Seeing Su Zhi, a beautiful woman, going upstairs as if she was angry, a strange color flashed in Shen Jian's eyes.

He did not expect that his relationship with the protagonist's mother would break through in this way. Even he did not expect this, or in other words, he underestimated a woman's possessiveness.

At this time.

A scarlet panel emerged.

[It is detected that the character played by the player has no plot, and plot tasks have been added. 】

[The plot mission has been triggered. 】

[Story mission: Disintegrate the supernatural game APP. 】

[Content: The supernatural game APP is a tentative experiment by the Yin Cao organization. It is related to the future development. Only the players of the supernatural game can survive. 】

[Task Tip: I heard that Scarlet University is the origin of everything. 】

[Note: The rewards for this plot mission will be settled based on the degree of completion, and settlement can only be made after clearing the copy. 】

【warn! warn! Serious warning! 】

[This plot mission far exceeds the player level limit. Players can use special means to complete it. After receiving this copy, you will briefly gain +30 favorability from the positive forces. 】

【Warning again! 】

[Accepting this mission will give the opposing force +30 malicious intent. 】

Shen Jian glanced at the scarlet panel, with an obscure light in his eyes.

This copy of the movie treats players quite well.

On the premise that the player level is seriously insufficient, a certain amount of rewards were paid in advance.

If played well, this favorability +30 buff will undoubtedly be the key to a comeback.

30 points of favorability has reached the friendly stage. Even if you stand in front of a completely unfamiliar ghost, you can quickly become familiar with it. After contacting you again, you can easily reach 50 points of favorability and enter the familiar stage.

At this stage, they are already relatively good friends.

It's totally possible to take advantage of an opportunity to help.

As long as the conditions offered are not too excessive, Li Gui will not refuse to help.

Of course, facing the mastermind behind the supernatural game APP, ordinary ghost friendship is of no use, but what about the protagonist?

In his opinion, the purpose of this mission is to give players a chance to get to know the protagonist.

Think of this.

Shen Jian narrowed his eyes slightly.


Thriller Game is too generous this time.

It's like worrying that the protagonist will fail, so that more players will gather around the protagonist and help the protagonist make plans to defeat the underworld organization.

Recalling that the master of the Yin Cao Palace was suspected to have been promoted to a ghost, Shen Jian speculated that something had happened in this copy of the movie, causing the protagonist's winning rate to become lower?

So you use this method to help the protagonist improve his winning rate?


The player base also exploded.

What the hell? 30 points of favor for nothing? Since when did this dogecoin thriller game become so generous? I used to go to the settlement dungeon and couldn't get 30 points of favor with the general supporting characters.

Ma Dan, who isn't? Just thinking about being brothers and living in harmony with a ghost makes me shudder. I'm thankful that my human identity can't be discovered.

The iron trees are blooming, and you can buy a horror game for free. If you tell me this, it will cause a sensation in the supernatural world.

Upstairs, don't be too happy. In addition to the positive 30 points of favor, we also carry the villain's 30 points of malice. When we don't know each other, this is directly -30 points of favor. When we encounter a bad temper Explosion, with a vicious personality, even if he just looks at the other person in the street, he will kill you directly.

Yes, this is a double-edged sword. Don't forget the requirements of the plot mission. The thriller game can give us such an early reward, which means that with our ability, the pass rate of the normal game is zero.

In addition to the excited ones, there were also many players who were very dignified.

Thriller games will not give you a certain death task, but will definitely give you a glimmer of hope. No matter how slim the chance is or how harsh the conditions are, you must still give it.

This is the underlying law of horror games.

It cannot be violated.

And this temporary goodwill is the glimmer of hope.

This also emphasizes that they are not capable of completing this plot task.

One can imagine.

How difficult is the mission?

[Sister Lan: I suspect that thriller games require us to find the protagonist. Only the protagonist's ability can resolve this crisis. I think... behind this, at least the top ghost king is planning everything. 】

As soon as these words came out.

All players are muted.

His originally excited expression suddenly froze.

Top ghost king?

A group of players with an average level of 20 or 30, going to face the top ghost king?

Damn it.

What's the difference between this and being transported to the Demon King's Castle in the Novice Village?

No wonder the thriller game is so kind, there is something more sinister yet to come.

[Liancheng: @Sister Lan: You are too straightforward, at least give these people some hope. 】

[Sister Lan: If they don’t even have this awareness, I advise them not to accept the mission, so that they can hide in one place until the end. But when the five-star dungeon came, another person who was familiar with the protagonist joined. If we can seize the opportunity of the Heavenly Temple, after this instance, we will not be just parallel import players with game levels. 】

[Sister Lan: If you don’t seize this opportunity, you will die anyway. It doesn’t matter whether you are straightforward or not. 】

Saw these words.

