Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 564 The king cannot be humiliated; Master, save me

This moment.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

The 24K titanium alloy dog's eyes were blinded and fell into a sluggish state.

They raised their heads and looked toward the sky.

Above Shen Jian's palm, a bright golden sun rose out of the sky, and endless golden light burst into the sky, illuminating the entire town in an instant.

Its radiance is so powerful that it penetrates all obstacles.

Spread the light of the golden sun to the whole world.

In a moment.

Blazing fire, dazzling light, and endless heat suddenly bloomed in the sky above Shen Jian's palm.

What kind of lighting is this? Isn't this just a small sun?

Damn it!

Too old.

The illumination you are referring to is to bring out a sun to replace the moon and replace the night?

Damn it, this is too luxurious.

Are you sure you are a pastor?

For those who didn’t know, I thought your main profession was that of a god.

the other side.

High in the sky.

Earl Diamond, his fake evil eyes, and even the hundreds of ferocious ghost eyes seemed to have been cast by a restraining technique at this moment. They were completely stagnant in place. After a pause, his whole body began to tremble uncontrollably. .

Those eyes were widened to the extreme.

There were hundreds of eyes on his face, and he had the terrifying and supernatural evil eyes of the top ghost king. He was also stunned on the spot.

Damn it.

Did you tell labor and management that this was lighting?

I am the size of your grandma.

A fight is a fight.

Can you please stop flipping over the chessboard at every turn?

Can you have some qualities of fair competition? ?


The whole audience was stunned.

Looking at the golden sun with a diameter of more than fifty meters not far away, blooming and blinding people's eyes, and feeling the destructive energy fluctuations coming from inside the golden sun, Xie Yan was extremely frightened.

When this golden sun hits, the entire town will disappear completely.

Even most of Chel's territory will disappear into the empire's territory, and everything will be dissolved.

How could he, a small top ghost king, be worthy of such a big move?

This is not anti-aircraft cannons to kill mosquitoes.

What a beast.

Hit him with something like this.


Without any hesitation, Xie Mu turned around and retreated in the air, dragging out an afterimage.

At the same time, he did not forget to reach out and say: Master, save me!

At this time, whoever doesn’t run will have Shabi.

He ran to Lord Diamond to seek refuge.


Earl Diamond, who was hanging in the void and guarded by many eyes, also had six eyes widened at this moment, and shouted angrily: You idiot, don't come here.

He also lost his soul.

There is no trace of the fierceness he had when he first appeared.

save you?

The first thing you think of is seeking refuge with me, the master. The master is very happy, but please don't attract the Japanese here.

Your master, how many kilograms I have, don’t you have some idea in your mind?

Think of this.

Diamond said with a trembling tone: Xie Mu, listen to me, Master, his lighting technique is just bright, but in fact it has no power at all. It's just a decoration at best, and it's just a little too big at most. Don't be afraid, be brave. If you have the courage to rush forward, maybe you will see through his trick?

He comforted him.

The meaning behind the words is: don't think so much, just hit it. If you lose the bet, you will melt. If you win the bet, you will be a hero.

Evil eyes:?

Hear this.

He couldn't help scolding his mother: In this case, Master, do you dare to come back and talk again?

All eyes:? ? ?

They all turned around.

They happened to see that their creator, Earl Diamond, was already a hundred meters away from here.

And he was still running for his life.

Their eyes almost popped out.


You are a real dog.

He knows how to treat people as cannon fodder.

Before their journey is over...

Shen Jian moved.

He waved.

A bright golden sun that seemed to have been compressed billions of times just left the palm of my hand and slowly fell from the sky.

It seemed to be soothing and elegant, but it crossed a distance of hundreds of meters in the blink of an eye, and landed in the middle of Earl Diamond and all the ghost eyes from the overwhelming force.

at the same time.

The sky seemed to be ignited, and the roaring aftermath of the originally raging clouds was completely annihilated. A blinding white glare from the sky and the earth filled the entire town.

The scope was so large that it seemed to cause the sky to tremble and the earth to crack.




The evil eyes and all the ghost eyes that were hit from the front were all frightened.

They watched helplessly as the golden sun continued to expand in their pupils, until the world in front of them turned into a vast expanse of white.

In an instant.

They don't know anything anymore.

at the same time.

Earl Diamond, who was running for his life, also noticed that his ghost slaves were dying in droves.

Just a breath.

Thousands of supernatural creations that he refined into ghost slave properties were completely scrapped in this way.

His heart was bleeding.

The resentment in his heart has boiled and reached its peak.

However, he didn't dare to stop at all, let alone look back.

He wouldn't be able to withstand a supernatural attack of this level if it stayed for even one second longer.

Dog day.

Who the hell is this pastor?

There is absolutely no such figure in the empire.

Otherwise, how could a being with such terrifying strength remain unknown.


