Night falls.

Scarlet University.

Because of the battle between the two abyss-level ghost kings, students throughout the school began to flee and gathered in the dormitory building.

some of.

In a teaching building, a trainee teacher dressed as a faculty member stood on the top floor, looking towards the woods behind the mountain with some palpitations.

at this time.

Dense black writing suddenly appeared on the teaching manual in his arms.

It was as if there was an invisible ghost holding a black pen and writing on the pages of his book.

My name is Teacher Ghost. When you see this sentence, I am already dead...

Seeing this line of words, he was stunned on the spot dressed as a faculty member.

His pupils shrank violently.

Feeling completely horrified.

Someone launched a supernatural attack on him? !

But where is the enemy?

Why didn't he notice anything? Didn't even see the enemy?

What is this, a prank?

Without hesitation, the teacher ghost destroyed the manual in his hand.

The next second.

On another textbook, the same black writing also appeared.

I work as a trainee teacher at Scarlet University, but no one knows that my true identity is actually a ghostly messenger of the Yin Cao organization. I am in this school to cooperate with the Yin Cao judge, but our identities are not exposed to each other. I haven’t been exposed either…”

Teacher ghost:......

I am your uncle.

See this.

He was going crazy.

The owner of this black handwriting actually knew his true identity and wrote it out so arrogantly. Where exactly was his identity exposed?

What is the owner of this black writing planning to do?

Could it be that you want to threaten him?

Just thinking about it.

Little did I know.

Everyone in the entire Scarlet University saw this line of black writing at the same time.

Some appear in notebooks, some are on walls, and some are written on clothes.

But without exception, everyone knew that there was an undercover agent of a sinister organization in their school, who was also a trainee teacher.


It seems a bit silly.

It’s not that you haven’t been exposed yet, your underwear has been stripped clean.

They looked at this live broadcast with curiosity.

Today, a big event happened at Scarlet University. There was a battle between two abyss-level ghost kings. One side seemed to be a murderer hidden in the school, and the other side was a female mentor.

I have no interest in knowing about this kind of thing. Before Judge Yin Cao issues an order, my task is to lurk, and then take the opportunity to select those suitable to participate in the supernatural game, and send them the invitation code, so that they can step into the abyss.

For this reason, maintaining my status as a trainee teacher is the most important thing. I plan to follow the others to seek refuge.

Not long after, I met a student.

The other person had a strange shape, with a red hemp rope tied around his wrist. He told me that there was something wrong with this teaching building. No matter how he ran, he would eventually come back here, like a Möbius strip. , the cycle is endless.”

I scoff at that.

But soon I realized something was wrong.

I failed to go downstairs smoothly, but wandered in the stairwell on the top floor. I encountered a supernatural incident and fell into a ghost beating the wall.

I panicked. Being able to trap a ghost king like me means that the supernatural strength of the ghost wall has exceeded the ghost king level.

I tried to find exits from other directions, but without exception, these places were shrouded in ghost walls and it was impossible to get out.

At this time, I thought of the previous male student and wanted to ask what happened.

I've been waiting for a long time.

Finally, I saw that student appear again, and just like last time, he told me that there was something strange about this place, like an endless loop like a Möbius strip.

At this moment, I thought of a possible speculation. This place is not a ghost wall, but a ghost realm restarting. Every once in a while, time will flow back, leaving people in the ghost realm trapped in the restart cycle. This process is repeated day after day.”

I stopped the student and prepared to ask him what exactly was going on.

The black writing stopped abruptly when it was written here.

Teacher Gui's heart trembled.

This, this, this...

Is this precognitive content recorded from his first-person perspective? !

Is he trapped?

How can this be.

Think of this.

The teacher ghost didn't hesitate and rushed downstairs.

Three seconds later.

He was obviously going down, but inexplicably returned to the upper level.

It is exactly the same as what is shown on the precognitive text.

He was confused.

What happened in front of him was beyond his expectation.

He didn't even know when he was attacked.


As shown in the foreknowledge content.

There was a sound of footsteps.

A student with black hair, black eyes, handsome features, a blood-stained hemp rope wrapped around his wrist, and seven scarlet ghost eyes on the back of his hand ran down.

He spoke first and said, Classmate, what is going on in this teaching building?

You also discovered the problem here? Great, come with me. I may know the loophole here, but we need to do it as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late.

The words fell.

The teacher ghost saw the student pulling him towards the toilet in the distance.

He didn't doubt it either.

