Chapter 67

Song Ye had already guessed Cao Mian’s reaction when he came, but it was still beyond his expectation.

At that moment, Cao Mian’s whole person seemed to be drained of energy all at once.

Song Ye supported Cao Mian, but the latter was struggling to resist, roaring with a pair of red eyes: “I want to go out, I want to find out who it is!”

“You can’t get out now, even if you put on your wings, you will be shot as soon as you fly.”

“But should Qingqing die like this? Who drowned her, were they the three beasts?”

“If not, what should I do? What should I do?”

Cao Mian is now completely in a state of no master, Song Ye directly shouted to the prison guard outside:

“Brother prison guard, let him have a good night’s sleep.”

Song Ye said, the guards outside walked in and directly carried him to the infirmary.

Now Cao Mian must use drugs to calm him down.

After watching Cao Mian being carried away, Han Jun also walked into the confinement room.

“Mr. Song, what are you going to do?”

“It’s very simple. Then you’re fine, and I’m fine. Cao Qing’s drowning involves the deaths of four people. This is no small case.”

From the very beginning, the death of Cao Qing by drowning was not a small case, otherwise Cao Mian would not be detained in 21 Jiangzhou Prison, but would wait for execution in the Longpo County Detention Center.

“So shall we investigate the case of Cao Qing’s drowning?”

“Don’t the Korean team want to investigate? You think there is a guy who has been hiding in the dark. He is not only killing people, but also manipulating people’s hearts. If his methods didn’t touch us, you said someone would manage Cao Qing’s Is it really drowned or drowned?”

Han Jun nodded heavily at this time, and said: “That’s right, since we found out, then this case can no longer be allowed to fool it.”

“Then what is the Korean team going to do?”

“The electronic file is here for Mr. Song. I will now go back to the strict bureau. The case of Cao Qing’s drowning needs to be directly supervised by the Municipal Bureau.”

“Okay, put the case file with me, if I have any findings or if you have any needs, we can contact you as soon as possible.”

Han Jun left the prison without talking any more, and Song Ye returned to his residence afterwards.

Continue to check the electronic file in the computer, just glance at Song Ye and know that except for the first part of the file, all the other files are useless, at least it is useless at the moment.

Song Ye thought for a while and opened the team’s contact channel.

Qin Feng and Guan Hongfeng went online one after another.

“Captain, how did you contact us at this time?”

“I have a file here. I have sent it to you now. I want to see what you think after reading that file.”

Song Ye didn’t talk about Cao Qing’s corpse. He wanted to know how Qin Feng and Guan Hongfeng reacted after reading the file.

While speaking, the case file has been sent to Qin Feng and Guan Hongfeng.

The two didn’t look at it first, but they still asked questions full of questions: “Captain, don’t you give us some hints?”

“The two of you will read this case file first. As for the reminder, you need to find out by yourself.”

When Qin Feng and Guan Hongfeng heard these words, they naturally stopped talking and looked at the case file patiently.

When only seeing the first page of the case file, both Qin Feng and Guan Hongfeng’s faces were surprised.

On the first page of the case file, basically all the facts of the case are clearly explained.

The cause of the night snack homicide: Cao Qing drowned.

The murder case: Cao Mian, Cao Qing’s brother, in order to avenge his sister, and because he was so humiliated, he wielded a butcher knife and killed three people.

The case was set up on the first page, and even when I saw the second page, dozens of people saw the scene of Cao Mian’s murder.

What else do they need to see in such a clear case?

There is absolutely no need to go to see it again.

But Song Ye will really be okay. Will you show them a file that has no problems at all?

This is definitely impossible.

Qin Feng and Guan Hongfeng looked up the case file again, but their eyes gradually changed as they stared at each paragraph and each picture in the case file.

“how so?”

Qin Feng and Guan Hongfeng called out almost at the same time.

Song Ye smiled bitterly: “Both, did you notice it when you watched it for the first time?”

“The second time, if it wasn’t for the captain that you specifically let us see it, maybe we might not see the problem in the second time.”

“Yes, it is very likely that we just put the case file aside when we read it for the first time.”

“If there is not enough care in that place, it is impossible to detect it.”

“More than just being careful, if this drowning case is to become a criminal case, the most important thing is that the family should respond first.”

“If the family did not report to the police claiming that the girl died of homicide, then no one would know that there was a possibility of murder in this case!”

“Yes, the murderer cleverly used the diet of the deceased that night, and also used the conditions of the deceased to go home alone.”

“There is nothing strange about the method of killing, that is, drowning. But there are accidents in drowning, and there are also being drowned.”

Listening to Qin Feng and Guan Hongfeng’s words, Song Ye knew that the case was actually not undetected by the Longpo County Bureau.

It is because it itself is like a very ordinary stone, and no one can pick out a special stone with an ordinary appearance and bloody essence from a pile of stones.

“I have decided to investigate this case, and what can tell both of you is that the deceased Cao Qing has been cremated and that she had not undergone an autopsy when she drowned, so we have almost no basis for investigation.”

Qin Feng and Guan Hongfeng laughed bitterly when they heard the words, and said, “In other words, things that many people have forgotten, now they have to start the investigation again.”

“Yes, and because of this drowning incident, the deceased’s brother Cao Mian wielded a butcher knife and killed the three who drank together that night. If you count Cao Mian, who will inevitably be executed, then this drowning incident There are five lives behind.”

“The case is very serious, but now that there is nothing, we need to analyze the feasible investigation direction first.”

Guan Hongfeng paused after speaking, and then added:

“Should we investigate Cao Qing’s death first, or the deaths of those three people first?”

Song Ye and Qin Feng asked in surprise, “Isn’t it obvious that the other three died?”

“No, no, no, in fact, after careful consideration of this case, there is still a lot of uncertainty.”

“For example: Did the murderer kill Cao Qing, or did he kill Cao Qing and the other three?”

“Also, did Cao Qing die at the hands of another person, or did the person who killed Cao Qing himself was one, two, or even three of the three?”

“The last is Cao Qing’s death. Was it premeditated in the first place? Or did Cao Qing’s death just meet a gangster that night?”

As Guan Hongfeng said, Song Ye and Qin Feng said at the same time: “With such uncertainty, it is better to hold a point to check.”

“Then Captain and Qin Feng, what do you think should be checked first?”

“Check the route!” Song Ye and Qin Feng replied in unison, but their answers seemed to be completely wrong! .

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