Many players are ashamed.

After hearing Wang Lan and others explain the dangers involved, they really planned to give up.

Even if they can't join the Celestial Temple, they can at least survive for a while. If they are lucky enough to pass the level, they may not necessarily be the one with the worst performance and be eliminated.

So many what ifs made them lose the idea of ​​confrontation.

Just thinking about things.

However, Wang Lan's words were like a loud slap in the face, leaving them ashamed.

See this scene.

Shen Jian was very interested.

This Wang Lan has good acumen, strong mobility, and experience in managing people. He is a rare talent.

For such talents, the underworld is willing to give them a chance.

Despite the fact that the number of living people in the underworld was very small, only 5 in total, he regarded these people as candidates for the future City God.

The five living people are the five future city gods.

This Wang Lan can also be given a chance.

With this thought.

Shen Jian withdrew his gaze.

Second floor.

When Shen Jian went upstairs.

Then he saw Su Zhi wearing an apron, standing in front of the chopping board, with her head bent over washing vegetables.

Shen Jian's expression changed.

Seeing this doctor who healed people's hearts and saved lives during the day, now taking off his professional white coat and transforming into a beautiful mature woman full of life, preparing delicious food for him, a strange emotion suddenly rose up.

Think about it.

Shen Jian decided to test it out.


He also walked into the kitchen.

Aunt Zhi, let me help you wash the vegetables.

Su Zhi didn't raise her head or speak, she just gave way to the left side.

Shen Jian:......

He couldn't laugh or cry.

Walked past.

However, since the kitchen area is not large and there is only one aisle, it can barely accommodate one and a half people, so Shen Jian had to pass behind Su Zhi.


This place can accommodate one and a half people, and because Aunt Zhi's overly proud figure and a relatively fertile location occupy most of the area, Shen Jian needs to be close to the wall when he passes by.

Even so, the two inevitably came into contact.

Su Zhi felt something strange behind her. She turned her head sharply and saw Shen Jian, who was pretending to be innocent.

Aunt Zhi, you damn..., you're blocking my way.

Shen Jian blinked and said.

Hear this.

Su Zhi's pretty face turned red, and she rolled her eyes at Shen Jian. She wanted to pinch Shen Jian, but she felt that it would be too advantageous for him, so she remained silent and just straightened her waist slightly.

But even so, due to Shen Jian's deliberate manipulation, contact could not be avoided.


But at this level, Su Zhi said she could still accept it.

after all.

When it comes to closer contact with Shen Jian, it's not like she has never had one before.

Under Shen Jian's subtle influence, she has become accustomed to this level of contact, and her ability to accept it has improved a lot.


If anyone else dared to be so frivolous to her, she would have exploded long ago.

He was stabbed more than a dozen times, but in the end it could only be identified as minor injuries.

the other side.

Seeing that the beautiful woman didn't react much to this degree of ambiguity, Shen Jian's eyes lit up.

From time to time, he passed by the beautiful woman.

There are countless reasons.

When washing vegetables, you have to go to the right. Now that I'm not good at cooking, I'd better go to the left and wash vegetables.

Why do you need to drink water and go out of the kitchen? Go out when you feel urgent to urinate; someone shouts downstairs, let me go and take a look...

In back and forth contact.

Shen Jian's body couldn't help but undergo some changes.


That's enough. Get out and I'll do it myself.

Did he think he couldn't discover his little thoughts?

Su Zhi couldn't bear it anymore and drove Shen Jian out with a blushing face.

At the same time, he did not forget to close the kitchen door to prevent Shen Jian from plotting evil and taking advantage of her.

But just as Shen Jian left the kitchen with an innocent look on his face, Su Zhi inside the glass door also showed a hint of shame, and the corners of her mouth seemed to curl up.


This little man is still interested in her.

As for those little girls, they are young and young, but they cannot resist this little man who prefers hers.

Think of this.

The beautiful woman couldn't help but cover her face.

She, an old woman whose son is as old as Shen Jian, was jealous of a little girl just now. What happened to her?

It really shouldn't be.

What's more, it was her plan to introduce a young woman to Shen Jian and make him lose interest in her, an old woman.

Unexpectedly, when she saw Shen Jian being secretly kissed, she couldn't accept it. Could it be that she...

Su Zhi shook her head and forced herself not to think about these things again.

Since her son was taken away, she has become accustomed to being alone, and she has never thought about finding another man during this period, because her son is the reason why she sticks to it until now, but now...

Her thoughts were shaken.

Or because she is a little boy who is about the same age as her son. If she says this, others will think that she is an old cow eating young grass and seducing a young one.

Moreover, can she really compete with those pretty and youthful little girls?

Think of this.

She stroked half of her face, looking a little melancholy.

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