Chapter 58

Lai Pei roared.

It’s just that his voice became louder just now, and the prison guard who came with Song Ye rushed straight up.

The palm of his hand was on Lai Pei’s head, and he asked with a gloomy face:

“No. 32164, what do you want to do? Is this place you can do?”

The voice of the prison guard fell in Song Ye’s ears, with unparalleled momentum!

But the crushed Lai Pei still stared at Song Ye with a ferocious face, and roared:

“I won’t let you go, even if I’m a ghost, I won’t let you go!”

“Brother prison guard, please take him out specially. Next, the Korean team of the Criminal Investigation Team will come over.”


Although the prison guard did not understand anything, he still agreed to Song Ye.

However, when the promise was agreed, the prison guards still inquired about his superiors, and after obtaining the permission, he took Lai Peizi to the interrogation room.

The video call is not over yet.

But Wu Si in the video has already closed his eyes in pain.

“Why did I meet you?”

Wu Siyong didn’t know whether he was asking himself or Song Ye.

Gradually, two lines of tears rolled on his pale face.

“Wu Siyong, can you call it the tears of the devil?”

Wu Siyong opened his eyes and said, “Who is the devil? Isn’t Hong Guo the devil? For his own desires, he controlled me to death. I know that once the tomb is stolen, he will still abandon me. .”

“Yes, I killed someone and saw blood. But some people kill without seeing blood. A murderer who doesn’t see blood is always more terrifying than someone who sees blood!”

Listening to Wu Si’s words, Song Ye couldn’t help asking: “Since your relationship with Lai Pei is so good that you can sacrifice yourself, why didn’t you approach Lai Pei directly? In that case, Hong Guo couldn’t limit you at all. .”

Song Ye didn’t expect Wu Siyong to laugh when he said this.

Even the tears of laughter came out. He and Song Ye looked directly at the phone through the phone, laughing more and more crazy.

“Yes, if I had known that Lai Pei was the funder of the museum earlier, why should I be subject to Hongguo 〃〃!”

“But his fate is so wonderful, he deserves it to kill me.”

“When I entered the museum, I didn’t know this at all. My friendship with him was originally in an accident, and that time I would have died if it weren’t for him.”

“He was the one who saved me personally at the time, against all opinions. At that time, you didn’t know how tall he was in my heart.”

“The people sitting in that room are all the most famous people in the entire Xia Kingdom. I was bold enough to use a fake to deceive them. I thought I could fool them, but I didn’t expect to be spotted in the end.”

“It was Lai Pei who made the guarantee, and finally saved me. Maybe you can’t understand the situation at that time, how important it is for people to suddenly appear a life-saving straw when they are most desperate. He is like a beam of light, It’s really just a light, enough for me to follow him for a lifetime.”

“It’s just human fate. I haven’t seen him since that time. I thought I would never meet him again in my life. Until that night when I got into Kong Zhongshun’s taxi, I saw him At that moment, I was stunned.”

Wu Siyong talked and laughed, but his eyes were out of focus.

Song Ye could feel the scene. The moment Wu Siyong stopped the taxi and opened the door to sit in. When the co-pilot was sitting on his benefactor, there was no need to say anything.

All it takes is a look from Lai Pei, and everything can be done.

Is Lai Pei really trying to save Wu Si?

Lai Pei is definitely several times more terrifying than Wu Siyong, even ten times more than that.

Seeing that Wu Siyong was still immersed in that scene of the year, Song Ye wanted to say something but finally endured it.

There has never been only one person in this world more terrible than one.

There may be genuine exchanges, but it cannot happen in the scene used by Lai Pei and Wu Si.

If Wu Siyong is 20 or 30 years younger, whether he still has the courage to take over all the crimes is still unknown.

Today Wu Siyong is an old man, and he has not lived many years.

Using the remaining years to repay some kindness, for him such a deal is not a loss at all.

Seeing that Song Ye and Wu Siyong didn’t say anything anymore, Han Jun finally aimed the camera at himself and said:

“Mr. Song, I’m going to prison now.”

“Okay, I’m waiting for you in the interrogation room.” Song Ye said.

But what he didn’t expect was that Han Jun didn’t have much official status, but secretly smiled at Song Ye Zhanyan, and secretly glanced behind him and gave Song Ye a thumbs up.

Before Song Ye could respond, Han Jun hung up the video call.

Half an hour later, Han Jun personally drove Wu Si to the prison, but it was not just a car that came to the prison.

Han Chongshan, Yan Kuan and Xia Mi, the director of Jiangzhou’s Forensic Medicine Department, came with him.

When they got to the place, Song Ye met them one by one and said: “Mr. Han, strict, let me be with the two of them in the interrogation room.”

Han Chongshan glanced at Lai Pei and Wu Siyong with profound expressions, and said, “¨. This case was found out by Mr. Song alone, so you should interrogate them alone.”

“Thank you, Mr. Han.”

Song Ye said, Han Chongshan and others all went out, and only Song Ye and Wu Siyong, and Lai Pei were left in the entire interrogation room.

The look and reaction of the latter two were completely different, and Wu Si had accepted the reality with his face like ashes.

But Lai Pei is still full of reconciliation, and his eyes are always red and staring at Song Ye.

Song Ye said, “Lai Pei, it’s over. No matter how unwilling you are, it won’t help.”

“How on earth did you find out? I asked myself that my plan is so seamless!”

Song Ye hasn’t said yet, but Wu Siyong has already spoken: “Mr. Lai, there is no perfect crime in this world. He didn’t believe that the taxi driver was the murderer of Hong Guo, and he found it. The bones of Hong Guo.”

“It’s even more that he suspected that I was on my body, and (Mano is good) it was that after he caught me, he immediately responded that I had come to the prison to see you.”

“Actually, it is because our two are too shallow in Taoism, so he is not his opponent. He even took out your porcelain bowl to test me, as if we have reached the point where we have nowhere to escape.”

Wu Siyong said and lowered his head: “I shouldn’t move those things. If I don’t move, maybe all the crimes can be borne by me. In another two years, Lai The husband can leave this prison and start farming again.”

Wu Si’s words were full of guilt, but he didn’t notice the coldness of Lai Pei’s eyes as he spoke.

“Idiot, you are an idiot!”

Lai Pei was talking hysterically, and when he finished speaking, he suddenly straightened a finger.

That finger was directed at Wu Si’s neck!

PS: Still crawling the keyboard, the subscription is beyond expectation, thank you brothers for your support, I continue to codewords! .

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