Chapter 338 Thirteen million

[Reward the host’s stun skill to increase level 2 to lv6.][Reward host’s healing ability increased by 1 level to lv7.][Reward the host’s super-strong speed skills up to level 1 to lv10.][Reward host’s bad luck control skills increased by 1 level to lv10.][Reward the host soft sister coin 50,000 yuan. ] (Note, theft case rewards 30,000 yuan, 10% of the 200,000 yuan involved, 20,000 yuan, a total of 50,000 yuan.) Because it is not a murder case.

Moreover, those two groups are ordinary gangsters, who have not committed any serious crimes.

In addition, the amount involved is not large.

There are very few rewards for soft sister coins.

It is equivalent to the soft sister coin reward brought by the murder of a deceased, but…

The skill rewards given this time are pretty good.

At the very least, Qin Feng is still very satisfied.

A total of four skill rewards were given.

some of.

He also directly upgraded the two skills of super speed and bad luck control to the full level.

Such a generous reward.

It’s worthy of me that I only slept for five or six hours a day in the past few days.


The other people in the six groups are equally tired.

Withdraw consciousness.

At a glance, everyone has a faint dark circle.

The most outrageous of them is Yang Zhen.

In the past few days, he feels the least.

Ever since.

After hearing that the zha medicine finally confiscated a hundred kilograms.

The whole person’s spiritual head can no longer hold up.

He immediately sat on the steps, leaned against the wall and began to squint.

When everyone is ready to go.

He is still asleep there.

“Hey, Master, Master, it’s time to go.” Chang Baole walked over and called out a few times.

Yang Zhen didn’t respond.

Chang Baole screamed louder.

While shouting Yang Zhen’s name, he tried his pulse.

“Ah! What’s the matter?” Yang Zhen opened his eyes slowly, “Bao Le, what are you doing?” “Master, you should go back now and go to sleep in the car.” “Oh! I know.”

Yang Zhen responded, and immediately closed his eyes.

Next second.

The heavy breathing sounded again.

“Puff!” This scene.

It really made everyone laugh.

Looking at each other, his eyes were deeply helpless.

“Yes!” In the end, Zheng Yimin gave the final word, “Put Yang Zhen into the car.” “When I go back and hand over the zha medicine, let’s put it down.” It happened to be Friday. ”

“I won’t use it in the afternoon, so I have a good night’s sleep at home.” “Okay, ah~~” Zeng Keqiang replied.

Unexpectedly, just opened his mouth.

He yawned uncontrollably. “It’s better for us.” “Yeah.”

Jiang Han started directly and called Qin Feng to help Yang Zhen into the car.

Go back to ju.

Arrange for Yang Zhen, who hasn’t been awake all the way through the bumps.

Everyone went back to each house.

Qin Feng carried Bai Ling back to the villa.

Go back to their respective bedrooms.

Jumped in depth and jumped to the chuang.

I fell asleep as soon as I touched the pillow.

I slept this night.

It’s really dark.

When Qin Feng opened his eyes again.

The world is already dark.

“I’ll go, this is how long I slept.”

Posing speechlessly, Qin Feng immediately picked up the phone and glanced at it.

It’s not too late.

Seven o’clock!

“It’s time to meet Chen Nian.” Qin Feng thought.

Moved the technical data and patent certificate of the lithography machine technology from the system to its own study room.

Go to the study and have a look.

Chuang up, chuang down.

It is already occupied by a thick floppy disk.

“This time the content is obviously more than last time!” Nodded secretly.

Qin Feng took out his mobile phone and called Chen Nian.

Waited for five seconds.

The phone is connected.

There was an eager voice in the old-year surprise, “Little Brother Qin, are you finished?” “Hmm! I worked hard for three days and three nights.”

“This extra class is harder than 996, working 18 hours a day!” “Ah! 996?”

“From nine to nine, six days a week!” Qin Feng explained. “Hahaha.”

Chen Nian smiled awkwardly, “You have worked so hard for our happy life! Noble!” “Okay, don’t wear high hats for me.”

“I finally have time now. I have kept you waiting for a long time. There are 25 buildings in the Mizuki Villa District. Come here!”

“Okay! See or leave!”

ten minutes later.

The doorbell of the villa rang.

Qin Feng immediately got up and went to open the door.

The door opened.

There are four people outside.

One of them is old.

The other three.

A square-faced man in his fifties, standing tall.

That feeling is the same as the feeling Bai Gang gave Qin Feng.

However, Bai Gang is a bit more Wu.

He writes a little more.

The other two are 60 or 70 years old, wearing thick glasses.

The breath of a book. “This is Qin Feng.”

“Qin Feng, let me introduce you.” Chen Nian smiled and pointed to the middle-aged man with a square face. “The king of information industry Bu.”

“These two are experts in lithography machines.” “Lao Zhang, Lao Yin!” “Hello! Xiaotongzhi.” Wang Chu smiled slightly at Qin Feng.

“You can make us wait. If you don’t have the technology, I will rely on your family to stop leaving. There is an old family. If there is a treasure, our two treasures will consume you.” “Hahaha, don’t worry. , Some 0…” Qin Feng laughed.

Then he pointed his finger at the old age.

“How did Lao Chen’s company start?” “Didn’t he tell you?”

“Of course I said it.” Wang Chu smiled, “The point is, the blueprint you painted for us is too beautiful!” “It can sweep the current lithography machine giant directly into the garbage dump.”

“If it’s true, then our guo’s chip can be up.” “Maybe we can make a lot of foreign exchange.”

“Hey, don’t talk about it, take us to see the technical data.” Zhang Lao said eagerly. “Okay, come with me.”

Qin Feng took them to the study.

Take out the patent certificate and show them first. “Let’s take a look! This is the evidence.”

“The disk under chuang is the technical data.” “You can take it away.” “But…” “Pay the money first!”

The money originally required was a very small amount.

Qin Feng doesn’t want the money to be delivered before taking the money.

“No problem, this patent certificate is certified by Guoji, and it really can’t be more authentic.”

Lao Zhang looked at the certificate in his hand excitedly, and then looked at Qin Feng. “Little brother, where did you get this?” “What do you mean by where did I get it?”

“Is the certificate okay? I can tell you in advance that the technology is okay.” “Don’t worry, Qin Feng, the money is okay!” Chen Nian laughed.

Immediately took out the mobile phone and made a call.

Less than two minutes.

Qin Feng received a text message on his cell phone.

“Your bank card with the card number of xxxx received 13 million yuan in soft sister currency transfer, and the current balance is 14 million!” “Oh!”

Qin Feng5.2 raised his brow.

Looked at the old age playfully.

“I’m not afraid that this is fake!”

“The money was transferred first without signing the contract.” “You and I are not at ease!”

Chen Nian put away his mobile phone, and put his hand around Qin Feng’s shoulder.

“The original monitor technology, you sold it to our company at such a cheap price. If you want to give you several times more money, you don’t want it.” “If I can’t trust you, who can I trust?”

“Thank you, okay, you guys take all these floppy disks.” Qin Feng pointed to the floppy disks on Chuang and Chuang.

Then, I saw that the king made another call.

Seven or eight people walked in from the front.

Soon, those floppy disks were removed completely.

Those people went back anxiously to read the contents of the floppy disk.

Beckon, leave a sentence for Qin Feng and leave after having a chance to trade.

Qin Feng closed.

Turned his head.

Bai Ling had appeared on the second floor for some time.

Staring at Qin Feng with a complex expression. .

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