Chapter 261 I’m going, it’s not in line with common sense!

“Brother Gu, did your ancestor have a famous beast master?”

“I wonder who is in the industry?”

“Is it convenient for you to tell me something?”

After catching up with Gu Changsheng,

Zhao asked with a smile.

“Why ask?”

Gu Changsheng was taken aback for a moment.

To know,

They care about their ancestors for generations,

How many generations have passed,

No one has ever succeeded in enlightenment at all!

He is an exception!

The power of “Your Royal Animal Ability” One Seven Seven” is obviously many times higher than that of ordinary people. I suspect that you have been trained by professionals in the industry before!”

Zhao Yi smiled,

Said in a serious manner.

“Representative Zhao, you take my family seriously!”

Gu Changsheng smiled helplessly,

“It’s a pity that my ancestors and ancestors of my Gu family have been ordinary workers for generations!”

“I am the first person to enter the Royal Animal Industry!”

“I’m going! This is not in line with common sense!”

Zhao Yiming was a little confused.

“Hehe, that’s the truth!”

Gu Changsheng is serious.

“God, brother Gu, your understanding is really good, admire, admire!

Zhao Yiming admired Gu Changsheng,


Gu Changsheng is his idol,

The goal of his future learning.

Gu Changsheng didn’t laugh,

I feel that Zhao Yi is too fussy!

When the two walked to the southern district,

Look around,

I saw countless spiritual pets on the square in the southern district.

Seeing this battle,

Gu Changsheng was not only taken aback.

To know,

The spirit beast is always combined with the king,

Why are there so many here?

This is a bit unreasonable!

“Representative Zhao, how come there are so many spirit beasts in the Southern District, and there is no spirit beast that fits with Yuzhe?”

Gu Changsheng asked suspiciously.

“Brother, these animals were brought back from the forest by mentors. After a period of tame, they are now owned by the school!”

“In normal times, they are mainly used as transportation tools, and they are placed on the southern side when there is nothing wrong!”

Zhao Yiyi explained.

After hearing this explanation,

Gu Changsheng’s eyes were full of surprise,

The same are freshmen,

Why does this Zhao Yi know so much about the school?

“Representative Zhao, do you know a lot about Huangtian Academy?”

“It’s okay!”

Zhao Yi said truthfully,

“I have a cousin who is also a student of Huangtian. I heard him talk about some things in the school before!”

“E, no wonder!

“Brother Gu, you can always ask me what you don’t understand, as long as I know it, I must know everything!”

Zhao Yiyi patted Gu Changsheng on the shoulder and said

“Okay, thank you for the Royal Beast Wizard in advance!”

Gu Changsheng pulled his lips and chuckled.

“Brother, you can pull it down. Compared with you, I am nothing. Don’t call it that in the future, I can’t afford it!”

Hear this name again,

Zhao Yi felt his cheeks hot,

Somewhat conceited.

“Representative Zhao is humble, in fact, you are already very good!”

What Gu Changsheng said is not against his will.

When I first met him in the forest,

Zhao Yi’s physical strength is indeed much better than himself.

that moment,

To tell the truth,

He was indeed surprised!

“Hehe, I’m just so-so!”

“There will be more places to study in 4.8. After all, this Huangtian Academy is full of crouching tigers and hidden dragons, so sloppy!”

Zhao Yi smiled with emotion.

Although Gu Changsheng didn’t say much,

But from the bottom of my heart, I also very much agree with what Zhao Yiming said.

There are indeed countless capable people in Huangtian Academy.

Competitiveness can be imagined,

There are indeed many places to learn in the future!

If you are not motivated,

May be eliminated at any time!.

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