Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 538 Another day of doing good deeds and accumulating virtue

Looking at the scarlet panel.

There was a bit of excitement on Shen Jian's face.

Collecting the dragon energy left in Olympus and completely recovering the deep ghost land of Olympus are his ultimate goals when entering this place.

But now.

He also has a short-term goal.

That is to catch fifty evil ghosts and unlock the hell realm, one of the six paths of reincarnation.

The definition of evil spirit is very simple.

All humanity has been wiped out, all reason has been lost, and only the purest evil thoughts are left in the heart. In a sense, evil ghosts of this level are different from the group of fierce ghosts.

Compared to humans, evil ghosts are pure ghosts and the greatest terror in the world.

However, in the eyes of the two ghosts, they also understand some of human rules.

Know how to subconsciously maintain the rules of the horror world.

The most important thing is that Li Gui listens to advice.

But evil spirits are different.

In the eyes of evil spirits, humans and evil spirits have the same status.

The resentment of this type of ghost can no longer be resolved. They only know how to kill. If you want to stop the evil ghost, you can only make the other party completely dead.


There are not many evil spirits.

Even in a ghost town that is famous for its ferocity and where people fight every day, the evil ghosts inside cannot be called real evil ghosts. At best, they are low-end versions of evil ghosts.

But this monastery can actually peel off the player's dark side and form an independent individual.

Since the players are like this, are the ghosts living in the monastery also like this?

Is there also a good side and a dark side?

If this is the case, then the dark side is only one step away from becoming a real evil ghost.

He only needs a slight push and he can immediately reap a lot of results.

How could such a precious land not make Shen Jian's mood fluctuate?

With this thought.

Shen Jian quickly walked into it.

Everywhere you look, there are dilapidated high-rise buildings.

These buildings form an arc shape and are connected on all four sides.

No hesitation.

Shen Jian walked up the stairs.

As soon as he stepped onto the first floor, a crisp voice sounded in Shen Jian's ears.

Uncle, can you come over and help me?

Shen Jian looked in the direction.

In the aisle on the first floor, I saw a seven or eight-year-old little girl wearing a white dress with a white bow on her head. She slightly poked her head out and shouted cautiously.

There was anxiety between his eyebrows, as if there was something extremely urgent.

Seeing the little girl's anxious look, Shen Jian walked away without saying a word.

Helping others is his traditional virtue.

In an abandoned old building, in a deserted land, a beautifully dressed little girl needs help. Who can refuse this?

What's the matter, kid? Uncle loves helping others the most.

Shen Jian tried his best to appear friendly and strode over.

The little girl looked around cautiously, then opened the door behind her.

inside the door.

A tied up little boy whined.

It's like being kidnapped.

This is it? Shen Jian blinked.

Uncle, he is my little friend. Someone wants to harm him. Can you help me?

The words have not yet finished.

The door of the next room suddenly opened, and a person who looked exactly like the little girl came out and said anxiously: Uncle, don't believe her, she is my dark side.


Shen Jian's eyes became more and more excited.

His guess was indeed correct.

This monastery will split everything that steps inside into a good side and a dark side.

Players are like this, and so are ghosts.

You guys, speak slowly so that I can't tell which of you is true and which is false.

Shen Jian glanced twice and said.

The little girl opposite the door sullenly shook her head and pointed at the little girl at the front door, Uncle, look at the knife in her hand. She wants to kill the little boy and occupy the other side alone.

Shen Jian looked over.

The little girl who spoke first did have a sharp knife in her hand.

After being identified at this time, the tenderness on the little girl's face disappeared, and her expression gradually became ferocious.

He screamed sharply: Uncle, come and help us, help us make a choice.

She wants me to share the little boy with her. One, three, five, is hers, and two, four, six is ​​mine. But there is no reason for two people to share feelings. I don't want to share it with others. I want to kill the little boy. Boy, kill him and he will be mine once and for all.”

Uncle, you are here to judge. Who do you think the little boy should belong to?


The little girl held the knife and looked at Shen Jian with hateful eyes.

Shen Jian frowned.

The situation has become obvious.

The dark side comes out first, and the good side comes out last.

One wants to share fairly, the other wants to kill for exclusivity.

Think about it.

Shen Jian looked at the kind-faced little girl opposite: Little girl, this is what's wrong with you. Do you know what your behavior is called? It's called a scumbag. How can there be any reason in this world for two women to share one husband? At such a young age , you are too scumbag.

Kind-faced little girl:? ? ?

She was slightly startled.

He opened his mouth, as if he didn't expect that he would be called a scumbag.


Didn't you understand the situation?

