Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 552 The ancient routine has won the hearts of the people

Hear sounds.

The woman was stunned for a moment.

She was an evil ghost herself, and she committed suicide before she was alive. Her resentment after death was countless times stronger than that of a normal evil ghost.

Normally, she is just a ghost king level ghost.

However, after she committed suicide and was transformed into an evil ghost, her Yin Qi level soared to the top ghost king, and her resentment was so strong that it could affect even the top ghost king.

But now...

One person broke free from her supernatural influence.

He also had a bad mouth and insulted her.

The suicidal ghost cast his gaze and saw Shen Jian riding a ghost horse and dressed as a priest.

There were traces of distortion on the ugly ghost's face covered with strange lines.

Why don't you die? You deserve to die too. If you hadn't stood by and watched, how could these people have died?

The woman's voice continued to output.

Ghostly voices linger.

The ghost duke Hillis on the side became more and more regretful.

A head of blood-red rose hair has wrapped around his neck and lifted himself up.

Apparently he planned to strangle himself directly to apologize to these guards.

Shen Jian glanced at it.

Darkening is three times stronger, this saying is indeed true.

An ordinary ghost king can quickly rise to the level of a top ghost king under the strong and extreme resentment, and can also have a supernatural influence on beings like the ghost duke.

The price is to become an evil ghost who loses humanity and has no sense at all.

Shen Jian was very satisfied with the evil ghost transformed by the Redemption Society.

Why should I die?

Shen Jian asked rhetorically.

Suicidal ghost:? ? ?

She was stunned again.

His breath was obviously stagnant.


Seeing so many of your comrades die in front of you, don't you feel any shame at all?

Damn it!

You are quite evil at heart.

The suicidal ghost subconsciously said: If you hadn't stood by and watched, how could these people have died?

Is it illegal to stand by and do nothing?

Shen Jian's three floating words made the suicidal man feel like he was struck by lightning.

Is it... illegal?

You mean, you don’t feel a little guilty, and you even feel at ease that you are right?


What to bring evildoers.

I think you also have the qualifications to become an evil ghost.

But...but if you act like this, don't you think it's immoral and you can't get over the hurdle in your heart?

The suicidal ghost's tone was obviously weaker.

Dancing with joy, he told Shen Jian that doing so would cause him inner suffering, and he would live in shame, self-blame, and even regret for the rest of his life.

Maybe when I fell asleep in the middle of the night, I would think about getting up and slapping myself twice.

Then if I have no morals, how should you deal with it?

Shen Jian tilted his head and said.

Suicide ghost:......

She raised her head and blinked at Shen Jian.

Facing Shen Jian's innocent eyes, she... fell silent.


This priest is also a fucking evil spirit.

Worse than her.

At least, before she became an evil ghost, she knew how to feel guilty. However, this man clearly had no resentment and could not detect any signs of being corroded by evil thoughts. However, the evil nature of the ghost was terrifying.

Once such a person becomes an evil ghost, he is the worst of evil ghosts.

It is the most evil thing in the world.

Think of this.

The suicidal ghost gave up and continued to attack the man.

What the hell, for a ghost who has no morals, no sense of shame, and even thinks she is right, her supernatural powers are completely useless.

Defeat her today.

Only now did she realize that as long as she had no morals, she would not be affected by her supernatural power.

Strange knowledge has been added.

this moment.

The suicidal ghost couldn't stand it anymore.

Then continue to superimpose the supernatural influence on the Ghost Duke.

As for Shen Jian, since the supernatural is useless, he can just fight hand to hand.

She is the top ghost king, and even more so an evil ghost. She is no weaker than anyone in her life.

How could a weak priest be her opponent?

Three seconds ago, she was thinking this.

Three seconds later, she was dumbfounded when she saw Shen Jian open his fingers and a bright golden thunder shoot towards her.

In reluctance, the whole thing exploded.

Do it all.

The Ghost Duke suddenly woke up.

The sea of ​​​​fire and the scenes of guards wailing in pain that they had seen before disappeared, and the streets were clean.

As for her guards, they fell to the ground one by one, but they were not penetrated by the steel pipe, nor were they burned by the sea of ​​fire. They were still breathing, as if they were trapped in some kind of supernatural fantasy.

In an instant.

Ghost Duke Hillis' face turned ugly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The opponent turned out to be the top ghost king.

Caught off guard, she was affected by the other party's supernatural power.

Only then did I see such a tragic scene, which made me regretful and wanted to commit suicide to apologize.

While thinking.

The rest of the guards also woke up.

They were completely stunned when they saw a suicide ghost that exploded not far away.

What just happened?

This seems different from what we saw.


Who did this?

