at this time.

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit heavy.

After some remarks, not only did the other players' dark sides believe that Shen Jian was the dark side, but even Shen Jian's dark side was doubting life.

Doubt yourself is the good side.


He is the good side.

What was before him now was a life and death problem.

No matter how powerful he was, there was no way he could escape from this man and a dozen dark side creatures.

The situation was very unfavorable to him.

If there is a bad one, he has to explain it here.

At this moment.

The few ghosts standing next to Shen Jian's dark side also understood everything.

He went straight to Shen Jian's side, preparing to fight against this cunning and treacherous good side together.

Dark version·Shen Jian:...

The corner of his mouth twitched.

His eyelids also jumped.


Have these people on the outside forgotten who was protecting you just now?

As soon as he heard that he was a player pretending to be kind, he turned his back on him without hesitation.

Sure enough, the dark side is a group of untrustworthy beings.

He couldn't help but said: You really want to join him in an affair? You just heard that that man is extremely vicious and commits all kinds of evil. He is simply a devil. If he is allowed to walk out of the monastery, what will happen to the world?

Shen Jian's dark side warned.

Understanding that he is the kind side, he began to try to look at the problem from a kind perspective.

He knew that once Shen Jian was allowed to go out, the world would be in chaos.

It may cause an unimaginable disaster.

As Shen Jian's good side, he must stop this.

Haha, it's none of my business.

We're just a bunch of dark side people who don't think about it.

Whether the world is in chaos or not, Director Shen has the final say.

Director Shen, remember to publish a book when you get out. I'll buy it all.

The new player patted Sloppy with a dark side.

Now on the court, only Shen Jian can fight against his good side.

They are just a bunch of soy sauce.

At best, step forward to hit the target at critical moments.

the other side.

Shen Jian glanced at the dark side and said nothing.

He has great use for this group of people.

Not to waste.


Shen Jian walked out.

His eyes looked strangely at the dark side of betrayal and separation.

You see, the one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world. And you reminded me, after I go out, I will do as you say. I will replace everything you have and make this world clean.

Hear this.

Shen Jian's dark face looked ferocious, and some of his eyes were about to burst.

At this time, he had firmly believed that he was on the good side and felt deeply disgusted by the malice shown by Shen Jian.

The dark side of others is at most torturing ghosts and killing people, but his dark side has a fucking plan.

Became the most evil and crazy existence in the monastery.

It also affected him in turn, causing his temper to become irritable.

He couldn't imagine what kind of devil the world would usher in if Shen Jian was allowed to kill him and walk out of here.

Think of this.

Shen Jian's dark side makes him feel cold in his heart.

I just felt a chill flowing straight through Tianling Gai.

He couldn't help but shouted: No one else has provoked you, why do you want to harm them?

Shen Jian glanced at him in surprise. This idiot couldn't really be fooled into lameness.

Think about it.

As the saying goes, killing one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. I am not killing people, I am building a pagoda.


Shen Jian talked eloquently.

Continue to instill poisonous chicken soup.

The more you listen.

Shen Jian's dark side made him even more frightened.

You can regard killing people as making a pagoda, and treat twisting and torturing a person as a science to seriously organize your experience.

This attitude made his heart palpitate.

We are not afraid of evil people, but we are afraid that evil people are educated.

A murderer who knows how to sum up experience, improve experience, and then practice theory, plus a group of teams who are the dark side of players, Olympus will be finished.

Think of this.

Shen Jian's dark side showed determination.

Stop talking. I don't want to hear your theory of evil. I won't let you leave here today.


He raised the ghost sickle.

There was a hint of relief: As my dark side, you stay here with me. Before I collapse, if I die, you won't be able to survive.

Save those fallacies of yours for telling the Lord of Hell later. Let's see how many years the Lord of Hell will let you serve in the eighteenth level of hell.

The words fell.

Shen Jian's dark side swung the sickle and slashed it at himself, killing him completely.

Watch this scene.

Everyone present was stunned.


The other party actually chose to commit suicide.

Damn it!

You are too kind.

You don't care if you die yourself, but you still want to drag Director Shen to die with you?

Fuck you uncle.

The expressions of Andre and the others changed greatly.

Rush forward to save people.

But how to save a person who cut himself into eighteen pieces and completely wiped out his life?

I'm afraid even if ghosts and gods come, they won't be able to save her.

In other words.

Their spiritual mentor on the road to life is also dying.

Think of this.

Everyone looked back.

I saw Shen Jian just standing there quietly, with a bit of regret on his face that this is a bad time.

