Chapter 7 This snake is too poisonous! (Seeking flowers evaluation)

Criminal Investigation Brigade, Chaoyang Sub-bureau, Hanzhou City.

As the head of the investigation team in the murder of a female college student, Wang Qing is very busy because of the investigation.

Seeing the phone on the desk rang suddenly, I took a look and answered.

“Hello, Officer Wang? I want to report!”

Wang Qing, who had been looking at the scene of a few crimes and was puzzled, suddenly looked shocked.

There should be a lot of people who know his phone number at the moment. After all, the reward announcement issued by the bureau has been around for a long time.

Is the call being answered at the moment just a call from the masses to provide clues?

Thinking of this, Wang Qing suddenly became energetic and asked: “I am Wang Qing, may I have your last name? What do you want to report?”

Chen Luo did not intend to be an anonymous whistleblower. According to the system, he may make more whistleblowing calls in the future, and sooner or later someone will know who he is.

Therefore, his anonymity is meaningless.

“My surname is Chen. I just saw a reward announcement issued by the police from the news. I want to ask, can I get a reward of one million by providing clues?”

Chen Luo must first determine the amount of the reward.

“Yes, but the clues you provide are very important and can help us catch the murderer, so that a million bounty will be sent to you. But Mr. Chen, what are you reporting?”

“That’s it, the girl student who was killed, is her father a big boss who is often in the news because of donations?”

As a mass, you should have the consciousness of the masses!

If the clues are not laid out, Chen Luo will definitely be treated specially by the police.

“Yes, the father of the deceased did donate many poor students.”

“It seems that my guess is correct. It was only when I searched the news about Mr. Li that I was sure that the person I saw yesterday was another person in the news!”

Wang Qing still frowned, but his professional instinct allowed him to immediately capture important information.

“Mr. Chen, where did you meet the person you mentioned yesterday? Was it Jinxiu Garden Community?”

“Yes, it is the Jinxiu Garden Community on Jiefang Road in Chaoyang District!”

Wang Qing, who had been sitting before, immediately got up from the chair and swiftly ran out of the office.

Then, in the eyes of a group of subordinates, he picked up the marker and asked excitedly:

“Mr. Chen, is it the person you saw on the news that you want to report?”

“Yes, I think it’s a coincidence. Yesterday, when I was passing by the Jinxiu Garden Community, I saw a man sneaking around. And I kept looking around and didn’t know what he was doing.”

“Is he stepping on it?” Wang Qing asked subconsciously.

“I don’t know this. If your police see it, you can be sure if you stepped on it. I also remembered that man because he was sneaky. I didn’t expect that the rich businessman’s daughter was killed this evening!”

“When I was curious, I searched for the news of that Mr. Li. From a group photo donated, I saw that the person who appeared yesterday was an impoverished student donated by Mr. Li!”

“Tell me Mr. Chen, who is that poor student!”

“In the news, in order to protect the privacy of the impoverished student, I didn’t say the name, but I can report the website to you. You can check it on the computer.”

“Well, Mr. Chen, wait a minute, I will enter the URL you mentioned!”

After Wang Qing said politely, he immediately looked at his subordinates, and when they saw them still sitting still in their positions, he immediately roared: “What are you doing in a daze? Enter quickly!”

The subordinates who responded immediately entered according to the website address Chen Luo said. Soon the browser entered a page of news reports and saw the photo.

“Go call Li Cong, he is in Interrogation Room No. 1 now, hurry up!”

Another policeman called Li Cong. After the latter was hurriedly brought in, Wang Qing continued on the phone while pointing to the photo and asked: “Mr. Li, who is the person with you in this photo?”

“Ning Fei.”

“Are you still donating to him now?”

“No, I stopped donating half a year ago because of my career decline. Later, he seemed to complain a lot and called me many times.”

“Does he and your daughter know each other?”

“Yes, I have invited Ning Fei to come to my house to play, and Lingling knows him.”

Li Cong replied, but immediately his expression changed, and he asked: “Team Wang, what do you mean by this? Is Ning Fei suspected!”

“We are not sure yet, but I received a call to report that someone saw Ning Fei in the Jinxiu Garden Community yesterday!”

“How could this happen, he is from Sanyang, and Sanyang is a thousand kilometers away from Hanzhou!”

Wang Qing did not respond to Li Cong’s words, but continued to question Chen Luo:

“Mr. Chen, I am very grateful for the clues you have provided us. However, we may need your cooperation in the next investigation.”

“You can rest assured, Officer Wang, I am from Chaoyang District, Hanzhou. As a member of the public, I must cooperate with your police actions. However, I want to make sure that if Ning Fei that you said is the murderer, I can get one. Millions?”


“That’s good, that’s good, Officer Wang, this is my number. If you have any questions, you can contact me at any time.”

“Thank you again for the clues provided by Mr. Chen, goodbye!”


Chen Luo hung up the phone, finally showing a smile on his face.

Although he is not very proficient in criminal investigation yet, judging from the reactions of the group members, most of the suspects were Ning Fei who did not run away.

He was a man thousands of miles away, suddenly came to Hanzhou the day before the incident, and also appeared at the scene of the crime.

With all these suspicious signs, fools know that he and the case must have inextricable news.

Furthermore, the information of Ning Fei opened by Chen Luo at this moment gave him a ninety-nine certainty that it was this poor student who was able to enter the university after receiving Li Cong’s donation and killed Li Ling!

“Farmer and snake, this is, but this snake is too poisonous. I just don’t know how long it will take the Hanzhou police to catch this poisonous snake!”

Chen Luo thought to himself, but he didn’t know that Wang Qing was also extremely fast.

The technical investigators were immediately arranged to investigate Ning Fei’s travel, shopping and other records.

Less than five minutes after getting the record, several police cars roared at the door of the Criminal Investigation Brigade.

“I’ve remembered everything, and when I get to the place, I will catch that guy directly. If he dares to resist, let him suffer more!”

Wang Qing confessed to his subordinates in the car. As a police officer who has been engaged in criminal investigations for many years, his temper is not as gentle as those of his colleagues on TV.

His good temper has long been wiped out in countless blood and countless murders!

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