Chapter 540 The best way to overcome fear...

at the same time.

Amid the curses, Shen Jian was completely disappointed with the dark side.

He wants to find the other party now, point his nose at him, scold him, and then clear the door.

Such a kind-hearted dark side is simply embarrassing to him, the King of Hell.

If outsiders knew that the dark side of the majestic King of Hell only knew cruel killing of ghosts, it would be a real misfortune for the family in the underworld.

This pirated thing is completely ruining his reputation.

Must be sanctioned.

at the same time.

Shen Jian also suddenly thought that with his dark side showing strength that was not inferior to that of the top ghost king, there were simply not enough ghosts in the monastery to kill him.

If the dark side kills all the evil spirits, wouldn't his plan to unlock the hell realm be ruined?

Think of this.

The disgust in Shen Jian's eyes deepened.

He really doesn't know how to do anything, and he is the first to hold him back.

On the way.

Shen Jian was passing by the utility room on the second floor.

Suddenly a rustling sound was heard.

Take a closer look.

In the messy abandoned room, a thin man was hiding in the corner, with a thick layer of cardboard boxes covering it, completely covering his figure.

Shen Jian opened the cardboard box.

A thin, skinny man was immediately startled, showing a pale and frightened face.

When he saw Shen Jian, the man's expression was very strange and he was nervous.

Looking at the position outside the door in surprise, he said with a trembling tone:

He said in fear: No, don't open it. Someone is watching me. Have you seen it? There is someone staring at me through these small holes.

Looking in the direction the man pointed, Shen Jian saw a hole the size of his index finger in one direction of the utility room.

But no one was spying.

Shen Jian was thoughtful.

Persecution paranoia?

He is familiar with this disease.

I recall that at that time, when he was working as a doctor in the Huangquan Ward, he treated a patient with persecution delusion. It only took one course of treatment to completely cure him.

The effect is amazing.

The patient recovered on the spot.

He knows a lot about this disease.

Think about it.

Shen Jian leaned down and asked, Brother, do you think someone wants to harm you?

Hear this.

The fearful ghost suddenly raised his head, as if he saw his bosom friend.

He nodded sharply.

Yes, someone wants to harm me. That person observes my every move through these holes all day long. As long as I walk out of this room, he will kill me. I can't go out. Please help me.

His voice was trembling, his thin face was full of fear, and he looked at Shen Jian in a twisted manner.

Yes, please help me. Go out now and let that harmful thing eat. When he is full, I will be safe.


The fear ghost grabbed Shen Jian's wrist.

He begged in a compelling tone.

The situation has become smaller, the situation has become smaller, brother, even if I go out and let that harmful thing go, how long can it last? What if he is hungry again? Aren't you going to be scared again?

Fear ghost:? ? ?

He was stunned for a moment.

Looking at Shen Jian with disbelief.

Damn it!

I want to throw you out to feed the ghosts, but you don't object?

Still thinking about the problem that I will continue to be frightened after the ghost is hungry again?

He opened his mouth.

It seems that he did not expect that Shen Jian is such a positive person.

What does it mean to sacrifice oneself for others?

This is called sacrificing oneself for others.

Don't do this, you'll make me feel guilty.

Why don't you resist or scold me, otherwise I'll feel uneasy.

The fearful ghost had a confused expression on his face.

At this time.

Shen Jian spoke again: I have a perfect plan that will make you no longer worried in the future.

any solution?

Just block this place. As long as you block these small holes, you won't have to worry about anyone peeking at you.


Shen Jian stood up.

Walked straight out.

Seeing Shen Jian's disappearing figure, the fearful ghost's mood became even more complicated.

I treated him like this, but he still wanted to help me and protect my safety. What kind of noble quality is this of complaining with virtue?

The fear ghost was very moved.

I just felt that a soft place in my heart was touched.

He was trapped in the monastery, enduring malice from all directions, living in tension and fear all day long. This was the first time someone had extended a helping hand to him.

When he needed help the most, Shen Jian ignored his previous vicious thoughts and instead took action personally to help him solve the problem.


He was a little confused about Shen Jian going out. After all, there was something in the room that could block the holes, but at this time, he didn't want to think too much.


This feeling lasted less than three minutes.

When Shen Jian returns here.

I already have a ghost in my hand.

That ghost has the exact same appearance as him. Obviously, this is his dark side.

The fearful ghost looked at Shen Jian in surprise.

She doesn't seem to understand why Shen Jian wants to bring back his dark side?

Don't you want to plug the small holes?

Just thinking about it.

