Shen Jian, it’s over!

For a while.

Whether it is the players in this area or the other players who are paying attention to this matter, they all have such thoughts in their hearts.

It's the ghost king's supernatural place, plus two abyss-level ghosts, and the coffee shop is also suspected to be the final villain of the five-star movie copy here. The buffs of this special meow are already stacked. It would be a bit rude if he doesn't die. .

Think of this.

All the players shook their heads.

Sure enough, those who dare to provoke Li Gui will not end up much better.

The precognitive ghost didn't even reveal his identity, and relied on simple text content to kill a level 58 horror game player.

Its horror is chilling.

They didn't dare to imagine how terrifying this prophetic ghost's true form would be. Perhaps it had reached the abyss level or even the top ghost king.

A ghost of this level has already stood at the top of the pyramid of the horror world. Even if it is placed in a large number of movie copies in the entertainment city, it is still an unsolvable ghost that exists as the final boss.

But here, this is just an appetizer.

One can imagine.

Just how strong is a five-star movie copy.

Once targeted, there is absolutely no way to survive.


Hey, that's too reckless. Even if the wealthy ghost mentioned by the prescient ghost is really in the coffee shop, he doesn't have to rush. He can completely rely on his own ability to become the protagonist's subordinate, and then bring this news to the protagonist. Take action, and when the time comes, he can pick up the leak directly instead of being trapped in a supernatural place.

Normally, they are different from us. They participate in more thrilling horror game dungeons. Even teammates in the dungeon may be enemies, let alone asking for help from the NPCs in the dungeon. I guessed it at the time. He's definitely going to be a standout.

I still don't understand the fault of the Entertainment City model. Level 58 is already the strongest group in the real world. I'm afraid that together, we may not be his opponents.

A group of players were discussing.

I feel sorry for Shen Jian.

At this time.

Someone is speaking in the chat interface.

[Mr. Qi: It’s best not to draw conclusions so quickly. Experts are different. 】

All players were stunned when they saw the news.

I feel like this player cannot accept reality.

They had also seen before that the middle-aged rich man with the ID of [Mr. Qi] admired Shen Jian very much. He spoke in a respectful tone and even called him Exalted Man.

He looked like he had been brainwashed.

They speculated that this middle-aged rich man may have experienced supernatural events in the real world. At that time, Shen Jian was already a horror game player and became a ghost master, helping the rich man solve supernatural threats.


What they don't understand is that Rich Man has now become a horror game player. The 34-level game level means that he has experienced many movie copies. Doesn't he still understand the horror of ghosts above the Ghost King level?

Why do you think Shen Jian, a level 58 player, can survive in a supernatural land with an abyss-level ghost king?

The only thing they can think of is the filter of their savior.

To this.

Qi Shan also knows what these players think.

But he didn't explain.

I just made a statement, chose to support Shen Jian, and made my presence felt.

Others don't know, how can he, who has experienced it personally, not know Shen Jian's strength?

It's okay to say that at the supernatural cinema, Shen Jian only dealt with some green- and red-level ghosts.

But the time he was trapped in a ghost village, red-clothed ghosts were everywhere. There were enough ghosts in the village, and a real ghost king was born.


Still being ruthlessly crushed by Shen Jian.

What's more important is that he made inquiries after he went out, and it was the underworld that eliminated hundreds of ghost villagers in the ghost village.

Combined with the information he knew, he had reason to suspect that Shen Jian was a city god like the city god of Linhai City.

And the recovery time is much earlier than that of their female city god in Linhai City.

He didn't think Shen Jian would die as a mere ghost king.

Even if there is a supernatural power that predicts ghosts.

after all.

Wang Lan was also predicted to die before, but it was resolved in the end.

This shows that predicting ghosts is not inevitable.

But he had no reason to say this.

This feeling of everyone is drunk, but I am awake alone made him look forward to it.

the other side.

Naturally, Shen Jian, who didn't know that the players had issued a death notice on him, walked into the coffee shop.

Lock the door with a chain.

Then he looked at the customers in the coffee shop leisurely.

There were ten people in the store.

Nine of them are customers, and one is a puppet barista.


The parchment refers to the moneyless ghosts, it is these guests.

There was a bit of excitement on Shen Jian's face.

Scanned them one by one.


Just like the number stated on the parchment, seven of the nine guests were moneyless ghosts.

This precognitive ghost can really tell the blessings of evil ghosts.

And its precognitive powers are much better than Wei Qing's ghost painting album. In his opinion, this is no longer at the level of ghost king, but above ghosts and gods.

Even among all the ghosts and gods, his supernatural power is far ahead.

at present.

In other words, Cleopatra's past and future incarnations can stabilize one end.

