Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 561 I am a kind-hearted person and I don’t want to see anyone being bullied.

Under darkness.

The consciousness ghost saw that the figure seemed to be showing him a charming smile.

He shivered.

But then I thought about it, this is so normal.

Normal evil ghosts are like this. Even in a life-or-death crisis, they can't control the resentment that keeps coming out.

These resentments will continue to stimulate the consciousness of the main body, causing them to have the emotion of destroying everything and complaining about heaven and earth.

Because of this, the evil spirit became a street rat.

It is basically impossible to live peacefully with normal ghosts.

Normally, he would never allow other evil spirits to enter his territory, but now is a special situation. With one more evil ghost, they can have more hope of saving themselves.


The consciousness ghost shouted again: Are you scared out of your wits! Come here quickly, if you attract that demon, I will not save you again.

the other side.

Looking at one of the houses, Shen Jian's eyes became strange.

A cold voice sounded in his mind.

His eyes swept away.

In front of the second-floor window of a house, a sneaky figure was waving at him through a crack. It could be seen that the other person was nervous and his eyes were looking around, as if he was afraid of something.

Think about it.

Shen Jian strode over.

He pushed the door open and locked it.

The weird smile on his face couldn't be concealed.

Come to the second floor.

There was no light in the room, and the surrounding area seemed extremely dark.

Only a little bit of moonlight refracted through the curtains could barely make out the overall outline.

Seeing Shen Jian, the conscious ghost lowered his voice and said, Are you crazy just now? You have already escaped from that demon, why are you still staying on the street? Are you afraid that others can't find you?

Shen Jian did not respond.

Somewhat curious, he walked over.

Asked: What are you looking at?

Look to see if there is anyone left alone like you. You may not know yet, but I have just sent out consciousness links to the remaining survivors. We are planning to save ourselves and save one more evil ghost. One more strength to fight against that devil.

The consciousness ghost secretly stared outside the street and explained.

Oh? So you can gather all the remaining evil spirits?

Hear this.

Shen Jian's eyes showed a bit of light.

Of course, although my level of terror is not high, I possess a rare psychic ability in consciousness. As long as I have contact with them, I can pull the other person's consciousness into a space and communicate normally even though they are thousands of miles apart.

The consciousness ghost said confidently, and then thought of something.

Asked: You just escaped from that devil, right? How much do you know about that devil?

Then how much do you know?

Shen Jian's tone was faint.

At this time.

The consciousness ghost also seemed to have discovered something was wrong.

He turned around suddenly and met Shen Jian's eyes.

in the dark.

There was a touch of penetrating green in the other person's eyes, and he looked straight at him, like a ferocious beast staring at its prey.

Conscious ghost:! ! !

His face suddenly stiffened, and he felt horrified inside.

An ominous premonition flashed in his eyes.

It suddenly occurred to him that besides evil spirits, the people still walking on the street at this time might also be demons.

Think of this.

His consciousness shivered.

Damn it!

I shouldn't be so unlucky.

This guy might always have this expression.

He comforted himself in his heart, and his legs couldn't help but tremble.

I heard that that evil... foreigner is wrapped with golden thunder and lightning. His features are very obvious, and there seems to be something red floating on his wrist. Anyone who encounters such features should evacuate as soon as possible and tell us position, we try to avoid each other,

The consciousness ghost explained carefully, while not forgetting to look at Shen Jian up and down.

at this time.

He suddenly noticed that something seemed to be tied around his neck.

He reached out and touched it.

It looked like a red hanging rope, stained with blood, and extended all the way to the top of the head.

He looked up and saw a blood-stained hemp rope floating out of thin air and wrapping it around his neck.

The other end of the hemp rope was connected to Shen Jian's wrist.

this moment.

The consciousness is confused.

My scalp is numb.

Red, fluttering things! ?

He trembled and said: Brother, what do you mean by trying to hold my neck? You are joking with me, right? But I'm not feeling well right now, so I probably won't be able to play such an exciting game.

Shen Jian seemed to have been prepared: That's it, I hanged myself. I can't control the supernatural. If there are many people together, I can't help but hang someone randomly for fun.

Consciousness ghost:......

God hangs someone randomly for fun.

No, brother.

He wanted to cry but had no tears.

Brother, we can't fight among ourselves now, otherwise when that foreigner comes over, we won't be able to compete.

Shen Jian was noncommittal.

You just said, what are the characteristics of that devil?

Golden Thunder?