Ghosts:? ? !

They looked stunned.

Then I was a little confused.


Damn it!

Director Shen was fine and still standing there fine.

What's happening here?

According to the rules of the monastery, once the good side is broken through the psychological defense line by the dark side, the body will be completely taken over and its identity will be replaced.

on the contrary.

The good side can also kill the dark side, purify the soul, and obtain salvation from the radiant ghosts and gods.

And there is an unspoken rule in this.

That is ontological suicide.

The dark side relies on the supernatural ability of the monastery to be born. Once the body that enters it dies, the dark side will also die simultaneously.

But now.

In their eyes, the real person has committed suicide, but Shen Jian, who is the dark side, has nothing wrong with him.

Think of this.

All the dark side made a sound inside.

A bad premonition flashed in his eyes.

Could it be that, probably, maybe, maybe... they wronged the bad guy?

Looking at Shen Jian with strange eyes, he broke out in cold sweat from the dark side of the scene, feeling like his back was soaked.

Because judging from the situation just now, Shen Jian has the strength of the top ghost king. Let alone if they fight alone, even if they fight together, they will not be able to match the top ghost king.

At this time.

Andre lowered his eyes and shouted: Shan Mian is dead, why don't you call Director Shen?

Hear sounds.

Everyone reacted.

One by one, they shouted respectfully: Director Shen, congratulations on killing Shan Mian. We are just around the corner from leaving the monastery.

Director Shen, you are the beacon that guides the direction of our lives.

Don't forget Director Shen's teachings.

at this time.

The dark side guys all complimented each other.

Let alone whether Shen Jian is a real player at this time, even if he is, he can only be the dark side today and be their good partner.

See this.

Shen Jian was very satisfied.

He looked at Andre with some approval.

It is indeed the dark side that has taken over the player's body and has the potential to be an undercover agent.

Take away the bodies of the dark side.

Shen Jian looked at the other people present.

Twenty players, twenty dark sides, but only 16 gathered here.

In addition to his dark side, there are three players whose dark sides are missing.

They are a white player with the ID [Mike], a young foreign girl with the ID [Lucy], and the last one is a Chinese player.

Among the white Eastern Europeans, he is inconspicuous at all, and his appearance is very ordinary. He is the type who would not be noticed even if he is thrown into the crowd.

Shen Jian recalled it.

He remembered that the other party's ID seemed to be called [Yunlong], level 55.

at this time.

A dark side stood up and explained: Director Shen, we have searched all over the monastery, and we can basically confirm that the dark sides of these three players have been killed.

Shen Jian nodded.

Not surprising.

You have searched and found no trace of the player?

Andre muttered: Brother, although the monastery is big, but with a group as big as players, if there is any movement, we have already noticed it. There are only two possibilities at the moment.

One: This group of players used some kind of advanced supernatural props to hide. But in this game, the players are passive. Hiding will undoubtedly lead to slow death.

So I think the players may have gone to the Sea of ​​Misery and are preparing to force their way out of the monastery.

Hear this.

Shen Jian was a little startled.

Can the monastery skip here and walk out directly?

Under normal circumstances, this is not possible, because the sea of ​​suffering will weigh the evil thoughts in the player's heart. The deeper the evil thoughts, the more difficult it is to step into. If you forcefully walk in, you will be sunk by the sea of ​​suffering until it sinks to the bottom.

But if a player kills the dark side in advance and is willing to take the rest of the people away, although the resistance to leaving is great, there is a possibility of passing.

I think that's what those players had in mind.

Andre finished.

His eyes dimmed a bit.

I have taken over the dark side of the player's identity, and I have deep resentment in my heart. Now that I have stepped into the sea of ​​suffering, I am afraid that I will sink to the bottom within a third of the way.

Other dark sides, I'm afraid they will all sink in the moment you step into the sea of ​​suffering.

Brother, if you want to leave, I'm afraid you have to go out on your own.


Everyone sighed.

Because of their early rendezvous, players would rather take risks and cross the sea of ​​misery than stay and deal with them.

In this round, they lost.

After all, no matter how good the players are, they will not be like them, not even qualified to step into the sea of ​​suffering.

As long as the players walk into the sea, they have absolutely no choice.

don’t worry.

Shen Jian looked in the direction of the sea of ​​suffering behind the monastery and grinned.

He was still short of two-thirds of his performance in the hell realm, and he couldn't bear to give up such useful tools like Andre.

The sea of ​​suffering will not cross you, but I will.

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