who possesses supernatural strength that can be called an abyss-level ghost king, the others are lower than the other.

Even the user who participated in the supernatural game was just an ordinary red-clothed level ghost. The little security guard was even worse. His supernatural strength was only at the green level.

The worst thing was the young man with handsome features, who didn't even have a supernatural aura. Those who didn't know it thought he was just an ordinary human being.

With such a lineup, to be honest, they can't even participate in the selection of new members of the Yin Cao organization, let alone become the Nether Ghost Messenger.

But who makes him short of people now?

That damn ogre, who didn't know if he had some grudge against them, had uncovered all the ghosts hiding in the school, leaving him with no ghosts to use now.

In this case, the only thing you can do is to make up for it.

Think of this.

The bald dean was a little angry and glanced at the crowd again.

It feels more and more strange.

As for how the gray female ghost passed the tenth and eleventh levels, he has not figured it out until now, but he has successfully brainwashed her now, and the other party automatically assumes the role of the ghost ghost for his use. .


He asked in a strange way: How did you pass the previous checkpoint and come to my side?

His words were still spoken in the world of consciousness.

With the supernatural blessing of his top ghost king level, even ghosts and gods cannot spy on this side.

He can communicate with confidence.

The green-grey female ghost explained: Your Majesty Judge, it was the little brother who helped me clear the level. If he hadn't solved the murderer and created the terrifying and unusual story about the ogre, which gave me a reputation, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to do it. Unable to reach the last level, I will finally be awakened by you, Lord Judge.”

Bald Dean:? ? !

He was slightly startled.

Then the pupils widened little by little.


The only person at the scene who fit this image was the young man whose supernatural aura was so thin that he was on the same level as an ordinary human being.

Is he the backer behind the Cyan Gray Female Ghost?

Damn it!

How can this be.

A top ghost king who controls the ghost realm's supernatural powers may be on par with their sinister palace master.

Why has he never heard of such an existence?

Why did the other party choose to help a red-clad ghost?

You're full after eating, right?

He is your boyfriend?

The bald dean couldn't sit still.

He asked quickly.

Fortunately, he didn't reveal his supernatural powers just now because of his arrogance, otherwise he would not dare to be his opponent in front of a top ghost king of the same level.

after all.

Ghostland reboots are so rare.

Even rarer than the supernatural in his consciousness.

Having such a supernatural and powerful ghost is innately invincible.

Whether he is about to die, is suppressed, or is poisoned by supernatural toxins, he can fully recover by restarting himself.

As for the ghost domain restart, while restarting itself, you can choose the restart location at will, so as to avoid falling into the trap, and there is really no way to check and balance.

If you want to kill a fierce ghost of this level, you can only use supernatural powers that are far superior to the same level to kill it at once.

At least.

He has no such ability.


The green-grey female ghost told what happened exactly as it happened.

Hear this.

The bald dean felt chills all over his body.

Because from this experience, he did not find any motives for Shen Jian. The other party seemed to simply want to help.

But soon.

He thought of a possibility.

It's not that the other party has no motive, but the motive is too straightforward.

That man, his target is the mastermind behind the supernatural game APP, that is, the judge hidden in Scarlet University.

In other words.

The opponent's target from the beginning was him.

Think of this possibility.

The expression of the bald dean changed.

Concentrate your mind quickly.

Regarding the Yin Cao organization, and knowing that he, the judge, is hiding here, could this person be from the Tianshen Temple?

If this is the case, then his harvest from this trip will be too great.

His identity has not been exposed, nor has his supernatural power been exposed. He only needs to talk to Shen Jian for a few minutes, and with the superposition of supernatural powers, he can still distort Shen Jian's consciousness and turn him into a ghost.

With this thought.

The bald dean looked ecstatic.

How could he, a judge, turn a top ghost king into one of his own today?

Just thinking about it.

He saw Shen Jian walking towards him.

There was a trust me attitude on his face.

Bald Dean:?

He looked suspicious.

Why, you are really one of our own, do you want me to trust you?

Is there any evidence?

Just thinking about it.

Shen Jian leaned close to his ear, lowered his voice, and activated Taishan King's divine ability and the words of ghosts and gods: Long live Yin Cao.

Bald Dean:? ? !

Hear this.

He was confused.

Looking at Shen Jian in disbelief.

Are you really one of your own when you are riding a horse? !

This is really a heifer that doesn't give birth, it's so awesome.

Under the influence of Shen Jian's ghostly words, the bald dean believed Shen Jian's words on the spot.

on the one hand.

He didn't think that the Heavenly Temple had a top ghost king who could master the ghost realm's supernatural powers.

On the other hand, Shen Jian tried so hard to find him because he either had a grudge or something important.

Coupled with the phrase Long live Yin Cao, what else can this person be if he is not one of his own?

The organization treated him well.

He actually sent such a powerful and top-notch ghost king to find him.

This also gave him enough face.

at this time.

The bald dean looked excited.

at the same time.

