Chapter 399 Not working these days...

I don’t know how long it took.

The ghost craftsman suddenly opened his eyes.

There was slight shock in his eyes.

Is he okay?

He remembered that he wanted to frighten the human being and let him try it if he had the ability. Unexpectedly, the human being really listened to the advice and actually took action against him.

A stick hit the armor on his chest.

It also shattered all his confidence.

His ghost weapon battle armor was built with a lifetime of hard work, and a bit of luck was added to it. It was a treasure on weekdays. If he hadn't seen that Shen Jian's arrival was not good today, he wouldn't have treated it like this. Wear it out.

But he wouldn't have thought that a ghost weapon that could withstand even a blow from the top ghost king would be pierced by that human's stick.


He was unconscious.

I thought I had no chance of supernatural recovery, but I didn't expect to wake up so soon.

you're awake.


Shen Jian's calm and indifferent voice sounded.

The ghost craftsman immediately became excited.

Get up on the spot.

He said calmly and calmly: Human, is this all your attack? It is said that you use half of your strength, but in fact you use your full strength.

But even so, it still doesn't pose any threat to me.


The ghost craftsman stood with his hands behind his back.

The demeanor of a master.

Shen Jian:......

He looked at the ghost craftsman in front of him with great interest.

He raised his eyebrows and said, In other words, you want to see my full strength?

Hahaha, didn't you just use your full strength? I have already said that you can try it with all your strength. If I hum, I will lose.

While talking.

Ghost Craftsman looked at Shen Jian's eyes.


You must not let this human being see that he is strong on the outside but weak on the inside, otherwise everything will be over.

Um, um... master, you have actually been sleeping for an hour just now.

At this time.

A water ghost apprentice couldn't bear to expose it.

As soon as these words came out.

It's like causing a chain reaction.

The other apprentices also muttered something.

Awesome. Master is very good at showing off.

Indeed, if I hadn't witnessed the scene where the master was breakdancing on his face, I would have thought that the master had a chance to win.

In the world of showmanship, I think the master has a chance to compete for first place.

Hear these words.

Ghost Craftsman:......

His calm expression suddenly became stiff.

Break your own defenses.


He's been in slumber for an hour?

so long?

Then why didn't this human being completely shut him down?


God is breakdancing on his face.

That hurt.

The corner of his mouth twitched.

at this time.

Shen Jian had already taken out the black steel rod again.

His biggest advantage is that he listens to advice selectively.

It turns out that the master craftsman in front of him wants to use all his strength, so he can just let him do it, and he can just wait a little longer.

He has plenty of time and is not afraid of wasting it.

Stand still and don't move. This time I really try my best. I promise I won't let you down.

Shen Jian looked serious.

Ghost Craftsman:! ! !



You know I'm faking it, so why are you taking it seriously?

If this stick goes down, he won't be able to wake up completely.

Think of this.

The ghost craftsman swallowed furiously.

But the body still stood up honestly. Today, the head can be cut off, the blood can be shed, but the face cannot be lost.

Even if you can't resist, you have to fight to the death.

Shen Jian's face was expressionless.

Take one step forward.


The ghost craftsman opposite immediately knelt down.

Wait, wait, human, I'm convinced, I'm completely convinced.

The ghost craftsman immediately kowtowed.

No longer stubborn.

Apprentices:? ? ?


Master, didn't you look so meaningless just now, as if you would rather die than surrender?

Your attitude change doesn't require any mental decision, right?

The ghost craftsman looked disdainful.


Did he really think he would save face and resist an attack that he couldn't resist?

Do his apprentices think too highly of his master?

Your Majesty, your strength reaches the sky. As the saying goes, there is no one before and no one will come after. I admire you endlessly. If you don't give up, the craftsman is willing to worship him as his master, and he will be at his disposal from now on.

The ghost craftsman kneeling on the ground said sincerely.

Hear this.

Shen Jian took back the black steel rod and said quietly: You have a bright mind.

See this.

The ghost craftsman looked happy.

Knowing that I can survive.


He immediately shouted to the apprentices who were watching the show: What are you still doing? Call me master.

Look at your sharp eyesight, you will never be able to eat eight dishes in your lifetime.

All apprentices.

Their facial muscles twitched.

Somewhat unbearable.

What the hell, master, your vision is just to choose a new master?

The subject or a human being?

If this spreads out, they won't be able to hold their heads high in the future.

Just thinking about it.

The water ghost knelt down with a plop.

He said with emotion and emotion: Master.

Everyone:? ? ?

If they remembered correctly, the person who hated Shen Jian the most was the water ghost.

After all, it was because of Shen Jian's instigation that the other party did the operation of pouring cold water on the high-temperature iron furnace.

Never thought about it.

The first person to be so shameless was this person.

The water ghost curled his lips, and his eyes seemed to say: This time, that time.

Immediately afterwards.

The second ghost also knelt down.

It was the Li Gui who had answered Shen Jian's question before.

Since all the water ghosts are kneeling, then I will kneel down too.


Since you two are also kneeling, it's a good thing that we make three, not the golden iron triangle.

Odd numbers change from even numbers to unchanged. This shows that even numbers are the truth. If I add one more number, it will be a contribution to the digital cause.

Fuck me, I'm uneducated, so I'll just kneel down.

Me too.



Hello, Master.

