Chapter 267 What kind of medicine is sold in Calabash?

Perceive this powerful force,

Teacher Zhou rubbed and stood up directly from the stool.

He burst into anger.

“Who is at the door?”

As his voice fell,

Fan Yu’s voice came from outside the door.

“Ms. Zhou, this is Fan Yu.”

“Although today is an evaluation, they are all freshmen after all. I hope you can be more merciful.”

“In addition, the power you just released was too great, and the students outside were pale in shock and trembling all over.”

The power that Teacher Zhou radiated just now,

The shocking force is absolutely full,

The freshmen outside the door are all worried!

Seeing the freshmen are scared one by one,

Fan Yu had to come and persuade.

To tell the truth,

In fact, Fan Yu is also very curious,

Why is the teacher so unkind to Gu Changsheng this week?

What kind of medicine does his Calabash sell?

Just a new student,

You can’t commit a big fight!

Listen to Fan Yu’s words,

Teacher Zhou didn’t say much!

Fan Yu was silent for a while.

Smiled slightly,

Continue to ask,

“Ms. Zhou, how is Gu Changsheng now?”

it’s easy to see,

Fan Yu is really worried about Gu Changsheng.

To know,

Gu Changsheng is Fan Yu’s heart,

If he really has anything good or bad,

Fan Yu will definitely be proud of Teacher Zhou,

He rushed into the testing room without hesitation.

“I have done my job, I have a sense of measure!”

Teacher Zhou responded indifferently.

“Thank you very much, Teacher Zhou!”

Fan Yu obviously noticed that the shock and perspiration in the monitoring room had been reduced.

The hanging heart was released.

“I will test the students next, and I hope Teacher Fan will leave as soon as possible!

Teacher Zhou’s icy voice came from the monitoring room again!


Fan Yu responded with a smile.

Then he walked away quickly.

Monitoring room.

The anger on Teacher Zhou’s face suddenly disappeared.

The mood stabilized instantly.

“Gu Changsheng, the evaluation has officially started, take the move!’

The voice fell,

Teacher Zhou waved his right hand,

A big stone weighing a hundred jin fell from the volley,

Dia is attacking Gu Changsheng!

at the same time,

Gu Changsheng also noticed that this stone is unusual!

To know,

There is no way for a person’s fist to smash this one hundred jin stone,

This is absolutely impossible!

“Qilin, get out!”

Thought of here,

Gu Changsheng did not hesitate anymore,

Immediately summoned the guardian spirit spirit beast!


Qilin has appeared in front of him,

Without waiting for Teacher Zhou to react,

This one hundred kilograms of stone has become slag.

Oh my god!

It seems that this new student is indeed extraordinary!

Froze for a while,

Teacher Zhou came back to his senses in shock.

“Your spirit beast Qilin has reached the fifth-level?”


Gu Changsheng nodded calmly.

“Good, good, not bad!”

An imperceptible smile leaked from Teacher Zhou’s tight face!

Although 180 Huangtian Academy students,

There are countless students with fifth-level spirit beast,

But in the new life,

There has never been anyone with a fifth-level spirit beast!

Gu Changsheng is an exception!

It’s not an exaggeration to say,

This young man is indeed very good!


Teacher Zhou is more and more interested in this Gu Changsheng in front of me!

With emotion,

Then launched the second round of offense again.

This time,

Teacher Zhou took a box on the table and threw it out!

From the appearance,

This box is simple and ordinary,

Even a little shabby,

But in fact it is not,

All kinds of energy are stored in this box,

Ordinary people have no way to deal with it!

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