Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 558: The situation has become smaller before, this is called a win-win situation

Looking at this scene.

The double-eyed ghost was completely confused.

He looked at Shen Jian blankly.

Trying to separate the priest who wore a priest's robe in the church and had full trust in him and had noble moral character with the man in front of him who was holding a mace electric shock stick and beating three powerless ghosts with a look of excitement on his face. Ghost traffickers are linked together.

This, this, this...

This contact is bullshit.

Pastor, do you know that your image has collapsed?

Are you not a priest? Why does you seem to be more professional when it comes to being a ghost trafficker and committing crimes against ghosts?

Damn it!

Could it be that he brought back a fake priest?

Think of this.

The double-eyed ghost was frightened for a while, and his face turned pale.

Too brutal.

He couldn't stand it anymore.

Perhaps because his inner thoughts were responded to, Shen Jian stopped what he was doing.

Looking at the three evil ghosts lying on the ground, a satisfied smile appeared on his face, and he turned to say: Can't you see? The three of them are not like you who suppressed the evil ghost personality at all, but are genuine evil ghosts. , it’s just that it was temporarily suppressed by the other side.”

Because the double-eyed ghost was suppressed by dragon energy, he could not detect many traces of being corroded by resentment, but these three evil ghosts were different.

In Shen Jian's eyes, he could clearly sense the resentment in the other person's body, which was exactly the same resentment as the dark side of the monastery.

clear and distinct.

Think of this.

The smile on Shen Jian's face became even stronger.

Because this shows that what the double-eyed ghost said is true.

This Chel territory is indeed a group of aboriginal people with evil ghost personalities.

His hell path is still nearly thirty evil ghosts short of unlocking it.

If he relied on redemption to transform evil spirits, it would take him more than a month to get it together, and since it couldn't be done frequently, it might take two or three months.

And here it is.

Everywhere he catches it, it turns out to be an evil ghost.

Look at it this way.

The double-eyed ghost seems to be useless.

Now he can completely draw out the dragon energy, induce the evil ghost personality in the opponent's body, and knock him down. This is another evil ghost's performance.

Thoughts are spinning.

Shen Jian's eyes became even weirder.

At this time.

The double-eyed ghost questioned: Wait a minute, Pastor, this is wrong. If these three people are evil ghosts, how did they get out of the town? I have tried to drag the folks out before, but they didn't He rushed back like crazy and couldn't hold him back.

It's probably because they had no intention of leaving the town that they didn't trigger the instinct of the evil spirits in their bodies.

After pondering for a few seconds, Shen Jian gave the answer.

These three evil spirits appear to be habitual criminals at first sight. They take advantage of the little girl's own advantages and miserable life experience to defraud outlanders of their money.

But no matter what, they come back to the town.

The double-eyed ghost was different. He already knew about the anomalies in the town, told his friends about it, and had the idea of ​​leaving the town. This triggered the evil ghost's instinct and made him unable to leave.

Hear this.

The double-eyed ghost could not refute.

Then, he asked doubtfully: Then Pastor, how do you know that they can show up during the day?

Shen Jian's eyes were strange.

I do not know.

Ghost with Double Eyes:? ? ?

His eyes widened.

you do not know?

You fucking don’t know?

Then why did you take out a weapon like a mace stun bat and beat up a little girl?

You are the devil.

this moment.

He had the idea of ​​​​escaping from Shen Jian.

There is something wrong with this pastor.


A big hand rested on him.

Shen Jian was holding a mace with blood dripping from it. At this time, he patted the double-eyed ghost on the shoulder and smiled kindly: Do you know why I did what I did?

Looking at the smiling eyes of the pastor in front of him, his eyes trembled with trembling eyes, and he felt like crying without tears.

He had an intuition that this man seemed to be beginning to feel that he was not that valuable anymore.

If he answered incorrectly, he would probably be here right then and there.

Just like three evil ghosts lying on the ground, covered in black smoke.

I thought about it seriously for a long time.

The double-eyed ghost hesitated and said: I... I probably understand that you, Pastor, are using fear and pain to relieve the resentment accumulated in the hearts of these three evil ghosts all the year round. They shouted out like this, shouted out, The resentment in my heart is relieved.”


He did not forget to add a flattery: The pastor really has a bodhisattva heart. He knows how to be considerate of others. This is really what we should learn from.

Hear this.

Shen Jian let go of his hand, and his eyes showed a strong look of appreciation: You are not bad, you are really good at judging people, and you can be tortured or tortured.

Let's go to the town.

The words fell.

