Something strange is coming? Fortunately, I am the King of Hell of the Tenth Palace

Chapter 118 If you think about it a bit, he might be dead.

When Shen Jian took out the mourning stick, something was wrong with the starving ghost's expression.

This ghost weapon seems to be a bit of a deterrent to him.

He sensed danger.

If this ghost weapon hits him, he will probably cry out.

So, he chose not to move for the time being.

Shen Jian stepped forward.

He said expressionlessly: I have always been polite before fighting. If you have not made a mistake, I will not embarrass you.

You cook here, do you have a health permit?

Starving Ghost:? ? ?

I cook at home, do I need a health permit?

He was stunned.

Is there such a rule?


I cook at my own home.

said the starving ghost.

So what? Isn't it amazing? Without a health permit, what if the food you make is accidentally eaten by other ghosts? What if someone else eats it and something goes wrong?

Shen Jian's eyes turned cold.

Starving Ghost:......

These things are not enough for me, so I won't give them away.

What if other ghosts eat it secretly? Shen Jian retorted.


Does it matter to me if others eat secretly?

I haven't sued him for theft yet.

Shen Jian shook his head slowly: You are still too young. If something goes wrong with the food you make, you will have to bear the responsibility.

The starving ghost didn't understand very much, but he was greatly shocked.

You need a certificate to cook at home.

Am I still responsible if someone steals my food?

According to your logic, if I feed a stray dog ​​every day and the stray dog ​​bites someone, is this responsibility also my responsibility?

That's right.

Shen Jian nodded.

Starving Ghost:! ! !

The gangsters are more disciplined than you.

The starving ghost was so angry that he trembled for a while.

Under Shen Jian's series of questioning, the starving ghost had a ferocious face, twisted and aggrieved.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.


He reacted.

His expression became extremely vicious.

Who the hell are you? Do you still need to take care of what I do at home?

The starving ghost gritted his teeth.

A terrifying yin energy erupted from all over his body, and a piercing wail came from his mouth.

Hungry, so hungry, I'm starving to death...

A terrifying supernatural force erupted along with the wailing sound of the evil ghost.

The ghost daughter immediately heard a strange growl from her stomach.

She had just finished eating and now she was hungry again.

And an exaggerated hunger.

This feeling was so exaggerated that when the little Loli looked at her pink little hands, a strong desire arose in her heart, and she couldn't help but put her hand to her mouth.


The little Loli immediately panicked.

She doesn't even have the white-clothed level, how can she withstand the supernatural attacks of the green-clothed level ghosts.

I originally wanted to have a friendly exchange with you, but I didn't expect you to be so ignorant.

Shen Jian exchanges left and right hands.

He took out a giant ghost sickle.

A burst of black light flashed out.

The head of the starving ghost was immediately dismembered.

Starving Ghost:? ? ?

I am super.

Did you kill me?

I hit all four 2s, and you turned out to be the king of bombers and planes.

How can this be.

The starving ghost was stunned.

Why is his supernatural power ineffective against the man in front of him?

And these two ghost weapons.

Ordinary owners simply cannot afford it.

What a bastard.

If you had pointed this out earlier, why should I fight with you?


A head rolled down.

The starving ghost blinked and looked at Shen Jian in horror.

The supernatural beings are immortal and the evil ghosts are immortal.

Shen Jian only dismembered his head, reducing his terror level to the white-clothed level, and he was still some way away from death.

Shen Jian came.

He raised the starving man's head.

In the sky, a ghost moon is shining.

Look up at the bright moon.

The ancients never deceived me.

At this time, the starving ghost could no longer understand what Shen Jian meant.

He yelled, What do you want to do? You broke into a private house and dismembered me. This has violated the rules of Sweet Home Community. If I report you, you will have to move and be punished.

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows.

Lost his head.

You can try reporting it.

Starving Ghost:?

So tough?

Very good, I will make it happen for you.

The starving ghost successfully connected with his body, took out his cell phone, and dialed the number of the security brigade.

Jingle Bell.

A sudden phone ringing sounded in the room.

The starving ghost's face froze.

Shen Jian picked up the phone, answered the call, and said casually: What? Do you have anything to do with me?

Starving Ghost:......

# ¥¥%\u0026amp;amp;@#.

It doesn't contain a word about mother, but every word of Chinese quintessence is cursed from the mouth of a starving ghost.

After scolding him, he said fiercely: Don't be complacent. As a security guard, you know the law and break it. Your crime will be increased. You just wait to be dealt with by the captain of the security team.

The hungry ghost made another call.

This is the security team captain's phone number.

At the beginning, he had to give away several meals to get the phone number. The other party assured him that as long as it was not involved in any major incident, he would be protected.

Now, it's time to use this favor.

Jingle Bell.

The phone rang again.

The starving ghost looked stiffly.

Shen Jian took out another mobile phone from his pocket, answered the call, and said with a smile: Are you surprised? Are you surprised?

Starving Ghost:! ! ?

He was completely confused.

How could this man be the security captain?

Then who was the ghost security guard he saw two days ago?

After delivering those meals, he didn't know how distressed he was.

Now tell him, he gave it away for free?

