Chapter 27

After Han Jun left, Song Ye picked up the box on the table.

The outer shell of the box is a mobile phone box. Song Ye couldn’t help looking at Han Jun’s back when he saw it.

“The South Korean team is still very careful, knowing that I have everything now but I lack a convenient phone.”

Song Ye mumbled, he hasn’t touched his phone since he came to this world.

Looking at the brand of mobile phones, the value is also high.

There was also a phone card inside. After querying the card information, Song Ye found that his identity information was also used to register.

Song Ye didn’t play too much. After more than half an hour, he downloaded some necessary software and put it aside.

Soon, Song Ye received feedback from the system.

“You have new case information to be received!”

There was a new case so soon. It seems that Han Jun was not involved in other cases after leaving the prison. She may have gone directly to the person involved in the case.

At this time, Han Jun met the current professor of the archaeology department of Jiangzhou University in an office at Jiangzhou University.

This professor was a student of Hong Guo 25 years ago.

In just over half an hour, Han Jun analyzed the person he was going to ask on the road.

In the past, I asked Hong Guo’s family, Hong Guo’s subordinates, and Hong Guo’s friends, except for Hong Guo’s students.

Han Jun found this missing relationship from the case file, so he went to Jiangzhou University.

When the person arrived, Song Ye was full of doubts when he saw Han Jun through the system.

“Team Korea, don’t you know what case you want to inquire about during your visit?”

Han Jun smiled and shook his head: “Say yes or no, it’s just that it’s another year on this day. It happened that an old person came to our team and reminded me of a case many years ago, so I wanted to come to the school to ask. ”

The professor named Xiao Qing was stunned when he heard the words, and then reacted: “Couldn’t the Korean team come for the case of Teacher Hong back then?”

“Yes, I was just for that case.”

Xiao Qing suddenly realized it, and his face gradually showed sorrow.

“Twenty-five years have passed in a blink of an eye. Time is so fast. At that time I was a student, and now I am almost half a hundred old people.”

“Yes, time is fast. Although I haven’t met Professor Hong, it is said that he was the treasure of the department of archaeology of Jiangzhou University.”

“Yes, if we say that Jiangzhou University in Jiangzhou is second, no one would dare to be the first. Although the archaeology department is sparsely populated for the entire Jiangzhou University, the teacher was also the most famous in the archaeology department in the country. The resounding one.”

Xiao Qing said sincerely, and Han Jun also began to formally ask: “If I remember correctly, Professor Xiao was one of the few disciples of Professor Hong back then?”

“Yes, there were five classmates under the teacher’s seat that he valued most. The teacher always wanted me to stay in the Archaeology Department of Jiangda University before the accident.”

“It was also because of the teacher’s recommendation that I succeeded in staying at the school. Several other classmates also stayed in the school, but later as the archaeology department became less and less people choose, they also went to other units.”

“Then what does Teacher Xiao think about Professor Hong’s accident?” Han Jun asked seriously.

Xiao Qing thought for a while and asked: “Does the Han team mean that the Jiangzhou Municipal Bureau is now investigating the teacher’s case again?”

“The city bureau has not yet decided. I only remembered the murder because I met Kong Zhongshun’s daughter.”

“Kong Zhongshun?”

Xiao Qing was full of doubts when he heard the name, but he soon reacted with a gloomy expression: “It turns out to be the murderer’s daughter. Why does she keep looking for your criminal investigation team?”

“Professor Hong’s case has not been settled so far. No one can conclude that Kong Zhongshun is the murderer.”

“There is still ambiguity in this case? The teacher has all the valuable things gone, and the taxi driver is gone. If he hadn’t killed someone, why would he hide for so many years?”

Listening to Xiao Qing’s words, Han Jun frowned: “Teacher Xiao meant, do you think Kong Zhongshun is not dead yet?”

“Why did he die? He took so many valuable things from the teacher, and he must have hid in the field. Isn’t there such a case often in the news now? Not long ago, an actor was recognized by the police a lot Killed people years ago.”

“Maybe Kong Zhongshun is the same. Maybe he took the teacher’s money and mixed up in the field. It is in response to the old saying that good people do not live long, and evil people stinks for thousands of years!”

Han Jun didn’t reply immediately, she recalled the introduction on the file.

Hong Guo was a well-known person in Jiangzhou University at that time. At that time, the Department of Archaeology was still a popular one, so there were many people familiar with Hong Guo.

From those people, Hong Guo’s behavior is not so high-profile. On the contrary, Hong Guo is very easy-going in dealing with people.

Therefore, there is nothing special about Hong Guo being a good person in the hearts of those people.

Just looking at it, Han Jun suddenly found that Xiao Qing’s eyes were quietly red.

“Mr. Xiao, this is…”

Xiao Qing quickly wiped away the tears that were about to shed from the corner of his eyes, and said embarrassingly: “I’m sorry, but I just thought of some things from the teacher’s life. The Korean team may not know me before, nor do they know the people of that era. How difficult it is.”

Han Jun nodded slightly, thinking that maybe Xiao Qing came from a poor family. Hong Guo must have helped him a lot at that time. That’s why Xiao Qing couldn’t help crying when he thought of the tragedy 25 years ago.

Seeing that Xiao Qing’s eyes were still red, Han Jun also said, “Do you remember what your teacher was doing back then?”

“Huh? The teacher was teaching in the school back then. It seems that there was no big deal during that time.”

“So what kind of transportation did Professor Hong use when traveling?”

“I know that, the teacher had a school-equipped car back then. Only those days when the teacher had an accident, the car has been in the car repair shop because of problems, so he would take a taxi home.”

Hearing this, Han Jun suddenly felt something wrong.

But she didn’t know that the other three people who saw this scene had ideas at the same time.

Guan Hongfeng: “The female captain seems to have come up with an idea.”

Qin Feng: “The team is talking about transportation?”

“No, the transportation has already had a problem to be repaired earlier. What I said was that she asked Hong Guo if he was doing anything during that time!”

“In the investigation that year, Hong Guo’s death was an accidental murder. No one suspected that he might have been deliberately murdered. Therefore, no one asked what Hong Guo was doing at the time. Similarly, Kong Zhongshun was also not asked at that time. !”

PS: Great book friends, please support me if you have flowers and evaluation votes! ! ! .

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