Earl Diamond's pupils shrank again.

His face suddenly became stiff.

Because after killing all his ghost slaves, the aftermath of the attack was still continuing.

He could clearly feel that there seemed to be a sun approaching him very quickly behind him.

The speed was so fast that he had no time to react.

In just an instant, there were burning sounds coming from his back, and his body seemed to be melting.

Earl Diamond almost cried.


You are not a human being.

The aftermath of the attack was so long-lasting, no man could survive it for so long.

After all, he was also a ghost and god, but he didn't expect to be taken away by a wave before he could take action.

It's too unfair.

If he had known this was the case, he should have taken action directly at that time. Even if he died, he would have shown his strength at least.

In the sound of resentment.

The destructive wave of the golden sun overtook the count.


A shrill howl sounded.

Screams were heard.

Shen Jian thought for a while.

A wave of sleeves.

The devastating explosion that filled the sky and the earth was finally erased and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

at the same time.

Earl Diamond's broken body fell down with half of his body missing.

Smashed into a house.

this moment.

The whole place was dead silent.

The consciousness ghost, the shadowless ghost, and the double-eyed ghost looked at this scene in disbelief.

a minute ago.

There are thousands of eyeballs dotted in the sky over the town, a ghost and god hangs in the sky, and a top ghost king dominates the whole place.

One minute later.

The town was devastated, and there was nothing left in the sky except raging clouds.

Turning your hands over becomes clouds, turning over your hands becomes rain.

What a terrifying strength this is.


No, if this is a ghost, then who is Earl Diamond?

That count is the real ghost.

And Shen Jian is above ghosts and gods.

Destroy, destroy world-level ghosts and gods!?

The three of them were horrified.

Enthusiasm suddenly bloomed in his eyes.

Is this the correct way to open a pastor? The situation was smaller before.

Undoubtedly the strongest profession.

It turns out that this is what real priests learn. Illumination is to light up the world, and the ball in the fireball technique refers to the meteorite. I understand.

Damn it, listening to you is better than reading.

The threesome shows off.

I felt like I had learned some big secret.

When I think of the golden sun at that time, I feel extremely excited.

He looked at Shen Jian with fiery eyes and said, Coach, I want to learn this.

To this.

Shen Jian ignored it.

He came to Earl Diamond and stared at the disfigured body.


The body moved.

The face that was so charred that the facial features could not be distinguished turned his head with difficulty, and his two dark eyes stared directly at Shen Jian.

Shen Jian was not surprised.

As long as Li Gui didn't die on the spot, even if he was broken into pieces, it wouldn't prove that he was dead.

Such was the case with this count.

He withdrew some of his strength and did not let the opponent freeze. Coupled with the ghost-level supernatural power, the earl barely retained some consciousness.

If the other party is allowed to lie here for a year and a half, he can recover on his own.

This is the special thing about Li Gui.

The supernatural beings are immortal and the evil ghosts are immortal.

I ask, you answer. Once you answer, I let you reincarnate.

Earl Diamond:…

He didn't have any facial features right now, otherwise he would definitely have a twitch in his mouth.

You are a horse-riding person. If you reincarnate, you don’t want me to die. You might as well just say that you have drained my value and killed me.

He wanted to be tough.

But his strength did not allow it, and his desire for life made him hesitate for a while, then nodded.

If you answer it well, you may still have a chance to live.

Are you from Blair Saint?


Besides here, are there any other experimental sites for cultivating evil spirits?

There is another place where my brother is guarding.

Do you have any evidence of the saint's guilt?


This time, the silence lasted particularly long.


Having said this, Earl Diamond seemed to have accepted the reality and said frankly: When the Saint came to me for cooperation, I refused, but the conditions she offered were too generous, and I failed to resist the temptation. , I also tried to transform myself into an evil ghost, but I didn't expect it to be out of control. Finally, in order to prevent the saint from killing her, I recorded everything and used it as my final trump card. Inside the castle.”

Shen Jian nodded.

Just have evidence.


Shen Jian looked at Earl Diamond again and grinned: Don't worry, you can't die now, I still need you to build up my reputation.

Earl Diamond:?

He was slightly startled.

To gain reputation?

I heard what you said from the mouth of the Blair Saint.

Damn it, it turns out you guys are the same.

If I had told you that you were wearing the same pair of pants, would I still need to do something? Damn it, I can cooperate with you.


His eyes widened.

Immediately afterwards.

It was completely dead.

Before his consciousness dissipated, he felt extremely wronged.

Who is it?

It's obviously a win-win situation, but you have to win twice.

Too selfish.

Do it all.

Shen Jian walked back.

His eyes suddenly fell on the double-eyed ghost.

Ghost with Double Eyes:?

He subconsciously put his hands on his chest.

Brother, I don’t like men on top of men.

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