A little too cruel.

I haven't even seen this.

I'm afraid even if my relatives come, they won't be able to recognize what this piece of coal is.

All the guards looked at each other.

This script is wrong.

How do they feel that they are here to make up the numbers?

In a daze, the enemy exploded.

At this time.

Ghost Duke Hillis turned to Shen Jian with gratitude in her eyes: Thanks to you, otherwise, after today, the Inoaden family will become the laughing stock of the empire and will never be able to hold its head up. To me, It’s simply more uncomfortable than killing me.”

Shen Jian's eyes moved.

【Ghost Duke Hillis】

[Current status: palpitation, gratitude, curiosity, suspicion. 】

[Favorability: 50 (familiar)]

See this.

There was also a hint of smile in Shen Jian's eyes.

Increased favorability by 10 points at one time.

Although the routine of a hero saving a beauty is old, it has immediate results.

Just like a twisted melon is not sweet, but it can quench your thirst.

But it's not enough.

50 points of favorability only reaches the limit of friends.

Not a very close relationship.

We need to find another opportunity.


Shen Jian smiled and said: With a little effort, I just want to be able to resonate with the glorious ghosts and gods, otherwise I would have been tricked just now.

Ghost Duke Hillis looked at Shen Jian, and the more he looked at him, the more he found the little priest in front of him very pleasing to his eyes.

It was very different from the pastors she had worked with before.

In the past, those priests were all aloof, relying on themselves as high-level believers of the glorious ghosts and gods, but they didn't have much respect for her as a duke, and they were extremely arrogant.

On the contrary, this little priest not only saved her life, but also knew how to take her face into consideration.

This was very useful to her.

I was really careless this time. I didn't expect that this redemption society has such a profound foundation. It sent out top ghost kings from the beginning. It seems that this is not a newly established evil organization, but has been dormant for a long time, waiting for someone. Chance.

The Ghost Duke apologized.

Where's the next location? I'm going to catch these people myself.

right here.

Shen Jian glanced in several directions and said casually.

According to Andre, there are five evil spirits here. After the transformation is completed, they will run rampant in this holy city and cause riots. In the end, he will suppress them and gain reputation.

In addition to the suicide ghost that has been transformed, there are two evil ghosts that have been revived.

The words fell.

Hey hey hey...

A burst of weird laughter sounded.

There are so many beautiful faces, they are all mine, they are all mine.

All the guards suddenly felt their bodies stiffen. Looking in the direction of the sound, everyone's scalp was numb and their spines were cold.

I saw a man with his whole face split in half, like a piranha flower, walking out.

A wild sound came from his mouth.

His scarlet eyes were fixed on the pedestrians on the street, or in other words, staring at other people's faces with a look of covetous expression.

this moment.

The guards' hearts trembled.

Top ghost king.

This turned out to be another evil ghost at the level of a top ghost king.

Are there no normal people in this redemption society?

Can it still get better?

They finally followed the Duke on a mission, couldn't we give them a chance to perform?

These are all top-notch ghost kings, and they still act like a jerk.

Not running is already well-trained.

Hey, why is your face different from mine? It's impossible for your face to look like this.

The Slit-faced Ghost smirked.

The words fell.

The terrifying supernatural being has arrived invisibly.

The guards were horrified to find that the skin on their bodies was about to be torn, especially the skin on their faces. A jagged blood mark was slowly forming, and then split on both sides.

It was as if an invisible hand grabbed their faces and pulled them apart to both sides.

There is a heartbreaking pain.

Think I don't exist?

Ghost Duke Hillis's face was covered with a layer of anger, and thorns as red as blood spread under his feet.

On the thorns, roses bloomed like blood.

Every rose is watered by the blood of a fierce ghost.

In the blink of an eye, he stabbed towards the Slit-faced Ghost.

at the same time.

Upstairs on the other side.

An evil ghost hidden in the darkness showed a ferocious smile.

Reach out and pull it out.

Pulled out a piece of his own bone.

To the Ghost Duke.

Shen Jian narrowed his eyes.

There is golden thunder surrounding the five fingers.

But then, Shen Jian was stunned for a moment.

Something seemed to come to mind.

Take your hand back.

Think about it.

Place the decorative golden medallion on the priest's robes on your chest.


Yelled: Be careful.

Within a tenth of a second.

Shen Jian stood in front of Ghost Duke Hillis.

By the time the Ghost Duke reacted, a bone spur had already pierced Shen Jian's chest.

this moment.

The Ghost Duke was confused.

Looking at this scene in disbelief.

And Shen Jian knew that it was stable.

What impresses a woman more than a hero saving a beauty is taking a bullet for her.

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