Chapter 96

Han Jun and Xia Mi got into the car, but Xia Mi didn’t understand when they got into the car.

“Junjun, didn’t we say that we would stay and investigate? Why are you suddenly angry again?”

“What is angry, I just drove back to ask Mr. Song first.”

Han Jun said with a smile, but immediately said dullly: “Team Nie still doesn’t understand Mr. Song. He is from Jiangzhou. Now it is only because of Mr. Song’s justice that he stayed in Jiangzhou prison. , Otherwise how could he stay there forever?”

“Team Nie is great, and even thinking that if Mr. Song likes to live in prison, he can be transferred to Shishan Prison. Isn’t that a joke?”

“It’s as if we in Jiangzhou are unable to provide a better place to live for Mr. Song.”

Han Jun said angrily, and Xia Mi smiled and said, “That is, we will go back and talk to the prison authorities, and then get Mr. Song a more comfortable place to live.”

“It is necessary. The house Mr. Song lives in is still too small and there is not much room for activities.”

“But we really want to go back to Jiangzhou? Hundreds of miles away.” Xia Mi said with a wry smile.

“Regardless of whether we investigate the case or not, we have to go back. Especially when we decide to investigate, we will go back. I know you said that Mr. Song should call. But respect is mutual. We will go back personally. Find him, that’s our respect.”

Xia Mi was stunned, and after thinking about it, she said, “What you said seems to make sense.”

“What makes sense, let’s go back first, and then go directly to the prison to find Mr. Song.”


The two hit it off and the car quickly drove towards Jiangzhou, and the night gradually got deeper.

In the early hours of the morning, the car finally reached the door of Jiangzhou Prison.

But when he was about to get out of the car, Han Jun suddenly said, “Not good.”

“What’s wrong?” Xia Mi asked in surprise.

“Do you think Mr. Song has rested at this time? Let’s just go over, will it…?”

As he was talking, Han Jun’s cell phone rang.

When it seemed that the call was Song Ye, Han Jun quickly answered and asked, “Hey, Mr. Song, haven’t you rested yet?”

“Where have you been?”

“Did you know?”

“Well, the prison guard brother came over and told me earlier that Shishan was looking for me. I chatted with Team Nie from Shishan, and he told me that you are back. I thought that you should come back as soon as possible. Look for me, so count the time you are almost in Jiangzhou.”

Han Jun laughed bitterly for a while, and said: “Well, I just happened to be at the gate of the prison.”

“It’s a coincidence! Well, I’ll wait for you inside, and we’ll talk about that woodpecker together later.”


Han Jun opened the door of the car and walked down.

Xia Mi followed behind and asked, “Shishan contacted Mr. Song first?”

“Well, they should have had a brief exchange, and now Mr. Song is waiting for us.”

“It seems that Mr. Song is also interested in this case. With his assistance, we may have a high chance of catching another woodpecker.”

“No, with Mr. Song joining me, I believe this is not a matter of chance, but it can be caught!”

Han Jun was full of confidence, and Xia Mi pursed her lips and chuckled and walked towards the prison without talking too much.

A few minutes later, Han Jun knocked on Song Ye’s door.

Song Ye opened the door, the computer in the room was still on, and a photo of the back of a corpse was on the screen.

Han Jun glanced at it and said in a low voice: “It seems that Team Nie’s actions are still very fast. This has brought you the case files.”

“Originally I didn’t want to care about it, but Nie Kai told me that you just came back from them. Moreover, the Korean team’s original fame case was similar to the woodpecker hiding the oak case, so I became interested.”

“Then Mr. Song didn’t think I was causing you trouble, did you?” Han Jun asked with some worry.

Song Ye shook his head: “I didn’t have anything else in the prison. I was so bored these few days. I just happened to have a case that seemed a bit level. I naturally wanted to think about it.”

“That’s good, then let’s sit down and talk about the case directly?”

“Okay, you can talk about the information you have first. It’s best to compare what you have investigated before.”

Song Ye said, Han Jun didn’t procrastinate, and directly said:

“The two cases were almost done by one person from the appearance. From the modus operandi to the target of the murder, all of them used tools to dig out a piece of flesh from the body of the deceased, and then buried the acorn.”

“From the front to the back, everything that can bury acorn bones has not been missed! Of course, the real cause of death for the two deceased was suffocation. The murderer first strangled and then bury the acorn on the body. behavior.”

“As for the differences between the two, there is one difference: the murderer of the previous murder was a male, and this case is more biased towards women from the monitoring point of view, but it is not completely certain…”

“The character of the murderer is also different. The woodpecker case that occurred in Jiangzhou at the beginning was extremely arrogant and high-profile. But in Shishan, the scene of the murderer leaving the scene was more on guard!”

“As for the last difference, only one person died in the woodpecker case in Jiangzhou, while there were two in Shishan, a mother and son. However, the child was not killed and died, but because he lost his guardian, he was too young to survive on his own. And starved to death.”

After listening to Song Ye, his eyes fell on the computer again and asked: “I have a question now. This question should be answered by Xia Forensic.”

Xia Mi nodded: “Mr. Song, please tell me?”

“In the first woodpecker case, was the distance between the holes on the deceased’s body the same as the other? It was still completely irregular. Anyway, dig wherever it can go?”

Xia Mi breathed a sigh of relief at this question, but the meaning of her eyes on Song Ye was different.

Because Song Ye asked her a tricky question as a forensic doctor.

“In the first case, I didn’t have the idea of ​​calculating the distance between the holes. Later, I watched the murderer’s dressing method meticulously and didn’t even have a trace of wrinkles. I suspected that he might have some compulsion. Symptomatic behavior, so the holes were also measured.”

“When visually inspecting, it is row after row, and the distance between them is not much different!”

Song Ye heard this and pointed to the photo of the corpse on the computer screen and said:

“The murderer of the last homicide case should be executed, right?”

“Yes, after the trial was over, it was handed over to the judicial organ for trial. Within a week of the trial, the death penalty was granted.”

“I said, how could the murderer who created such a serious case come out so quickly and commit the crime again.”

Song Ye said, Han Jun quickly asked in surprise: “According to Mr. Song, this is a murderer with a completely different style of committing the crime?”

“Of course, but I think the main problem is not just the spacing of the holes. The last one has obsessive-compulsive disorder, so you guys think about whether the style of the holes is more different?”

Song Ye said, a picture immediately came to the minds of Han Jun and Xia Mi! .

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