The words fell.

Shen Jian raised his hand.

Golden thunder wrapped around the palm of his hand, lighting up the room.

In an instant.

The consciousness ghost saw it.

He saw the corners of Shen Jian's mouth split open, revealing a sinister smile.

is that so?

The consciousness ghost was completely frightened.

His pupils grew bigger and bigger, and for the first time in his life, he felt the fear of being dominated.

It was an unspeakable, unimaginable, and indescribable horror.

The fear is far greater than encountering the top ghost king or encountering ghosts and gods.

He finally understood.

The evil ghosts he invited in were no longer alone, but they were clearly looking for targets everywhere.

And he.

Welcoming the devil in person.

This moment.

The atmosphere was extremely cold.

The conscious ghost's heart was ashen, his hands and feet were weak, and he had completely lost hope of resistance.


The next second.

Shen Jian withdrew the golden thunder, loosened the hemp rope around his neck, and said with a smile: You are so timid, you can't survive in the evil ghost team. I am a kind-hearted person, and I don't want to see you being bullied in the future. .”

In this way, you gather all the evil spirits in the town and I kill them all, so no one can bully you.

Conscious ghost:? ? ?

He was in a daze.

Is this what the hell is called Xin Shan?

Because you don't like me being bullied, so you plan to kill everyone so that no one will dare to bully me?


What self-deception.

Your brain circuit is so ridiculous.

Am I an evil spirit? Or are you an evil spirit?

Why do I feel that you are more cruel than me?

What? You don't want to?

Seeing that the consciousness ghost didn't speak, Shen Jian smiled kindly again.

The big hand of the cattail leaf fan has already touched the opponent's head.

It seems that he will perform what Kai Tianling means in the next second.

at this time.

The consciousness ghost also reacted.

You want me to betray my own kind?

His tone was solemn.

Staring straight at Shen Jian.


He smiled and said, If I betray a few more, can you not kill me?

Then you have to be able to betray a few.

Shen Jian smiled with satisfaction.

No problem, brother, leave it to me. I promise to call all the eighty-year-old grandmothers here. If they don't come, I will openly spray shit in her mind and scold her until she comes.

very good.

Not long after.

All the evil spirits in the town gathered here.

Because the conscious ghost openly shouted that he had found a way to survive.

Although they haven't determined whether the news is true or false, they have no other choice but to come here.

after all

The fear brought by Shen Jian was greater than anything else.

If they can't find a way, they will all die. It's better to listen to the consciousness ghost's ideas and give it a try.

Are there just that many people?

At this time.

not far away.

Shen Jian came over.

A quick glance.

There were about twenty evil spirits gathered around.

Including the thirty-three he had already dealt with before, there are only about fifty households in the entire town?

Or are the other aborigines no longer here?

Yes, I can confirm that these are all the residents of the town.

The consciousness ghost followed behind, smiling shyly.

Ghosts:? ? !

They were a little startled.

His brows furrowed.

After seeing Shen Jian’s appearance and characteristics clearly,

The expressions of all the evil spirits changed drastically.

My uncle, you actually betrayed us.

Damn it, you bitch and traitor, we didn't waste our trust in you so much. You actually want to be honored by the buyer... Can you add me?

So, your so-called method is actually fake? Just to trick us into coming here?

The ghosts were furious.

Each one looked at the consciousness ghost angrily.

at the same time.

Seeing Shen Jian approaching step by step, they were extremely frightened.

Previously, more than thirty evil ghosts, all abyss-level and five top ghost kings, were all defeated head-on.

Now, how could they, a group of abyss-level ghost kings, be Shen Jian's opponents.

Their fate was already doomed when they were tricked into coming here.

The conscious ghost straightened his back, I'm right, I did find a way to survive, and it's not you.

Ghosts:? ? ?

They were furious.


This bitch.

They are all of the same kind, yet they actually play scheming and word games with them.

Really awesome dog comparison.

You really deserve to die.

At this time.

An evil ghost looked at the consciousness ghost with splitting eyes, and rushed forward, trying to tear this piece of shit apart.

next moment.

Thunder exploded.

A charred corpse fell.

Shen Jian's voice also sounded simultaneously: It depends on the owner to beat a dog.

that is.

The consciousness ghost is arrogant and self-conceited, and its villainous attitude makes the group of ghosts hate it, but there is nothing they can do about it.


Without any choice.

They could only shout loudly and run away.

Jie Jie Jie, it's too late.

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