Is it now a question of scum or not?

If I don't take this method, wouldn't it mean that the other party will kill the little boy?

You're here to help.

The little girl opposite the door was speechless.

There was a bit of bad energy coming out of his body.

When the little girl holding the knife saw this, she laughed evilly: Yes, uncle, I didn't expect you to agree with my idea. Uncle, help me stop her. I will kill the little boy right now and occupy him alone. .”

Her tone became increasingly frantic.

A lot of resentment immediately emerged from the pure white skirt.

She has the same strength as Shan Mian, and neither of them can do anything to the other.

But if she could kill the little boy and keep him to herself, she could completely collapse the good side. In this case, she could integrate the good side into her body, walk out of this damn monastery, and regain her life.

Uncle, you can't do this. I understand. Uncle, you are temporarily irrational and made a wrong judgment. So, I will dig out your eyes now, plug your mouth with them, and then remove your hands and feet. Tie it up, throw it in the closet and think about it.”

The little girl opposite the door also laughed sinisterly at this time.

He was obviously kind, but the words he said made people feel cold all over.

But her tone was full of kindness.

It seemed that it was for Shen Jian's sake that he asked him to think about the answer.

Use the purest smile and say the most touching words.

To this.

Shen Jian was not surprised.

How can the kind side of Li Gui be so kind?

This goodness is contrasted with the dark side.

But in the eyes of the world, Shanmian is also a crazy ghost.


Just when she was about to take action, Shen Jian called out to her.

Wait, how can you be so stubborn? There is actually a perfect solution to this matter.

Hear this.

The two little girls were startled.

A surefire solution?

Subconsciously: What?

Don't you all want to have a little boy? But your methods are too extreme. One wants to divide the time and the other wants to monopolize it. Why can't you think about how to let the two of you have a little boy at the same time?

Shen Jian had a strange smile on his face.

Under the doubtful eyes of the two little girls.

He took out a knife from his body.


Cut the little boy in two.

Half for each person, you see, how fair this is.

See this scene.

little girl:? ! !

They were both confused.

His expression suddenly froze.

God is half as good as one person.

What kind of bullshit are you doing?

One of them wants to live, the other wants to die, but they must be complete.

However, Shen Jian split the little boy in half with a knife, and neither of them was satisfied.


This is the little boy we cherish. When will it be your turn to be killed by an outsider?

this moment.

The resentment on the dark side has soared to its peak.

A lot of resentment also appeared on the good side, and his eyes became vicious, with a tendency to turn into the dark side on the spot.

According to the rules of the monastery, once the good side falls into darkness, the dark side will completely swallow it up and turn it into an evil ghost with only pure evil thoughts left in its heart.

At this time, the hatred in Shanmian was so intense that it could not be increased.

The distance was swallowed up in an instant.

at this time.

Shen Jian took out his mobile phone with a smile.

He took a selfie of the little boy and the two little girls who were split in two, but after thinking about it, it seemed that it didn't show his contribution, so he stepped on the little boy's head with one foot.

The flash comes on.

A selfie is generated.

In the photo, Shen Jian stepped on the little boy's head with one foot, and behind him were two little girls who were stunned and completely stunned.

Along with the text: It's great. Today I helped a pair of little girls, allowing them to each have half of a little boy. It's another day of doing good deeds and accumulating virtue.


Shen Jian handed the photo to the two of them.

Keep it as a souvenir, but you guys are a bit unphotogenic. You don't even know how to smile. You look a bit stupid.

little girl:? ? !

You kill our people and film it all with humiliating actions and you make us laugh?

I laugh at you mmp.

Looking at Shen Jian with a smile on his face in the photo, he then looked at the little friend they cared about who was divided into two halves and being stepped on, and finally took a look behind them. They did look a little stupid.

this moment.


The kind-hearted little girl completely collapsed.

See this.

The dark side takes a step forward and enters the good side.

The next second.

The two figures merged completely.

Soaring resentment rose up in her body.

The terrifying supernatural fluctuations belonging to the top ghost king spread unbridled at this moment.


Staring straight at Shen Jian like a madman.

Damn! You really deserve to die!

The little girl held the knife, the hatred in her eyes already overflowing from her body.

At this moment.

There was only one thought left in her heart: half for one person.

Everything has to be one person and half.

The man in front of me is also half as good.

See this scene.

The smile on Shen Jian's face could no longer be concealed.

It worked.

He just gave it a gentle push.

The little girl in front of me has turned into a standard evil ghost.

The strong resentment cannot be resolved.

It has become an achievement that can be recognized by the hell realm.

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