A god...

These words seemed to have a special magic power, making all the players in the audience feel a tremor from their hearts.

They stared at Shen Jian, as if they wanted to see through the Dragon Kingdom ghost controller in front of them.

But facing Shen Jian's pair of pupils that were glowing with light, they only dared to take a peek, and then hurriedly shifted their gaze, feeling that they were looking directly into the abyss of hell.

He is really the King of Hell in the myths and legends of the Dragon Kingdom! ?

This doubt appears in the minds of all white and black players.

This is too dreamy.

It can even be said to be bizarre.

It would be unbelievable for anyone that the legendary god would become a player of a horror game just like them.





Various emotions intertwined and finally became complicated.

They couldn't believe that there really were gods in the real world, let alone the resurrection of the underworld in the myths and legends of the Dragon Kingdom.

But apart from this possibility, they really couldn't imagine anyone else who could do it and instantly kill a top ghost king when he raised his hand.

Not to mention them, not even five-star players can do it.

Even the Holy See is helpless against such a terrifying level of ghost.

The only ones who can do this are beings above ghosts and gods.

Think of this.

There was silence.

As Shen Jian's gaze swept over them, they subconsciously avoided him, lowering their heads, with horror in their eyes and horror on their faces.

Because this god is from the Dragon Kingdom camp.

But they are the representatives who persecute the people of the Dragon Kingdom.

Although most of them are not interested in this matter, they are the ghost controllers of the Holy See after all. Everything done by the Holy See official in the small town of Gallifrey will naturally be blamed on them.

this moment.

No one dared to look at Shen Jian.

Wherever he looked, everyone bowed their heads.

See this.

Shen Jian lost interest in his eyes.

Somewhat uninterested, he turned around and left.

Behind him, a large number of fierce ghosts followed, but no one spoke.

In the team walking together, Nie Yun and Chu Qian looked in a daze.

When one person stood up, all the people in the world lowered their eyebrows.

How powerful and majestic this is.


How deeply these Holy See players have persecuted them, how low they are now.

This feeling is really wonderful.

He glanced around and saw these once arrogant ghost masters bowing their heads to him. Even though he knew that this was because of Shen Jian, there was still a bit of pleasure on his face.

At the same time, he touched the scar on his left face, and a bit of anger and gloom flashed in his eyes.

Nie Yun lowered his voice and said: Miss Chu, did you just hear what these players said? What exactly do they mean by the coming of angels and ghosts? And this King of Hell, isn't this the most famous Lord of Hell in the underworld? ? What happened in the Dragon Kingdom during the more than a year since I disappeared?

Hear this.

Chu Qian also swallowed her saliva and said hesitantly: I don't know the specifics, but the news that happened in Ivy City was really a big deal at the time. I heard from the forum...

Someone once saw an angel with golden wings but an evil face appearing in Ivy City, causing the whole city to fall into turmoil. After that, the legendary Lord of the Fifth Palace of the Underworld, King Yama of the Underworld, appeared. Without seeing his person, he only heard his voice, showing his divine eyes to the human world.”

By the way, I still have the copy paintings that I saved on the forum. At that time, I thought the copy paintings on this server were so shocking, so I kept them for you to take a look at.


Chu Qian took out her phone and handed a photo to Nie Yun.

In the photo, a huge dark-colored eye appears above the sky. The eye seems to be fixed in the endless sky, and it is extremely majestic.

Then the chain was lowered, and a figure covered in golden light, with golden wings and an evil ghost face was firmly locked.

A golden spear penetrated the heart of the angel and nailed it to the sky.

It's like a trial.

Finished reading.

Nie Yun couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Before he came into contact with the thriller game, he didn't want to believe it.

But now, he was shaken.

There are horror games and evil ghosts have appeared. So what is unacceptable about the resurrection of the legendary underworld and the appearance of King Yama?

Brother Shen, is the legendary King of Hell?

He's... following in the footsteps of a god?

Think of this.

His face began to turn red.

It's so exciting that I can't help myself.

You believe it?

Chu Qian asked curiously.

What is there not to believe in? If he can take us out of the sea of ​​suffering and let us return to our hometown, then he is our God and savior.

Nie Yun said firmly.

Say it.

He also strode away.

Only a group of Vatican players were left with their heads lowered and expressions of embarrassment on their faces.


They were completely ignored.