Because according to his guess, this is not a ghost hitting the wall, but a ghost realm restarting.

Once the restart time is triggered, everything will start over for them.

And he also knew that this student failed.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have run in front of him several times in a row.

But that's okay.

Just let him know the information and he can figure out a solution on his own.

With this thought.

The classroom ghost followed the students in front.

at the same time.

Predictive words appeared again in the textbook manual in his hand.

The teacher was shocked.

Look immediately.

Although it is unclear where this precognition comes from, it is obviously his only reliance so far. He can use precognition to judge in advance whether there is any danger ahead.

This time, I chose to go with that student.

Walking on the road, I suddenly thought of a question. This teaching building is not far from the grove. Logically speaking, the students have already evacuated. After all, the supernatural threat of the Abyss-level ghost king is not enough for a group of Tsing Yi and Red-level students. , is undoubtedly an unbearable oppression.”

Then who is this student?

And why did he run down from the top floor? The floor I am on is already the highest, and there is no way to go up to the next floor. How did the student run down?

I started to realize something was wrong.

But just when I was about to run away, he showed his fangs.

It was also at this time that I realized that the person in front of me was not a student at all, but a strange story about this school. He named this teaching building a slaughterhouse and tricked unsuspecting people into leaving with him. In fact, he was killing people. Please go to the restaurant and share it.”

And I have triggered his murderous pattern.

Because when I accepted his invitation, it triggered his eating pattern, which was equivalent to voluntarily becoming his food.

I'm being targeted!

See this.

Teachers are like ghosts falling into an ice cave.

I just felt like the blood all over my body was frozen.

A grimace solidified, revealing an extreme fear.

When he looked at the students in front again.

It was obvious that there were traces of blood all over this student's body, as if he had dismembered other people before meeting him, and the sky was stained with blood.

The smell of blood on his body is also extremely strong.


This man is not a student here at all, nor a survivor trapped here, but a slaughterer and a hunter.

He is the prey now.

at once.

His steps stopped subconsciously.

Looking ahead with a horrified expression.

at this time.

The students in front also slowly turned around.

Jiejiejie, it was exposed.

Shen Jian grinned.

There was a weird smile on his face.

He stared at the teacher ghost in front of him and smiled sadly: Little brother, do you like your heart?

The faint sound of words came.

The teacher ghost was even more frightened.

It's over.

It really triggered the opponent's killing pattern.

Beings that can use the ghost realm to restart are definitely not something he, a ghost king-level ghost envoy, can deal with.

See this.

He nodded desperately.

The ghost heart is the sustenance of the supernatural being. Without the ghost heart, the supernatural power of the body will be reduced by at least 70%. This question is nonsense. Who doesn't need his own heart?

Hehehe...I like it too.

Shen Jian's tone was strange.

The big hand of cattail leaf fan is stretched out.

Reaching directly into the teacher ghost's chest.

A beating heart was removed.

Teacher Ghost:? ? !

Damn you, that’s what you meant when you said you liked it?

Too shameless.

If you do this, are you not giving others a chance at all?

Say it's annoying and you'll definitely take away someone's heart.

Say you like it, say I like it too when you step on the horse, and then take it away too.

No matter what I say, you will win.

Too cheap.

The teacher's ghostly eyes were about to burst, and his face was ferocious and twisted.

He knew that if he didn't resist, he would have no chance.


He roared: So do you like your kidney?

He was asking Shen Jian rhetorically.

If Shen Jian said he liked it too, then he would just take away Shen Jian's kidneys and exchange one kidney for one heart. It was fair.

Hear this.

Shen Jian looked strangely and said, What? Don't you like your kidney? Then I'll take it out for you too.

Say it.

Shen Jian stretched out his hand again.

Two kidneys fell into the hand.

Teacher Ghost:! ? !

His eyes widened.

The whole ghost was confused.


Can it still be like this?

God really doesn’t like it, your logic is unbeatable.

No matter what others ask, you can find the answer that is best for you.


Who taught you to use supernatural powers like this?

It's too silly.

you you……

The teacher ghost looked horrified.

Subconsciously, he ran away behind him.


The faint voice has already sounded.

Do you like your head?

The words fell.

A head was removed.

The teaching materials in Teacher Ghost's hands were also thrown away.

I am dead.

It wasn't until my death that I learned that he was the ogre Hannibal, the owner of the restaurant here, and the biggest ghost story in this school.

Don't go near here, you will become unfortunate...

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