The protagonist of this movie copy cannot really be the apprentice of a world-weary ghost or god. Otherwise, how could a special ghost like Parchment appear in the copy?

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

I have some thoughts in my heart.


All the ghost kings also looked at him.

Looked at Shen Jian.

After all, apart from being mentally ill, newcomers who want to join the Yin Cao organization will come to drink coffee at this time.


What do you mean by locking the door of the store?

Why, are you afraid that law enforcement officers will come and search your home?

At this time.

The white paper in Shen Jian's hand reacted again.

The densely packed text beat happily.

I knew I was done.

I saw a total of ten ghost kings here, and all of them emitted supernatural fluctuations that made me scared.

I began to panic. Under the pressure of ghost king-level supernatural beings, as a human being, I am still too weak. Even if the supernatural jigsaw puzzle I control is only as scary as a ghost king, there is still no killing supernatural power. Ghost Eyes, if I want to break out, my ghost eyes need to be opened to eight or more.

But here, I had absolutely no chance.

Especially the two abyss-level ghost kings, a little loli holding a life-size stuffed rabbit, and a middle-aged man carrying a guitar bag. They have locked onto me. Once I make any move, they will choose to attack. I.

Because my behavior of locking the door of the store on my own has offended them. I deserve to die. If I still think about locking the door at this time, I may be mentally ill.

These last few sentences don't look like Shen Jian's first-person description. Instead, they look like someone couldn't hold back and couldn't help but make a few remarks.

Shen Jian just glanced at it.

His expression was as usual.

Following the words on the parchment, his eyes fell on the little loli and the middle-aged man in the corner.

These two abyss-level ghost kings also have no luck in their bodies. They are ghosts who are destined to have no wealth in their lives and cannot keep their wealth.

In the real world, this kind of ghost cannot become a person at all. He can only experience the feeling of not starving like a beggar.

This is the hungry ghost.

It is this type of ghosts that the Hungry Ghost Realm needs.

Think of this.

Shen Jian's face was filled with an excited smile. He met the eyes of all the ghost kings and said enthusiastically: You are all here. The first time I saw you, I felt that you are all my long-lost relatives. You are so kind.

All ghost kings:?

They were slightly startled.

Shen Jian's enthusiastic attitude put her off.

What a long-lost relative.

Who is your relative?

You are quite familiar with me.

When I was stunned.

Shen Jian had already walked towards the nearest little loli.

Little sister, where are your parents? It's too dangerous for you to come here alone in the middle of the night. If you encounter a strange fox, you will be in trouble. Poor child...

As Shen Jian spoke, he touched the little Loli's head with strange eyes, his tone was very gentle, and he gave a very doting look.

As if cherishing some treasure.

Ghost King:...

Little loli:......

The others looked as if they had seen a ghost.


He dared to touch the head of an abyss-level ghost king, and he looked like an elder.

You grew up eating cow gall.

at this time.

The little Loli was also stunned.

look up.

Just in time to meet Shen Jian's slightly excited eyes.

Especially when Shen Jian put his hand on top of her head, she trembled.

It seemed as if he would be attacked by the Heavenly Spirit in the next second.

Damn it.

The way you are now, aren't you just a complete weirdo?

Is there anyone weirder than you?

In chaos.

Shen Jian said hello to the middle-aged man next door who was carrying a guitar bag.

Uncle, you are quite like a relative of mine, but he was later dismembered by me with a chainsaw. Otherwise, I can introduce you to him.

Middle-aged man: ...

His stiff grimace suddenly darkened.

Who are your dismembered relatives?

You kid, if you can't speak, you can keep your mouth shut. If you don't speak, no one will treat you as mute.

He looked at Shen Jian pitifully.

It was as if he wanted to find out the details of Shen Jian.

There were only two abyss-level ghost kings in the coffee shop. The other ghost kings stayed far away from them. Not to mention saying hello to them, even if they looked at each other, they would subconsciously avoid it.

Only Shen Jian.

He said hello in a familiar manner.

You have turned into a ghost and are still like this, buddy, your social cow is born with it.

Just saying.

Shen Jian pointed to the guitar bag that the man put on the ground and said, Uncle, what are you packing here? Why is water leaking out? The smell is a bit addictive. Could it be...

Shen Jian was about to speak but stopped.

The middle-aged man grinned, smiled sinisterly, looked at Shen Jian with a strange expression, and said in a sinister tone: Hey, guess... what good stuff is here?

Could it be... Shen Jian said hesitantly: The juice from the canned herring leaked out? Uncle, I don't want to eat this, it will stink.

Middle-aged man:? ? ?

Holy shit... canned herring.

I look at you like a canned herring.

His sinister smile froze on his face.

He turned his back, not wanting to see Shen Jian again.

He felt...tired.

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