A group of people from the Dragon Kingdom, whom they regarded as amusement, now stepped on their heads and became emboldened.

This condescending attitude is no less than a humiliation.

This shows that in the eyes of the other party, they are not even qualified to be valued.

Just like humans look at ants, who has ever seen a person who cares whether ants have emotions?

The more I think about it.

The uglier their faces become.

This player who is suspected of being a god has definitely not a simple intention in coming to their Western world.

This counts as a home invasion.

The Holy See will not let these people leave unharmed.

By then.

They will then know whether they can kill gods!

the other side.

Shen Jian looked at the crowd of slave ghosts and felt very satisfied.

The number of slave ghosts in the first level plus the second level has basically covered most of the power of this copy, and no more can be much more.

This group of local ghosts in the real world can also meet the requirements for unlocking the animal realm. The target of 50 evil ghosts with the ten evil karma has now been completed.

The rest can all be used as underworld agents.

It can double the number of negative differences.

Reaching the number of ten thousand.

These 10,000 Yinzai were scattered across major provinces, enough to cover the boundaries of three provinces.

If we add the built City God Temple, the number of City Gods can be dozens more.


Shen Jian has not forgotten that he is now the manager of Nanjiang District and can send undercover agents to Nanjiang District in the thriller world to officially start the counter-invasion of the thriller world.

At that time.

The underworld can be said to have entered a stage of rapid development.

The more I think about it.

Shen Jian became more and more excited.

According to this model of money begetting money, it seems that it is not too far away from letting the underworld truly govern the whole world.


It's time to talk to this Cleopatra.


Shen Jian came to a desert palace.

On the arena in front of the palace, there are seven scattered players participating in the third level of the trial.

None of these players are below level 40.

There are also two players above level 50.

The highest level one is even equal to him, reaching level 58 impressively.

See Shen Jian.

These seven white players were all stunned.

Then he reacted.

This should be the Dragon Kingdom ghost controller mentioned by other players in the chat interface.


The opponent did show his health bar in front of them.

Looking at the prompts on the scarlet panel, they squinted, as if judging whether they could kill Shen Jian.

in the crowd.

The eyes of the white player with the highest level, whose ID is [Jack], turned completely white. He took half a step back, and disappeared silently and without any movement.

The others saw this.

I understood the meaning immediately.

They all set up cover.

The one from the Dragon Kingdom, come to our western border, please abide by the rules of the guests. He will get ahead of us whenever he comes.

Haha, are all yellow-skinned people so rude? If you want to enter the Pharaoh's palace, you still need to pass the final test.

I believe that at this level, you people from the Dragon Kingdom don't have any information at all. As we are both experienced players, we can share this information for free.

at this time.

A group of white players stopped Shen Jian.

He looked at Shen Jian with an angry look, showing a bit of provocation.

The lowest level among them is also at level 45. All of them control the three ghost Jigsaw. Even if they are inferior to Shen Jian in terms of supernatural strength, they are not much different. At least they will not be killed by the supernatural at once.

Coupled with Jack, who is also level 58, no matter how thick the opponent's health bar is, it will not take much time to kill the opponent under the supernatural and unreasonable attack.

Now, just wait for Jack to succeed, and they will swarm you and kill you while you are sick.

Shen Jian stopped.

It was at this moment that the white player with the ID [Jack] moved to the sky behind Shen Tian without any warning, and swung a colorless bone knife down high.

The whole process did not cause any movement.

There was no sound, no wind, no shadow, not even breath.


See it.

The other white players were shocked.

The three ghosts controlled by Jack are all related to assassination. As long as he is targeted, he will always worry about whether the other party will fall behind him.

For outsiders who don't know the specific information, Jack's supernatural assassination is simply impossible to avoid.

Because of this complementary supernatural cooperation, Jack once became a nightmare for Western ghost masters.

Known as the world's number one assassin.

Even five-star players would not dare to provoke Jack.

Secure this one.

Just the next second when this idea came up.

They saw Shen Jian grinning, and then...

A gun was pulled from his body.

Turn around and aim behind you.

That's right, it's a gun, a modern firearm. Judging from the model, it should be an ordinary Desert Eagle.

A group of white players:? ? ?


Why don't you get a special pistol for dealing with ghost masters? It might be of some use.

You take a regular little pistol?


Who are you looking down on?

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