Chapter 69

Fang Mu’s thinking is brand new compared to Song Ye and Qin Feng Guan Hongfeng!

Guan Hongfeng speculated before that Cao Qing’s drowning might not only be directed at Cao Qing.

But now Fang Mu included everyone. He seemed to want to treat a murder case with no obvious features as a serial murder case.

The characteristic of serial homicides lies in the fact that a single inducement links many targets, and the murderer kills them one by one.

In such a case, there must be a connection between the dead.

If Cao Qing’s case is also such a case, then the grade is completely different.

Because it is neither completely targeted homicide nor completely serial homicide.

Rather, it combines the two characteristics of the murder case.

The murderer is not bound by any characteristics, all he wants is for everyone to die!

The drowning of Cao Qing caused Cao Mian to kill the other three. In the end, Cao Mian was sentenced to death because of the cruel methods of killing and the extremely bad effects.

This person is in the true sense of killing without seeing blood!

When Qin Feng and Guan Hongfeng heard Fang Mu say this, they had already begun to think about themselves.

Soon Qin Feng said: “I have to say that Fang Mu’s speculation is surprising. But if 563 is his speculation, we can simplify this case, because there is still one person alive. .”

“Yes, it’s just like we had imagined whether there is any connection between Hong Guo and Kong Zhongshun.” Guan Hongfeng said seriously.

When Fang Mu heard about Hong Guo and Kong Zhongshun, he was still a little unfamiliar, and couldn’t help asking: “Who are Hong Guo and Kong Zhongshun?”

“They are the two dead in the last case we investigated.”

“So that’s why we can see Cao Mian, the captain, at some point?”

Fang Mu asked, Song Ye was about to reply that Cao Mian was seriously ill, but the voice of the prison guard came from outside.

“Mr. Song, something went wrong.”

Song Ye immediately opened the door upon hearing this, and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Just now there was news from the infirmary that Cao Mian seemed to be not quite right.”

Song Ye was stunned, and said, “What is wrong?”

“The doctor said he asked you to see it in person, saying that Cao Mian became like that because he saw you.”

Song Ye could feel the seriousness of the problem, so he nodded and followed the prison guard to the infirmary.

When he arrived, Cao Mian was locked up in a room alone. Outside the door, there were two prison guards and doctors negotiating with him.

Seeing Song Ye coming, the two prison guards immediately said: “Mr. Song, Cao Mian is crazy!”


Song Ye couldn’t believe it. The guard nodded and said, “Yes, when he was brought by us for treatment, he fainted. After waking up, there was a very strong mood swing, and then it was like a personal change. Anyone can attack.”

When the words were finished, a roar came from the room again.


“I want to hack you all!”

“Die all, die all!”


Song Ye frowned when he watched Cao Mian frantically hacking in the room.

“Is it really because I told him the facts, and he couldn’t accept that his spirit was stimulated for a while?”

“Or is his reaction now false. He wants to use this method to get out of prison and escape?”

Thinking of this, Song Ye said to the prison guard: “Open the door, I’ll go in and see him.”

“Mr. Song, isn’t this bad? He has a very strong attacking heart now. If you go in, it will hurt you.”

Song Ye didn’t worry that Cao Mian could hurt him at all. He wanted to see if Cao Mian had a fever and wanted to escape.

After the prison guard opened the door, Song Ye walked in.

Upon seeing this, Cao Mian rushed over immediately, but the prison guard immediately pressed Cao Mian to the ground.

Song Ye looked at Cao Mian and said, “I know what you think. You want to take the opportunity to seek medical treatment and find a way to escape, right?”

“But that person has already played you between the palms of his hands. He not only killed your sister, he might even use your hand to kill all three people who might know the inside story.”

“And you are the last person possible in his killing plan. When you are executed, all his plans will be successful.”

“Cao Mian, you need to cooperate with me now, because I am the only person in this prison who can cooperate with the Jiangzhou Criminal Investigation Brigade. If you are really crazy, then I didn’t say this. If you are pretending to be crazy, give it to me. be honest.”

Song Ye said indifferently, Cao Mian, who had been struggling, slowly recovered his calm.

When the prison guard saw it, he suddenly became angry and shouted: “Do you think you can escape out of the prison by any means? If you have any grievances, you can honestly cooperate with Mr. Song. Don’t you know that Mr. Song is Who is it?”

Cao Mian really didn’t know who Song Ye was. At the moment, he listened and asked: “Can you really help me?”

“Otherwise, do you think I can get what you want? Do you know that the photo was brought by Han Jun, the captain of the Jiangzhou Criminal Investigation Brigade, to Longpo County Bureau.”

After Song Ye finished speaking, the prison guard said in a dull voice: “Mr. Song is a superintendent in our prison. He has solved two major cases in less than a week in prison. It’s broken.”

“If you have a grievance, don’t think about these vain things, and cooperate well. That way, before you are executed, you may see the results you want. Otherwise, you will be killed directly. What else can you know? ”

The prison guard cursed directly, and Cao Mian lowered his head heavily.

“Sorry, it’s me… I’m too anxious.”

As soon as Cao Mian finished speaking, Song Ye’s cell phone rang.

The call was from Han Jun.

Song Ye guessed Han Jun’s call, so he turned on the speakerphone.

“Hey, Mr. Song, I have just found a strict bureau. He agreed to reopen the case for Cao Qing’s death, and our city brigade will directly investigate and the Longpo County Bureau will assist in the investigation.”

Song Ye looked at Cao Mian and said, “Have you heard?”

Cao Mian nodded at Song Ye at this time, and said: “Thank you, thank you Mr. Song. As long as you can find out the death of my sister, I am willing to pay all the price. Even if I let myself hack myself to death, I am willing , I’m now… I’m so embarrassed now.”

Song Ye didn’t respond to Cao Mian’s words, but said to the two prison guards, “Take him back.”

The prison guard breathed a sigh of relief and took Cao Mian back to the confinement room.

After they left, Song Ye followed Cao Mian while answering the phone. .

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