In less than five seconds, all the ghosts were on their knees.

Shen Jian ignored these, pointed at the ghost craftsman, and asked: Did you forge this armor?


Can it be built again?

It depends on luck, but if you can advance to the Abyss level ghost, it will be much easier.

The ghost craftsman answered truthfully.

After listening.

A smile appeared on Shen Jian's face.

Very good, you can work for me from now on and be responsible for refining something for me.

I said a few words briefly.

Shen Jian walked out of the blacksmith shop.

This trip was worth it.

Not only was it the harvest of more than 400 red-clad ghosts, it was also because of the ghost craftsman.

The other party has the ability to create ghost weapons.

The level is extremely high.

It is also among the best among the blacksmiths in Nanjiang District.

Converted into a ghost doctor profession, it is basically the strongest echelon below famous doctors.

Such a ghost craftsman is in great need of the underworld.

Today's underworld facilities are not yet complete.

In addition to Huangquan Road, he also needs Naihe Bridge, Wangxiang Terrace, Sansheng Stone, Mengpo Soup, etc...

some of.

The Three Life Stones cannot be copied.

He already had some ideas about Meng Po Tang's words.

But he could not find substitutes for Naihe Bridge and Wangxiang Terrace.

That being the case.

Then he can only build it himself.

Then blend it into the ghost corpse to turn it into a real underworld construction.

And this requires the use of ghost craftsmen.

Exit the blacksmith shop.

You look happy?

The third young lady, Shangguan Wan, was waiting outside.

He leaned against the wall.

The back is covered with roses.

It gives people a feeling that although it is very charming, it feels like a rose with thorns.

Once you get close, it can easily prick your hands.

Shen Jian smiled and said,

He put his arms around the pretty widow.

Pull it to you.

Fu Er said: It's all because of your efforts that I solved this troublesome matter. What reward do you want?

Hear this.

The third young lady, Shangguan Wan, blushed slightly at first, and then her figure began to twist unconsciously.

Being hugged openly by a man other than your husband in public is simply defiling traditional thinking and an impact on secular concepts.

Although she is the third young lady of the Vampire Castle, she unexpectedly abides by the rules in this regard, otherwise she would not have shared a room with her husband for more than ten years. Let alone a matter of husband and wife, the other party has never even stepped into her room.

This was the first time that she was hugged by a man in the street.

She stretched out her hand and put it on Shen Jian's chest to prevent him from getting closer. However, her coquettish posture seemed to suggest that she was welcoming but refusing.

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows.

He pulled the third lady in front of him and put his arms around her waist.

He looked at her with burning eyes.

Being stared at by Shen Jian's burning eyes, the third lady Shangguan Wan felt a little greedy and a little shy as she sniffed the burning yang energy emanating from this man.

Eyes evasive.

I should be the one thanking you for this today.

Struggling slightly for a few seconds.

Seeing that this man had no intention of letting go, and thinking that this place was empty and no one would notice this scene, she gradually gave up her resistance.

Let your body be close to this man's.

Enjoying this seemingly absurd, but unexpectedly intoxicating warmth.

You want to reward me?

Think about it.

Shen Jian didn't refute.

Instead, he followed her words and said ambiguously: Madam, tonight I...

No, this can't be done, at least not for these two days.

Just by hearing the beginning, the third young lady Shangguan Wan knew what she wanted to mention and shook her head in a hurry.

Then he stretched out his jade hand and pinched Shen Jian's wrist on her waist.

What are you going to do next?

After calming down for a while, the third lady Shangguan Wan asked.

The supernatural place under the jurisdiction of the second sister has been destroyed by you. The news here will spread throughout the entire vampire castle in less than two days, and all suspicions will be focused on me and the eldest sister.

If you want to take action, you'd better take advantage of the news to spread in the past few days, otherwise once it is exposed...

Speaking of which.

She was stunned for a moment.

What happens if you are exposed?

It was nothing more than being known that she had done it.

But Shen Jian is a top ghost king comparable to her grandfather.

How many people in the entire vampire castle are his opponents?

Even if he is exposed, it doesn't seem to matter.

Think about it.

Third Miss Shangguan Wan continued: You can figure it out yourself. Within two days, the news here will spread. If you want to take action on the supernatural place under my eldest sister's jurisdiction, these two days are the best time. The resistance encountered Not too big.”

Shen Jian nodded.

I also have some thoughts in my heart.

How is your relationship with your eldest and second sister?

Why do you ask this? Third Miss Shangguan Wan was a little confused, but still explained a little calmly: The relationship between us was still very good before the fight for the king's order. After all, the three of us are the best of this generation. Vampires with potential and sisters, how can their relationship be bad?

But once grandpa's order to fight for the king comes out, even if we don't want to fight, the forces behind us will force us to compete. Competition will inevitably involve swords, and the relationship will naturally deteriorate.

Sometimes I wonder, if it hadn't been for this King's Order, the three of us would still be very close sisters.

Shen Jian did not respond.

Although in the horror world, ghosts devour each other and attacks occur from time to time, the order issued by the Vampire Castle to fight for the king is obviously harmful rather than beneficial.

It encourages brothers and sisters to kill each other.

This bad habit must be banned.

What a beautiful family of three sisters, how they were torn apart.

The former city lord of Nanjiang District was really a wicked person.

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