Chapter 65

Song Ye called Han Jun and asked her to arrange someone to go to the Longpo County Bureau to get a photo.

Han Jun agreed without any hesitation, and there was nothing in the criminal investigation team at the moment. After answering the phone, Han Jun drove over and took it in person.

Longpo County is still some distance away from the center of Jiangzhou. Han Jun drove by himself for nearly two hours and arrived at the Longpo County Bureau.

People from the county criminal investigation team heard that Han Jun was here, and came to greet him as soon as possible.

“Team Han, why do you busy guys have time to come to our Longpo Criminal Investigation Team?”

“Entrusted by others, come to your team to get an unimportant thing.”

Han Jun smiled and said something, and the other party suddenly asked curiously: “What is unimportant? What is it?”

“A photo taken from Cao Mian when he was captured.”

The other party suddenly realized: “It turns out that you are here to get something like that, but you ~ know Cao Mian for the Korean team?”

“I don’t know, I have a good friend in prison. It was Cao Mian who asked him.”

“The legendary Song Xian-sheng?”

The criminal investigation captain of the county bureau’s eyes immediately brightened, and Han Jun asked in astonishment, “You also know?”

“Hurt, now in our Jiangzhou police system, who doesn’t know Mr. Song’s name? It’s just that Mr. Song is still in jail?”

“Well, the motive for the murder of the family of three has never been understood. According to the procedure, he can only be aggrieved first.”

“Oh, if this procedure is dead, people are alive. People like Mr. Song are too talented to be trapped in prison.”

The county criminal investigation captain couldn’t help but become anxious, Han Jun directly bypassed the topic and said:

“I’ll talk about this later, I have to hurry back to the team.”

“All right, the Korean team wait for me to get down and I will go to the physical evidence department to get something.”

Han Jun nodded and waited in the office, just waiting for a minute or two, Han Jun was a little bored.

Maybe it was because the other party talked about Song Ye not being released from prison, which made her heart not so peaceful.

Walking out of the county captain’s office, he said to a person: “Do you still have the file of the night snack murder case in your file room?”

“There must be a Korean team, do you want to see it?”

“Well, it just happens to be fine, please help me get it over, I’ll take a look.”


Han Jun is also a celebrity in the police system throughout Jiangzhou City. Although she is a woman, no one underestimates her ability.

The files were taken first, and the photos had to go through the procedures. After all, they were confiscated from the murderer, and there must be a record of the procedures for entering and exiting.

Han Jun flipped through the file.

As a professional, Han Jun knew what was going on at a glance.

Not long after, the county captain brought what Han Jun wanted, and Han Jun closed the case file.

“Thank you, Team Wang, I won’t be bothering you if you have something to do at the moment. When you go to the city in the future, I will invite you to dinner.”

“The Korean team is polite, but is the Korean team looking at the case file of the night snack stall?”

Han Jun nodded, and the county captain asked, “Does the Korean team have any questions? I really tried my best in this case. I scratched my scalp and wanted to see if I could get around the death penalty, but there was really no way. Cao Mian simply didn’t think so. If you don’t leave yourself behind, you are trying to push yourself to death.”

“The facts of the case are very clear, and the facts of this case are so obvious, there is nothing to doubt.” Han Jun said, no longer staying to prepare to drive back.

Drive all the way out of the county bureau, and then drove out of the county town into the highway entrance.

After getting on the highway, Han Jun’s speed also increased, but when the speed was only from 60 yards to 80 yards, Han Jun suddenly stepped on the brakes.

The car stopped directly on the highway, and the harsh whistle sound came from the rear, and Han Jun quickly drove the car again.

The car behind him was about to overtake, but the harsh whistle hadn’t stopped.

It’s just that the sound of the whistle finally disappeared when I saw the words police on the body.

Han Jun knew that she almost hurt the car behind her, so she hurried to the carriageway and kept moving at a constant speed, but she also took out her mobile phone and called the county captain.

“Hey, Team Wang, you send me an electronic file of the murder case at the night snack stall just now.”

“Is there any problem with the Korean team?”

“I can’t tell you for the time being. I’m already on the high speed and it’s hard to turn back. You can just send me the case file.”

“Okay, if you have any questions, please contact me as soon as possible.”

He said he was about to hang up, but Han Jun immediately thought of another question: “Wait, has Cao Mian’s sister Cao Qing been cremated?”

·· ·Look for flowers···· 0

“I was cremated and buried early. She fell into the water accidentally and died without involving a criminal case. She must be buried in peace after the funeral is done.”

Han Jun stopped asking more, and drove back faster and faster.

Finally returned to Jiangzhou, Han Jun went to prison for the first time.

When the car was parked at the place, Han Jun’s steps were also fast.

At last he arrived at Song Ye’s residence. As soon as Han Jun knocked on the door, Song Ye opened.

“Team Korea, why did you come so soon?” Song Ye said.

Han Jun smiled and said, “I am not embarrassed to delay the matter of Mr. Song’s request. Of course, it happened that I had nothing to do, so I ran to Longpo myself.”

……. ….. …

Song Ye nodded: “It turns out that it’s the case, that troubles the Korean team.”

Han Jun smiled and said it was okay, so he handed the photo to Song Ye.

Picking it up, Cao Qing and Cao Mian’s looks are still somewhat similar, except that Cao Qing is only in her early twenties.

“That’s all right, you wait for the Korean team first, I’ll go and give Cao Mian the photo, so that he is worried about this matter in his heart.”

“Wait, Mr. Song, I have something to show you.”

Song Ye became curious, and saw Han Jun picked up his mobile phone and opened the idea file sent by the county team.

After Song Ye opened it, he said more surprised: “Why is there a night snack stall murder case?”

“Yes, this is a complete case file. The cause of the incident was caused by Cao Qing’s drowning, so some photos and recorded texts taken by the police at the police station at the time of Cao Qing’s drowning were also written in.”

Song Ye listened and looked at it, but the file was very clear, and there was nothing wrong with the file.

Even from this case file, it can be seen that the criminal investigation team of the county bureau is completely helping Cao Mian, and there are a lot of pleading intentions in it.

Just when it was almost finished, Song Ye frowned suddenly.

“Hey, it seems something is wrong.”

“What does Mr. Song think is wrong?”

“Don’t worry.”

Song Ye motioned to Han Jun, and then turned the case file back to the beginning.

Looking at the photos of Cao Qing drowning and being salvaged, and the environment of the drowning pond, Song Ye’s face changed greatly:

“Damn, this is murder!” Towel.

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