Chapter 6

Han Jun’s words stunned all the criminal investigators who followed.

The team has held no less than a dozen special meetings. Although each time Han Jun has not said for sure who the murderer is, isn’t Song Ye the recognized one?

Why did I have a few words with Song Ye at this moment, and Han Jun suddenly said that Song Ye is not the murderer?

“Team Korea, you…”

Some criminal investigators want to remind Han Jun, after all, Song Ye is still sitting in front of him.

“What am I? We only have the authority to catch the murderer, and we don’t have the authority to determine who the criminal is. Song Ye was not tried. Who is the murderer is the evidence!”

Han Jun spoke without concealment, but soon she fell into a state of self-analysis.

“Song Ye only has the footprints of entering the crime scene, not a pair of traces of leaving the crime scene!”

“This question has always been in my mind, but I didn’t find the corresponding explanation.”

“At this moment, as soon as the problem of the axe appears, it seems to put everything on the bright side.”

“Where did the axe go? From the beginning to the end, I thought it should be on the scene, but I searched for it many times, but none of them were found, so I thought the axe was taken away by the murderer.”

“But isn’t Song Ye the murderer? But there is no footprint of Song Ye left at the scene, how can he take it away?”

“Where is the axe now? Did the murderer take it away from the scene, or is it still not far from there? It’s just not in the center of the crime scene?”

All kinds of questions suddenly popped up in Han Jun’s mind.

Song Ye looked at her without reminding her. The more he reminds, the greater the suspicion, so he only needs to use Qin Feng’s words to guide Han Jun.

Finally, after a brief analysis of his mind, Han Jun suddenly stood up.

“let’s go!”

“Team Korea, where are we going now?”

“Go to the scene, the axe is probably still there!”

Han Jun left a word, and left the prison with a few dumbfounded team members.

Song Ye was taken back to the cell.

When he came back, he didn’t say a word and just sat silently on his bed.

Other people in the cell would look at him with their eyes from time to time, but no one dared to provoke him as a murderer easily.

Song Ye opened the team contact channel again, and the moment he saw Qin Feng, the latter still frowned.

“Qin Feng, what are you thinking?”

“I don’t understand why the axe was buried in the yard? It stands to reason that the suspect was probably actually weak and fell at the scene of the crime.”

“He is not the murderer? Who would be the murderer? Why didn’t that person take the axe away, but buried the axe in the yard?”

Song Ye felt something wrong in his heart when he asked him that.

“Could it be that the axe is not in the yard?”

“It’s not certain for the time being, but what if the axe is in the yard?”

Song Ye didn’t speak anymore, thinking to himself that the axe is not good in the yard?

The axe is in the yard. Once there are fingerprints or other things on the axe, it can be proved that he is not the murderer!

“Wait, it seems a little bit wrong. The things that came to my mind still revolve around that I am not the murderer, but now the case seems to have transitioned to the link of who is the murderer!”

“The murderer is another person. After that person kills someone, even if the axe has a problem, the best choice is to take it away. How can it be buried in the yard?”

“It’s not right, this is not right, it is the most reasonable if the axe is not in the yard!” Qin Feng at this moment followed again.

Song Ye’s heart is not sure anymore. After thinking about it, he replied: “I want to investigate this case, and he should go to the scene now. Whether the axe is in the yard or not, you need to find it yourself before you can do the next step. Speculate.”

“Yes, I was too anxious. The top priority now is to find the axe first.”

Song Ye nodded, and both of them fell silent for a while.

At the same time, Han Jun already led the team to the scene of the crime again.

There were no lights in the village at this time. After Han Jun arrived at the scene, he turned on all the lights.

“Team Korea, do you think the axe is still on the scene now?”

Some team members couldn’t help asking Han Jun, who also replied uncertainly:

“I don’t know, but there is a strange feeling that it should be here, but we haven’t found it before.”

“That’s also weird. Song Ye is the murderer, so the murder weapon should be at the scene. He was caught by us before he had time to evacuate.”

“But if Song Ye is not the murderer, the murderer is someone else, and that person has already left. Shouldn’t the axe be taken away by him?”

“Common sense must be like this, but what if this case is abnormal?”

Han Jun asked his teammates back, but the latter couldn’t answer immediately, and just whispered: “Team Korea, the top has already urged many times. Now the village is panic, and the discussion on the case on the Internet is unprecedentedly high.”

“So, we need to seize the time…”

The subordinates who seized the time did not say what to do, and Han Jun also understood that Song Ye had been arrested a long time ago, but has not been identified as the murderer, so the leaders above are in a hurry.

Han Jun took a deep breath: “They are anxious to make them rush. Our job is to solve crimes and arrest people. We don’t have the right to be a murderer by arresting anyone.”

Just after speaking, someone in the yard suddenly shouted: “Team Korea, the axe is really here!”

Han Jun’s face changed drastically, and he quickly walked towards the mark.

“Team Korea, we have just tested every part of this yard according to your instructions. The soil in this area is fresher than other places.”

“In other words, this place has been renovated?”

“Yes, we dug up the soil as soon as we found it. The axe was covered with plastic wrap and it was buried here.”

Han Jun looked at the axe that had been dug out, and fixed his gaze and said, “Hurry up and take the axe back for inspection.”

“Good Korean team.” Hen Jian nodded and left first.

It’s just that Han Jun didn’t leave. She still stood on the spot looking at the dirt pit, muttering:

“When Song Ye met me tonight, he said that he didn’t have any arguments because he believed that we would return him justice and innocence.”

“But now he’s starting to say it, which means he’s telling us, is Song Ye going to fight back?!”

Thinking of this possibility, Han Jun’s heart tightened, and he shouted: “Don’t sleep tonight, knock on the door from door to door and ask again, you must find the murderer before dawn!”

PS: Many readers who like this book, ask for flowers and ask for 10 points! ! ! ! .

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