Boom boom boom boom—!

On the desert, in front of the half-built pyramid.

Destructive golden light penetrated the battlefield, exploded, and intertwined into a wave of destruction covering hundreds of meters.

Under the aftermath of the shock, the ground hundreds of meters away was trembling crazily and collapsing, forming large pits of quicksand one after another. It was difficult to imagine what kind of existence could be capable of such a continuous explosion of divine power.

far away.

The ghost driver drove the ghost bus away from the land amidst the earth-shattering roar, away from the aftermath of the explosion.

at this time.

The ghost passengers sitting in the carriage knelt down one after another.

Don't ask them why they kneel. Even if their parents come, they will only dare to kneel and watch at this moment.

What kind of picture is this?

The sky trembled, the earth roared, sand and dust rolled up, and the golden light shone brightly.

Under such a mighty force that looked like a true god coming to destroy the world, the so-called human sea tactic completely lost its effect and became a stepping stone for miracles.

All the ghost passengers were thankful that they had not taken advantage of the opportunity when Shen Jian was not paying attention to them and abandoned the car, otherwise they would be the ones experiencing this great power now.


It seems like... they can't let Shen Jian use such power?

For a while.

They don't know whether to be sad or happy.

Unlike the ghost passengers, the only two living people on the carriage were completely in a daze at this moment.

Is this a ghost master?

Is this horse riding a ghost a master? !

What a joke!

If a ghost master has such strength, do we still need to care about horror games and the resurrection of evil ghosts?

I'm afraid it wouldn't have been destroyed on the first day of the invasion.

You came here with Brother Shen. Do you know where he is from?

Nie Yun murmured.

Chu Qian was lost for a while: I...I only know that he seems to be from Qingshi.

Qingshi... Are you the person in charge of Qingshi...

Nie Yun wrote down the name.

He has been in Gallifrey for more than a year. He has no Internet access, is isolated from the world, and has no understanding of the domestic situation. Qingshi does not seem to be a first-tier city, and he has never heard of it.

But that's okay.

With Shen Jian's strength, he saw hope of returning to the Dragon Kingdom.

When the dungeon ends, they can rely on Shen Jian's strong strength to quietly hijack a passenger plane at the airport in Gallifrey and fly back to the Dragon Kingdom.

Think of this.

Nie Yun's heartbeat quickened.

His eyes were full of excitement.

the other side.

On the battlefield filled with yellow sand.

Shen Jian is still immersed in the position of spiritual mentor.

While firing lasers at crowded places, he said with a smile: What? Don't you believe in the Pharaoh?

“Then do you want to change your faith in Jesus?”

Or you can believe in the Jade Emperor. You have to find a belief for yourself.

A group of slave ghosts:...

Hearing Shen Jian's teasing, they were furious, so angry that their faces turned red.

Damn it.

We are weak.

But you, this bitch, are so inhuman.

Kill people, kill people, why bother adding salt to our wounds.

You know how to kill people and kill people.

To this.

Shen Jian ignored them all.

He grinned and released the supernatural powers belonging to angels, ghosts and gods.

He discovered that as he used more and more supernatural powers, his own personality as the King of Hell was also quietly using this supernatural power for his own use.

This was the case with the previous thunder method.

In the past, he had to use the Song Emperor's yin-yang communicative power before he could use thunder to kill ghosts.

But after using it too many times, he gradually mastered the thunder method.

Now even without Emperor Song's clerical ability, he can still use thunder methods, which are even more powerful than those used by his master.

The same applies to the supernatural powers of angels, ghosts and gods.

He can already imagine that when he masters more and more supernatural powers, the upper limit of Yama will become higher and higher, instead of being limited to the traditional Ten Halls of Yama.

Think of this.

Shen Jian was also in a great mood.

The power could not help but leak out more.

This is undoubtedly a bigger blow to the fleeing slave ghosts.

And in such chaos.

The Sphinx had already buried himself in the sand.

Holding his head, shivering.

This is too fucking scary.

He is a top ghost king guarding the gate, how can He De use such a large formation.

Stop it, brother, we already know we're afraid.

Think about it this way.

A large crater was created in the sand around the Sphinx.

Revealing his larger body.

He raised his head, a grimace that was close to a human face showing a hint of sneer.

He looked at Shen Jian with a look of tears.


A little white flag was raised.

Indicates surrender.

Brother, I'm just Pharaoh's pet. I'm harmless to humans and animals.

shouted the Sphinx.

