The highest level of the monastery.

Shen Jian's dark side is forming a clique and gathering other teammates.

Standing in front of them were the dark sides of six players.

One of the white players said: There are a total of twenty players who have entered the monastery. Three of them have killed the dark side and have reached the standard of leaving the monastery. Among the remaining seventeen people, except for seven of us, there are still The next 10 dark side partners did not join us, and we don’t know if they want to fight alone.”

Another white man said: That group of players should have gathered together. There are too many of them, and their strength is the same as ours. Once they confront us, we will suffer a loss.

Hear this.

Everyone present sighed.

They are the dark side of the player's heart that is split off. Whether it is physical data or the supernatural power they control, they are the same. If the two sides face off, there will be no winner in a short time.


If it gets into a protracted war, they will win.

After all, they are ghosts, and the players are humans, so they cannot squander supernatural powers without limit.

It’s just that the player group will stick together.

When the strength is almost the same, quantity is the key to victory or defeat.

They currently have seven people gathered.

There are at least 10 players.

Once they fight, they will be suppressed one by one.

At that time, it was not that they imprisoned the players and successfully replaced their identities, but they were killed one by one by the players.

Such a result is unacceptable to everyone.

At this time.

The dark side of Shen Jian spoke, and his sinister smile made others present shudder.

I am invincible, I will kill as many as I come.


He directly took out a giant scythe.

The sickle exudes a terrifying menace.

It was as if he had been tainted with the aura of some powerful existence and thus became extraordinary.

Hehehe, you see, this is the power hidden by my kind body. It is a power that cannot be scanned by horror games. Now I am still using it.

Shen Jian's tone seemed very gloomy.

Looking at the sickle in his hand, he showed a bit of a sinister smile:

With this scythe, I killed people indiscriminately in the monastery. Even my true body couldn't do anything to me. My true body is so kind and full of positive energy. I must have completely collapsed after seeing fellow human players being killed by us. Bar.

Let's go find those players, defeat them, and completely replace their identities.


Shen Jian's dark side took the lead.

Start searching for the player's whereabouts in the monastery.

at the same time.

He laughed darkly inwardly.

Previously, because he realized that his body still had hidden power, he chose to stay put and develop steadily. Now, he finally reproduced the hidden power of his body.

At this time, his strength is on the same level as his original body.

Coupled with his advantage as a ghost, even his true form is no match for him.

The time has come.

You can start hunting players.


He has transmitted the scene of himself using the giant scythe to his mind.

At this time, the main body should be full of fear and bewilderment.

Shen Jian's dark side thought so.

at the same time.

Treetop shade on the first floor.

A deck chair was placed under the umbrella, and Shen Jian was half lying down.

While watching that stupid idiot from the dark side wasting his demon index, he enjoyed the leg-beating of the red-shirted demon.

This is the tool man he grabbed at random.

Have a hand in massage.

He has nothing left to say about his dark side.

Just waiting to clean up the door and adopt the right style.

However, the other party's move of replicating the ghost sickle made him a little surprised.

But it’s not surprising to think that the dark side also pulled out a blood-stained chainsaw before and then pulled out a ghost sickle.

See this.

Shen Jian quickly looked away.

He waited leisurely for the ghost catching team headed by Andre to catch the evil ghost for him.

From the end of the lecture to now, most of the day has passed.

Others are already familiar with the tricks of evil.

New evil spirits are being brought back to him one after another.

So far, he has harvested 10 evil ghosts.

Two of them were caught by him personally, and the other eight were caught by Andre and his team.

The efficiency can be said to be so fast.

If he had known this, he should have taught this group of players about the dark side immediately.

at this time.

A wary voice sounded.

Yellow guy?

Shen Jian followed his gaze.

There was a flash of light in his eyes.

Because the person who came was none other than Andre from the ghost-catching team, or should be the main body.

Are you here alone?

Genuine Andre looked at Shen Jian in surprise, his eyes full of suspicion.

Because Shen Jian's style is too strange.

In a situation where danger is everywhere and there is a dark side doing evil, he still dares to lie here and rest openly.

This kind of behavior was simply unimaginable to him.

Not to mention veteran players like them, even new players should know that this place is full of dangers and must deal with the dark side of their own division as soon as possible.

But Shen Jian was fine and started enjoying it directly.

Even in the world of explosions, this scene is quite explosive.

Why would he dare to do this?

What, you want me to talk to you half a person?

Shen Jian said casually.

Hear this.

Andre's expression darkened instantly.

Damn yellow guy, do you really think Lucy can protect you? Entering a dungeon that does not match your own identity is your biggest mistake.

He looked at Shen Jian with cold eyes.

He seems to be planning something.

He is level 56 and Shen Jian is level 55. There seems to be no difference, but in the eyes of four-star players, the one level difference behind them is probably one or two four-star dungeons.

He asked himself that if he went all out, he could kill any player below level 60, including level 58 Mike.

Because of this, he could ignore Shen Jian.

Oh, what do you want to do?

Shen Jian was very interested.

