Chapter 604 He taught him, he taught him!

Tang Yue in the torture chamber trembled.

When he looked at Chen Luo, it was as if he was looking at a monster.

Chen Luo was also looking at him directly. I don’t know how long it has passed before Chen Luo spoke: “Actually, you don’t have to panic now. Although I guessed the whole process, I didn’t grasp the real evidence in my hands.”

Tang Yue said with a sullen expression, “Since you don’t have the evidence, why should you tell me?”

“Because I want to tell you all the next plans, you must know Zhao Xueming better than I do, so I want to see if he will be fooled.”

Tang Yue was puzzled, Chen Luo did not delay, but calmly said: “Zhao Xueming hid the heads of those people in his home. He is the brother of one of the dead, Zhao Dongdong.”

“So when we found the heads of other dead people in his home, then we would instinctively think that Zhao Xueming was being blamed.”

“This may seem like a stupid trick, but it’s actually extremely clever.

Because the surveillance in the community was broken for a period of time, the murderer happened to be able to seize this opportunity to put his head in, so this became the most reasonable frame of blame.”

“Zhao Xueming should be nervous, he is worried that one day he will be suspected.

So instead of doing this, he might as well use the method of breaking and then standing up, and put himself directly on the bright side.”

“In that case, everyone thinks that he is…the one who is being blamed. Even if the evidence is solid, the police will still find the…non-existent murderer in the vast sea of ​​people.”

“The ingenuity of this trick is that Zhao Xueming took advantage of his identity as a family member of the victim, and this case involved four unparalleled families.

That’s why Zhao Xueming dared to take the risk, and his adventure was very powerful, because even at that moment, I felt that this was framed and framed.”

“But I still have a thought in my heart. If this is true, then I will look for contact, not to mention that I found someone.”

A weird look flashed in Tang Yue’s eyes. Chen Luo smiled and said, “So you know Zhang Yuexia too.”

“It seems that everything is really correct in reasoning. It is because the night when Zhao Dongdong and Zhang Yuexia met, Wang Yao and the others beat Zhao Xueming to cause this to happen.”

“Zhang Yuexia should be a person who really came into her heart to Zhao Xueming, but I still think it’s a little weird.”

“Zhao Xueming was able to make this case with you, and he dared to use such a method of breaking and standing.

This shows that his mind is very powerful, how could he see Zhang Yuexia’s ordinary and even disgusting woman”

Chen Luo seemed to be at a loss as well, but soon his topic returned.

“When Zhao Xueming arranged the… planting scene, the people found a hair in one of their heads.

After the identification of that hair, it was determined to be…Zhao Xueming’s.”

When Tang Yue heard this, it seemed that something suddenly happened.

And they have all entered Zhao Xueming’s house. It is too simple to get a hair from him.”

“You are so anxious to do something that I can think of, I can’t even think of it”

Chen Luo sneered.

The smile on Tang Yue’s face began to stiffen, but his eyes kept thinking.

He should be thinking about what Chen Luo is thinking.

“That hair is definitely Zhao Xueming. If I go to Zhao Xueming, then he will definitely say the same as you.

It’s just that when we told him that it’s not his hair, but someone else’s.”

“Even I will fake a surveillance video to make Zhang Yuexia appear in the surveillance in the community. Do you guess Zhao Xueming will feel that Zhang Yuexia has gone to his house? Does he still have some unrealistic illusions about Zhang Yuexia? ”

“I will be able to forge a video soon after Zhang Yuexia’s report comes out.

You will also be taken by Liu Che to stand in the torture room and watch with your own eyes to see if Zhao Xueming will be fooled.”

“Many cases actually have a prime time to solve the case, that is, within three days after the incident.

This is the easiest time to catch the murderer, and then…within a week.”

“Once the case is delayed for ten and a half days or even a month, it is possible that it has not been solved for several months, one year, two years, or even many years.”

“The case between you and Zhao Xueming has been more than two months, and there is no so-called evidence for a long time.

Now I want to see if Zhao Xueming can remove the smoke I arranged for him and see what I mean!”

Tang Yue frowned, it was a subconscious action.

It’s just that Chen Luo stood up and said, “I will let Liu Che call you when I’m done. Think about how likely it is that Zhao Xueming will be fooled. If the chance is high, tell me to listen to me. I’m so happy too.”

Chen Luo walked out after speaking, Tang Yue was still there: frowning and thinking.

Sometimes he shook his head, sometimes panicked.

Sometimes I think seriously, and sometimes I become anxious and irritable.

Tang Yue has no confidence at all now, just like Chen Luo said.

Now no one knows Zhao Xueming better than Tang Yue! Even Chen Luo thinks that maybe Chen Xian taught Tang Yue to kill, and Tang Yue also taught Zhao Xueming how to kill.

After Chen Luo left the torture chamber, he went to an office with a computer alone, and obtained some surveillance videos of Zhang Yuexia appearing in the community from the system.

Then it was imported into the cloud computing library and screened according to the similarity of the community in which Zhao Xueming’s family lived.

Soon a surveillance video that met the requirements was screened out, and Chen Luo began to transform it.

When it was done, Chen Luo did nothing but waited for Ning Xiaoning’s news.

Until the evening of this day, Ning Xiaoning came over with a report.

“Brother Chen Luo report came out.”

Chen Luo immediately got up and took the report to the torture room where Zhao Xueming was.

Pushing open the door of the torture chamber, Zhao Xueming had just used the supper bought by Su Hua.

The whole person was sitting in the torture room and his hands were not handcuffed. When he saw Chen Luo, Zhao Xueming smiled and said, “Mr. Chen, how is your investigation?”

Chen Luo’s complexion was very solemn and said: “Mr. Zhao is very sorry. Although I have gained some gains today, I just had some stubbornness, which caused a pregnant woman to be admitted to the intensive care unit.”

“She is called Zhang Yuexia!”

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