Shen Jian packed up the three evil ghosts and strode away.

The double-eyed ghost was about to collapse. He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with a hint of fear in his eyes.

I am afraid that if there is any flaw in my answer just now, I will become as unfortunate as others.

Fortunately, his answer was quite satisfactory.

He also found that he seemed to have found the right way to talk to the pastor.

Wait, I won't be led astray.

With this kind of worry about the future, the double-eyed ghost did not dare to be careless and followed.

Enter the town.

The environment inside is even worse.

There was a turbid mist in the air, and a pungent and fishy smell hit his face.

The sky was extremely gloomy.

It was clearly broad daylight, but it seemed like night was about to fall.

The streets were completely deserted.

The lights of the houses on both sides were on, but the doors were closed and the windows were covered with curtains.

From time to time, there are still faint prying eyes cast on me.

It seemed particularly eerie.

The double-eyed ghost shuddered and asked in surprise: What's going on? I haven't been back for only half a year. Why is the situation the same as at night in broad daylight?

Seeing Shen Jian's confusion, he continued to explain: Compared to the situation I left half a year ago, the environment here is worse and the visibility of the fog is lower. But according to normal conditions, it is broad daylight now, Xiao Towns should look like ordinary city streets.

Master Pastor, you also know that at night, the evil spirit personality in our bodies will take over our bodies, so every time dusk falls, the entire town will close its doors and windows, and no one will see outsiders or leave the house.

But it's daytime now.

The double-eyed ghost's tone was filled with deep confusion.

In this situation, it is clear that the condition has worsened.

Even broad daylight could not stop the appearance of evil spirits, so the doors and windows were closed during the day, and no outsiders were seen.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

He roughly understands the current situation.

The entire aboriginal people in the town are about to be taken over by evil spirits, and their bodies will be occupied for longer and longer periods of time, until finally, they completely turn into evil spirits.

If you want to know the situation, just ask.

Shen Jian walked towards the nearest house.

At this time.

The double-eyed ghost's expression changed.

He lowered his voice and said: Master Priest, we don't know how long this place has been closed now. According to my experience when I escaped, if the door is closed and the windows are closed for an hour, the evil spirit's personality has just emerged. Two hours, half a picture The body may have been occupied for three hours, and what you encounter when you open the door is the real evil ghost.

One or two evil spirits may not mean much to the Reverend, but if they affect the whole body and open a house, the eyes of every household may be attracted. By then, what we will face may be the evil spirits of the entire town. ghost.

Shen Jian was indifferent.

Keep getting closer.

It's okay. I am kind and friendly, and sincerely want to help them. I believe they will not make it too difficult for me.

I originally set my heart towards the bright moon.

Ghost with Double Eyes:......

His facial muscles twitched slightly.

God is so kind and friendly, and the scammer trio whom you called to beg for mercy has something to say.


He only dared to think about this kind of complaint in his heart.

at the same time.

The double-eyed ghost listened thoughtfully.

I meant my heart to illuminate the moon, but the next sentence was But the moon illuminates the ditch.

High emotional intelligence: empathize with others.

Low EQ: Don't be so shameless and force me to slap you with a big mouth.

He had some enlightenment.

I always feel like I learned something, but not much.

And something is very wrong.

After all, this is a gathering place for evil spirits.

By acting so arrogantly, you are completely treating the ghosts here as nothing.

Can we discuss giving some attention to the indigenous people in this territory?


Shen Jian ignored this.

His mind has drifted to the word performance.

Nothing matters except performance.

He had just taken a few cursory glances and saw that the entire town covered a large area with hundreds of scattered buildings.

But most are vacant.

There was no light in the house either.

There are roughly fifty-six houses with light.

It is not a problem to gather the unlocking conditions of the hell realm, and there are even redundant ones.

He doesn't intend to let these go either.

Because in addition to the hell realm, the hungry ghost realm, and the animal realm are also one of the three evil realms.

Unlocking conditions may overlap.

If you catch too much, it won’t be wasted.

He caught them all and blamed them all on the earl who was in charge of the territory. He reaped the fame and the earl was used as a scapegoat.

It's a win-win.

Shen Jian clicked his tongue.

In the past, his situation was smaller, and he even thought about win-win for both parties. Now this is called a win-win.

With this thought.

Shen Jian raised his foot and was about to kick him, but suddenly thought that he was also a priest after all, so it would be too rude.

The basic personality is still maintained.

Think about it.

Shen Jian put his foot down.

Dong dong dong knocking on the door.

Fellow, open the door, I'm not a bad person.

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