Everyone in the office was dumbfounded.

Qi Shan:……

Ghost Professor Su Rou:? ? ?

Gray female ghost:! ! !

In an office, no matter how quiet Shen Jian spoke, it was of no use. They all heard what was meant to be heard.

Damn it.

Don't scare us.

Are you fucking an undercover agent of the Yin Cao organization?

Is this some kind of international joke?

Don't forget how so many ghosts of the underworld died. It was you, the ogre, who came to kill them one by one with your own hands.

Are you telling me now that you are actually with them? !

It's noisy.

The melon was too big and they said they couldn't accept it.

For a while.

There was dead silence.

Everyone froze in place.

Seems a little overwhelmed.


The bald dean ignored all this.

He has regarded Shen Jian as a higher-ranking member of Yincao.

He suspected that Shen Jian's rank was higher than his own as a judge, and he was probably at the level of deputy palace master.

As for killing the Netherworld Ghost Envoy, this is completely normal.

They have spent so long with no results. Isn't it unreasonable for the senior management to kill a few more subordinates in anger?

Think of this possibility.

The bald dean asked: Sir, I wonder if you have any instructions when you come here?

Hear this.

Shen Jian's eyes were strange.

The words of ghosts and gods were more useful than he imagined.

Especially when the other party is already afraid of him, as long as there are no serious logical errors in what he says, the other party will not doubt whether it is true or false.

The palace master is very dissatisfied with your progress. It's just a supernatural game, but you have spent so long on it. It's just a waste. Give me the source code. I will be responsible for everything here.

Shen Jian said in a faint tone.

The bald dean was startled.

He frowned at first, and then thought about the way Shen Jian turned himself into the biggest weirdo in Scarlet University, and he felt a little enlightened.

I see.

This high-level person who landed by air and was suspected to be the deputy palace master was showing him his strength and telling him that if he didn't have that ability, he shouldn't take this porcelain job.


He reluctantly handed over a mobile phone.

Sir, this is the terminal of the supernatural game APP. Whatever you need to do, just publish it directly on it.

Shen Jian took the phone.

A satisfied smile appeared on his face.

His eyes suddenly flashed with a dark luster.

Then he patted the bald dean on the shoulder.

I received an order for you to return to the headquarters. The palace master has a new task for you.

Yes, sir.

The bald dean said respectfully.

Say it.

He packed up his personal belongings, released the supernatural effect, and left directly.

As for what happens next, that's not his business.

What he has to do now is to return to the headquarters as soon as possible.

When the bald dean left, Shen Jian did not stop him, but stood there with a strange smile on his face.

The headquarters of the Yin Cao organization is very hidden, and its location changes every once in a while.

Only senior personnel above the rank of judge know how to find the latest headquarters entrance based on clues.

All he needed to do was wait for the bald dean to find the entrance to the Yin Cao headquarters.

By then.

The people of Yin Cao are his, the land of Yin Cao is also his, and the headquarters of Yin Cao is also his.

He wants them all.

the other side.

Because the bald dean removed the supernatural power, the green-grey female ghost's modified consciousness returned to normal.

She looked at Shen Jian in confusion.

I want to cry but have no tears in my heart.


The little brother is actually a senior member of Yincao. This news is too exciting.

She is now eighteen, is it still too late to join the Yin Cao?


At this time.

Qi Shan shouted tentatively.

Shen Jian glanced at it.

Gave him a look of contempt.

The parchment immediately began to write words.

My name is Qi Shan. When you read this sentence, I am already stupid to death...

I even suspected that the great Him had his consciousness modified. What a low-level mistake this was. Even my ninety-year-old grandfather would not be so blind.

I am guilty of questioning the great and noble Him. I want to dig out my own eyes to atone for this. What use do I have for these eyes that cannot see the divine.

Qi Shan:! ! !

That's too much.

I am indeed ashamed of doubting the master, but what kind of drama are you trying to add to me?


Shen Jian waved his hand and took back the parchment.

I tried the terminal phone with the supernatural APP in my hand again, and it was fast.

The supernatural game APP on the green-grey female ghost's mobile phone was automatically deleted.

See this.

She realized it later.

Huh? Disappeared. I won't have to be forced to play this kind of life-and-death game in the future, right? Brother, you scared me to death just now. I really thought you had a reaction, and I was wondering if it was too late to join Yincao now.

Qi Shan's mouth twitched slightly.

Your licking ability is better than blue.

It’s not that you have no moral integrity, you’ve even lost your sense of good and evil.

But when he thought that the other person was a ghost, not a human being, this view of good and evil was normal, Qi Shan became even more heartbroken.

There is a sense of deja vu as if the master is starving to death.

the other side.

Watching this scene, ghost professor Su Rou looked at Shen Jian with even more strange eyes.

She only said thank you, but other thoughts came to her heart.

[Ghost Professor Su Rou]

[Current status: Excited, exciting, exciting. 】

[Favorability: 56 (familiar)]

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