Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 607: The Breeding Movie Farm of Misanthropic Ghosts and Gods

Qingshi City God's Hall.

Shen Jian opened the game panel and looked at the hidden plot missions.

The hidden plot mission The Wrath of the Evernight King requires him to collect one of Luo Fengtian's Zhou Jueyintian Palace, which is the administrative authority of the Qing Kingdom.

These permissions are divided into nine for some reason.

The Qing Emperor intercepted one.

He collected five.

Among the remaining three, Guanghui Ghosts and Gods know a clue about one of them, which is suspected to be located in the fifth place of Luo Fengtian, called Mingchen Nai Violation Wucheng Tiangong. It is a dangerous and extremely sinister place that is more chaotic than the fighting in the ghost city.

As for the remaining two, he has no clues so far.

But after collecting five dragon qi and occupying half of the authority of Zhou Jue Yintian Palace, he unlocked the authority to search for clues of dragon qi every other month.

And he was planning to use this authority.


Shen Jian whispered.

[It has been detected that the player has used Qingguo’s authority and scanning has started. 】


[Scan completed. 】

[Location: Entertainment City. 】

See this.

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows.

The city of entertainment, isn't this the location of the third Luo Fengtian and Taisha Liangshi Zongtian Palace that he is familiar with?

He learned about this from the mouth of the ferry ghosts and gods.


Shen Jian frowned slightly.

Except for a few ghosts and gods, probably no one knows where the deep ghost realm is located. Even if they know, it is most likely related to Luo Fengtian.

In other words.

Even if he knew that there was a dragon spirit located in the entertainment city, he had no way to enter this deep ghost realm.

Unless, like entering Olympus, he can steal the dungeon tokens from players, it will undoubtedly be a dream to enter the entertainment city.

Think of this.

Shen Jian clicked his tongue.

The horror game Xiao Bichi hid Luo Fengtian's location so deeply. Isn't it just to prevent the underworld from reviving and snatch these underworld properties back?

Think about it.

Shen Jian called to ferry ghosts and gods.


The ferry ghost shrouded in black mist appeared and said respectfully.

By now, he had completely given up the idea of ​​escaping.

I am willing to row a boat on the Wangchuan River in the underworld, act as a ferryman, and do odd jobs.

no way.

There is a saying among humans: What should you do if life treats you badly and you have no power to resist?

Damn it, of course it is enjoyment.

This is the mentality of ferrying ghosts and gods now.

Do you know how to get back?

Shen Jian asked.

He wanted to know if there was any other way to enter this deep ghost realm.

The ferry ghost gave a decisive answer: No, I am an evil god marked by the horror game. I cannot leave the deep ghost realm at all. If the horror game had not opened the passage to the human world, I would not have been able to come.

Naturally, there's no chance I'd go back unless horror games took me there.

Hear this.

Shen Jian was a little disappointed.

So how much do you know about the City of Entertainment? I am collecting one of Luo Fengtian's permissions. Some of them have landed where you are. What clues do you know?

The ferry ghost was silent for a few moments: Master, do you have any characteristics?

Does good luck count?

Good luck? The ferry ghost was stunned, That's too many.

this time.

It was Shen Jian's turn to be slightly startled.

What's the point?

Master, you don't know something. The entertainment city where I am located is ruled by a ghost and god named Weanshi. She is a legendary world-destroying ghost and god. The super-large supernatural place she created covers almost the entire city. Fengtian.”

Ferrying Ghosts and Gods explained:

And her city of entertainment is made up of movies after movies. Each movie is a new supernatural world. Once the movie meets expectations, the movie world will materialize and become a terrifying place. A magical place.”

And the so-called protagonists in these movies are all very lucky and are almost guaranteed to become ghosts and gods. There was a time when all the ghosts in the entertainment city hoped to become the protagonists of the movie and soar to the sky.

Hear this.

Shen Jian's heart was shocked.

World-weary ghosts and gods? !

In the third place, Luo Fengtian, the city lord of the entertainment city, is actually her?

He was no stranger to this ghost and god.

When the real world came to the second game copy - the Supernatural Cinema, he entered it and broke into one of the movie scenes. He packed up all the actors in the movie and took them away. He also took away all the staff of the Supernatural Cinema. The copy was destroyed.

As a result, he was marked by ghosts and gods again.

And the name of this ghost and god is exactly world-weary.

The world-weary ghost is the source ghost behind the supernatural cinema.

Shen Jian was overjoyed.

He opened the game panel.

All the way down.

[Special status: The curiosity of world-weary ghosts and gods. 】

Click on the status bar.

A line of scarlet warning words appeared.

【warn! warn! 】

[The player is currently marked by the ghost and god. If he steps into the cinema, the relevant copy will be automatically opened. 】

[Note: Players cannot refuse. 】

This is it.

Shen Jian's eyes lit up.

After being marked, he thought the negative impact was a bit useless, but he didn't expect that this would be an opportunity for him to enter the deep ghost realm.

