Chapter 212 News about the Hu Gang case

[Reward Overlord’s deterrence skill increased to lv7.][Reward the host’s Thousand Skills skill increased to lv7.][Reward the host for a truth sign. 】

[Reward a bad luck symbol for the host. 】

[Reward the host soft sister coin 500 thousand. ] This time.

Skills are not much improved.

One is that the deterrence skills that can be used for interrogation have been upgraded by one level.

Another skill is a bit tasteless for Qin Feng, and it is a pity to discard the chicken rib skill.

Even Qin Feng doesn’t know when he will be able to use this Qian-shu skill. but……

Skills are not much improved.

There are many rewards for items.

Even Qin Feng was a little surprised.

Truth sign.

Bad luck sign.

Both items were previously used by Qin Feng.

Used at the right time, it can be called an artifact.

Especially the bad luck charm, that is a lue level thing.



The reward this time is in the reward after each case solved.

It’s already a top-notch reward.

Secretly nodded in satisfaction.

Qin Feng then took his attention from the system in his mind.

Then he turned his head.

Looked at Ji Jie beside him with concern.

At this time, Ji Jie was still in endless grief.

His eyes looked forward blankly.

In her eyes, there was no trace of the look at all. “Master.”

“Liang Bin’s address is the information she provided. She is not what you think, she should really have not been involved in Liang Bin’s gang.” He told Ji Jie about Ji Ran’s situation.

Seeing Ji Jie is still a dull look.

Qin Feng stopped talking.

Turned his head back again.

Regarding Ji Ran’s death, Qin Feng didn’t have any waves in his heart.

Even more, I was a little lucky.

Ji Ran, sooner or later it will drag Ji Jie to death.

It’s dead now, but it saves trouble. in addition……

Last night, if it weren’t for their own system.

Ba% of Bai Ling was killed by Ji Ran.

Thinking that Bai Ling almost died because of her, Qin Feng couldn’t sympathize with him at all.

After half an hour.

Zheng Yimin and Zeng Keqiang also came to the hospital.

After learning about Ji Ran’s situation.

Zheng Yimin gave Ji Jie a seven-day holiday on the spot.

Never thought.

Ji Jie shook his head.

Rejected this long vacation.

“I don’t need seven days as long. Give me three days for me to cremate and bury my sister. This is enough.” “I am a torture jing.”

“Our team is already short of manpower, how can we stand up to my three-day leave?” Ji Jie got up from the bench as he said.

Expression, unspeakable seriousness.

After nearly ten seconds, Ji Jie finally said aloud.

“After three days, I have nothing to worry about.”

“I will put all my energy into fighting criminals!”

“Hey…” Zheng Yimin sighed lightly, “Are you really not planning to take a few more days off?” “No need.” “All right.”

Zheng Yimin didn’t force it.

Turning his head to look at Qin Feng, “I also give you three days off. You go and help your master handle these things.” “Okay!”

The next three days.

Qin Feng is busy.

Let the forensic department conduct an autopsy on Ji Ran first.

It was determined that the cause of Ji Ran’s death was indeed done by the female killer. Then… cremation.

Buy a cemetery.

Bury a dragon.

Ji Ran has lived in the green mountains for so long.

Three days passed in a flash.

The fourth day, in the morning.

Qin Feng and Ji Jie walked into the six groups of offices together. “Hey, I haven’t missed any cases in the past few days?” As soon as he walked in, Ji Jie raised his hand and greeted everyone.

Ji Jie’s move.

But the six groups of people including Qin Feng were stunned.

I didn’t expect Ji Jie to recover so quickly.

I was a little surprised for a while.

You look at me, I look at you.

In the end, Da Zeng responded the fastest.

He smiled at Ji Jie and nodded.

“If Ji Jie isn’t there, which case would you dare to come?” “You just brag about it.”

Ji Jie gave Zeng Keqiang a roll of eyes.

At this moment, Zeng Keqiang’s phone rang. Then, he sat back in his seat. “Hey, where is blowing!” “It’s all the truth.” “Buzzing!”

Zeng Keqiang picked up the phone casually. But… the next moment!

Zeng Keqiang couldn’t continue to be inattentive anymore.

He sat up straight, “What did you say? Say it again.” “Okay, you, you are waiting for me!”

Zeng Keqiang put away his mobile phone and quickly wanted to rush out.

Maybe it’s because I was too excited.

Almost tripped over a chair.

“Da Zeng, what’s wrong with you?” Qin Feng was a little curious.

“Isn’t it because someone arranged a blind date for Da Zeng?” Jiang Han laughed, “Either Da Zeng can’t be so excited!” “Fuck you.” Zeng Keqiang cursed with a smile.

Don’t look at Da Zeng living happily every day. “Well, I said, it’s Hu Gang’s case that has news. Some people say that he may know that Li Ge!” “Ask me to dinner, and provide me with some news by the way.” “Hua! This is a good thing!” 0.. ……. Ask for flowers. . . . . Everyone smiled from the bottom of their hearts.

But everyone is very clear.

Hu Gang case!

It is an untouchable painful memory deep in Dazeng’s heart.

Revenge for Hu Gang, my buddy!

Basically it has become Da Zeng’s obsession.

Now I know there is news about the Hu Gang case.

I am really happy for Da Zeng.

“Of course it’s a good thing! Okay, I won’t tell you any more, I’m leaving.” Waved his hand, Dazeng walked out of the office quickly. , But I don’t know why.

As soon as he stepped out, Zeng Keqiang stopped.

Turned around and hooked towards Qin Feng. “Qin Feng, let’s go together?” “Okay!” It was about a murder case. Qin Feng is interested.

Regardless of the reason Da Zeng called himself, he just followed him.

I drove to a restaurant with fairly good decoration.

0…0 just walked in.

I saw a thin monkey-like long-haired man waving his hand towards Zeng Keqiang. “Just this kid, nicknamed Nijo.”

Zeng Keqiang led Qin Feng to sit on the opposite side of Erjo.

“Nijo, don’t talk nonsense, have you seen that Li Ge?”

“That’s right! Fatty, southerner, with a wide-ranging accent, wearing glasses, over forty years old, quite rich, am I right?” “Well, yes, keep talking.” Zeng Keqiang nodded.

However, Nijo has changed the subject.

Begin to complain about Zeng Keqiang. “Hi.” “Speak up.”

“Brother Zeng, you are not authentic!”

“Let them help with the investigation, and you won’t find me.”

“Stop talking, just tell me who Li Ge is!” Zeng Keqiang didn’t want to wait for a second.

Take out a thousand yuan from his pocket.

Shoot directly on the table. “How do you say? Is it enough?” “Enough, enough.” Nijo nodded again and again. “Is such that.”

“That Li Ge! I used to play du in our village for three days in a row.” “On the first day, I lost 10,000 yuan.”

“The next day, I was even more lavish. I lost 100,000 yuan in one breath. Those in our village still think they are big fools.” “As a result, they won 500,000 yuan from Sun Jiawang, who runs the du fair in our village on the third day.”

“Later, when the cards were cleared, a deck of playing cards came out with seven aces. Only then did I know that the goods were sold out, and Sun Jiawang was tricked by others as a fool.” “I was there for the three days, so I still had some impression of the goods. “But Brother Zeng, I don’t have a duo, I just took a look.”

“Who cares about you!” Zeng Keqiang waved his hand, “Is there no more news from Li Ge?” Maru.

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