Shen Jian:......

He raised an eyebrow.

Think about it.

But he didn't take any further action against the grasshopper.

Instead, he continued to bombard other slave ghosts.

See this scene.

The remaining slave ghosts couldn't stand it anymore.

Seeing the sphinx surrendering and raising the white flag, they all felt like cursing.

Damn it, you were the one who called us out, you were the one who said this human being insulted the Pharaoh, and now you are the first one to surrender.

You really deserve to die.

You used us as cannon fodder, but you picked it out yourself.

You bitch, are you worthy of the pharaoh's love and respect?

At this time.

A slave ghost who knew he had no way out stood up and resisted.

It was not Shen Jian who resisted, but the Sphinx.

If they were killed by Shen Jian, they would be a disaster at best, but if they were left alive by the Sphinx, they would be mentally unbalanced.

Damn it, even the little white flag can be prepared in advance.

You have already been prepared to be a wallflower, right?

The most important thing is that you didn't prepare for us, nor did you intercede for us. You are a traitor and a traitor.

They are not convinced.

At these glances, the Sphinx curled his lips.

He was literally Pharaoh's pet.

With this level of identity, he can reach the top ghost king today.

Ghost, your moral bottom line needs to be flexible. I know how to flatter the Pharaoh, but you don't. This is the gap between us.

The Sphinx raised his head and said proudly.

He can confidently say that the reason why he became the guardian of the first level of the Pharaoh's trial was because of his smooth movements.

How could these slaves compare to him?

Do they know what it means to observe words and emotions? Do they know how to develop flattering words that are not repeated every day, 365 days a year? Do they stay up late at night reading, specifically excerpting beautiful words and sentences?


They don't understand at all.

This is the difference between them.

A group of slave ghosts:...

They had a dark look on their faces.

mmp, you mmp.

You are awesome.

You have a low moral bottom line, look what you can do.

When did flattering someone become something worth showing off?

It's bad luck for us to have a gatekeeper like you here.

in such mourning.

All the slave ghosts on the field were killed.

It crashed on the spot.

See this.

The sphinx became even more panicked.

Prone on the ground, whining.

He also performed acrobatics.

Put your belly up and your limbs upright on the dog. This is an action to please the owner.

Shen Jian:......

He couldn't help but hold his forehead.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

What kind of weird thing did this Cleopatra raise?

Okay, it's annoying.

Shen Jian spoke, stopping the other party from making any further moves to please him.

His eyes flickered and he said, Aren't you afraid that Pharaoh will be angry and kill you quickly?

The sphinx said weakly: Brother, the master said that this is not our home, and it will not be a pity if we die no matter how much we die. She wants us to protect ourselves first when encountering special situations. As for these slaves, they are the natives of this world's pyramid. Ghost, it has nothing to do with us.

Hear this.

The surprise in Shen Jian's eyes deepened.

Cleopatra was both a ghost and a god, and was also revered as a pharaoh. The vastness of her supernatural place cannot be measured by a pyramid.

In the deep ghost realm, there must be a larger force than here.


He was a little surprised that Cleopatra didn't come with her own power.

To know.

When the original ferry ghosts and gods came, they brought all the power they could bring with them and assimilated Longwen Mountain into a mass grave full of graves.

And this Cleopatra, could it be possible that she chose to come alone?

Think of this.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

Based on the information he knew, this possibility was very high. After all, according to the information he knew, Cleopatra was the type who was forced to come by a horror game and did not value the real world.

Under such circumstances, it’s easy to imagine her affinity for horror games after coming to the real world.

If you don't bring your own power, you just don't want to achieve the purpose of a thriller game.

Thoughts are spinning.

Shen Jian's eyes fell on the sphinx again.

The other party immediately started laughing.

He looked like he was waiting for his master's order.

Think about it.

Shen Jian asked: Besides here, how much power does the pyramid have?

There aren't many left. Most of the slaves are working on large-scale projects here. A small number are with the high priest, and some maids are with the master. The rest are gone. A dozen of them will not exceed five thousand.

The sphinx said honestly.

Hear this.

The smile in Shen Jian's eyes deepened.

Five thousand, almost catching up with the current number of Yinshao in the underworld.

If all these slaves could be converted into Yincai, the territory of the underworld could be expanded by at least two-thirds, extending its jurisdiction to three provinces.

In that case, it can be said to have achieved rocket-like growth.


He became more and more satisfied with the idea of ​​carrying the pyramid back.

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