He hadn't launched an attack yet, but he didn't expect that the other party seemed to have this intention as well.


Andre's expression became colder and colder.

Haha, it looks like you haven't understood the rules behind this monastery. In addition to killing our own dark side, how to get out of the monastery surrounded by ghosts is also a problem in itself.

And I guess that if I kill you, the dark side you have created will disappear, so we will have one less ghost as an enemy. As long as we kill enough, it will be easier to get out of the monastery in the end.

Speaking of which.

The malice was already evident on Andre's face.

Not to mention that he hates Shen Jian himself, just killing the other party and verifying whether the other party's dark side has disappeared is a piece of valuable intelligence that allows him to formulate a more specific follow-up plan.

So, you are good at fighting?

Shen Jian's eyes became strange.

Is there any use in spanking?

The words just fell.

Andre's expression changed, because a white player suddenly appeared next to Shen Jian, and the resentment on his body seemed to materialize, rising to the sky.

Dark side?

Is this the dark side of players?

At this time.

Shen Jian's voice continued to sound.

Come out and hang out.

Tell me about the background.

It's about power.

Every time Shen Jian said something, the dark side of a white player would appear next to him, staring directly at Andre.

In the soul-binding bag on the side.

The little girl who shouted Half for each person was sobbing in the bag.

Damn it, when you played with me before, you clearly said that strength is the most important thing.

Now the word has changed again, right?

This is exactly what Schrödinger said.

I'm not convinced!

in a blink.

The dark sides of the four players have appeared and are gradually approaching, revealing sinister smiles.

But it's not over yet.

Shen Jian finally said: You can come out and replace this little brat.

The words fell.

The dark side version of Andre comes out.

He was still holding an evil ghost in his hand, and he was skillfully opening the soul-binding bag and stuffing it inside.


A ferocious and twisted grimace looked at the main body with a sinister smile.

If you dare to insult Director Shen, you already have a way to die.

Genuine Andre:? ! !

At the same time, he was surrounded by the dark sides of five players, including his own. At this moment, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

I just feel cold all over my body.


What the hell is Director Shen?

You must have been brainwashed.

Can't you see that that yellow guy is a player?

at this time.

Andre felt intense uneasiness in his heart.

Because the current situation is very unfavorable to him.

Through some unknown method, the yellow-skinned man actually instigated the dark side of five players to attack him at the same time.


The other party seemed to intend to let the dark side take over his body and replace his identity.

Is this horse-riding guy really the player and not the dark side of the player?

Why do you feel that the other person is so evil?

Andre didn't have time to think too much.

The next second.

He immediately turned around and ran away.

To this.

Shen Jian didn't care.

Just waited less than ten minutes.

Andre is back.

At this time, there was no trace of resentment in his body, but instead he was filled with the yang energy and liveliness that a living person should have.


The original Andre is dead.

He died at the hands of five ghosts.

Instead, there is a new individual whose body has been taken over by the dark side and whose identity has been taken over.

Brother, I succeeded. I successfully fused my body and officially became a player of the horror game. However, the body of a living person is too weak. I can feel that the three ghost puzzles I control are on the verge of losing control. If it were my previous body, I could use it as long as I wanted.

Andre's tone was full of disgust.

Apart from having a human identity and being able to walk out of the monastery, the body of a living person was of no use to him at all.

Not only did the fused body not increase his strength, on the contrary, it weakened him.

They are also constantly facing the threat of the resurgence of evil spirits.

Hear this.

Shen Jian nodded.

It does seem to blend seamlessly and completely take over the player's body.

Otherwise, I wouldn't think there is any risk in controlling the ghost.

Hey? Isn't it good to fuse the original body? This way you can leave the monastery.

The other players looked envious with dark faces.

Except for this, everything is not good. And it's not like you don't know that you can't walk out of the monastery after merging the original body. The more resentment and the more complicated it is, the lower the possibility of getting through the sea of ​​suffering.

Andre's tone was full of gravity.

And my own dark side has taken over my body. Even if I fuse my body, I can't eliminate my resentment in a short time. At least in the next few years, I won't be able to get out.

Hear the words.

A bit of surprise flashed in Shen Jian's eyes.

sea ​​of ​​bitterness?

Listening to the meaning of these dark sides, if you want to truly get out of the monastery, you must also go through the so-called sea of ​​suffering. The more resentment and the more complicated it is, the easier it will be to not get out?

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

Then I thought about it, the purpose of the birth of this monastery is to cultivate qualified priests. If you can't deal with your own dark side, if you can't eliminate the resentment in your heart, how can you become a priest of Elim Temple who serves the glorious ghosts and gods?

Letting the dark side take over the body is not in line with the original intention of training priests, so it is reasonable and reasonable to design a supernatural place like the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness to test whether the priests who come out meet the standards.

Shen Jian pondered.

He glanced at the legal boy in front of him.

It will be a few years before we can leave the monastery, by which time the daylilies will be cold.

He couldn't wait any longer.


He also needs these people to help him complete the performance target of fifty evil ghosts.

Can't take it out?


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