The fear ghost saw that Shen Jian dismembered his dark side, took out a large number of peach wood nails, hung the dismembered body parts on the small holes, and covered the small holes.

Fear ghost:? ? !

He was stunned.

Looking at these corpses that were nailed to the wall and belonged to his dark side, I felt chills all over my body. I never expected that the man who extended a helping hand to him was actually a pervert.


My dark side is not as perverted as yours.

Even if your perverted ancestor comes, I have to call you Grandmaster.

This is no longer a simple murderer, but a monster with extremely twisted psychology, extremely weird behavior, mental abnormality, and a complete madman.

What kind of devil is here!


Shen Jian nailed corpses all over the wall.

Block up all the small holes in this utility room that is riddled with holes.

The fearful ghost panicked.

Because I don’t know if it was intentional or accidental.

Directly opposite him, two wide eyes were staring directly in his direction.

It seems.

Even more penetrating.

And he wanted to close the small holes, but now, what's the difference between a pervert spying on him outside?

And she was still spying on him openly.

The more I think about it.

The expression on the fear ghost's face became more and more uncomfortable.

His whole body was shaking.

The whole ghost was extremely frightened.

A lot of resentment kept coming out of him.

He wanted to rush out.

But he was stopped by Shen Jian.

Euphemistically called: asking him to overcome his fear and conquer his fear.


Wails sounded one after another in the room.


Shen Jian stood outside.

Waiting in boredom.

At the same time he sighed deeply.

Life is not easy, the King of Hell sighed.

If there weren't so many evil ghosts in the horror world, he wouldn't have to wait here one by one.

The reason is that the environment of the thriller world is too good.

There is no chance for the evil ghost to turn into a real evil ghost.

So, it all depends on the horror game.

Not long after.

The wail attracted a ghost.

Shen Jian took a closer look.

The ghost that came this time was not the evil ghost possessed by the monastery itself, but the dark side of the player.

He was a white player with a tall nose and sunken eye sockets.

If he remembered correctly, this should be the player with the third highest level in the game. His ID seems to be [Andre] and his level is 56.

From the outside, the dark side of the player is no different from the main body.

Even the most familiar people can't tell the difference between the two.

But from the expression, we can still vaguely see the clues.

Normal players must walk on thin ice and be cautious when entering the monastery. Even if they see someone, they will not dare to approach other people unless they are truly sure that it is the player themselves.

The dark side of players is different.

They are ghosts themselves. They feel at home in the monastery and do not need to guard against anyone.

Naturally it seems very relaxed.

There is no reason not to dare to approach others.

This is the dark side of this player right now.

See Shen Jian.

Andre's eyes lit up and he walked straight over.

As the dark side of the player, they help each other. As long as they meet the player, they will use various methods to force the player to collapse and take the opportunity to let the dark side devour him.

By the time.

The dark side of all of them took over the identity of the player and walked out of the monastery.

Isn't it beautiful?

And he knew the player in front of him.

He is an Eastern ghost master, and his relationship with his true form is not good. It can even be said that he is the object of hatred of all white players.


In the eyes of their dark side, there is no lineup, no distinction between East and West. They have only one identity, and that is the dark side of the player's heart.

Think of this.

A sinister smile appeared on Andre's face.

He couldn't wait to play this player badly and let the opponent's dark side take over this body.

But suddenly.

He heard screams.

The closer the distance between the two, the more miserable the screams and wails became.

He couldn't help but feel a little moved: How must he be tortured to scream like this?

Think so.

Andre took a closer look.

In the room, a thin man broke down and howled. His resentment had reached its peak and he was on the verge of collapse.

What's even more terrifying is that the room is filled with corpses.

These corpses had the same decoration as the man, and it was as if he had been dismembered and nailed to the wall.

Two unblinking eyes stared straight at him.

See this scene.

Andre felt a chill in his heart.

He couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

How fucking perverted does one have to be to come up with such a torturous punishment?

This man... must have been the living king of hell in his previous life.

Think of this.

Ander suddenly looked at Shen Jian.

With a bit of horror in his eyes, he said hesitantly: You did this? What are you doing?

Shen Jian pouted and said, Can't you see? He suffers from persecution delusion, and I'm helping him overcome this fear.

Andre:? ? ?

The corner of his mouth twitched.

The best way to overcome fear is to face it, right?


Can't you fucking see that he's about to collapse?

Are you helping him?

Help him out, right?


He also said that you are not the living king of hell.

It's a shame you can think of such a vicious method.

this moment.

Andre seemed to understand something in his heart.

He guessed wrong.

This is not a player.

This is the dark side of that Eastern player!

is his ally.

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