The starving man lay on his back and vomited blood.

that's all.

Shen Jian stuffed the opponent into the sack.

When he walked out of the room, Shen Jian found that the ghost daughter was looking at him with gleaming eyes.

[Ghost daughter Su Ling]

[Current status; worship, worship, excitement. 】

[Favorability: +20 (50 familiarity)]

How about this social practice assignment? It's not enough for Dad to have some friendly exchanges.

Shen Jian said casually.

The ghost daughter pouted and said: Dad, you move too fast, and you hit the frame randomly. Moreover, it has no educational significance, the story is not strong, and there are no ups and downs. It is impossible to get the first place in social practice. of.

It has to be educational, story-telling, and full of ups and downs?

Shen Jian frowned.

This was a bit difficult for him.

He is good at education, but I don’t know if it is meaningful.

And the ups and downs seemed to have nothing to do with him.

Then let's enter this house this time.

Shen Jian pointed to the building next door.

Little Loli, who could barely keep up with her after trotting all the way, pouted and said: Dad, you forgot, this family is gone. I heard my mother said that she was stalked by the woman upstairs who was looking for her child. Since then, there has been no trace of her. There are no traces, and my mother even warned me not to play upstairs.

A woman looking for a child?

The little loli said in a sweet voice: Yes, that aunt is very scary. Even mom and grandma don't dare to mess with her. I heard that she is looking for her child everywhere. When she meets people, she asks where her child is, and others say she hasn't seen it. If you pass, you will keep asking questions.

She won't give up until the other person tells her that she has seen her child. But the more details she asks, the more the woman will believe that the other person is the murderer of her child, and she will suddenly shift her hatred towards other people, including the residents here. That’s how it disappeared.”

But oh...

Speaking of this, Gui's daughter gave up and paused before saying: As more details were learned, the owners came to a conclusion - her child was actually killed by herself.

Shen Jian listened thoughtfully.

There was already a slight fluctuation in his eyes.

Even his wife and mother-in-law, who are in green clothes, dare not provoke her. That woman is 100% a fierce ghost in red clothes.

Come on, let's go upstairs.

Shen Jian said.

Take your daughter upstairs with you.

next moment.

Staircase corner.

A head popped out.

Brother, have you seen my child?

Shen Jian glanced over.

The other party was a young mother with disheveled hair and a haggard face. Her dark eyes were deeply sunken. It seemed that she had not had a good sleep for several days in a row. She looked very pitiful.

The little Loli grabbed Shen Jian's trouser legs and buried her head in them.

It seems that I dare not look at this terrible aunt.

Shen Jian touched the little Loli's head and said casually: I haven't seen it before.

are you sure?

The young mother seemed to become agitated.

My child is really lost. If you think about it again, have you really never seen it?

Bao's mother blocked Shen Jian's way, and her palm was still on Shen Jian's wrist, as if she would not let him go unless he answered.

Shen Jian raised his eyebrows.

But after thinking about it, he still put away the mourning stick.

Then he comforted her with a kind face: Don't worry too much. Maybe your child was not lost, but died accidentally and never came home.

Bao Magui:? ? ?

Do you hear what you are saying is human language?

What does it mean to die accidentally?

Is this how you comfort people?

Bao Ma’s face froze.

Look bad.

How do you, a young man, talk? What do you mean my child may be dead? How did you come to this conclusion? I understand, it was you, you killed my child.

A ferocious roar roared out.

Bao Magui's eyes also became sinister and terrifying.

Shen Jian:......

You're pretty awesome too.

He can also forcefully maintain the killing pattern.

A normal Li Gui would be in a dilemma at this time.

Shen Jian took a deep breath and said seriously: Mom, children can eat whatever they want, but they can't talk nonsense.

Mother was stunned.

Her thinking couldn't keep up with this man's level of thinking.

This sentence sounds okay at first glance, but after listening carefully, I found a sense of violation.

What does it mean that children can eat randomly...

Your Chinese was taught by your physical education teacher, right?

Before she could speak, Shen Jian continued his theoretical teaching: Children die in many accidents, such as being filled with cement, being hit by an overcoming truck, being torn alive by protein monsters, and possibly being chewed alive by protein monsters. Breaded into bread crumbs and fried to death by roadside gourmets.”

Bao Magui:?

Do you want to listen to what you are doing?

Wrapped into bread crumbs and fried to death?

she asked subconsciously.

Because this was the first time she had heard of this way of death.

This could very well be a clue.

Yeah, didn't you know? This is a delicious dish.

Shen Jian, like a veteran in the food industry, introduced this craft in detail:

Cover the marinated baby evenly in flour, egg wash, and finally add bread crumbs. It will be delicious.

The kids next door are crying.

Bao Magui:......

Ghost daughter:......


After hearing this method of death, Bao Magui's expression suddenly froze.

Then a sharp roar sounded.

It seems that I can't accept this cooking method for a while.

How can a child be fried when he is so cute?

Just at this time.


The ghost daughter hiding behind Shen Jianjian made a growling sound from her stomach, and she could faintly see the movement of swallowing.

The kids next door are crying.

Bao Magui thought of this sentence again.

Even more broken.

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