There is no supernatural cinema in the real world. Once the copy is opened, he will be directly transported to the deep ghost realm, which is the city of entertainment.

Thoughts are spinning.

Shen Jian suppressed his racing thoughts.

After pondering for a while, he continued to ask: Each of the protagonists can achieve ghosts and gods? Do you think these protagonists have strong luck?

For this.

Shen Jian was a little confused.

He had also broken into the scene of one of the movies, but according to his observation, the male protagonist in the movie seemed to be at the level of a red-coated ghost. It would be difficult to advance to the level of ghost.

Of course not. Only the protagonists of large-scale movies can do this. These large-scale movies rarely appear. Every time they appear, we can only see them after the film is completed. I suspect that the world-weary madman has trapped a large number of evil ghosts, forming a series of monsters. The supernatural world intervened in the lives of these protagonists through special methods, and this is how these ghosts and gods were artificially created.

After talking about ferrying ghosts and gods, a movie appeared in Shen Jian's mind - The Truman Show.

Build a huge ecologically self-contained studio, and then put a newborn baby into it, telling him that the world he lives in is so big, and let him grow up under the witness and interference of people around the world.

The misanthropic movie is similar to The Truman Show.

But what she wants is not to observe a person's life, but to create ghosts and gods.

some of.

The world-weary ghosts and gods may have also used dragon energy to put it into the body of the protagonist, making him advance to the level of ghosts and gods between coincidences and non-coincidences, until the dungeon materialized, and a five-star dungeon with ghosts and gods appearing out of thin air.

Enhance the heritage of the entertainment city.


Shen Jian took a breath of cold air.

This world-weary ghost knows how to play.

And it’s quite fun to play.

The degree of perversion is even greater than that of the glorious ghosts and gods who like to eavesdrop on corners.

Got this.

Shen Jian finally got to know the city of entertainment.

One of the dragon spirits lost by the Qing Kingdom was undoubtedly controlled by world-weary ghosts and gods.

Think of this.

Shen Jian's eyes narrowed slightly.

From the first place, Luo Fengtian Qingguo, he had already collected most of them.

In the second place, Luo Fengtian Olympus, he collected half of it.

And now, is this third place, Luo Fengtian, complete or in a split state?

According to his current intelligence, the Buddhist kingdom where Cleopatra is located is a deep-level ghost realm that clearly has complete authority.

However, judging from the generosity and strength of the world-weary ghosts and gods, there is a high chance that Luo Fengtian's authority in this third area is complete.


Shen Jian's expression gradually became excited.

He had a hunch that this time, he was very likely to get Luo Fengtian's complete authority and unlock the human path, one of the six paths of reincarnation.

By the way, there is also a one-stop recycling system.

Also, see if you can unlock the Hungry Ghost Realm, one of the three evil realms.

If possible.

He will completely unlock the power of the Ten Palaces of Yama.

By then.

The ten kings of hell are added to the body.

He will be the undisputed Lord of the Underworld.

The more I think about it.

Shen Jianyue became more and more excited.

He planned to use a few days to write out the follow-up development plan of the underworld and resolve the impact of his westward journey.

at the same time.

Qingyue Mountain.

Pyramid direction.

when the shaking stops.

A group of Freemasonry members headed by Nie Yun also successfully walked out of the pyramid.

Looking at the deserted open space and lush woods around them, they felt confused.


Where is this?

Where is Brother Shen?

He must have forgotten us.

Nie Yun wanted to cry but had no tears.

Taking out his mobile phone, the map showed that this place was Qingyue Mountain, Qingshi, Xiping Province.

Qingshi? !

When they saw the name of this city, Nie Yun and Chu Qian both gleamed.

They have not forgotten that Shen Jian is the person in charge of Qingshi.

In other words, they did return to the Dragon Kingdom and came to the city where Brother Shen lived.

They also expressed the importance of this matter.

This is a city governed by immortal gods. Although Shen Jian disappeared after sending them back, they can take the initiative... to search for gods.

The world is too dangerous.

The more I know the truth, the more desperate I become.

Because of this, they knew that the only way to survive in this world where evil ghosts were resurrected was to follow Shen Jian.


A group of Freemasons who found themselves back in the Dragon Kingdom eagerly descended the mountain.

Each returned to their respective cities.

At the foot of the mountain.

Nie Yun took his sister Nie Yu and stayed in this city with Chu Qian. They looked at each other and saw the ambition in each other's eyes.

They are looking for God.

Trying to find traces of God in this city.


They found a clue.

Today's Qingshi is no longer the fourth-tier small city it once was. The country is peaceful and the people are living and working in peace and contentment, as if they are living in a world without evil ghosts.

Even the most obtuse person knows that Qingshi is very special.

Among these rumors, rumors, and news, Nie Yun quickly found related supernatural events.

The City God appears.

Traveling on a bad trip.

The gate of hell appears.

The underworld has arrived.

King Yama reappears.

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